( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 22/5/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Sir Mike's Comments 22/5/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject " Little Billy's ' Magic Pudding Economics '
" The Magic Pudding " from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
People I am sure that across the Aussie Nation there would be very few Aussies that have not
heard or read about " The Magic Pudding " being the Adventures of
Bunyip Bluegum and his
friends Bill Barnacle and Sam Sawnoffis an Australian children’s
book written and illustrated
by Norman Lindsay.
It is a comic fantasy, and a classic of Australian children’s literature.
by Norman Lindsay.
It is a comic fantasy, and a classic of Australian children’s literature.
The story is set in Australia with humans mixing with anthropomorphic animals,refer picture
It tells of a magic pudding which, no matter how often it is eaten, always reforms in order to
be eaten again.
It is owned by three companions who must defend it against Pudding Thieves who want it for
It tells of a magic pudding which, no matter how often it is eaten, always reforms in order to
be eaten again.
It is owned by three companions who must defend it against Pudding Thieves who want it for
If we look at the Aussie Labor Party's history of National Economics we can see that they
practice this socialistic/communistic "Magic Pudding Economics" and have done for decades,
where they spend today with the ideological view that the funds will be recovered from those
that have the financial so-called "Wherewithal" to pay,"The Robin Hood Syndrome where
they try, I emphasise " TRY", to rob the rich and give to the poor" where they use the industrial
muscle of the once powerful Union movement to intimidate any resistance by any means
needed including violence.
This tactic has failed miserably as I pointed out in mike's comments dated the 4/1/2016
Subject: "Unions - Their used by date".
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition leader, Union Heavy Weight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy.
Kathy - Teflon Billy's alleged " Rape " victim.
Malcolm Turnbull the current LNP Aussie PM.
Scott Morrison the current LNP Treasurer.
As from the 1st July 2016 the LNP government have budgeted that some
870,000 small
businesses with a turnover threshold of up to (10) million dollars
employing some (3.5)
million Aussies will have a lower company tax by (1) % from (28.5%) to
However so-called " Big Business " with a turnover of (10) million plus will not get their
lower company tax rate of (27.5%) straight away but as follows:
1. Businesses with a turnover of between (10) million and (25) million will get their lower
company tax rate of (27.5%) in the tax year 2017 - 2018.
2. Businesses with a turnover of up to ($50) million will get their lower
company tax rate
of (27.5%) in the tax year 2018-2019.
of (27.5%) in the tax year 2018-2019.
3. Then businesses with a turn over of a ($100) million plus will get their
lower company
tax rate of (27.5%) in the tax year 2019-2020.
It is envisaged that in some (4) years, by 2020, half the Aussie work
force, some 4.9
million, will be employed by Aussie companies that have the lower company tax rate of
million, will be employed by Aussie companies that have the lower company tax rate of
Now people surely you must have heard, or seen and
heard,Teflon Billy Shorten banging
on about giving the top end of town tax cuts.
Teflon Billy keeps referring to the ($50) billion it is going to cost the Aussie people when
on about giving the top end of town tax cuts.
Teflon Billy keeps referring to the ($50) billion it is going to cost the Aussie people when
these lower company taxes are applied to the so-called big end of
However Teflon Billy is happy for the lowering of tax for small businesses and wants the
threshold to remain to (2) billion dollars and below, and Teflon Belly will use the so-called
savings, ie: the estimated ( I emphasise the estimated ) so-called savings, because unless
the Aussie economy picks up and does not continue into " Deflation " as it is currently,
regardless of what some of the Reserve Board Members are trying to do, and that is put
a more rosy picture on the economy to cover for the fact that they collectively were
asleep at the wheel, or worse ie: stagnation or depression, and the companies actually
make enough profits to pay any company tax?? if not ? where are the funds for Teflon
Billy's great spendathon going to come from?? Labor’s " The Magic Pudding "?.
