Saturday 23 August 2014


                                                ( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descendancy!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in Christian
Mike's Comments - 22/8/2014.
Subject: " Misogynistic/Teflon Bill Declares His Innocents ?
"Further to:
Mike's Comments - dated 24/7/2014.
Subject: " Bill Shorten - ?? The Alleged Rape Case on YOU TUBE "
By Social Media Journalist Bill Thomson.
Published by Shane Dowling
Kangaroo Court Publications.
Mike's Comments - 20/6/2014.
Subject: "?Labor Opposition Leader Bill Shorten Arrested?"
By Shane Dowling. Kangaroo Court Publications.

Bill Thompson Shane Dowling

A statement I downloaded from the Victorian police.
Victoria Police confirm that the allegation had been investigated and the advice from prosecutors was that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction.*
“All parties have been notified that Victoria Police will not be proceeding with criminal charges,’’
? Ok people where do you see the words:
1. Cleared of all charges??
2. Proven innocent?? and tested and found so??
3. Untrue and abhorrent??
4. After the matter has been thoroughly and vigorously investigated the Victorian Police have cleared Bill shortens name and the decision not to proceed with criminal charges speaks for itself! it is over! unsubstantiated and absolutely without foundation!! there is a line drawn under it!!

No you wont because these are Bill Shortens words!! and not the Victorian Police!! because they state that ( refer above *) quote "there was no reasonable prospect of conviction" unquote.
In other words they had prospects but for whatever reason they could not make them stick??

?? Maybe it was because of that very expensive - say a couple of $1000 per day - brief? lawyer? barrister? sitting beside Teflon Bill while the Victorian Police were interviewing him?? money! position! and power has a very loud and impressive voice!!!

I wonder who was there sitting beside the alleged rape victim? legal aid solicitor? if she was at all lucky??

The Misogynistic/Teflon Bill Shorten
Police do not find anyone innocent or guilty that is the job for judges and the court system and police files/cases to my knowledge are never closed - or draw a line under them as Shorten wishes - until they have been tested and finalised in a court of law? and even then if there are any lose ends it still may remain active??
I find it hard to believe that a busy professional Victorian Police Force would go the extent they have and waste their time?? the prosecutors valuable time? plus the Victorian hard earned Tax Payers funds spending months investigating a - quote Bill Shorten - " Unsubstantiated and absolutely without foundation claim of alleged rape " unquote - give us a break Bill Shorten!!
No people these are in my view Teflon Bill Shortens weasel get out of political jail words in order to mislead and/or misinform the voting plebbs like you and me to save his political skin because we have to bear in mind that it was Anthony Albanese the Federal Member for Grayndler that won the Labor Party Rank and File vote for the Labor Opposition Leaders position in 2013 Teflon Bill Shorten only got their with the help of his Union mates therefore alleged Rape Charges would not go down very well with the party faithful Rank and file!!

Anthony Albanese.
However reading some of the comments in the main media and listening watching radio and TV - especially the ABC - the main media seems to have bought it lock stock and barrel? but there again with very few exceptions the gutless main media were well and truly intimidated by the all powerful!influential! Union and Opposition Labor Leader Teflon Bill Shorten anyway!!
It was the bloggers like me that have 1000's of readers not only in Aussie but in most corners of the world on a daily basis - facebook!twitter!emails and ofcourse over the back fence and pub/club talk that forced Teflon Bill Shorten to come out from behind his army of legal minders!!
Not in my view in any way shape of form was it brought about by his sense of duty! or him having the courage to come out and say it up front out and loud because as far as I am concerned it was like his Budget Reply speech where like the well tried and trained Union Leader he is he tried to wing with it a lot of meaningless! unsubstantiated! untested! and therefore legally doubtful conclusions??
If you did not know what Teflon Bill Shorten was on about when he started that well and carefully constructed load of misleading waffle I doubt you would be any the wiser at the end of it?? especially as the arrogant bastard in his typical Union Leader fashion refused to answer questions after all our Union and Federal Labor Opposition Leader has just announced to all an sundry that some months ago he was involved - if not arrested - with the Victorian Police in regard to the Rape of a (16) year old girl back in the 1980's - although I must admit Teflon Bill Shorten did not mention the word Rape once during the rant - however ?? how important is that?? move on got better things to do!!!!

Senator Doug Cameron
From my experience - both from a personal and via decades of media reports - with Union Leaders the likes of Teflon Bill Shorten and the Labor NSW Senator Doug Cameron - who I had the unfortunate experience of meeting at a Springwood NSW Community function some years ago first up then at later functions avoided him - I found that their attitude is that " They speak! you listen!?? questions?? piss-off? who do you think you are?? in fact do you really know who you are speaking to?? in the case of Doug Cameron you would be reminded to refer to him as not Doug but " Senator " !!

Pompous self- important prick!!!!!!!

Now I know we have all these meaningful accolades going out to Teflon Bill Shorten in regard to how brave he has been to come out now to face the music and take the pressure off his loving and close family!

However what now about the alleged rape victim??

Who I gather is a nurse in her mid 40's and lives in mid NSW who now Teflon Bill Shorten has used his position, power and influence to go across the board nationally and use the nations media to accuse her of making absolutely and without foundation unsubstantiated untruths - lying in other words - and claiming she caused him and his loving family - I can hear the violins already - a great deal of deep distress!!

Now people unless this lady in my view is a total nut case or a come what may limelight seeker at any cost why would she act so rash?? because let's look at what she is up against??

Bill Shorten:

1. Second to the PM the most powerful! influential! pollie in the country!

2. He is well educated with Uni degrees one in law!

3. Compared to a nurses salary Bill Shorten as Opposition Leader earns a fortune and with an ex Governor General Dame Quentin Bryce being a well known and revered barrister of high esteem surely Teflon Bill would out gun her big time with that legal fire power and influence!!

Dame Quentin Bryce
4. As a long time and effective union leader he has a powerful influence there we saw what he did with the HSU and this lady being a Nurse would no doubt be a member of a union??
5. If Teflon Bill Shorten decided to be vindictive he could use his considerable influence to try and ensure she never worked again in any meaningful job in Aussie??
So????? what did she have to gain?? by doing what she did?? and I firmly believe that a good barrister would be able to put those questions/thoughts in the minds of a jury if this went to trial!!!
I sincerely hope this lady gets to the media quickly before this becomes yesterdays news because then she will get as much if not more coverage than Teflon Bill and Teflon Bill knows it that is why he has moved first in my view!!
I am confident that Teflon Bill Shorten has been legally advised that this ain't over until the alleged rape victim or/and the big fat judge says so regardless what Teflon Bill says? or the over the top unhealthy influence Teflon Bill has over the Aussie media especially (Aunty) the Aussie ABC!! the Victorian Police could at anytime re-open that file again should there be fresh compelling evidence and/or a reliable witness come forward and maybe this time to the Prosecutors satisfaction?

? Who do I believe is telling the truth between Teflon Bill Shorten or this rape victim ( alleged )??

Well before I bought a used car from Teflon Bill I would go and ask both Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd who were both his ex bosses in the past in regard to whether I could trust him or not?? what do you reckon people??

Julia Gillard Ex Aussie PM

Kevin Rudd EX Aussie PM
Ok people speak up because this major media cover up in favour of Teflon Bill Shorten is in my view a national disgrace and would never happen with us plebbs!

Long before now we would have been hounded by across the board media, Greenies,Women Against Rape so much so we would be begging the judge to send us to jail for peace and quiet!!!!!
However if your happy with the status quo and/or just could not care a stuff either way then you deserve all you get so don't whinge when you get it!!!

Mike Howe.