Tuesday 6 January 2015

" The Aussie ABC $22,196,807.oo PA Staff Payroll "

Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 5:19 PM
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 5:04 PM PA Staff Payroll
Cc: Phil Morgans ; Pierrette.Kelly@aph.gov.au ; Rachel Siewert ; Richard Colbeck ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Roza Sage ; Sam Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; senator.gallacher@aph.gov.au ; Senator.O'sullivan ; senator.rhiannon@aph.gov.au ; Shane Dowling ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen Parry ; Steven Ciobo ; Sue Lines ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne Kay (Sue) Boyce ; Tanya Plibersek ; Terese.Mayer@aph.gov.au ; Thomas.McCrudden@aph.gov.au ; Tim Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony Burke ; Tony Zappia ; Trevor Khan MLC ; Warren Entsch ; Warren Truss ; Wayne Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: Fw: " The Aussie ABC $22,196,807.oo PA Staff Payroll "
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 4:49 PM
Cc: Jeremy Hanson ; Jill Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne Ryan ; Joe Hockey ; John (MP) Cobb ; John Alexander ; John Cobb ; John Faulkner ; John Forrest ; John Hogg ; John Kaye ; John Madigan ; John Williams ; john.robertson@nswlabor.org.au ; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie Bishop ; Julie Collins ; Julie Owens ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; Kate.Barker@aph.gov.au ; Katy Gallagher MLA ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Humphries ; Kim Carr ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa Waters ; Laurie Ferguson ; Linda Burney ; Linda Reynolds ; Lisa Chesters ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Louise Markus ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Mal Brough ; Malcom Turnbull ; Maree.Kent@aph.gov.au ; Maria Vamvakinou ; Marie.McMullen@aph.gov.au ; Marise Payne ; Mark Butler MP ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mathias Cormann ; Matt Thistlethwaite
Subject: Fw: " The Aussie ABC $22,196,807.oo PA Staff Payroll "
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 4:41 PM
Cc: Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; Cathy.Lovern@aph.gov.au ; Catryna Bilyk ; Chris Bowen ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; Chris.Bourne@aph.gov.au ; Christine Milne ; Christopher Back ; Christopher Evans ; Christopher.Browne@aph.gov.au ; Claire Moore ; Clare O'Neil ; Clive Palmer MP ; Colin.Pryce@aph.gov.au ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cory Bernardi ; Darren Chester ; David Bushby ; David Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah O'Neill ; Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O'Riely@aph.gov.au ; Dio Wang ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Duncan Gay ; Ed Husic ; ElectorateOffice.BlueMountains@parliament.nsw.gov.au ; Emma.Garbutt@aph.gov.au ; Eric Abetz ; Federal Greens Office ; Fiona Nash ; Fiona.Ward@aph.gov.au ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai Brodtmann ; Gai.Coghlan@aph.gov.au ; Gary Gray ; Gavin Marshall
Subject: " The Aussie ABC $22,196,807.oo PA Staff Payroll "

( Me at my place)
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Mike's Comments 5/1/2015.
Subject: " The Aussie ABC $22,196,807.oo PA Staff Payroll "
People this is the third lot of this type of information in regard to what the Aussie ABC ( Aunty) 
is costing the average Aussie Tax Payer that I have received and from (3) different sources and although there are slight differences in the format and presentation the figures correspond.
These figures also coincides with the figures I put out in Mike's Comments dated the 24/11/13 
subject " At last a Courageous Majority Peoples Representative " referring to the Queensland 
Liberal Senator Ian MacDonald which I got from " The Australian dated the 20/11/2013 " but these are in greater detail and more extensive in regard to the number of staff involved.
We have to bear in mind people these are in most cases pure wages and don't include such things as - Super! Long Service! Bonuses! Office space, furniture, equipment, travel expenses,
annual leave, plus Workers Comp; Insurance, vehicles, etc; etc; etc;.
Some of these people like that arrogant loud mouth Tony Jones at $355,789.oo PA the part host 
of Late Line and the regular host of Q & A have been involved with the ABC one way or the other 
for some (30) years and are part of the furniture?? there is a heap of them!! all past their used 
by date and I would venture to state unemployable outside the ABC as many try and it is not long before they are back again in the safe arms of (Aunty ) ABC!!
Yes the ABC does generate a small amount of revenue from their shops, online sales, royalties, etc; but absolutely nowhere near the $ 1 billion plus it costs the average hard working 
Aussie Tax Payers who by a far majority - say 80% - do not listen too or view the ABC!!
So for all intents and purposes is not a revenue generating business but just another Aussie Tax payers cost centre!! in other words just another bunch of Public Servants/Bureaucrats!!
Now I must admit there are some within the ABC I believe do a great job and I have no doubt they would succeed out in the commercial media just as well.
However I don't want to give them the kiss of death by mentioning them.
For the rest I ask the question ? why do we Tax Payers have to foot the bill for such exorbitant 
salaries and conditions for non revenue earning people compared to the commercial media where ratings means additional advertising dollars? or not ? and if the ratings go down continually and therefore the advertising dollars/revenue are effected then the people involved get the chop!! that is why the commercial people can command - and get - these high rewards? the ABC?? you have to be joking!! they just play musical chairs with the so-called failures!!.

