Friday 27 February 2015

" Governments - Re - Active not Pro - Active - ?? WHY ?? "

Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 6:30 PM
Subject: Fw: " Governments - Re-Active not Pro-Active - ?? WHY ??"
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 6:18 PM
To: S. J. Minnikin ; Sam Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane Dowling ; Shane Knuth MP ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Simon Birmingham ; Sonia Hornery ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen Parry ; Steve Whan ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne Kay (Sue) Boyce ; T. J. Nicholls ; T. L. Mander MP ; T. Smith MP ; T.E. Davis MP ; Tanya Plibersek ; ; The Hon Stuart Ayres MP ; ; Tim Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony Burke
Subject: Fw: " Governments - Re-Active not Pro-Active - ?? WHY ??"
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 6:06 PM
Cc: Melissa Parke ; ; Michael Danby ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Keenan ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michaelia Cash ; Michelle Rowland ; Mick Veitch ; Mike Baird ; Mitch Fifield ; Natasha Griggs ; Nick Champion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nigel Scullion ; Nola Marino ; Nova Peris ; P Neville ; P.Secker ; Palmer United Party ; Pat Conroy ; Paul Fletcher ; Paul Green MLC ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Penny Wong ; Penny Wright ; Peter Dutton ; Peter Wellington MP ; Peter Whish-Wilson ; Phil Morgans ; ; R. A. Stevens MP ; R. Molhoek MP ; Rachel Siewert ; Richard Colbeck ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Robert Katter MP ; Roza Sage ; S. A. Bennett MP ; S. A. Emerson MP ; S. J. Hinchliffe MP
Subject: Fw: " Governments - Re-Active not Pro-Active - ?? WHY ??"
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 5:54 PM
Cc: Hon. J. A. Trad ; Hon. M. C. Bailey ; Hon. S. J. Miles ; Hon. S. M. Fentiman ; Hon. W. S. Byrne ; Hon. Y. M. D'ATH. ; I. B. Walker MP ; I. P. Rickuss MP ; Ian Macdonald ; Ian McFarlane ; J. A. Stuckey MP ; J. J. McVeigh MP ; J. N. Costigan MP ; J. P. Bleijie MP ; J. P. Langbroek MP ; J. W. Seeney MP ; J.Fitzgibbon. ; J.Macklin ; Jacinta Collins ; Jacqui Lambie ; James McGrath ; Jamie Briggs ; Janet Rice ; Jason Clare ; Jenny Gardiner MLC ; Jeremy Hanson ; Jill Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne Ryan ; Joe Hockey ; John (MP) Cobb ; John Alexander ; John Cobb ; John Faulkner ; John Forrest ; John Hogg ; John Kaye ; John Madigan ; John Williams ; ; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie Bishop ; Julie Collins ; Julie Owens ; Justine Elliot ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; ; Katy Gallagher MLA
Subject: Fw: " Governments - Re-Active not Pro-Active - ?? WHY ??"
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 5:45 PM
Cc: Brett Whiteley ; Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; ; Catryna Bilyk ; Chris Bowen ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; ; Christine Milne ; Christopher Back ; Christopher Evans ; ; Claire Moore ; Clare O'Neil ; Clive Palmer MP ; ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cory Bernardi ; D. K. Frecklington ; Dan Tehan ; Darren Chester ; David Bushby ; David Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah O'Neill ; Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Duncan Gay ; Ed Husic ; ; ; Eric Abetz ; F. S. Simpson MP ; Federal Greens Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai Brodtmann
Subject: " Governments - Re-Active not Pro-Active - ?? WHY ??"

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Sir Mike’s Comments 27/2/2015.
Subject: “ Governments – Re-Active not Pro-Active – WHY???? ".
People as some one that has taken a keen interest in politics for at least the last (50) years I listen into via the ABC Radio to both the House of Reps and the Federal Senate most days when I am home – which these days as I am retired is most days.
Now you will be told repeatedly by various people- especially pollies – that we have by world standards a fine robust adversarial political debating parliamentarian system to which they say that it is only at question time in both houses where the voters observe the aggressive and abusive behaviour of the pollies of both sides of the houses – however at other times it is far more conciliatory!! ABSOLUTE RUBBISH !!!.
Even when they are discussing a bill and/or bills that have bipartisan support/agreement they continue to snipe at each other! they are not debating chambers they are “ Dog pits ” where the participants shout – or in the case of some of the female pollies scream – vitriol and bitter, nasty criticism at each other and considering that at least (98%) of the time - in so far as the (2) major party’s are concerned - the matter has already been decided upon and is going to be voted along party lines!! so there should be one person allowed to put up the case for the “ Positive ” side and one for the “ Negative ” then call for a vote otherwise any one else speaking on the matter after that is superfluous and a considerable waste of the scarce and hard won Tax Payer funds because unlike the USA’s political system where both Democrats and Republicans can vote according to their beliefs and not along party lines our mobs can’t or at least are not allowed too!!!
It is obvious that most of them are just referring to notes supplied to them by their bureaucrats and are not really on top of the subject so then they fill in their allotted time with a history lesson some going back to Whitlam’s and Howards time and beyond and who said & did what? who did & didn’t do what? one side will come out with these millions or billions of dollar figures that were either reduced or spent however the other side would then contradict ! refute ! rebut ! and put forward counter figures leaving us listeners/viewers none the wiser? and what is more often the initial pollie (1st one to speak )walks out of the chamber not bothering to listen to the response??.

