Tuesday 28 May 2013


 " While the pollies were distracted?? "

Well people while our pollies in general - but with special mention for Adam Brandt MP and Senators Milne,Hanson- Young and the so-called peoples Senator Doug Cameron - have been distracted by a bunch of gays and lesbians wanting to get legally married because they love each other?? and hordes of non-contributing! non-tax paying! uninvited! illegal!! invaders of our borders helping themselves to what is left of this nations wealth!! plus Senator Xenophon ranting in the Senate during adjournment debates - and at any other opportunity he can - seriously chiding our Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr and the Aussie government for not interfering in the Malaysian elections?? and wanting an judicial enquiry into NSW horse racing?? and being very upset about a minority of Aussies that are gambling addicts?? when there are far more serious matters concerning other Aussies that are contributing hard working tax paying citizens who also I am sure are loving people and are not Malaysians!!

Take for instance the following:

Ford Australia closing their Broadmeadow/Geelong plants down in 2016 - 1200 jobs to be cut plus 1000's of employees in the spare parts/supply chain!

GlaxoSmithKline - multinational pharmaceutical company closing their Melbourne Boronia site - 120 jobs axed!

AAP Transfield Services to cut 113 jobs due to a down turn in business!

Boart Longyear Drilling Services have cut 1000 jobs since January because of  the downturn in capital and exploration spending in the mining industry!! THERE GOES YOUR MINING TAX SENATOR MILNE AND YOU GREENS !!! WHAT NOW????

Telstra have announced today - 23/5/2013 - that as a result of them transitioning their operations many 100's of jobs are expected to be axed!!

We can add ofcourse to the list many 1000's of good hard working Aussies that have been laid off over the last (12) months alone plus the closure of the Victorian Aluminium  plant and the Qantas operations to name but a few!!

?? Aussie unemployment figures of only 5.3 - 5.5% what a sick joke at the Aussie populations expense!!

Then ofcourse we have the many 100's of farmers especially in Queensland who have collectively many 10's of 1000's of cattle they can't sell or afford to transport and as a consequence if the cattle don't die as a result of the drought they are forced to kill/shoot them!!

So you see people while the like's of Brandt,Milne,Hanson- Young, Cameron and Xenophon to name just a few pollies that are doing their " Nero " impersonations and " Fiddle with minority issues " the Aussie Nations prospects are looking in serious trouble to say the least and hopefully the (5) pollies mentioned above plus many others of the same frame of mind and lazy persona get dumped at the next September federal election and if not then as soon as possible!! because we need now more than ever pollies that are capable of looking at!! and plan for the overall big picture if this nation is to compete with the rest of the world!! and not pollies that have a narrow perspective and funnel vision and take the easy way out by putting their well paid efforts into minority issues and hope the population won't notice and like most Senate positions they get re-elected based on a marginal number of preference votes!! 

It's all very well our PM Gillard coming out in the media today - 23/5/2013 - withthat sad insincere look on her face and promise millions of dollars to help the Ford and the supply chain employees however we have to ask surely with the1000's of bureaucrats we employee at a cost of billions of dollars why our governments cannot be proactive instead of continually being reactive to crisis after crisis???

How is it we can't as a nation lead the champion horse out of the stable instead of following behind picking up what the horse had digested from that tax payer funded meal??

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!
