Sunday 25 May 2014

" Winking ? Smirking ?- A sackable/Dismissible Offence ? "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descendancy!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in Christian values/beliefs!
Mike's Comments - 25/5/2014.
Subject: " Winking ? Smirking ? - A sackable/Dismissible Offence "
People what do you reckon when the Aussie PM Tony Abbott is strongly criticised for doing the cheeky
Aussie " Wink " and " Smirk " something Aussies both males and females have been doing - it would 
appear - forever and is part of our cheeky DNA and our culture and which is recognised around the
world with respect and fondness!! and to be accused of being anti women/female ! a misogynist ! a grub! 
a total creep ! and the PM should stand down as the Minister for the Australian Government Office for
Women which is a Department within the PM's Department - something I will comment about later.
?? POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE WAY OVER THE TOP?? in my book ?? you bet!! and very unAussie!!

The South Australian Greenie Senator Hanson-Young.
The lady who in my view is leading this " Politically Correct UnAussie Onslaught " from what I observe on
TV/Internet and the printed media is none other than our invading asylum seeker advocate and interpreter
of the United Nations Conventions especially in regard to current and potential welfare recipients to the 
tune of billions of our hard earned and scarce Tax Payer funds when given to illegal invaders of our shores
whether that be under the guise of being an asylum seeker/refugee - The Greenie Senator Hanson-Young!

Tony Abbott the Aussie PM.
Therefore I have to ask myself that the fact that Hanson-Young is the prime driving force and advocate for
the illegal invaders and now the Abbott mob have ? it would appear ? to have stopped the boats is
Hanson-Young's vitriol against the PM Abbott in respect of her interest in regard to women's dignity,respect
and self esteem and overall emotional evaluation of their worth??? or just political pay back?? because I
can only assume that to say that Hanson-Young is some what pissed off over the success of the Abbott mob
stopping the boats and the Aussie population in general by a huge majority are praising the Abbott mob for
doing so!! would be a gross understatement to say the least!!
To those of you overseas readers who are not aware of the situation this all came about when PM Abbott
recently was conducting/participating in an open forum taking phone calls on ABC Radio in Melbourne
hosted by a bloke called Jon Faine in regard to the Abbott mobs latest budget.
While doing so a lady purporting to be a pensioner and having to do part time work in sex call centre - I state
purporting too because how does anyone establish over the phone if the person is actually who and what
they say they are?? to make ends meet financially
on and really got stuck into PM Abbott about the
budget and how much worse she will be as the result of it??
During the event PM Abbott looked over at the host and winked and smiled ? Hanson-Young maintains it was
a smirk?? indicating to the host that he was ok with taking the call - which when you listen - which we must
all done by now because the whole event was on TV/Radio and went viral - the lady was very aggressive
and angry to say the least ? whether justifiable or not who knows??

Teflon Bill Shorten
Now according to the likes of Hanson-Young, Bill Shorten the Unionist/Opposition Labor Leader
this was outrageous and according to Bill Shorten quote " Tony Abbott just does not get it " unquote ? well
what else would you expect an opposition leader who has had his Labor Party virtually demolished across 
all the (3) levels - local,state and federal- of this over governed country of ours and is desperate to make the
Labor Party relevant again because without their partners in crime the Greenies in the Senate they are literally
toothless tigers!!!

