Tuesday 21 January 2014

" Stop Bullies or Cop the Consequences !! "

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:24 PM
Subject: Fw: Stop Bullies or cop the consequences!!
Cc: Penny Wright ; Penny Wong ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Paul Green MLC ; Paul Fletcher ; Pat Conroy ; Palmer United Party ; P.Secker ; P. Neville ; Office of Helen Kroger (Senator) ; Nola Marino ; Nigel Scullion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nick Champion ; Nic Gray ; Nathan Rees ; Natasha Griggs ; Mitch Fifield ; Mike Baird ; Michaelia Cash ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Keenan ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Danby ; Melissa Parke ; Mehreen Faruqi ; McCrudden, Thomas (C. Bowen, MP) ; Mayer, Terese (B. Katter, MP) ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mathias Cormann ; Mark Quinn ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Butler MP ; Marise Payne ; Maria Vamvakinou ; Malcom Turnbull ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Louise Markus ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Lisa Chesters ; Linda Burney ; Laurie Ferguson ; Larissa Waters ; Lara Giddings ; Kim Carr ; Kevin Humphries ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Anderson MP
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:15 PM
Subject: Fw: Stop Bullies or cop the consequences!! 
Cc: Ian Macdonald ; Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Lisa Singh ; Hon Jan McLucas ; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon David Feeney ; Hon Bernie Ripoll ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Helen Kroger ; Gregory Pearce ; Greg Hunt ; Greens Party NSW ; Graham Perrett ; George Souris ; George Christensen ; George Brandis ; Geoff Lyons ; Gary Gray ; Gai Brodtmann ; Fred Nile MLC ; Fiona Nash ; Federal Greens Office ; Eric Abetz ; ElectorateOffice BlueMountains ; Ed Husic ; Duncan Gay ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Don Page ; Dennis.Jensen ; David Shoebridge ; David Johnston ; David Bushby ; Darren Chester ; Cory Bernardi ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cobb, John (MP) ; Clare O'Neil ; Claire Moore ; Christopher Evans ; Christopher Back ; Christine Milne ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Bowen ; Cathy McGowan AO ; Catherine King ; Carol Brown ; C.Pyne ; Bruce Scott
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:01 PM
Subject: Stop Bullies or cop the consequences!!

( Me at My place ) 
Mike's Comments - 21/1/2014.
Also on my blog - www. beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Stop Bullies or Cop the consequences "
People is it any wonder that the Greenies are losing public/voter support - as I am sure will be magnified in the pending Tassie elections the Greenies power base? - because very rarely do they support the average Aussie and instead looking with great sympathy to situations and/or organisations outside the Aussie borders and more than likely at a total disregard for the financial cost to the average Aussie & family doing it tough!!
Take for instance:
1. According to the " So-called " experts there is a global warming of 1% currently and regardless of the economic damage it will do to our economy from the point of international competitiveness and as a consequence the living standards of the 23 million Aussies living on this large and the driest continent on the planet the Greenies blackmailed a weak and disjointed Labor Party to impose a progressive carbon tax on us!!!!

Senator Hanson-Young
2. Then ofcourse - via the Greenies spokes person - the illustrious Senator Hanson--Young who is continually berating the Aussie population - the major majority of which did not vote for her or her Greenie mob - for not abiding by some totally out of date 1954 United Nations Convention on Refugees and that we should open our borders to any and all the waif a strays - human liabilities that no other country wants!! - and even as an unqualified,uneducated,non- English speaking refugee once allowed into the Aussie community - say husband,wife and (6) kids for example?? could be given as a gift from the average Aussie tax payer a weekly sum of about a $1000.00 per week tax free plus ofcourse Medicare,schooling etc; etc; paradise for the refugees family!depressing! disillusioned and disenchanting for the poor old already overburdened Aussie tax payer that has by law to make this possible!

