Tuesday 26 November 2013

Michael Robert Howe - Aussie Outlaw!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 6:13 PM
Subject: Fw: Michael Robert Howe - Aussie Outlaw.

----- Original Message -----
Cc: Penny Wright ; Penny Wong ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Paul Green MLC ; Paul Fletcher ; Pat Conroy ; Palmer United Party ; P.Secker ; P. Neville ; Office of Helen Kroger (Senator) ; Nigel Scullion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nick Champion ; Nathan Rees ; Natasha Griggs ; Mitch Fifield ; Mike Baird ; Michelle Rowland ; Michaelia Cash ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Keenan ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Danby ; Melissa Parke ; Mehreen Faruqi ; McCrudden, Thomas (C. Bowen, MP) ; Mayer, Terese (B. Katter, MP) ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mathias Cormann ; Mark Quinn ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Butler MP ; Marise Payne ; Maria Vamvakinou ; Malcom Turnbull ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Louise Markus ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Lisa Chesters ; Linda Burney ; Laurie Ferguson ; Larissa Waters ; Lara Giddings ; Klose, Cambell (C. McGowan, MP) ; Kim Carr ; Kevin Humphries ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Anderson MP
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 6:03 PM
Subject: Fw: Michael Robert Howe - Aussie Outlaw.

----- Original Message -----
Cc: Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Lisa Singh ; Hon Jan McLucas ; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon David Feeney ; Hon Bernie Ripoll ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Helen Kroger ; Gregory Pearce ; Greg Hunt ; Greens Party NSW ; Graham Perrett ; George Souris ; George Christensen ; George Brandis ; Geoff Lyons ; Gary Gray ; Gai Brodtmann ; Fred Nile MLC ; Fiona Nash ; Federal Greens Office ; Eric Abetz ; ElectorateOffice BlueMountains ; Ed Husic ; Duncan Gay ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Don Page ; Dennis.Jensen ; David Shoebridge ; David Johnston ; David Bushby ; Darren Chester ; Cory Bernardi ; Cory Bernardi ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cobb, John (MP) ; Clare O'Neil ; Claire Moore ; Christopher Evans ; Christopher Back ; Christine Milne ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Bowen ; Cathy McGowan AO ; Catherine King ; Carol Brown ; Cambell Klose ; C.Pyne
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 5:49 PM
Subject: Michael Robert Howe - Aussie Outlaw.

                                                                   Me at my place)

Mike's Comments - 27/11/2013.
Also on my blog - www. beautkoot.blogspot.com.au

Subject: " Michael Robert Howe - Aussie Outlaw! "

Well people I see the ABC are going to screen a series of one of my ancestors
this Sunday the 1/12/2013 with the same name as mine although I am referred to
as Mike I am in actual fact a Michael Robert Howe and although the records
show that the famous/infamous Tassie Outlaw Michael R Howe was born in
Pontefract, Yorkshire, England part of his ancestors like mine originated from

If you look back in the history of the Howe clan as I have you will see it is
littered with numerous " Rebels with a cause " going back to fighting the invading
English and others centuries ago to getting involved in the coal miners strikes
and disputes when the governments/owners were closing down the Welsh coal

When we look into the lives of the likes of Ned Kelly,Michael Howe etc; although
I believe we cannot condone most of their actions one thing is an initial common
denominator in their and other outlaws of their days lives - ie; poverty and the
dominance of a privileged! influential!powerful minority over the majority!!!

This ofcourse is still happening today as I write this where it is estimated that
about (2%) of the worlds population makes decisions that effect the other (98%)
and that (75%) of the worlds wealth is in the hands/controlled by (25%) of the
the worlds population leaving the table scraps for the rest of us the (75%)!!!

So in principle it may look as though times have changed since Kelly and Howe
roamed this great country of ours but in actual fact it is a mirage!! with half of
the estimated (7) billion inhabitants ie; (3.5) billion still cooking on open fires
and without proper sanitation,domestic electricity,internal tapped fresh hygienic

Poverty and unemployment are on the increase - take no notice of the " Mickey
Mouse " figures in regard to unemployment of ( 5.5% - 6.4% ) when our under
25's - our future work force/tax payers unemployment figures average
conservatively at (24%) and we have 473,000 receiving food vouchers! 10% of
Aussies and climbing ( 2.3 million) living below the poverty line! 100,000 plus
homeless! 90,000 every day relying on charity for their one free meal a day and
the list goes on and on ie; the sick,elderly,infirmed etc;etc;etc;!

This people is what I reckon brings out the Howe rebel in me and where I have
voiced my concerns repeatedly in mike's comments when the likes of the
Gallagher/Rattenbury/Corbell/Barr mob in the ACT! Doug Cameron Union Leader
NSW Senator! Malcolm Turnbull the Liberal Parties spokesman/policy maker plus
the other 40 - 45% of gay/lesbian/bisexual pollies and the Greens - we must not 
forget our minority Greenies!!- and Aunty the ABC use their political muscle 
influence to - for in many ways for personal gain!-use valuable 
and bureaucrats time and the hard earned tax payers scarce funds in regard 
to so-called gay marriage equality for a minority group of Aussies ie; (1.5% 
say 250,000) who on the basis that they love each other ? define/ prove/explain
the meaning of the word " Love "?? and have certain sexual preferences 
when we have massive problems in this country from the cradle to the grave 
that requires the pollies/bureaucrats very urgent attention!!

Ofcourse the vast difference between this Michael Howe and the Tassie Outlaw
is that his weapons were the primitive flint lock guns,knives etc; when I and
other rebels like me - too few in my view!! - have far more lethal weapons at
our disposal - " THE INTERNET "!!!

Ok people speak up or continue to cop the scraps from the rich! influential!
tables because if you don't in the end you may not even get that so no point in
whinging then!!!!

Mike Howe - alias Michael Howe the current Aussie Rebel!