Thursday 30 May 2013

" The ABC"s pro gay tax payer funded juggernaut rolls on "

Last night the 27/5/2013 I watched that farcical so-called ABC's Question & Answer -Q&A- show which was compered/chaired by the pro gay!belligerent!glib!smart arse! up himself Tony Jones and where the audience was stacked with pro gay and anti Christian supporters put there obviously to embarrass and belittle Fred Nile who I have never been a full supporter of however I believe in a fair go and Fred Nile certainly did not get it last night!!! it was a set up!! an ambush!! ably orchestrated by that smart arse Jones!! and engineered by the ABC's pro gay/anti Christian management and staff!!

However good on Fred Nile because even with the odds completely stacked against him from within the panel and the audience he tried to give as good as he got!! that is providing he could get a word in edge ways from being constantly talked over by that full of himself! noisy! one liner! expert on everything yank! encouraged by smart arse Jones!!

Excluding smart arse Jones if it was not a set up to have a go at Nile all the panel needed to consist of would be that over bearing! full of himself! stand up comedian ( or he thought/thinks he is!! ) yank and the gay priest who was in my view there to administer to his gay flock in the audience and because he was on national TV use it as part of a recruitment drive ably assisted by the Aussie tax payer funded ABC!!! because the (2) women there were hardly allowed to speak before the yank was allowed - by smart arse Jones - to interrupt/talk over them!! mind you the yank ably assisted again by Jones did that with everyone and then in most cases looked to the audience for the applause even though what he in his usual rude manner was speaking was a load of anti religious gobble gook!! and having heard the ingnorant smart arse before it is obvious that he keeps trotting out these well rehearsed one liners/verbal diarrhoea for the effect and the audience applause as compared to having any meaningful substance and contribution to the debate!!

In my view blokes like this loud mouth yank make themselves so controversial and uncompromising just so they can be invited to appear on panels like the Q&A and they can practice their stand up comedian routine but the trouble is their obnoxious display of arrogance and uncompromising ! self - opinionated well rehearsed anti establishment diatribe can be very hurtful to the vast majority of the people listening to it

I am not anti gay/lesbian!!! as with anyone else good luck to them!!

What I am anti about is the amount of time,funds and effort allocated by the pollies/bureaucrats at all levels of this over governed country of ours plus more than any other Aussie media the tax payer funded ABC in regards to this noisy! in your face gay/lesbian mob when we have a myriad of far more serious and massive problems to contend with effecting the majority of the Aussie population - and not just (1.5%) mainly well paid middle to upper level Aussies?? - that need serious undivided attention and not be distracted by a well organised! media savvy! in your face minority such as this gay/lesbian mob!! or any other minority group for that matter!!! 

Even Barrie Cassidy on the Sunday ABC show the " Insiders " keeps banging on about gays and marriage equality at any chance he can get?? Why?? what's his agenda???

I also seriously believe - as I have stated before - that this gay/lesbian agenda/campaign is being driven for self interest and personal gain from within by the number of gay/lesbian/bi-sexual that make up the various levels of pollies and their bureaucracies and I have no doubt now amongst  the management and staff of the ABC and therefore are using their positions - and the scarce and hard earned tax payers funds- of influence/power to promote personal agenda's and therefore try and bypass the democratic choice that the Aussie population has of a referendum on such an important issue as the sanctity of marriage!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!!!


Ps: I will still watch Q & A if for nothing else to see in my view just how far that smart arse Tony Jones can continue to reduce - and just how fast?? - the once high standards of a show like Q & A???