Tuesday 30 July 2013

" At last the majority is heard - about time!! "

Now the old cynic in me accepts that we are very close to a federal election and 
ofcourse all pollies of every political persuasion are always very accommodating, understanding, pliable and good listeners at this time mainly for their own self interests so that they can remain on the tax payer funded gravy train?? or if finance    & income is not their concern then to satisfy their almighty ego's??

However if we poor mugs footing the nations bills can get a return - albeit a short lived one because pollies are notorious for their short memories once they have taken the oath of office!! - then why not have our fleeting naive moment of grandeur and sense of power and control?? after all it only comes round every 3-4 years and it fades into the ether say 48 hours after the results of the election are known!!
                                                                   Senator Doug Cameron

Even the Labor Senator Doug Cameron acknowledged on ABC TV that he has nowseen the light in regard to border protection and to quote him " It's a tough gig but it has to be done" unquote "
 (? he must have been a roadie in his past life? " Gig ") referring to the PM Rudd"s PNG solution.

Senator Hanson- Young
However we had the usual minority rabble rousers such as the Green Senators 
Milne & Hanson-Young and others - I was surprised not to see our illustrious yet arrogant NSW Upper House Greenie MLC David Shoebridge not out in the front supporting his comrades and those pathetically minimal Greenie rent - a- crowds with his mega phone if nothing else to make up the numbers to at least try and fill the TV screens?? trying to whip up a majority of public support for these potential welfare bludgers invading our shores and apart from the people that have a self interest ie; lawyers, academics, refugee organisations that earn a living from this now huge tax payer funded industry plus wet behind the ears teenagers/Uni students etc; they have!! and there is no doubt in my mind will!! failed miserably because the average Aussie - unlike the pollies!! - are doing it tough and have enough trouble keeping a roof over their/families heads! clothed & fed!! educated!! without having to care for a new bunch of "Cuckoo's"in the nest!

I believe that the sooner we ditch being part of this out of date! abused! 1951-1954 United Nations Refugee Convention and shut these dogood pollies! academics! ABC commentators up the better then maybe they can divert their attention to making life better for the hard working,productive,tax paying Aussie battlers instead of 10's of 1000's of non productive! non tax paying! welfare dependent invading foreigners ??!

ABC Radio 702 - Linda Mottram.

Now I can't pick up the Sydney ABC AM 702 program featuring a compare/presenter
by the name of Linda Mottram however I did pick up her interview on the 22/7/2013
on the ABC News Radio that she had with a PNG Governor by the name of Gary Juffa
and they were discussing the latest PM Rudd's refugee PNG situation.

Well in my view this Linda Mottram did everything she could to put idea's/words into
this bloke Gary Juffa's mouth to the extent that Linda Mottram was in my view trying
to make the news by stirring up trouble and incite public disobedience in PNG over 
this latest refugee program and I seriously believe that the ABC management aught
to listen to the recorded broadcast and see if they agree because surely as a  public
ABC servant Linda Mottram's position is  to report! discuss! and summarise and keep
any personal biases and like and dislikes of the government of the days policies to

If Linda Mottram wants to be a " Shock Jock " and voice her opinion and thereby try
and sway public opinion in order to possibly improve her ratings then Linda Mottram
should go and work for a commercial radio which I don't listen too!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve
all you get and you could get a refugee centre coming to your neighbourhood anytime
soon so don't whinge!!
