Monday 6 June 2016

" What's in it for 'ME' syndrome ?? "

(Me at my place )

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 7/6/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " What's in it for ' ME ' syndrome ?? ".
John F. Kennedy, Inauguration Address, January 1961.


And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.


People I believe that great motivating Inaugural speech given by President John F. Kennedy will go down in the annals of history as one of the greatest and memorable speeches of all time.

It certainly impressed me as a 21 year old, which only seems like 5 minutes ago.

The late 1950's through to the 1960's and on into the 1970's were great vibrant times where the world was trying to recover from the effects of the devastating World War 2.

We lived in 12 square metre, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom homes with a carport if you were lucky.

In the majority of cases Mum was the home maker and Dad the bread winner which was financially tough at times but as can be seen millions of us survived and thrived, and this went on until at least the youngest child reached say 12 years old and going to high school, when Mum could get a part time job, hopefully local, so she could be home when the kids arrived home, or at least close to the time.

There were very few labour saving equipment/devices either in or outside the house, office, factories and life in general, and usually Mum looked after the inside home duties and Dad the outside and the DIY jobs around the home.

The kids were always a joint responsibility, but the blokes weren't expected to do a full days work after leaving for work say 5 - 6 am then 12 hours later getting home and then be expected to feed and bath the kids, where the Mum had been home all day, as I know is the case in many homes these days

I have also witnessed babies under the age of 6 months being delivered by their parents to a child care centre to be picked up I gather some 8 - 10 hours later, and not because they are single parents going through bad financial times, but the Mother wants to continue with their career and or, they are living a life style they can't afford, and then to add insult to injury where they expect the Aussie Tax Payer to pick up the tab for child care ? how bloody selfish is that, because this " What's in it for 'ME' syndrome " takes scarce Tax Payers funds from genuine needy Aussies.

There was very little, if any, Tax Payer welfare funds available when we were bringing up our kids,the governments just did not have the funds.

Just like today, but then the order of the day then was to generally live within our means and was a cash society, credit was rarely available, certainly no credit cards, therefore you paid for what you could afford or went without, unlike today where across the board our Aussie society spends now and pays, if we can, later.

Hence the figures I published by DeptClock in my mike's comments dated the 22/5/2016 Subject: " Little Billy's ' Magic Pudding Economics ' "

Aussies government debt         = $397 billion and growing by $110 million per day.
Interest per year                         = $142 billion.
Interest per Second                   = $451.00
Population                                   = 23,483,349 million
Debt per citizen                          = $16,934.00.
GNP                                              = $1,623 Trillion
Debt as a % of GNP                     = 23,07%
Household Debt                          = $1,523 Trillion
Business Debt                             = $764 Billion.
Mortgage Debt                            = $1.415 Trillion
Owner occupied mortgage
debt                                               =$934.9 Billion
Investors mortgage debt           = $483.9 Billion.
Personal debt                              = $184.8 Billion.

Credit card debt                          = $46.7 Billion

( I appreciate these figures will have changed some what since the 22/5/2016 albeit they may have got worse, but I believe they will suffice as an illustration just to see how deep a financial hole we as an Aussie nation are digging for ourselves,where you can see that according to these figures our "Household Debt" of $1.523 Trillion is not that far off our "GNP - Gross National Product" of $1.623 Trillion.)

However, if we can't pay our bills then we call on our second to none, by world standards, tax payer funded welfare system which I gather is estimated to be $154 billion and climbing for 2016 - 2017 for across the board welfare recipients.

Oliver Twist - please Sir can I have some more.

As can be seen from what is going on in the current Aussie Federal Election a large 
percentage- proportion of the Aussie population instead of adopting President J. F. 
Kennedy's approach and " ask what they can do for the country " are going the 
opposite way and like "Oliver Twist - please Sir Mr. Politician can I have more of the 
same or just more of something".

The "What's in it for 'ME' syndrome ?" with little thought, if any, to where the funds 
are coming from, who will pay and how much, who will go without as a result of the 
limited Tax Payer scarce resources and the hardship that may cause, mainly because 
our gutless pollies across the board go on a vote buying spree and say "Yes" to most 
of the voter demands just to get over the line on election night, knowing full well that 
what they are promising is not realistic and unaffordable, however various sections of the Aussie community have come to be fully aware that it is the most noisy, in your face, well organised mob that get's "Oliver Twists" extra bowl of gruel, and not necessarily the most needy and well deserving.

