Sunday 25 January 2015

" Violence Against Women Advocate 2015 Aussie Of The Year"

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 1:04 PM
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 12:49 PM
Cc: ; Rachel Siewert ; Richard Colbeck ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Roza Sage ; Sam Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane Dowling ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Simon Birmingham ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen Parry ; Steven Ciobo ; Stuart Robert ; Sue Lines ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne Kay (Sue) Boyce ; Tanya Plibersek ; ; Tim Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony Burke ; Tony Zappia ; Trevor Khan MLC ; Warren Entsch ; Warren Truss ; Wayne Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: Fw: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 12:40 PM
Cc: Jason Clare ; Jenny Gardiner MLC ; Jeremy Hanson ; Jill Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne Ryan ; Joe Hockey ; John (MP) Cobb ; John Alexander ; John Cobb ; John Faulkner ; John Forrest ; John Hogg ; John Kaye ; John Madigan ; John Williams ; ; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie Bishop ; Julie Collins ; Julie Owens ; Justine Elliot ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; ; Katy Gallagher MLA ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Humphries ; Kim Carr ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa Waters ; Laurie Ferguson ; Linda Burney ; Linda Reynolds ; Lisa Chesters ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Louise Markus ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Mal Brough ; Malcom Turnbull ; ; Maria Vamvakinou ; ; Marise Payne ; Mark Butler MP ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mathias Cormann ; Matt Thistlethwaite
Subject: Fw: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 12:30 PM
Cc: Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; ; Catryna Bilyk ; Chris Bowen ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; ; Christine Milne ; Christopher Back ; Christopher Evans ; ; Claire Moore ; Clare O'Neil ; Clive Palmer MP ; ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cory Bernardi ; Dan Tehan ; Darren Chester ; David Bushby ; David Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah O'Neill ; Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Duncan Gay ; Ed Husic ; ; ; Eric Abetz ; Federal Greens Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai Brodtmann ; ; Gary Gray
Subject: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Sir Mike's Comments 26/1/2015.
Subject: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "

PM Tony Abbott & Rose Batty " The 2015 Aussie Of The Year ".
People it is always regardless who is awarded what honour a very proud moment I believe on the
Aussie calendar to watch the various Aussies that because of their various activities get recognised for such and which are presented by the current Prime Minister at the time along with an appreciative audience and a full TV and media coverage.
This year it was Rose Batty the Advocate for "Violence Against Women" who was elected the
" The 2015 Aussie Of The Year ".
Rose Batty only some year ago while attending some midweek sporting situation with her son Luke where they met unexpectedly her estranged husband and Luke's father and who was known to have a mental disorder - and I gather unknown to the Mother police warrants out for his arrest.
Although Luke's father had only weekend visiting rights and as such was not really allowed to see his son during the week however Luke loved his father for all his problems and I gather asked his mother if he could go over a see his Dad and after his Mother agreed he went assuring her it would be ok.
However it wasn't because Luke's father in a fit of rage hit Luke first with a cricket bat then proceeded to stab him in front of his young team mate the police were called but the Father would not allow anyone near Luke and after threatening the police with a knife they were forced to shoot him and he later died in hospital and Luke died also!
It was after many enquiries into the tragic circumstances of Luke's death that Rosie Batty decided that what had happened to her and Luke must not now happen to anyone else and started her campaign of " Violence Against - Domestic or Otherwise - Women " which she in the name of her dead son Luke worked tirelessly to bring to the publics, pollies and authorities in generals notice that in Aussie alone it is estimated that 1 - 5 women at some time or other in their life are threatened with physical violence and Rose Batties continual mantra was and is:
Quote  " The Powerless Deserve To Be Heard " unquote.

Kathy Teflon Bill Shortens Alleged Rape Victim.
Now in my view the heinous crime of rape of a women must be up there and very close to the act of murder when being judged by the law of the land because I gather the Psychological effect on the women concerned is very dramatic and life long felt and can be life - in the normal sense of the word - destroying?.
Therefore as the heinous crime of rape is definitely a violent crime against women I wonder if Teflon Bill Shortens alleged rape victim Kathy is some what hopeful that with a now powerful women and " Aussie Of The Year " like Rose Batty in her corner that she might be able to open some doors for the likes of Kathy to get her day in court ??
After all I believe that if Rose Batties slogan of quote " The Powerless Deserve To Be Heard " unquote applies to anyone it must surely apply to Kathy especially considering the sort of bloke Kathy is up against who must be the second most powerful pollie - behind the PM - like Teflon Bill a Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader the alleged rapist??

Teflon Bill Shorten the alleged rapist & Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader.
I wonder if Teflon Bill ever meets our current " Aussie Of The Year " Rose Batty and Rose brings up the matter of the alleged rape of Kathy that Teflon Bill will refuse to discuss it with Rose??
Surely not even our media especially the ABC could refuse to report that??.

Mark Scott AO - ABC's MD
Mind you the way Teflon Bill seems to have his foot firmly on the neck of our media especially
the ABC I guess anything is possible??.

However if your happy with our pollies acting like a bunch of " Looney Tunes " characters with our PM Tony Abbott charging all over the place as " The Road Runner " looking for a political safe haven and good old Teflon Bill " The Coyote " trying to catch PM Abbott with his typical smart arse " One-Liners " then don't whinge when you discover that what you thought was a cartoon turns out to be political reality!.
Sir Mike Howe. but you can call me Mike!