Thursday 19 September 2013

" The ABC Gay/Lesbian Promotions Team Swing into Action "!!!

Well people various ABC management/staff must be frothing at the mouth and wetting their collective knickers/underpants in anticipation at the thought that finally Andrew Barr and his Labor mob along with their offsider the pathetically lonely Act Legislative Assemblies only Greenie Shane Rattenbury are going to thumb their collective noses at the Federal Government and the Aussie population in general and pass a bill allowing same sex marriage in the Act over the next month or (2) so much so that the ABC Gay/Lesbian promotion team swung into full action today - 19/9/2013 - on the ABC Radio as follows:

1. First cab off the rank to be interviewed was the Chief Minister for the Act Katy Gallagher who stated that the bill could be legally challenged by the federal government and/or dissolved by both houses of parliament however it was an election promise!! but bugger the legal cost hey Katy??

2. Second cab off the rank you hear the Act Attorney General Simon Corbell announcing it in the Assembly then the applause from the public gallery!!

3. Third cab of the rank is a mother? name? of a son who is gay who stated what a great idea - or words to that effect?? that??-that this bill was being put through?? notice the confidence!! no if's might or but's it was going through!! yet it has not even been debated yet?? what an undemocratic dictatorial farce!!

4. Fourth cab off the rank was the illustrious yet lonely Act Greenie Shane Rattenbury who stated that the Greens ( plural??) maybe he is so full of his own importance as a king maker - because without his support Katy and her Labor mob would not be in power the L & NP would be!! he has forgotten that there were (4) Greenies in the Act but the voters - quite rightly in my view sacked the other (3)!! and Rattenbury- like Andrew Barr - just got over the line by the skin of their collective teeth!!

Rattenbury when questioned about the re-action of the federal government he - in my view - quite cockily stated that thanks to the ex Senator and Greenie Leader Bob Brown who talked the Gillard Labor government into changing the federal law where previously under Howard a Minister had the power to over ride the Act Legislative Assembly law's now it takes a majority of both houses to over turn any law's!! Ha! Ha! that wirily old Bob Brown verses the gullible do anything to stay in power Gillard Labor mob?? Bob planning for the future maybe?? like now!!

Well people that was it!! and apart from a very brief mention of some barrister discussing federal marriage and stating the Act reference number there were No!! other dissenting points of view/arguments?? no interview with the Act Opposition Leader Jeremy Hanson?? and from my past experience - which  I have stated numerous times in previous mike's comments!! there is no doubt in my mind there will be more than just pro-bias promotion of gay/lesbian marriage within various facets of the ABC organisation ie; Q&A? Insiders? Adam Hills Show? 7.30 Report? you watch people this ABC mob are so fanatical pro gay/lesbian that in my view they just can't help themselves!! ? the Abbott mob should take a serious look at the ABC's special promotions funding??!

Ok people let us take a quick look at this " Mickey Mouse " government in the form of the Act Legislative Assembly which is no doubt about to embark on a very disruptive and costly - using scarce tax payers funds - to satisfy the needs of a certain minority! in your face! noisy! aggressive ! with inside political muscle/influence bunch of Aussies that have a certain - whether declared or not - sexual preference!!

1. The Act government has delivered the biggest deficit in the territories history -
     - $381 million dollars!!

2. The Act government has a projected deficit of $117.6 million for 2013-14!!

3. It is estimated that the federal governments (tax payer funded) employees represent about 26% of the Act population and as we are fully aware that the Abbott mob are about to reduce that somewhat drastically and this is undoubtedly going to have an negative effect on the Act economy which as I have shown is already experiencing massive deficits!!

So people who is the Treasure responsible/accountable for the Act deficit debacle???

Well the none other than the illustrious Deputy Chief Minister Andrew Barr!!

Maybe the tax payers and citizens of the Act should demand that the Treasurer/Deputy Chief Minister Andrew Barr should spend more valuable tax payer funded time on the Act economy and less time on under mining the federal governments- and as a consequence the Aussie populations! - marriage Act and the planning of his wedding ceremony to his partner Anthony Tom??

In my view the Deputy Chief Minister Andrew Barr should abstain from voting because of his conflict of interest!!

Ok people speak up and make sure these pollies at all levels of this over governed country of ours are made accountable in just how they spend our hard earned scarce tax payers funds because why should the majority of the population miss out because of a noisy in your face politically influential minority whoever they maybe???
