Saturday 29 June 2013

" Racial Tension & Violence Inevitable "

As a resident of the New England Area of NSW I witnessed my federal Member the Independent Mr Tony Windsor MP make the following statement on last nights 25/6/2013 - ABC's 7.30 Report quote " The refugee situation is a blight on all of us"unquote which I am sure was very welcome by the various exalted and other Aussie and International groups that have either a personal and/or financial interests in the subject?? or it just gives them that warm fuzzy feeling???

Well Mr. Tony Windsor MP is the following a blight on us all as well?? especially the likes of you a federal pollie??

1. That we have 600,000 plus good Aussie citizens going to bed hungry every night in NSW alone??

2. That there are 80- 100,000 plus G A citizens queuing/begging for food every night around Aussie from charities who mainly rely on gifts of food from private enterprise and regularly run out ??

3. That there are 100,000 plus - of which 30,000 are estimated to be youths - sleeping rough out in the open on the freezing - and below freezing - nights currently??

4. That we have an estimated 2,000,000 G A citizens ( say 10% ) and where according to the Salvation Army, Smith Family, St Vinies etc;etc;  is climbing daily so much so they are finding it extremely difficult to keep up with the demand and who are living below the poverty line!! this is Aussies we are discussing here not some third world country!!! however the way you pollies keep squandering our scarce tax payers funds we will soon be!!

5. That G A elderly citizens are finding it near impossible to find suitable aged care accommodation and proper palliative care??

6. That the homeless situation in Tamworth is dire with a support group looking to close by year end due to the lack of funding ??

7. That the unemployment in Tamworth alone is (18.9%) and with unemployment in the outer area's for the 15 -25 year old's anything up to (46%) so much for the "Mickey Mouse " Labor Parties unemployment figures of (5.5%)???

8. That 24,000 miners have lost their jobs over the last (12) months??

9. That the federal and all the states and territory governments are running deficits!! in other words living on the credit card and we all know especially the Mums on the domestic scene the day of reckoning always rears it's ugly head sooner or later and sometimes with devastating results for the average plebb??

The myriad of problems that require attention for the hard working tax paying Aussies go on and on and did not only occur yesterday but have been going on for decades therefore for someone like Tony Windsor to ask us to feel sorry for a bunch of uninvited! unauthorised ! illegal!! welfare dependent! non contributing! non tax paying! invaders ! who are on the whole human liabilities that their governments are very eager to unload onto the already financially stressed Aussie population!! is going well beyond the pail and well beyond any thought of the so-called " Aussie fair go!! "

I have just heard ( at 11.30 am ) on the ABC Radio National that along with Rob Oakeshott Tony Windsor will not be running for re-election for the seat of New England and considering the constant vitriol and aggressive language I am hearing -with little empathy for the asylum seekers dying at sea in fact the entire opposite where the general comment is that they should not be there anyway in the first place!! at the super markets checkouts,coffee shops,pubs and the endless stream of caravaners that stay at the very busy caravan park where I am if Tony Windsor ran on a platform/ticket of " Lets be sorry and more helpful ?? " considering the invaders have already absorbed an estimated (10) billion of Aussies scarce tax payers funds and climbing at a rapid rate which could go on for years if not decades?? then I have absolutely no doubt Tony Windsor would have been dumped big time by the New England voters regardless of the good work he has done in the past - and there is no doubt he has because it is plain to see around the New England area!!

When are these pollies going to wake up to the fact that it is the Aussie tax payers with their hard earned  funds that pay these pollies their generous wages/conditions and not the United Nations Refugee organisations or any other external associations therefore the pollies should devote their energy to the wants and needs of the majority of Aussies first and then if they have any spare time they can devote some time to other matters but not before!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!
