Friday 7 June 2013

" Trust me I'm a pollie!!! "

In my view people wouldn't it be good if we could take for granted " Trust me I'm a pollie " as a fact  of life???

Trouble is although it is not good practice to lump all individuals into the sins of an organisation like a political party because I would hope that on an individual basis the many and various members of same are genuinely good people and mean well and do their up most for the good citizens of this great country of ours??

However unless we vote for an independent as compared to the Libs/Nats,Labor and Greens when we cast our votes we are not voting for the individual on the ballet paper but their party of choice therefore I have absolutely no sympathy for that individual pollie if the party stuffs up because it is up to the pollie to make sure that they represent their electorate first and foremost and therefore withdraw their support for the party if what is happening is seriously detrimental to the good Aussie citizen who have put their trust in them!!

Lets take the NDIS/DCA for instance where unlike the majority of Aussie citizens I have more time on my hands plus my interest in politics goes back some 50 years so as not to rely on this countries biased disjointed media coverage which mainly concentrates mainly on sensationalism over facts I often tune in via the ABC Radio to parliamentary debates in both the house of rep's and Senate and where I have over the months while parliament is sitting listened to our pollies from all sides of politics in both houses waxing lyrical about what a great panacea the NDIS/DCA - which is supported across the political party spectrum - will be for the 400,000 plus disabled Aussie citizens in regard to their welbeing whether that be for their physical! mental! or financial problems??

The majority of speeches were along party lines - in other words very repetitive and in my view were just a ploy to get their names in Hansard - with Labor pollies claiming all the credit for it stating that this is what Labor does??all the so-called speeches were high on rhetoric and virtually nil on detail!! WHY?? because there is very little detail available!! regrettably as from the 1/7/2013 this year the trial in various parts of Aussie will be a very expensive bureaucratic shot in the dark!! 

So let's take a brief look at this proposed NDIS/DCA system that our pollies are so proud of and where pollie after pollie quoted " A monumental political decision of a life time and one that should make our nation proud " unquote!!

1. The trial run starts this July 2013 at various locations however the system is not due to be fully implemented until 2019 - (6) years! (2) elections (2) new parliaments!at a cost of an estimated?? 14 to 20 billion dollars and where even by increasing the Medicare Levy ( Tax!! ) by ( 0.5% ) and it is estimated that will only recover/pay for about 40% of any billions spent - considering to date the pollies/bureaucrats find it difficult to forecast (3) to (6) months ahead ?? (6) years?? requiring the general tax payer to front up with the balance??

2. PM Gillard announced on ABC Radio today - 3/6/2013 - that the head office for the NDIS/DCA will be in Geelong where some of those Ford workers that are to lose their jobs in 2016 and that it is estimated that 300 jobs will be created?? how does that help middle aged and older people who have worked on car production lines and who have never worked in an office and who are possibly computer illiterate??

However that brings the point up in regard to bureaucratic overheads/administration ? 300 in Geelong ? Canberra? States/Territories? the non for profit organisations administrations?? where there is no doubt in my mind this will account for at least 50 - 60% of the billions spent leaving 30 - 40% of the scarce funds for the poor buggers that are in desperate need of it??

3. It was stated by a number of pollies/Senators?? are you ready for this quote " There are no specific details in regard to who is covered! for what ?? and what circumstances because?? I found that I could hardly believe my ears when I heard this!! everyone's circumstances are different??? unquote!! that's like saying when we go into the desert today we won't take any water with us because we don't know how much we will need??

However that says to me that these poor needy disabled buggers and their carers are going to be in the hands of the bureaucrats/administrators?? if there is a God then I sincerely hope he helps them because mate they will need every bit of it!!!! especially those that are currently disabled by past illness/accidents  or if you are over 65 years because I gather you are not covered??

Well people I could go on and on there is so much negative information that to me proves that unfortunately for the needy that are desperately needing various kinds of assistance in so many different ways that this NDIS/DCA scheme is just another load of disgraceful bullshit put out by the Gillard and supported by the Abbott mobs to get your votes!!!

You don't have to be Einstein or a financial wizard because any Mum working out the household budget will know from experience this country along with all our myriad of serious financial problems cannot afford it!!!

We have an aging population - more welfare less tax payers! youth unemployment - average 15 - 23% - but can go as high as 40%! BHP cutting back on exploration -- poor coal prices! raw material prices peeking - some reducing!! our manufacturing index continues to decline now at 42% - has been for 23 months! business and mining investments stalled! 10's of 1000's of illegal's invading our shores helping themselves to what is left of our deteriorating wealth which is amounting to billions of scarce funds!! 100's of farmers facing closure especially in the beef industry because of drought and poor prices!! the national debt continues to balloon out costing millions daily to administer in interest alone! and on and on it goes!!

I believe that PM Gillard should save those crocodile tears she shed in parliament recently for the poor unfortunates in 2019 which will be devastated and brought to the brink of total despair as the cut backs and lack of funds hurt the current poor buggers who will then be (6) years older and deeper in debt??!!

Mean while PM Gillard and the bulk of the current batch of pollies will be comfortably retired sucking their retirement benefits out of Costello's well resourced Future Fund!!!!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!