Teflon Bill Shorten Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader & alleged Rapist.

Senator Milne the Boss Cocky of the Greenies.
Therefore is it not only pathetic but very misleading when the likes of Teflon Bill Shorten and his Labor mob - and to add insult to injury - the ( Boss Cocky - and I mean ' Boss ' ) ( She who must 
be obeyed ) Senator Milne the Head Greenie come out with righteous indignation about the (5%) cuts to this expensive! over bloated! top Heavy! Tax Payer Cost Centre when we read the list the below??
People look at your net revenue/income after deductions then compare the list below and weep 
because that is where your deductions are going even if you never - or rarely - view and/or listen 
to the ABC organisation! whereas with the commercial media which you only pay for by subscriptions and/or by your contribution via the advertising dollars.

WA Dan Tehan MP
However if you are happy to accept the utter " Bull Shit " put out by the Teflon Bill Shortens 
Labor mob or just as bad the Boss Cocky Head Greenie Senator Milne in regard to the funding 
of the ABC then more fool you because when these pollies of any political persuasion – like 
WA Liberal MP Dan Tehan who after listening to his economic diatribe in regard to imposing 
a GST on fresh food and vegetables and how that would improve the Aussie economy on the 
ABC Radio the other day you have to wonder what planet some of these pollies live on?- 
increase the GST one way or the other - a subject for another time - to pay for this law unto themselves ABC- PRO GREENIE/LABOR ORGANISATION - then don't whinge because you 
should have seen it coming and let the pollies and there bosses the bureaucrats know of your displeasure!!!!!
Mike Howe. Scroll Down.

This should make you wonder what the ALP and the Greens are on about... and why only a 5% CUT. 
How hard would it be for the ABC to cut 5% off their budget? 
Last year's ABC payroll...
November 2013 ABC Staff Salaries

