Wednesday 22 May 2013

" What Crystal Ball are these Aussie Senators using ?? "

                                                               ( Me at my place )

" What Crystal Ball are these Aussie Senators using?? "

Head Greenie Senator Milne.

People we have over the recent days heard over the media - ABC Radio especially! - Senator Milne the Leader of the Federal Greens ranting in her usual way and complaining that Aussie should be ashamed that our (2) major parties have past a bill to excise the Aussie mainland for so-called refugees arriving on our shores by boat or any other means which allows us to transfer them elsewhere and denies them access to our legal system and that in (15) years or so we  (Aussies) will look back in disgust because what we have done to these refugees who are only seeking safety and a better life and we are contravening the international convention for refugees that we have signed up too?? ( back in 1954 I might add and which was not designed to be abused the way these modern so-called refugees are doing!!)

The problem with that crystal ball gazing is that at the rate these uninvited,invading,illegal - they are until they prove otherwise because if anyone crosses a countries borders without proper documentation /permission then they are deemed illegal entrants - are arriving on our shores - with literally millions in the pipe line! - in (15) years we could have a few 100,000 plus of them here?? so much so that the refugee detention centres could become so large with occupants that they become satellite towns/cities demanding they have their own councils headed by Mayors (?? Sharia Law ??) and are no go area's therefore they have their own police force/Sharia Courts??" RUBBISH " you reckon Senators Milne,Hanson-Young plus all the other Greens - and we will throw in the Labor Parties so-called peoples Senator Doug Cameron into the mix!! - 

Now people I am not suggesting for one moment that these Senators are some what naive and are oblivious to the fact that this is going on around the world and has been for decades NO!! but I am suggesting that they are doing/stating/advocating this open door financially irresponsible and domestically suicidal policy for purely short term self interested purposes as an attempt to shore up their minority/marginal votes amongst their supporters with the hope that the migrant families wanting to bring out their family/friends will also be caught up in the slip stream at election times??what a bunch of hypocrites!! especially considering the very concerning state of this nations finances and where many governments around the world are only to happy to dump their human liabilities and rejects onto us the good old hard working never ending financial source of Aussie tax payers!! they should hang their heads in shame!! 

Ofcourse  we must add to this huge impost on the Aussie Tax Payers the largely tax payer funded migration/refugee industry! organisations! lobby groups that has developed over the last decade or so which includes - government bureaucrats! lawyers! barristers! psychologist! and the list goes on and on who also have a financial interest/stake in maintaining the status quo  if not encouraging more??! 

However the Greens have a published plan - you can hardly call it a policy!! - to solve this countries financial woes brought about by incompetent government financial management by increasing the various mining taxes?? 

Well Greens when you have closed down all the coal and uranium mines?? stopped coal seam gas mining??stopped the export of our gas to protect a " Dinosaurs Foot "? closed down the timber industry? etc;etc; the list goes on!! what then?? with our manufacturing index now at (35%) and declining!! with companies/businesses laying off staff/closing down on at least a monthly basis!! what then?? ignoring this " Mickey Mouse " unemployment figure of (5.3%) where we have youth unemployment around the country of ( 15 - 23%) our future workers/taxpayers and you want to bring in 10's of 1000's of unemployable! uneducated! non English speaking migrants to swell the numbers!! what then?? we have an aging and therefore a diminishing number of tax paying generations ahead of us!! what then?? 

People you don't have to be Einstein to work out that the rush to get these invaders to our shores is that there is every possibility that the Abbott mob will get into government and make it a lot more difficult for them!! them and all the other tax payer funded hangers on!! 

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!! 
