Sunday 6 April 2014

Marseille - France - " Immigrants/migrants ? Integrating or just transferring their problems ?? "

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 12:49 PM
Subject: Fw: Marseille - France - " Immigrants/migrants ? Integrating or just transferring their problems?? "

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 12:34 PM
Subject: Fw: Marseille - France - " Immigrants/migrants ? Integrating or just transferring their problems?? "

----- Original Message -----
Cc: Palmer United Party ; P.Secker ; P. Neville ; O'Riely, Dennis (G. Christensen, MP) ; Office of Helen Kroger (Senator) ; Nola Marino ; Nigel Scullion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nick Champion ; Nathan Rees ; Natasha Griggs ; Mitch Fifield ; Minister Truss Public ; Mike Baird ; Michelle Rowland ; Michaelia Cash ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Keenan ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Danby ; Melissa Parke ; Mehreen Faruqi ; McMullen, Marie (Sen I. Macdonald) ; McCrudden, Thomas (C. Bowen, MP) ; Mayer, Terese (B. Katter, MP) ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mathias Cormann ; Mark Quinn ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Butler MP ; Marise Payne ; Maria Vamvakinou ; Malcom Turnbull ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Lovern, Cathy (Sen J. McLucas) ; Louise Markus ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Lisa Chesters ; Linda Burney ; Laurie Ferguson ; Larissa Waters ; Lara Giddings ; Kim Carr ; Kevin Humphries ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kent, Maree (A. Robb, MP) ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kelly, Pierrette (Sen C. Back) ; Katy Gallagher MLA
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 12:27 PM
Subject: Fw: Marseille - France - " Immigrants/migrants ? Integrating or just transferring their problems?? "

----- Original Message -----
Cc: Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Lisa Singh ; Hon Jan McLucas ; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon David Feeney ; Hon Bernie Ripoll ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Helen Kroger ; Gregory Pearce ; Greg Hunt ; Greens Party NSW ; Graham Perrett ; George Souris ; George Christensen ; George Brandis ; Geoff Lyons ; Gary Gray ; Gai Brodtmann ; Fred Nile MLC ; Fiona Nash ; Federal Greens Office ; Eric Abetz ; ElectorateOffice BlueMountains ; Ed Husic ; Duncan Gay ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Don Page ; Dennis.Jensen ; David Shoebridge ; David Johnston ; David Bushby ; Darren Chester ; Cory Bernardi ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Coghlan, Gai (C. Hayes, MP) ; Cobb, John (MP) ; Clive Palmer MP ; Clare O'Neil ; Claire Moore ; Christopher Evans ; Christopher Back ; Christine Milne ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Bowen ; Cathy McGowan AO ; Catherine King ; Carol Brown ; C.Pyne ; Bruce Scott ; Bruce Billson
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 12:20 PM
Subject: Marseille - France - " Immigrants/migrants ? Integrating or just transferring their problems?? "

                                                                  ( Me at my place )

Mike's Comments - 7/4/2014.

Subject: " Marseille - France - Immigrants/Migrants ? Integrating or just transferring their problems?? "

People I receive a constant myriad of emails together with photos highlighting the many and various problems the Western Societies - and I include Aussie in that - when allowing a massive - and in most cases financially unsustainable !! - immigrant/migrant invasion of a countries borders which in most cases if not controlled will make the original inhabitants/tax payers/citizens all the more poorer/deprived because the countries services and welfare systems were not designed nor were they funded to cope with such an overload of humanity in such a relatively short period of time !!

Now I am attaching an email I have recently received in regard to " Marseille - France " ( Scroll Down ) which I am using as an illustration only because we can't in my view put everything that goes pear shape in the world at the feet of the Muslims because they may represent (23%) of the worlds population - estimated 1.6 billion - making Islam the 2nd largest religion - and growing - however that is out of a total world population of some (7) billion - and growing.

However I believe the photos attached depicts what is happening around the world - it is certainly happening in the various Sydney/Melbourne suburbs where migrant populations have taken over various area's and set up ghettos where it would appear that they have just transferred their previous life styles,lack of hygiene, civic pride in their surroundings, and turn the suburb they take over into a mirrored version they seemingly were desperate to leave? by Aussie standards a " Slum " - similar to the photos attached - and I as a tax payer that is contributing to the billions we pay out to these mobs one way or the other especially in the way of the best welfare system in the world!!!!!! I am entitled to ask " WHY"??????????