Name & Position                                                                                                                                                TOTAL BASIC PAY $
SCOTT, MARK                                            MANAGING DIRECTOR                                                                678,940
PENDLETON, DAVID                                 CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER                                                     362,838
DALTON, KIM                                              DIRECTOR TELEVISION                                                               359,238
JONES, ANTHONY                                     JOURNALIST                                                                                   355,789
MARSHALL, LYNLEY                                DIRECTOR ABC COMMERCIAL                                                 355,492
CHADWICK, PAUL                                     DIRECTOR EDITORIAL POLICIES                                              350,978
TORNEY, KATE                                          DIRECTOR NEWS                                                                          350,394
SIMPSON, ROBERT                                   DIRECTOR LEGAL & BUSINESS AFFAIRS                             344,713
CLARK, ANGELA                                       DIRECTOR ABC INNOVATION                                                    334,225
PHILLIPS, JUANITA                                   JOURNALIST                                                                                   316,454
GALLACHER, KENNETH                         DIRECTOR TECHNOLOGY                                                          315,500
MILLETT, MICHAEL                                   DIRECTOR CORPORATE AFFAIRS                                          314,801
GREEN, MURRAY                                      DIRECTOR ABC INTERNATIONAL                                             300,746
DUNDAS, KATHERINE                             DIRECTOR RADIO                                                                         298,207
DEMPSTER, QUENTIN                             JOURNALIST                                                                                   291,505
GLOVER, RICHARD                                  CONTENT MAKER (PRESENTER)                                             290,000
FAINE, JONATHAN                                    CONTENT MAKER (PRESENTER)                                             285,249
SALES, LEIGH                                             PRESENTER/REPORTER                                                            280,400
DOVER, BRUCE                                         CHIEF EXECUTIVE AUSTRALIA NETWORK                           279,006
DAHILL, BRENDAN                                   CONTROLLER ABC1                                                                     266,300
JACKSON, BRIAN                                      DIRECTOR BUSINESS SERVICES                                            260,000
UHLMANN, CHRISTOPHER                    POLITICAL EDITOR ABC NEWS                                                 255,400
GROVES, URSULA                                    DIRECTOR PEOPLE & LEARNING                                            255,270
KELLY, FRANCES                                     PRESENTER                                                                                   255,000
NOLL, ALUN                                                GENERAL MANAGER MULTI-CHANNEL RETAILING            246,900
CASSIDY, BARRIE                                     PRESENTER 'INSIDERS'                                                             243,478
MENZIES, ALEXANDER                           CONTROLLER ABC2                                                                     239,649
TRIOLI, VIRGINIA                                       SENIOR PRESENTER ABC NEWS BREAKFAST                   235,664
BROOKE-HUNT, TIMOTHY                      CONTROLLER CHILDREN'S                                                       235,597
CRUTTENDEN, DAVID                             DIRECTOR ABC RESOURCES                                                   234,000
CAVENETT, ANDREW                             HEAD PRODUCTION PLANNING & BUSINESS                     234,000
HUTCHINSON, ROBERT                          GENERAL MANAGER DIGITAL BUSINESS DEVT                 231,115
MASON, MICHAEL                                     GROUP PROGRAM DIRECTOR                                                  229,641
TAPLEY, MARK                                          CONSULTANT TO THE MANAGING DIRECTOR                     226,600
MCCLUSKEY, MICHAEL                          CHIEF EXECUTIVE, RADIO AUSTRALIA                                  224,682
WHATELEY,            GERARD                               BROADCASTER                                                                 222,740
CONINGHAM, LEON                                  GENERAL MANAGER SALES AND DISTRIBUTION             220,545
BELSHAM, BRUCE                                    HEAD CURRENT AFFAIRS                                                         219,106
COLLINS, JENNIFER                                HEAD ENTERTAINMENT                                                              219,106
CRABB, ANNABEL                                    CHIEF POLITICAL WRITER ABC NEWS                                   217,426
COSTANTINI, DIANA                                 HEAD MARKETING, TELEVISION                                              216,983
MORRIS, GAVEN                                        HEAD CONTINUOUS NEWS                                                       213,210
WARD, MICHAEL                                        HEAD OPERATIONS PLANNING                                                212,775
MIDDLETON, JAMES                                PRESENTER, AUS NET CAFFS                                                 208,831
WATHEN, JOANNE                                    MANAGER PRODUCT AND CONTENT DEVT.                        208,275
SKLAN, CAROLE                                       HEAD FICTION                                                                                205,548
LINNANE, GARY                                         HEAD ABC SECRETARIAT                                                          204,773
CASSIDY, MARGARET                             DEPUTY DIRECTOR TECHNOLOGY                                         198,700
STAPP, PETER                                           CASUALS - CONTENT MAKER OPS. & DESIGN                    198,233
BREWSTER, KERRY                                JOURNALIST                                                                                   198,178