Head Greenie Senator Milne.
3. Then ofcourse we have the Greenie Leader Senator Milne that was on the ABC News stating - today the 24/1/14 - that our PM Abbott should quote "Back off Indonesia"unquote!

Tony Abbott PM.
Yep people we as a nation should Kowtow and prostrate ourselves at the feet of these Indonesian bullies and beg for their forgiveness just like the Rudd, Gillard, Greenie mobs did before the last 2013 election hence 50,000 plus invaders of our shores breached our virtually non existent border control??
Without going into any great detail in regard to Indonesia because from my studies of the country someone could write volumes and still find more I should like to point out what I believe are pertinent points in regard to our current situation with them -
Indonesia is an archipelago of some 17,508 islands of which about 6000 are uninhabited and encompasses 33 provinces with a population estimated at 238 million.
Even though it is estimated that Indonesia will be one of the (5) worlds largest economies by say 2040 it does however have a large proportion of it's population that are in extreme poverty with at least an estimate of some 300,000 homeless?
Now I gather the Aussie Official Development Assistance budget for 2013 - 2014 to Indonesia is $622,785,435.oo which I gather is for Health,Education,Economic Development,Governance, Humanitarian,General Development Support.
However while our doing it tough Aussie tax payers are paying for and maintaining the Indonesian domestic situation their military budget for 2014 is USD 7.91 billion?
They have an active military of 476,000 and they could call on a volunteer force from the ages of 16 - 49 ? are you ready for this??? 52,000,000 that's millions!! and that is apart from and excluding law enforcement and paramilitary of about 650,000 actives!!
It is estimated that in 2015 they have a budget for a massive shopping list for military hardware & equipment including -ships,tanks,fighter planes,missiles,artillery,vehicles and the list goes on and on to the tune of USD 16.7 billion making them the regions chief military spender!!

Teflon Bill Shorten.
Union & Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader & Alleged Rapist.
So question Greenie Party Leader Senator Milne who wants our PM to back off and our " Flip & Flop " Opposition Leader - you know people the bloke that could not decide which Labor Leader to support/follow and got it wrong on both counts!!- Bill Shorten who is concerned about how the Abbott mob is dealing with Indonesia?? what do we do?? wait until Indonesia becomes the military power of the Region and dumps another 50 - 100 - 200.000 of their human liabilities onto us when we are to weak militarily to defend ourselves?? or stand toe to toe with them now while we could match it with them - not that I believe either of our countries have the stomach nor could financially afford military action/war especially over a bunch of refugees that are not citizens of either country and/or neither countries wants!!!
It has been brought to my attention by a number of business men over the years that had their fingers burnt financially doing business in Indonesia that it is a very corrupt place to do business in with bribes the name of the day going all the way to the top of the Indonesian Administration!
Therefore is it any wonder that these people smugglers have operated with virtual impunity with Indonesian Crews, Boats and avoided this massive - by Aussie standards? law enforcement and paramilitary????
People the Aussie Nation did not fight in (2) world wars!! Korea! Vietnam! Iraq! Afghanistan and many other military skirmishes to get pushed around by a bunch of possibly corrupt Indonesians so lets hope the Abbott mob stick to their - and ofcourse Aussie - principles and stand firm because our sovereign borders are as important to us as they are to any country because without them what are we ?? refugees ofcourse!!
Some (50) years ago when I was an up and coming corporate manager I was given some good advice by a visiting business consultant who was about my age now and was reviewing the companies systems/procedures ? and that was -
Quote " It is better to get a punch on the nose now then wait until your hospitalised in (3) months time " unquote.
In other words confront your problems now and don't let them fester and get blown out of proportion later!! which I believe the Labor Party did by not confronting Indonesia a long time ago which now leaves the Abbott mob to clear up this entrenched mess!!!
Ok people speak up because due to the Greenie Wimps led by Senator Milne and the gutless Labor Party is why we find ourselves in this mess with Indonesia in the first place plus having some 50,000 plus unwanted/expensive refugees on our hands!!
Mike Howe.