Julia Gillard Ex Aussie PM
Julia Gillard a previous Aussie PM - the first women to achieve that status - however was deserted by Bill
Shorten who was a Minister in her government at the time and as a part consequence the Labor Party sacked
her as PM replacing her with the mouth from the North Kevin Rudd - Gillard after that supposedly retired 
full time politics??
However people if Gillard found herself in the same if not similar situation as PM Abbott
 and did the same gesture to the
Radio host at the time?? but this time with a male caller who was also a pensioner and worked
in the sex
industry ? ? What then ?? media outrage ?? repeated on the ABC TV/Radio and going viral ?? would Gillard
be accused of being a " Misandrist " showing hatred, dislike, contempt, ingrained prejudice against men and/or
boys?? and told she was a " Grub "! " A total Creep "!
Oh yeah in another world!!! it is my experience that women, gays, blacks, browns, refugees, migrants and 
minority groups are allowed to dish it out but if you respond or even initiate it the political correct police will
come after you and refer to you with a whole list of put down names/phrases in order to shut you down and 
embarrass & shame you into never venturing there again ? misogynist? homophobic! xenophobic ! racist ! and
the list goes on! they have a word/phrase for every occasion and or misdemeanor.
However what has really got up my nose is the fact the PM Abbott got on national TV and apologised ?
?Just because the greenie Senator Hanson-Young leads a concerted media attack on PM Abbott along with
the Labor Party and a minority of noisy in your face hairy legged and burn their bras Susie - as compared to
a Johnny - come lately suffragettes who in no way represent the majority of Aussie females!! the PM Abbott
buckles under pressure??
In my mike comments dated the 18/5/2014 subject: " To Fast! To Hard! To Far! To Soon! I described PM Abbott
as quote " as a pugilist, fighter, pug, boxer " unquote however after seeing him over this instead of standing
his ground - rightly or wrongly but on principle - he buckled at the knees! so as far as I am concerned he has
gone from a pugilist to a powder puff!!
After all let us take a look at the greenie Senator Hanson-Young?
Who in my view has by rights a mandate for zero!
Hanson-Young who belongs to the
Greenie mob that were lucky to get 8.6% of the federal vote in September
2013! the Greenies votes in South
Australia in the last 2013 September election went down from 13.3% in 2010
to 7.7% in 2013! Hanson-Young's
primary votes were only 30,000 which I gather gave her a quota of only 0.4962 which was only half the quota
she required to get re-elected therefore without the preference deals with the
likes of the Palmer mob where
Hanson-Young obtained a boost of preference votes of some 26,000 from them alone! the chances are that Hanson-Young wou
not have been re-elected for a further 6-7 years in the Senate from when the new Senate sits on the 1/7/2014.

Clive Palmer Billionaire and House of Reps federal Member for Fairfax and leader and financier of the
Palmer United Party asleep in parliament.
Therefore Hanson-Young would
be receiving her very handsome Tax Payer Funded superannuation payout
on the
30/6/2014 and would be a private Aussie citizen as from the 1/7/2014 when the new Senate sits!!
For the life of me I cannot understand why the likes of Clive Palmer would allocated the Palmer United
preferences to the Greenies because if they could they would like his coal mines and infrastructure closed
down because they are anti coal because it's polluting the atmosphere?? so you figure??
However how hypocritical is Senator Hanson-Young and the Greenies in general for accepting the Palmer
United preferences?? but there again if it's principles compared to a bucket of votes I would reckon the
bucket of votes would win every time??
Never-the-less what with Clive Palmer going to sleep in parliament and then adding insult to injury and
giving his preferences to the 
greenies especially Hanson-Young! I am more and more convinced that I
wasted my vote giving it to his party?? and so I might add are many of the Grey Army - the finest network 
system in the country!!! - that are visiting here on a casual basis.
Finally last but not the least ? how come Aussie has a Government Office for Women within the PM's
Department, none the less, that is given to providing better economic and social out comes for women??
Yep fine!! but what is so special about women?? because us blokes represent about 49% of the Aussie
population and in general the Aussie females have a longer life span of some 8 - 10 years if not more than
the blokes - especially in time of war?? so where is our special Ministry & Department???
Ok people speak up and don't let these " Political Correct " female or otherwise minorities destroy our
long standing culture and way of life by restricting who and when we can WINK ! SMILE ! SMIRK ! at
because freedoms are hard won and when lost never return - or if they do they are always in a watered
down form and are never the same!!
However if your happy with that then cop it sweet and enjoy your miserable life and don't whinge!!
Mike Howe.