However Teflon Billy is happy for the lowering of tax for small businesses and wants the
threshold to remain to (2) billion dollars and below, and Teflon Belly will use the so-called
savings, ie: the estimated ( I emphasise the estimated ) so-called savings, because unless
the Aussie economy picks up and does not continue into " Deflation " as it is currently,
regardless of what some of the Reserve Board Members are trying to do, and that is put
a more rosy picture on the economy to cover for the fact that they collectively were
asleep at the wheel, or worse ie: stagnation or depression, and the companies actually
make enough profits to pay any company tax?? if not ? where are the funds for Teflon
Billy's great spendathon going to come from?? Labor’s " The Magic Pudding "?.
Then we have " Negative Gearing " where Teflon Billy wants to restrict negative gearing
to new homes only as from July 2017, and have the Tax Discount on
investment properties
reduced to (25%) where Teflon Billy estimates that will net Labor
some ($30) billion over
the next decade ? some (3) Federal Elections from now and assuming
Teflon Billy's
Labor mob win all three, other wise as I have stated before many
times, Teflon Billy is
committing future governments to this scheme ? very
Plus ofcourse Teflon Billy is assuming that minus investors due to the lack of the
negative gearing incentive, that the new housing market will boom as it has recently,
however if not, because it is estimated that there is a surplus of newly constructed
units in Sydney and Melbourne currently,plus the lack of new land and infrastructure
for housing.
Therefore again where is Teflon Billy's funds coming from for the great spendathon
? Labors "The Magic Pudding".
Superannuation - I gather earnings for retirees in the pension phase are currently tax
free, however Teflon Billy wants to tax annual income above $75,000 at (15%) where
they hope to raise ($14) billion again over a decade, again (3) Federal elections from
now? and committing future governments ? highly doubtful.
Therefore again where is Teflon Billy's funds coming from for the great spendathon
? Labors "The Magic Pudding".
Superannuation - I gather earnings for retirees in the pension phase are currently tax
free, however Teflon Billy wants to tax annual income above $75,000 at (15%) where
they hope to raise ($14) billion again over a decade, again (3) Federal elections from
now? and committing future governments ? highly doubtful.
This ofcourse Teflon Billy is assuming, or trying to con the voting plebbs, that the
retirees wont shift their savings away from super, and offshore, or
there is not a
significant drop in super earnings because of a down turn or a deflationary effect on
not only the Aussie economy but globally as well?.
significant drop in super earnings because of a down turn or a deflationary effect on
not only the Aussie economy but globally as well?.
Therefore again where are these funds coming from to pay/fund Teflon Billy's
spendathon? Labors "The Magic Pudding "?.
People these are just "Head Line" grabbing "Political Thought
Bubbles" and con jobs
that Teflon Billy and his Labor mob hope will get them over the line on election night
and Teflon Billy into the PM's Canberra Lodge.
Anyone with half a brain can easily see that Teflon Billy in the majority of cases is
that Teflon Billy and his Labor mob hope will get them over the line on election night
and Teflon Billy into the PM's Canberra Lodge.
Anyone with half a brain can easily see that Teflon Billy in the majority of cases is
talking in (10) year periods,decades, but ofcourse even if Teflon
Billy wins the 2/7/2016
election Teflon Billy's mob will only be able to have some control,
and I use the word
"Some" very, very lightly, based on the Labor Party's past history
up to and including
2013, of the first (3) years of the so-called (10) year, decade,
These Teflon Billy's (10) year,decade, illusionary political thought bubble solutions
are unsustainable as compared to say across the board manufacturing, technical
These Teflon Billy's (10) year,decade, illusionary political thought bubble solutions
are unsustainable as compared to say across the board manufacturing, technical
and services industries which increases the possibilities of
employment and the long
term interest of the Aussie nation as a whole, and not something
where the countries
economy is relying on a small proportion of the Aussie population
paying more tax.
There is a saying attributed to that great, renowned and distinguished UK pollie Sir
Winston Churchill and it goes something like this:
There is a saying attributed to that great, renowned and distinguished UK pollie Sir
Winston Churchill and it goes something like this:
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is
like a man, standing in
bucket and trying to lift himself up by the
Therefore surely people this is exactly what Teflon Billy and his Labor mob, with their
Therefore surely people this is exactly what Teflon Billy and his Labor mob, with their
lefty,socialistic,communistic doctrine and union philosophy are
trying to con the Aussie
voters into thinking, that by robbing the so-called rich/top end of town the problems
for the rest down the food chain, the trickle down theory, will be all sorted?? rubbish!!
has never worked never will!!
