Wednesday 17 September 2014

" Murdering Islamist's a New Phenomenon - RUBBISH !! "

Cc: ; Rachel Siewert ; Richard Colbeck ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Roza Sage ; Sam Dastyan ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Simon Birmingham ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen Parry ; Steven Ciobo ; Stuart Robert ; Sue Lines ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne Kay (Sue) Boyce ; Tanya Plibersek ; ; ; Tim Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony Burke ; Tony Zappia ; Trevor Khan MLC ; Warren Entsch ; Warren Truss ; Wayne Swan ; Will Hodgman
Cc: Jamie Briggs ; Janet Rice ; Jason Clare ; Jeremy Hanson ; Jill Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne Ryan ; Joe Hockey ; John (MP) Cobb ; John Alexander ; John Faulkner ; John Forrest ; John Hogg ; John Kaye ; John Madigan ; John Williams ; ; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie Bishop ; Julie Collins ; Justine Elliot ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; ; Katy Gallagher MLA ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Humphries ; Kim Carr ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa Waters ; Laurie Ferguson ; Linda Burney ; Linda Reynolds ; Lisa Chesters ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Louise Markus ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Mal Brough ; Malcom Turnbull ; ; Maria Vamvakinou ; ; Marise Payne ; Mark Butler MP ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mathias Cormann
Cc: Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; ; Catryna Bilyk ; Chris Bowen ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; ; Christine Milne ; Christopher Back ; Christopher Evans ; ; Claire Moore ; Clare O'Neil ; Clive Palmer MP ; ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cory Bernardi ; Darren Chester ; David Bushby ; David Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah O'Neill ; Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; ; Dio Wang ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Duncan Gay ; Ed Husic ; ; ; Eric Abetz ; Federal Greens Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai Brodtmann
Subject: " Murdering Islamists a new Phenomenon _ RUBBISH!! "

                                                                 ( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descendancy!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in Christian
Mike's Comments - 17/9/2014.
Subject: " Murdering Islamists a New Phenomenon - RUBBISH !!! "
People all this sudden " Righteous Indignation & Sabre Rattling " is
enough to make a grown man puke!!!
These " Murdering Islamic Mongrels " - supported by millions of so-called
non - radical Muslims both in a financial and every which way -
have been
active for many decades in the Pacific, Asia, India, Pakistan, Russia, Africa,
to say nothing of the terrorist attacks in Europe, UK, USA and murdering
innocent men, women, and especially children in the most horrendous ways
so now all of a sudden we have to start mobilising against them??spending
millions if not billions tightening our laws and security and preparing to give
these bastards and good kick in the guts with our military power both here
Aussie and throughout most of the Arab and western world??
Well hallelujah bothers and sisters!! hallelujah!! they have suddenly seen
the light!! what a bunch of bloody hypocrites!!
Just because a couple of American journalists are voluntarily in the wrong
place at the wrong time - as horrendous as that is!! - and get decapitated
on video for all to see and gasp in horror we start to get serious with this
Islamic Muslim plague sweeping the world in the most despicable!
horrendous! contemptible! loathsome! hateful! detestable! reprehensible!
abhorrent! abominable! heinous way possible!!
However bugger the other 10's of 1000's that have and are suffering just as
bad if not worse - ? if that is possible?? - as a result of these Islamic Mongrels 
but attack a couple of yank journalists who knew the risks but decided to 
stay anyway!! then mate watch the fur fly!! the great powers start using their 
military/financial muscle and influence??

?? What a sick world we live in where it is not that we don't value human
life it just depends on " Who the person is " will decide the value we put
on it????

People like me over the years via my blog have been banging on about this
scourge of the Islamic rolling juggernaut which ofcourse was ignored by the
pollies because of their short term political survival attitude and the absolute
fear of the political backlash from the Muslim community! the political correct
police! the rent-a-crowd students! the middle class do-gooders!! greenies!!
and the constant negative reporting from the ABC!!
For instance the past Mike' Comments generated from information from else

1. 4/5/2013 " These Murdering Islamic Mongrels "
2. 8/11/2013 " Islamic Muslims ?? What is their Agenda "
3. 16/6/2014 " Enough is Enough !!! Muslims can Fund! Fight! & Die for their
     Own Causes/Wars !! "
     I wrote this when I thought the Abbott mob were going to get us involved
     in the Iraq civil/sectarian war!! this ISIS matter is an invasion of Iraq/Syria!
4. 25/6/2014 " The Silent Majority are Irrelevant - by Brigette Gabriel "
5. 30/6/2014 " The Execution of Christians Muslim Style "
6. 27/7/2014 " Why the Muslim Suicide Bomber is Smiling "
7. 1/8/2014 " Hang The Bastards in the Town Square "
8. 6/8/2014 " An American Airline Pilot's Message to All Muslims "
9. 14/8/2014 " Where was the Eye in the Sky?? "
10. 26/8/2014 " A Germans View of Islam "
                                         Head Greenie Senator Milne