Now I emphasise' this is not just a Muslim area problem because we here in Aussie are virtually a United Nations rolled into one country and as such I find the Indian.Pakistani,Sudanese,Somali and many variety of Asian areas just as bad!! So " WHY??? "

Maybe their welfare payments/services here are so high compared to their non existing previous ones where they originated from and by their previous standards/life styles they are living like " Kings,Queens,Prince and Princesses " and as such have taken on that roll in society and therefore it is beneath their new station/dignity in life keeping the streets and neighbourhoods clean and tidy because that is the current Aussie inhabitants job?? you know people the tax paying mob that supplies these world class welfare payments/services!!!

However when the current Aussie inhabitants complain about it to the various authorities they in the majority of cases get the politically correct response " Talk to my hand I can't hear you "!!

So much for the " Majority rules with the minorities in mind ?? "

I find in general the more educated and qualified an immigrant is the better they assimilate/integrate into the Aussie society and millions of them over the ages have become serious assets to this great country of ours!!

Now I am not for a second suggesting that we don't have Aussie born grubs because we do!! however in general they are well and truly in the minority because the rest of the Aussie society including the authorities will soon let them know of it's displeasure/disapproval without the concern of coming under fire from the " Politically Correct/Anti Racist/Pro Refugee/Asylum Seeker Mobs " after all they are just Aussies - 2nd class citizens in their own country??. no United Nations convention covering them!!!!

Now people I can't authenticate the photos/comments mentioned in the attached email - however I doubt the statement that quote " And do you know what is the second language spoken in Marseille. Well, Yes French - The first is Arabic " unquote because if you do some research on Marseille as I have - it is a very complicated city - then as I see it it has a far too diverse ethnic and different cultural groups to be dominated by an imported language other than French even though Arabic has been spoken there for 100's of years?? however I don't live there so I could be wrong??? however I don't care where the photos were taken it is still a disgusting state of affairs!!

Ok lets have a quick look at Marseille - France:

It is the second largest city in France after Paris with a population of some 853,000 within it's administrative limits which is made up of an estimated 30% Muslims -255,900, 7% Jews - 59,710, 47% Roman Catholics - 400,000 and the other say 137,390 spread over Protestants, Buddhist etc;

The land mass/area is some 240.62 sq km - 93.5 sq miles - the unemployment rate remains higher than the National average which is 10.2% and in some parts youth unemployment could be as high as 40%?

Various political unrest over many decades around Europe and North Africa has brought Greek,Italian,Russian, Armenian,Vietnamese,Corsican,Spanish, and later North African migrants both Arab and Berber with Maghrebians mostly from Algeria.

So as we can see a right melting pot - a vegetable soup if you will?? of ethnic and different cultural groups - much like Aussie? if not the same??

I would mention one thing that puzzles me though when you see the Muslim men blocking the streets ? I believe (5) times a day in prayer?? which would be - I should imagine - a large part of the work force?? who is doing the work and keeping the family fed/housed and the economy ticking over?? the women as they are not there?? and what effect does this down time have on the economy?? and could this be partly why many Arab/Muslim nations without the oil revenue would be and are dirt poor countries?? no wonder they want to come to Aussie and other Western nations and go on welfare the poor buggers??

Anyway I digress!! ? Why have I picked on Marseille?? well I have not picked on them as such it is just that I am getting so many emails with the same thyme concerning many parts of the world where uncontrolled over population by immigrants/migrants/refugees/asylum seekers has/is becoming such a massive world wide problem which in it's self is bad enough but when these mobs that invade - for want of a better word - just add to the host countries woes by turning it into their rubbish tip/slum then I firmly believe that the host nations population have every right to be totally pissed off and let these invaders know in no uncertain manner of their displeasure without fear of being accused - even prosecuted in some countries - of being racist and/or xenophobic or worse??

Ok people speak up if you want to maintain long term standards of living in your community and don't let the greenie/lefty/ABC/ politically correct mob try to bully you out of saying your piece ? if you do more fool you and you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!

Mike Howe - scroll down.

Do you know which city this is? Guess!

IT IS MARSEILLE, France's second largest city!
And do you know what is the second language spoken in Marseille?
Well, yes: French. The first is Arabic.
Give them Paradise and they will turn it to a garbage dump.
Gaddafi said in a speech that there was no need to invade Europe,
because in 20 years Europe would be Muslim.