The rich/top end of town, refer to them as you will, are to powerful,influential,flexible
voters into thinking, that by robbing the so-called rich/top end of town the problems
for the rest down the food chain, the trickle down theory, will be all sorted?? rubbish!!
has never worked never will!!
The rich/top end of town, refer to them as you will, are to powerful,influential,flexible
and usually well resourced and 'Twas ever thus down the
That is why the two major powers like China and Russia, to name but a few, have and
are rapidly going over to market economies because they have realised that for their
economies to grow and prosper there needs to be the incentive for all to endeavour
to become part of the rich/top end of town.
That is why the two major powers like China and Russia, to name but a few, have and
are rapidly going over to market economies because they have realised that for their
economies to grow and prosper there needs to be the incentive for all to endeavour
to become part of the rich/top end of town.
However little Teflon Billy as part of his DNA believes he is still addressing and stirring
up his union mobs and true believers, which might be ok for a rabble raising union
leader but in this day and age ?? our Aussie Prime Minister ? oh
mate how low can we
Now according to DebtClock.com.au who I find supply great down to
earth, layman
style and very easy to understand information, and which I have compared to the ABS
style and very easy to understand information, and which I have compared to the ABS
figures in the past however, the DebtClock web page is far easier
to understand, I
find the following:
find the following:
Aussies government debt = $397 billion and growing by $110 million per day.
Interest per year = $142 billion.
Interest per Second = $451.00
Population = 23,483,349 million
Debt per citizen = $16,934.00.
GNP = $1,623 Trillion
Debt as a % of GNP = 23,07%
Household Debt = 1,523 Trillion
Business Debt = $764 Billion.
Household Debt = 1,523 Trillion
Business Debt = $764 Billion.
Mortgage Debt = 1.415 Trillion
Owner occupied mortgage
debt =$934.9 Billion
Investors mortgage debt = $483.9 Billion.
debt =$934.9 Billion
Investors mortgage debt = $483.9 Billion.
Personal debt = $184.8 Billion.
Credit card debt =$46.7 Billion.
You only have to read the Aussie Labor Parties " Labor's 100 Positive Policies "
which I have,to realise that it is just more of the same, Labor's " Magic Pudding
Economics " and is just another Labor Parties spendathon with little to say or do
in regard to this ever increasing financial burden which is making our nation as
a whole poorer by the second, and where we are leaving for our future generations
a situation that they will not remember us very kindly for.
You only have to read the Aussie Labor Parties " Labor's 100 Positive Policies "
which I have,to realise that it is just more of the same, Labor's " Magic Pudding
Economics " and is just another Labor Parties spendathon with little to say or do
in regard to this ever increasing financial burden which is making our nation as
a whole poorer by the second, and where we are leaving for our future generations
a situation that they will not remember us very kindly for.
Senator Penny Wong the Leader of the Labor Opposition Party in the
I hear Senator Penny Wong an openly lesbian pollie announced today the 21/5/16 that
I hear Senator Penny Wong an openly lesbian pollie announced today the 21/5/16 that
if elected Labor will appoint a LGBT Commissioner.
These Commissioners, which we Tax Payers have a myriad of covering disability,race,
discrimination and the list goes on, do not come cheap because they usually
start at
least $400,000 PA basic salary, staff, vehicles,office and
travel ? and in this case of the LGBT is to just cover at the most 2-3% of
our Aussie
population, say 2-300,000, mostly middle to upper financial class of
people, rarely if
ever on the poverty line, therefore what does that say about this Labor
Party and it's
arrogant spare no expensive spendathon??.
Tanya Plibersek MP the Federal Labor Deputy Opposition Leader.
Tanya Plibersek has today, 21/5/2016, stated that if Labor is elected Labor will increase
our Overseas Aid by $200,000,000, that's million, plus give a further
$400,000,000, that's
million, to the United Nations Refugee Organisation.