Gruel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Gruel is a type of food consisting of some type of cereal or oat, wheat or rye flour, or rice boiled in water or milk

As far as I can gather individual tax payers generally pay/contribute about (48%) tothe 
Federal tax take which is by far the biggest section of the overall tax revenue recovered,
and without which the Federal governments Administration would not only grind to a halt, but the Aussie economy would collapse in a heap because there is no other sector big enough to compensate, and even if there were with the drop off in the national consumption of goods and services and the individuals purchasing power would only further hasten the Aussies economical demise even without another GFC

Therefore it is estimated that the total Federal tax take across the board would be about $400 billion of which the break down for 2015-2016 would be as follows:

Individual income tax                              = $192 billion.
Customs Duty                                           = $ 9 billion.
Fuel excise                                               = $ 17 billion
Non-tax revenue & other                        = $ 50 billion
Sales taxes                                                = $ 60 billion
Company & resource rent taxes             = $ 72 billion
Total Federal tax revenue for 2015/16    =$400 billion.

Therefore it does not take my mate Einstein to calculate that less jobs and bigger unemployment figures:

= less individual taxes collected
= greater welfare payments
= greater national deficits or increased taxes and budget cuts or both.

That is ofcourse as well as being the major contributor in regard to the GST and the local
and state governments taxes, council rates and the myriad of other taxes, fees and charges which accumulatively amounts to some further billions of dollars.

Yet ? if you are one of the following groups you will get little if anything directly as a result of you being the major contributor to the Aussies taxation system.

1. A single tax payer no kids across all age groups.
2. A married tax paying couple again no kids and across all age groups.
3. A tax paying self funded retiree no kids and is not a carer of someone.
4. A healthy, across all age groups, Aussie that rarely seeks medical attention
whether that be visiting a GP, Specialist, Optician, hospitals, x-rays, surgeons
etc; or receiving subsidise medicine.
5. A tax paying person or persons without kids across all age groups that are not
included as " Low income earners ",

and I am sure there are others that I can't think of at the moment.

You could say that they benefit from border control, military protection, law and order and
the Aussie nations infrastructure and ofcourse you would be right, but there again so do the non tax payers.

In my view anyone that receives Tax/Rate Payers funds in the way of welfare, wages or
salaries, perks of office or payments of any kind across the political spectrum or the 3 levels of this over governed nation of ours, including the ABC, and pay individual tax are only giving a " Refund " to the " Real " Aussie individual tax payers who will be still out of nett pocket.

If we believe, and take into account, the ABS system of calculating the unemployment 
where if you have worked for (1) hour during the week you are considered employed,then say we accept this " Mickey Mouse " figure of (6) percent on average that represents some 700,000 unemployed, plus an estimated low income, under employed, referred to as the so-called " Working Poor " of 2-3 million who would obviously be low, if any, tax payers, with only at best some 2-300,000 new jobs being created PA giving Aussie a nett deficit of jobs & employment of some 4-500,000 jobs PA, how then are we as a nation just based on our unemployment situation going to reduce our nations massive international debt of billions.

We have 4.6 million, or (27%), of the Aussie population from the age of (15) and 
above receiving pensions or allowances.

There are (13%) or 3,120,000, Aussies over the age of (65) years old and it is anticipated that by 2047 this will increase to (25%).

There was I gather an increase in the Aussies economy by (3.0%) recently, with the biggest contributor being mining exports of (+0.9%), however I believe this was based 
on volume with Gas leading the way, as compared to higher prices/revenue across the board, therefore in my view it just means the Resource Sector is emptying out our natural resources even quicker, for either a lesser or the same export value which means ofcourse that financially the nation is either just treading water, or going backwards and as they are finite ? WHAT THEN.

The Aussie manufacturing sector, which should be a very important generator of employment, went backwards by (-0.2%) and the financial, banking and many parts of 
the service industries, plus the various levels of government and the News media are laying off staff as a result of the down turn generally in the Aussie economy with " Deflation " now trending, plus technical innovation and transformation of technology.

Malcolm Turnbull the current LNP Prime Minister.


Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight, homosexual
advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim Kathy.

People no matter what the pollies on both sides and across the political spectrum are promising in regard to this great " CATCH UP " expenditure, this "Spendathon"or any other of the pollies across all the (3) tiers of the Aussie governments local 

Therefore, if we as a nation continue to adopt this selfish " What's in it for 'ME' syndrome "
and these gutless, self interested, vote for me and I will promise you anything pollies, continue to give the nation these unaffordable vote buying gifts, then don't whinge when the proverbial hit's the fan and you, your loved one's and your future generations experience, in at the most the next 3-4 years, our nation grind to a shuddering halt with rampant, uncontrolled "Deflation","Stagnation" leading to a "Depression" and extreme unemployment and poverty because you took your eye off the ball and ticked the wrong box on election day.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.