Bronwyn Bishop – Speaker for the House of Reps.

Stephen Parry – The Senate President.
The (2) people that do the most of the speaking in both the House of Reps and Senate are the Speaker and the Senate President because they have to continually try and bring the relevant houses to order in fact the Speaker in the house of Reps is continually having to eject unruly pollies because they can’t or won’t control themselves! WHAT A PATHETIC SPECTACLE ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THEY CLAIM TO REPRESENT THEIR AUSSIE CONSTITUENTS?? HOW CAN YOU REPRESENT ANYONE OUTSIDE THE CHAMBER??

Teflon Bill Shorten our Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader and alleged rapist.

Prof Gillian Triggs – The Aussie Human Rights Commission President.
People when you consider that Aussie has some 746,397 unemployed and climbing thanks largely due to Teflon Bills Labor mob prior to the September 2013 Federal election ? I gather there has been a further 100,000 plus under this Abbott mob? and it is estimated by some Professor ? name ? that appeared on the latest Four Corners program discussing Job Agencies and the unemployed that at best we have only about 146,000 job vacancies available leaving a deficit – and the Labor Party would know all about deficits as we know!! – of some 600,397 unemployed?
However a pollie like Teflon Bill who professes as a Union and Labor leader to be a friend of the battlers and those Teflon Bill refers to as “ The Workers ” and yet does his best today the 25/2/15 to disrupt the normal parliamentary business and have standing orders put aside to discuss the political spat between the Abbott mob and Prof Gillian Triggs – see above – for what was a very obvious political stunt and a subject I have absolutely no doubt has little if any interest to the average financially battling Aussie who look upon refugees, kids in detention as just another financial burden the poor old Aussie Tax Payer has to bear and are just another pain in their financial butt!!
? If there is any doubt what the average hard done by Aussie – I don’t mean the well off suburban yuppie, Greenie, do – gooder or those with a financial interest – think about the refugee – asylum seekers and kids in detention situation then I dare any pollie to run on a pro refugees- asylum seeker ticket?? my guess is you won’t get past first base – racism, xenophobia you reckon?? rubbish!!
No!! not while Aussies born and bred are doing it tough!!!

Tony Abbott PM.
I some what disagree with the Abbott mob in regard to Prof Triggs report being of a political nature ? she may have been politically naive to present it the way she did?? but I seem to remember some time ago Prof Triggs discussing with some one on the ABC that with the Abbott mobs budget cuts Triggs was concerned her Commission/Department was going to be absorbed or discontinued therefore I believe this report was more trying to prove that her and her commission was relevant and important? however that seems to have back fired badly ain’t it???
? However Is it any wonder people that the Average Aussie has so little regard for pollies across the board of this over governed country of ours when someone like Teflon Bill Shorten a Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader and alleged rapist and his Labor mob can spend a week of valuable and Tax Payer expensive parliamentary time continually disrupting the House of Reps based on “ He said She said ” accusations in a Senate enquiry and because the LNP – with special mention of the PM Abbott – found Prof Triggs report was not to their liking!!
Therefore considering we have problems in this country “ From the cradle to the grave ” did Teflon Bill and his Labor mob and their purely politically motivated rabble rousing efforts ? reduce - unemployment by (1) job? homelessness? aged care problems? poverty for the 10% plus of the 2,000,000 plus that are living below the poverty line? the numbers of the 90,000 that line up at charities every day/night for their one and only meal of the day? and I could fill my blog with possibilities!!
No ofcourse not!! these selfish self centred bastards were just trying to score political points against Abbott PM who may or may not have deserved it?? but I can tell you for sure the average Aussie doing it toughor any Aussie for that matter – certainly does not deserve such utter arrogant hubris and the neglect of the Aussie core business, culture and values!!
This is why ofcourse our governments at all levels – local, State and Federal – are continually being “ Re – Active and not Pro – Active ” across the board because they spend so much of their Tax Payer funded employment – just spend a day listening to both the House of Reps and the Senate – trying to save their jobs at the next election either individually and/or collectively??
Our political system is sick and getting sicker and the cost of most of these pollies far exceeds their productivity value and people if your happy with that then don’t whinge when your taxes, fees and charges go up to pay for a mob of people that are getting paid more for producing less when the average Aussie is producing more and getting less!!!!!
Sir Mike Howe – but you can call me Mike.