We have financial problems in this country that desperately need urgent funding from
the " Cradle to the grave " and have done down the decades, and while Plibersek was
part of the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, governments, yet we can, according to Labor, afford to
We have financial problems in this country that desperately need urgent funding from
the " Cradle to the grave " and have done down the decades, and while Plibersek was
part of the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, governments, yet we can, according to Labor, afford to
give away a " FURTHER " $600,000,000 million over what is currently
budgeted for?.
Yet another and even worse bit of Labor Party " Magic Pudding Economics "
From my extensive past experience dealing with Unions and there Leaders
there is
no doubt that it is in their DNA to be " Takers not makers " and it is not that they are
stupid, far from it!
It is that they are so use to making demands with little care, if any, where the resources
no doubt that it is in their DNA to be " Takers not makers " and it is not that they are
stupid, far from it!
It is that they are so use to making demands with little care, if any, where the resources
are coming from, or what effort is required to meet their demands, and that
they carry this
attitude into their political life, and as the Union Movement is the main
support, especially
financially, for the Labor Party, in fact 'IS' the Labor Party as far as I am concerned, there
financially, for the Labor Party, in fact 'IS' the Labor Party as far as I am concerned, there
is no way as long as their bums point towards the ground will they ever
balance the nations
This has been more than historically proven at all the (3) levels of this
over governed
country of ours for decades now and reading Labor's " 100 Positive Policies
" which have
serious flaws in regard to how the Aussie Nation is going to fund them, and
listening to
Teflon Billy's " Feel Good Motherhood Statements " which like Teflon Billy,refer mike's
comments dated the 4/12/2014 Subject: " Teflon Bill Shorten has" Feet of Clay" " show
where nothing has changed, and therefore we can expect more of the same, or worse,
than what happened under the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd administration and where this National
Financial disaster/debacle of use the national credit card " Spend now and get someone
else to pay later " started, and it would appear the Labor Party's political " War cry " now.
Teflon Billy's " Feel Good Motherhood Statements " which like Teflon Billy,refer mike's
comments dated the 4/12/2014 Subject: " Teflon Bill Shorten has" Feet of Clay" " show
where nothing has changed, and therefore we can expect more of the same, or worse,
than what happened under the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd administration and where this National
Financial disaster/debacle of use the national credit card " Spend now and get someone
else to pay later " started, and it would appear the Labor Party's political " War cry " now.
Say and promise anything now to get the vote's and us over the line, then
blame the
previous mob when our lies and false promises become evident and the
economy goes
even more " Pear " shaped, because what do we care it's another many 1000's
of dollars
to our more than generous, by world standards, superannuation scheme plus perks which
we get win or lose!!
to our more than generous, by world standards, superannuation scheme plus perks which
we get win or lose!!
Paid for by the silly naive bastards that put us here in the first place,
so they have only
themselves to blame!!
People you, your pay packet, wallet, purse, bank account are the " Magic Pudding " these
self interested, misleading, false never possible promises and often out
right lying pollies
are using to more than often squander on ideological issues that favour themselves and
are using to more than often squander on ideological issues that favour themselves and
or minority groups, religion, their friends,Unions and the so-called " Big
End Of Town ".
Therefore if you are prepared to put up with this " Magic Pudding Economics " which has
Therefore if you are prepared to put up with this " Magic Pudding Economics " which has
to be far more detrimental to all those under $50,000.00 PA, a $1000.00 per
week, and
which is by far the majority of the Aussie population, and as such without question the
power house as to who get's into any of the (3) levels of government, local, state and
federal!!! then don't whinge when you tick the wrong box and you get the " Rough end
which is by far the majority of the Aussie population, and as such without question the
power house as to who get's into any of the (3) levels of government, local, state and
federal!!! then don't whinge when you tick the wrong box and you get the " Rough end
of the Pineapple " because mate that pineapple is going to be stuck up
there for at least (3)
years making sitting down without an extreme amount of pain, even for the
most hardened
masochists, virtually ' IMPOSSIBLE '.
A Pineapple and " Magic Pudding Economics ".
Sir Mike Howe - but you call me Mike.