Monday 10 June 2013

" Yep it's official - The coalition will win the September 2013 Election !! "

Yep that's right people it's all over red rover and apart from the shouting - as the
saying goes - it's done and dusted which has been confirmed to me by an
announcement at 1.30pm today the 7/6/2013 on the ABC Radio by the current
Senator Barnaby Joyce -?? who is yet to resign from the Senate ?? and who is
running as a preselected National Party candidate for the seat of this glorious
part of Aussie the New England area where I am a permanent resident and therefore
a voter and where Senator Barnaby Joyce quite clearly stated that quote " The
Coalition will win the election " unquote referring obviously to the September the
14th federal election!!

So let's take a quick look at this very controversial Queensland LNP - which he ran
on as a joint ticket in the 2010 election and not as a Country/National party candidate!
- Senator who was also elected as the leader of the National Party in the Senate in
September 2008.

Senator Joyce was elected to the Senate in July 2005 even though he only managed
6.5% of the vote well short of the 14.3% required for election but made up for the
poor showing by the flow of second preferences!!

Senator Joyce had little problem getting re-elected to the Senate in 2010 considering
the Labor Party and especially PM Gillard were on the nose with Queensland voters!!

His controversial claim to fame is that he is the first government Senator to cross
the floor to vote against the government since 1986 and on at least one occasion
where he on the 11/10/2005 voted with Labor and the minor parties on (2) motions
concerning the Trade Practices Act 1974 however even then both motions were lost

This was not the only time Senator Joyce crossed the floor in his political career
to vote with his opposition of the time!!!

However Senator Joyce has the convenient yet hypocritical audacity to criticise
Tony Windsor MP for selling out to the Gillard Labor government?? WHY?? WHAT

Therefore people before I vote for Senator Joyce I must ask myself what makes
Senator Joyce the right candidate to represent me in the house of Rep's for (3)
years from the 14/9/2013??

?? Apart from being very controversial!! out spoken !! ?? what is his outstanding
feature?? something - other than crossing the floor - that he will be remembered
for in years to come while being in the Aussie Senate for all the years that he has??

Well people if anyone can remember let me know because as a political junky and
therefore someone who surely should know I can't think of a thing!!!

I have listened to Senator Joyce many times giving his rendition of what in my view
are pathetic attempts to debate/discuss many and various government and other
bills/legislation in the Senate where the person in the Senate Presidents chair would
have to continually remind Senator Joyce not to digress and keep the debate to the
relevant matter under discussion and stop going off at tangents attacking his
opposition at every opportunity!!

I have yet to hear Senator Joyce complete a sentence with say more than a dozen
words in it without what it would appear to me as losing his train of thought in regard
to the subject matter being discussed???

I have often listened to Senator Joyce in the Senate and after he has used his allotted
time to speak and I assume sat down?? I just shake my head and say to myself??
well what was that all about?? a lot of words and saying nothing meaningful?? of
any consequence?? what a waste of valuable political time and tax payers funds??

I realise you could say that about 80% of our pollies at all levels of this over governed
country of ours?? but there again their not asking me to vote for them in the
electorate of New England are they??!!!

The one of many things that get up my bloody nose are people taking me for granted
especially government servants like pollies that I pay for out of my hard to come by
earnings and therefore my various taxes!!

I doubt whether I would have written this rant about Senator Joyce had I not heard
that arrogant cocky bastard take me and my precious vote for granted??

I have not yet decided who I will vote for?? and if I don't find a suitable candidate I
will do what I usually do in a case like that and spoil my ballot paper because I can't vote for someone that I don't have confidence in just for the sake of voting!!

However one thing is for sure I will " NOT " be voting for that clown Senator Barnaby

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you
deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!