Senator Scott Ludlam

                                                   Adam Bandt MP 
Lets take a look at these pathetic and now very irrelevant and peripheral
bunch of greenies since they lost the balance of power in the Aussie
Senate as from the 1/7/2014 such as " She who must be obeyed and head
greenie " Senator Milne from Tasmania and ofcourse the none other Doctor
Negative Senator Ludlam from WA and let us not forget ofcourse that lame
duck " Mr. Pop up Man and let's have a Senate enquiry " the right honourable 
Federal Member for Melbourne and Deputy Head Greenie who basically got 
elected on the bases of a bunch of Uni students that reside in his electorate 
Adam Bandt
who have
gone out on a typical greenie political limb in order to 
try and remain politically
advocating pacifistic isolationism and 
assert that Aussies
interests are best served by keeping the affairs of 
ISIS and their
current carnage something for others to handle 
because the
greenies claim
that in some naive way - you have to wonder 
planet these greenies are
on some days -
it will increase the possibility
of increased terrorism here
Aussie?? as if these mongrel Islamists care one 
way or the other because if
you ain't one of them then your dead!!

If Aussie and the rest of the world adopted the typical narrow greenie
perspective I have no doubt the following would have occurred:
                                                      President Putin.
If Aussie, Europe, UK, USA and the like did not - even at the risk of Russia
retaliating with trade sanctions of it's own - take sanctions of various kind
against this bully boy President Putin there is no doubt around the world
that by now Russia would use it's superior military muscle to over run most
if not all of Ukraine!!

                                                 Adolf Hitler - Nazis.

There is no doubt that had not a myriad of countries not combined to defeat
Hitler's Nazis the national language of the whole of Europe, most of Russia
and ?? the UK would now be German!!
                                        Japanese Emperor Hirohito.

There is little doubt that had Aussie not had the support of other nations
especially the USA our so-called Head of State would not be Queen
Elizabeth but a Japanese Emperor!!
I don't know about green I think more like " Yellow " best describes this
greenie mob!!!

Now on the - 16/9/2014 - I heard Senator Milne being interviewed on the
National Drive by Waleed Aly - which comes on between say 6 - 8 pm
nights - and I realise this will put the kiss of death on the show but I
try to
never miss it - in regard to the Abbott mob taking us militarily into Iraq.
                                                         Waleed Aly.
Now I wont try to quote greenie Senator Milne verbatim however the main
thyme was in my view that we were being lead by the nose by the USA into
a war without a proper structured plan and an end game as compared to
doing it through dialogue and understanding of the many and various
problems cultural and otherwise in the region which is all very commendable and admirable but??

1. Who would trust the greenies in regard to being privy to such a plan??

2. The greenies have their usual talk fest ISIS continues to decapitate!!

War - like business and politics - is very much like that ancient war game
called " Chess " where you have Kings, Queens, Knights, Bishops, Rooks,
Castles and ofcourse the front line troops the Pawns.

Not normally a game favoured by pacifists because the game is quite ruthless
where through planned strategies and moves and counter moves you seek
to eliminate your opponent either quickly or by a prolonged and calculated
onslaught and rendering them defenceless and therefore they are forced to
capitulate or both sides grind to a halt and in a no win situation called a
" Stale Mate ".

It is not possible to predict the outcome of War/Chess in regard to which
strategy will be successful? how long the game/war will take to win/lose?
what needs to be sacrificed in order to achieve a win? and who the winner
will be??

Pacifists are not only a danger to themselves but to those around them
and that I believe not only relates to wars but life in general!!

The Christian biblical saying of " Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit
the earth " is a load of rubbish and I am sure is music to the Islamic Muslim
ears and goes to reinforce their view that the Christian/Western democratic
attitude to life is weak and pathetic and therefore needs to be eliminated!!

Ok people you can either stand up and be counted in regard to your values,
beliefs and standards ? whatever they are?? or you can pour yourself
another beer and state " She'll be right mate " but there again when you
wake up one morning and find that under Sharia Law all alcohol has been
banned under the pain of 500 hundred lashes and/or crucifixion if caught
consuming it then don't whinge you deserve it!!

Mike Howe.