Saturday 4 May 2013

These murdering Islamic Mongrels - it could happen in Aussie!!

People these are just a couple of photos I have just received via email and there
are to many to show on here but most are just as horrific as the slaughter and
carnage shown above that was caused by these murdering bastards during the recent Boston Marathon.

When I see this type of horrific slaughter anywhere in the world let alone the
Boston Marathon of innocent men,woman and children and I hear/see the likes
of the Greens/Labor Party - with special mention of Senators Hanson-Young
(Greens) and Doug Cameron ( Labor ) wanting the likes of ASIO to be more accountable to the parliament and want to drag ASIO through the court system
when it comes to assessing the security risk of these invading/uninvited so-called
asylum seekers/refugees are to this country then I have to ask myself - and you
people!! - what planet do the likes of Senators Hanson-Young/Cameron live on??
who's side are they on?? what is their agenda?? do they want to turn this country
into another Iraq - and now Pakistan! - where this horrific Boston type wanton
murder of innocent men,women and children are slaughtered on a daily basis??

Look on the photos above and weep people! weep! at the sickening sights of
innocent people being killed,maimed and blown apart and that is apart from the
trauma left behind with the helpers at the time to say nothing of the grieving and
unbelievable life long trauma that the victims friends and families will endure!!

These horrific photos ( and many others!) although they show this horrific
slaughter in a main street of Boston they could in actual fact be any main street in
Sydney,Melbourne,Brisbane and the other main Aussie cities!! if you did not know
any different!! so when you view them don't think of them as Boston citizens 
replace them with images of Aussies because there is no doubt in my mind that 
there is every chance it is our turn next!!!

Ok speak up people or cop the consequences because if you don't then you 
deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!!
