( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 30/5/2016.
Also on my
blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Billy the ever Union Heavyweight "
Malcolm Turnbull the Aussie PM.
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition leader, Union Heavy Weight,homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim Kathy.
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Billy the ever Union Heavyweight "
Malcolm Turnbull the Aussie PM.
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition leader, Union Heavy Weight,homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim Kathy.
Kathy - Teflon Billy's alleged rape victim.
People anyone that has read my blogs will know that I am not any great fan of Malcolm Turnbull, but never-the-less he definitely outshone little Teflon Billy Shorten at last nights Leaders Debate on the ABC at 7.30 pm.
People anyone that has read my blogs will know that I am not any great fan of Malcolm Turnbull, but never-the-less he definitely outshone little Teflon Billy Shorten at last nights Leaders Debate on the ABC at 7.30 pm.
Where Turnbull gave a very professional statesmen like address when compared to that little smart arse and a typical unionistic aggressive Teflon Billy where my parrot, if I had one, could have done just as good, if not a better job.
Turnbull was pointing out the bleeding obvious that without prosperity and a sound economy which in turn would encourage investment and thereby employment, which again in turn would allow governments, from the increased tax revenue, to enable Aussie to maintain a high standard of education, health care, welfare, as well as assist business that currently employs some 5 million Aussies, and develop our own military manufacturing industry plus encourage innovations generally.
Turnbull pointed out that it is the private sector that creates jobs and powers the economy,and as such if Aussie wants to encourage this type of investment it must become and remain internationally competitive.
The old saying that goes down the centuries of " Employers- The
private sector create wealth and jobs, governments across the board only
make jobs at the Tax Payers expense and generate no revenue
just recover, or endeavour too, the Tax Payers expended Taxes
Whereas little Billy just rambled on with his socialist, bordering on communistic, populous " Feel good platitudes " and " Motherhood Statements " and the " Magic Pudding $50 billion dollar tax cuts for the wealthy " and the " $17 billion dollar tax cuts going to the banks " which by all accounts, if not allowed, is going to pay for, fund, little Billy's " Spendathon " and we voters will be told prior to the election day on the 2/7/2016, after all the Labor policies have been rolled out, how little Billy is going to fund, with Tax Payers money, his " Vote for me and I'll do it right for you " Spendathon?.
Yeah right, the Labor Party going back decades have history in this regard, and it's not good!!
Whereas little Billy just rambled on with his socialist, bordering on communistic, populous " Feel good platitudes " and " Motherhood Statements " and the " Magic Pudding $50 billion dollar tax cuts for the wealthy " and the " $17 billion dollar tax cuts going to the banks " which by all accounts, if not allowed, is going to pay for, fund, little Billy's " Spendathon " and we voters will be told prior to the election day on the 2/7/2016, after all the Labor policies have been rolled out, how little Billy is going to fund, with Tax Payers money, his " Vote for me and I'll do it right for you " Spendathon?.
Yeah right, the Labor Party going back decades have history in this regard, and it's not good!!
Teflon Billy Shorten was the Victorian and National Secretary for
the AWU.
People I have seen blokes like little Billy many times before as union shop stewards, union reps and union heavy weights addressing their members at union meetings, normally outside the gates where the union reps have instructed the employees to walked off the job, spitting fire and brimstone and stirring up their members and promising them the world and encouraging them to stop work and go on strike, while they will take on those greedy " Bosses " on their behalf.
The union movement encourages the " Them and us mentality " and " Class warfare " and does not allow any direct contact between the employees and management in order to justify their existence.
Now this is 'exactly', I emphasise ' Exactly', what Teflon Billy, a very heavy weight unionist, is doing, it's part of his DNA, by continually highlighting the ' Tax cuts ' for the wealthy, top end of town, he is playing the " Class warfare card " the "Them and us con " in order to appeal to the voters, who no doubt are doing it tough, and that a vote for Labor will see them right because only Labor will protect them from the " Greedy wealthy and top end of town ".
Which ofcourse is absolute " BULLSHIT " because in all my years of dealing with the unions ie: TWU, Storeman & Packers, WWF, Federated Clerks plus other minor unions, they 'NEVER' once won the day in the long run, in fact in all cases it was to the union members detriment and I refer you to mike's comments dated the 4/1/2016 Subject " Unions - Their used by date ".
Therefore there is absolutely ' NO DOUBT ' in my mind that if the Aussie voters are going to naively trust this unionist Teflon Billy Shorten and his Labor mob with the hope that this total misrepresentation bordering on lies and deceit, to say nothing of 'Total bullshit', that we are hearing from Teflon Billy's Labor mob will in fact be delivered, then to say they will be gravely disappointed and disadvantaged will be a gross understatement.
Teflon Billy stated that Turnbull's mob have increased the national debt since they have been in power and I was surprised that Turnbull did not mention the fact that a great percentage of that was the unfunded commitments of billions of dollars that the Labor Gillard mob. prior to being chucked out of office in September 2013, was due to the like's of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Gonski Education system.
Not once in Teflon Billy's submission did he mention how he and his Labor mob are going to reduce Aussies national debt of some $397 billion, yep billion! and climbing, with at least a million dollars per day interest.
No because as a union man he does not have a bloody clue!!!! because as I have stated before unions are " Takers not Makers" especially with other peoples money, in this case Aussie Tax Payers scarce funds.
However people I am just one vote like every one else, but as an old age pensioner and part of an ever increasing demographic of an aging population we surely are not naive enough not to realise that when, not if, they have history, that should Teflon Billy and his Labor mob win the 2/7/2016 election and further stuff up Aussies national economy and finances and increase the unemployment and the under employment, then there is no doubt that what has happened in Europe and other Western societies the first to feel the ramifications will be pensioners, low income earners and people relying on Tax Payer funded welfare, medical facilities etc;.
This socialistic, communistic and bureaucratic financial system that Teflon Billy and his Labor mob are advocating, or better still trying to con the Aussie voters into, is so "Yesterday's way" of running a country that as such Teflon Billy is putting us back generations, and where it has been proven not to work with devastating effects on the people that Teflon Billy maintains he is going to protect.
Take for instance those countries that adopted the socialistic type system something similar to Teflon Billy's vision for Aussie if he and his Labor mob get elected on the 2/7/2016:
Latin America: Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Honduras, Paraguay, Guyana
and Nicaragua - all failures!!
Vladimir Putin the President of Russia.
Even China and Russia who could be classed as the Mother countries and originator of socialism are rapidly trying to become a " Market-oriented " economy, even if not fully in China then certainly partially, and who knows what will happen down the track generations from now.
Bob Hawke - Ex Aussie PM.
Paul Keaton one of the best Treasurers Aussie has had plus an Ex Aussie PM.
Teflon Billy and his Unionistic Labor mob, plus the Greenies are ideologically anti business, and with the exception of the Hawke and Keating era always have been, and unfortunately while the Labor party is controlled by the union movement will always be !!
However whatever box or boxes you want to tick on election day is entirely up to you obviously, but if you are religious, I'm not, and you accept Teflon Billy's " Bullshit " when we know that it is a well known fact, and his history is well documented, that Teflon Billy cannot be trusted in either his personal or political life!! yet you go ahead and elect him anyway.
Well then look for a good reliable " God " to come to your aid and welfare, because mate you are going to bloody need it !! although just pray don't whinge!!
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.