BREALEY, MICHAEL                                 HEAD OF STRATEGY AND GOVERNANCE                            197,794
DINDAR, AZIZ                                              HEAD PROPERTY SERVICES                                                    194,388
SWAN, NORMAN                                        PRODUCER/PRESENTER                                                           193,397
SPURWAY, RONALD                                HEAD TRANSMISSION NETWORK SERVICES                      190,151
RILEY, SALLY                                             HEAD INDIGENOUS                                                                      189,377
ANDERSON, DAVID                                  DEPUTY HEAD BUSINESS & OPERATIONS                          189,321
HENDERSON, IAN                                     JOURNALIST                                                                                   188,533
MARTIN, MICHAEL                                    DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL                                                  188,145
SCROOPE, CHERYL                                 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, ABC COMMERCIAL                187,770
AUSTIN, PATRICK                                                 GM ABC RESOURCES SALES/MGR VIC.                    187,656
ALY, WALEED                                             PRESENTER                                                                                   187,500
HOLMES, JONATHAN                               PRESENTER                                                                                   187,380
BASKARAN, ARUL                                    CONTROLLER MULTIPLATFORM                                              186,863
ALBERICI, EMMA                                       PRESENTER/REPORTER                                                            186,199
MOTTRAM, LINDA                                     CONTENT MAKER (PRESENTER)                                             185,000
POTTER, ADRIAN                                      DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS                         185,000
EASTLEY, ANTHONY                               JOURNALIST/REPORTER                                                            183,496
WILKINS, PETER                                        NETWORK SPORTS REPORTER                                               183,355
MCEVOY, PETER                                       EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, FACTUAL                                        183,090
ROBERTSON, TONI                                   HEAD FINANCIAL CONTROL                                                      182,714
DOOGUE, GERALDINE                             PRESENTER, SATURDAY EXTRA                                            182,013
SILVA, ANTONIO                                        HEAD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                180,430
STUBBINGS, TIMOTHY                            MGR CAPITAL EXPENDITURE & PLANNING                         180,388
WOODWARD, JOHN                                  GM MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, ABC CM L.             180,250
MITCHELL, SOPHIE                                  HEAD CORPORATE AFFAIRS                                                   180,250
ALWARD, STEVEN                                    HEAD INTERNATIONAL NEWS                                                  179,629
WRIGHT, JENNIFER                                  DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL                                                  178,145
WAITE, GEORGINA                                    HEAD BUSINESS AFFAIRS                                                         178,145
SUNDERLAND, ALAN                               HEAD POLICY & STAFF DEVELOPMENT                                178,145
WILESMITH, GREGORY                           FIELD PRODUCER                                                                        178,009
TAYLOR, STEPHEN                                  EXEC. PROD. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT                         177,391
HAMILL, ALISON                                        HEAD, GROUP AUDIT                                                                   177,017
O'BRIEN, JOSEPH                                     SENIOR PRESENTER ABC NEWS                                            176,454
LEE, DEBORAH                                          HEAD COMEDY                                                                              175,898
COLVIN, MARK                                           JOURNALIST/REPORTER                                                            175,657
MATHIESON, RANDAL                             DIRECTOR VICTORIA                                                                   175,650
ERSON, ALAN                                             HEAD DOCUMENTARIES                                                            175,634
HOLDFORTH, JUSTIN                              HEAD SPORT & EVENTS                                                             175,634
HAWKE, BENJAMIN                                  EXECUTIVE PRODUCER 7.30 REPORT                                  175,580
WINES, MARIE                                            HEAD BROADCAST NETWORK SERVICES                           175,451
MCNAMARA, IAN                                        CONTENT MAKER (PRESENTER)                                             175,000
PATTERSON, ROBERT                            GENERAL MANAGER ABC MUSIC & PUBLISHING             174,800
MOORE, RAYMOND                                  PROJECT DIRECTOR                                                                   173,171
PACKHAM, SUSAN                                   EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CHAIRMAN                                 172,513
CORCORAN, MARK                                   JOURNALIST                                                                                   172,035
MCLIESH, KIRSTIN                                    HEAD AUDIENCE & CONSUMER AFFAIRS                            171,847
NEIGHBOUR, SALLY                                 EXECUTIVE PRODUCER 7.30 REPORT                                  171,301
THOMAS, LESNA                                       MANAGER TV PUBLICITY                                                            171,041

Total  Basic Pay  for “Our ABC” Management                                                                                       $22,196,807.00

This will even make the pensioners start to wonder why!



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