Wednesday 1 May 2013

" How politically low can the Gillard mob go?? "
Julia Gillard PM

I start with the premise that I have not voted for a major party for the past say (20) years so what I am about to say is not just an anti Gillard/Labor sentiment but I believe reflects on politics in general over all (3) levels of this over governed country of ours today!!!

However that said there is no doubt in my mind that the Gillard mob are trying to engineer a political wedge for the Abbott mob by introducing into the election mix massive expenditures of say (24) billion plus dollars with the likes of the NDIS now the" Disability Care Australia "! ie; say estimated (8) billion! Gonsky - (14) billion! asylum seekers (2.5) billion! and the like? and I am sure they will find other controversial expenditure to throw into the mixing pot?? which ofcourse it is hoped that the Abbott mob will for one or many reasons ?? no funds for a start? decline to support??

The Gillard mob will then ofcourse run an election campaign  on the Labor Party being the party of the future and the " Doctor No " Abbott party?? well it speaks for it's self!! hoping ofcourse that the voters will take this into account when voting in September and thereby it will over shadow the overall financial debacle they have currently found themselves in and the mainly unnecessary financial pain ( due to their lack of duty of care and good governance with the nations financial situation) the voters appear to be going to find themselves in from the May 2013 budget ??

If that is the case? and after (50) plus years of following politics I have seen decades of pollies of all colours and political persuasions treat the voters as naive puppets where they work the strings!
therefore I have absolutely no doubt this will happen? what choice have either the Gillard mob or  the Abbott mob got?? then what does that say about our politics today and the level it has been dragged down too?? where it is not what the pollies achieve ie; runs on the board!! but unfunded pipe dreams - as worth while as they maybe?? being the expected order of the day when voters caste their votes?

In my Mike's Comments dated the 21/3/2013 the subject was " How cruel are they with more to come" where I discussed the then NDIS now DCA  funding where I estimated that the federal trial run due start this year and run for 2-3 years at various centres around Aussie and where most of the current participating pollies would be long gone enjoying their well funded tax payer retirement thanks to Peter Costello and the Future Fund! and therefore would not be accountable for the unfunded cruel disaster that would occur during and at the end of the trial shattering peoples hopes
for the future because of the lack of constructive detail in the Gillard mobs desperate head long effort to shore up their flagging polling and chances at the September election!!

 However people nothing has changed in fact there now worse with our PM Gillard and Treasurer Swan supported by Senator Penny Wong announcing on ABC Radio today -1/5/2013 - that a full
NDIS/DCA scheme estimated to cost initially (8) billion ?? when have you ever heard/seen where government bureaucrats at all (3) levels of government have estimated the cost of a major project
that has not blown out way past their estimate?? which will be partly offset by an increase in the Medicare levy  ? levy? that's a laugh! levies are supposed to be temporary?? this is a tax by any other name!! by( 0.5%) bringing the levy?? tax!! to (2.0%) raising an estimate ? there is that estimate again?? of (3.5) billion leaving the hard pressed Aussie tax payer to find the other estimated??? (4.5) billion??

Now when we consider that possibly ( 50 - 60% ) of the estimated ( 8 ) billion will be absorbed by the federal/state bureaucratic fat cats plus the administration of the many and various Disabled Organisations which means that say ( 4.8 ) billion goes to them leaving only ( 3.2 ) billion to be spread over the 400,000 to 600,000 Aussies that are deemed to be disabled in some form or the other?? so what do you reckon people? enough equity for the 4 - 600,000 Aussies to have their needs catered for?? you don't have to be Einstein to calculate that would be cruel  RUBBISH!!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!
