Saturday, 7 May 2016

" Billy's Robin Hood 10 Year Plan "


( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 8/5/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject " Billy's Robin Hood 10 Year Plan "


People just imagine that as an employee, which ofcourse, and I say this " Very Tongue
in Cheek ", pollies across this three tiered over governed nation of ours are supposed to
be ie: Public Servants, you were compelled to justify your employment for your next three
four years by presenting a budgetary plan showing anticipated costs and potential savings
and revenue.

Now I realise that in my previous life as a Manager and later a proprietor this goes on now.

However I am referring to all employees not just Ministers ( Managers ) but Back Bencher's
( Clerks, drivers, storeman and the like ).

Now ofcourse we would have to be very naive to believe that all those concerned would
not put forward the most positive plan to the Owners, Board and or share holders in order
to get, or at least remain, re-employed.

Therefore we surely have to ask ourselves when listening to any pollies is what they are
saying, even under the oath of office, in our in interest or mostly theirs? after all they have
families, mortgages and the general private concerns as with all Aussies and ofcourse our
state and federal parliaments are becoming more and more a place for professional pollies.

However, ( excluding Local government pollies who although get a small retainer plus some
out of pocket expenses, and who I believe truly represent the Aussie population and are
real " Peoples Parliament " ) they have wages and conditions and privilege's that the
rest of us Aussies could only
dream of!!

Teflon Billy Shorten the current Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, Homosexual Advocate and alleged " Rapist ".

Robin Hood a heroic outlaw in English Folklore and is portrayed as " Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor ".

People I recorded Teflon Billy's so-called " Reply Speech " to the current LNP Governments
current " 2016 Budget " and have replayed it three times just to make sure I did not miss
to much of Teflon Billy's possibly mainly unfunded "Motherhood Statements" as if he was
still at some Union Town
Hall meeting revving up the "True Believer's", and did his little
chest puff out which in turn brought
on that sickly smirky smile of his as the Labor Parties
"Rent a crowd" in the
parliamentary gallery clapped and cheered.

How bloody pathetic!! and he wants to be our next Prime Minister???

Now obviously it is a " Robin Hood " plan, where with the exception of putting up the price
of a packet of smokes, which is going to hit the so-called poor harder than the so-called
Teflon Billy's mob aim's over at least the next (10) years, where unless his Labor mob
elected for this 2016 election plus the next (2) ie; 2019 and 2022, they are hoping to
commit future
governments too,which ofcourse is total rubbish! it is mainly a plan to do a
"Robin Hood" act and rob the so-called "Rich" and give to the so-called "Poor" a very
"Communistic and Socialistic" plan that has and is ( Refer Russia and China to name the
major players at least ) failing miserably world wide and which Teflon Billy's mob knows
only to well will certainly not work here, and where the Labor Party since Gough Whitlam
have tried to instituted in the past and as a result have got us into this national financial
debacle now! where
Aussies have been encouraged to become welfare dependent which is,
and has been, a
disincentive for the hard working Tax Payers who are becoming a
diminishing factor.

Leigh Sales the ABC 7.30 Report. 5/5/2016

As Leigh Sales pointed out to Teflon Billy when she interviewed little Billy after his so-called
"Reply Speech" where he was railing on about the so-called "Top End of Town" tax breaks,
that there are (3) million families, that's MILLION, in Aussie that pay "LESS" tax than the
Payer funded welfare they receive!! however Teflon Billy just looked like a little stunned
mullet for a second or two, mumbled something, and promptly changed the subject.

Yeah why wouldn't he.

Now I don't propose to cover all that Teflon Billy went on about in his speech because being
a typical Union Labor Party Leader he was trying to be "All things to all people", and as the
goes on to say "For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all,
that I might win the more" and as such covered the full political spectrum.

However Teflon Billy mentioned in his speech something to the effect that it now takes (16)
times the average full time wage earners salary to buy a house? and he mentioned that would
be some where between $40 and $60,000 PA which ofcourse if we take say an average of
$50,000 PA that would equal a property of some $800,000? he did not mention what city or
what suburb within that city he was referring too.

Now generally ofcourse this is a load of political hype, and some what rubbish, because there
are many
100's of descent clean well appointed three bedroom homes in the outer suburbs of
Sydney, and certainly up in the Blue Mtns where I lived and brought up a family for some 40
plus years, the once Labor heart land but no more, from $300 to $500,000, check out the
property market on the internet.

Or better still come and live in the thriving Tamworth, New England Area where for that money
you can get a few hectares just say (20) minutes out of the largest country town in NSW and
that being Tamworth with all it's major banks, retail/department stores, government departments,
insurances companies, sporting grounds, swimming pools and the list goes on and on and
what is more the unemployment figures are some of the lowest in NSW and declining especially
in regard to qualified tradies.

But ofcourse Teflon Billy would not be interested in the Tamworth, New England area because
to date Labor has no chance of winning seats out here because country people are far more
realistic and have better self reliance and an independent attitude,plus have much more common
sense than to rely on the socialistic Labor Party welfare dependant hand outs!!! 

Now according to Teflon Billy and his mob by restricting " Negative Gearing " as from I gather
2017 on new homes only, it will lower prices and generate more employment for the tradies?.

Ok, as a 75 going on 76 year old ex property owner let me inform you all, from decades of
experience what undoubtedly will happen:

1. Yes our property values will drop slightly but not to any great extent
because the Aussie
property markets are the corner stone of our Aussie financial system and although the
"Negative Gearing" will still apply to existing homes, as the older homes are replaced with new
ones that are not "Negative Geared" there will be a lot less incentive for investors to fund new
properties ie: housing, units and properties in general etc:.

Therefore first home buyers, due to the shortage of supply of new homes and dwellings will
just as bad off, if not worse, in the long run.

Which ofcourse will have serious ramifications for Teflon Billy's so-called tradies and the
industry in general,and as a consequence the Aussie economy, especially the banking
and financial
industry, will suffer as it does regularly when there is a down turn in the building

2. I gather this "Half Baked" Labor Party "Negative Gearing" plan/scheme will still allow me, and
along with every one else as investors to "Negative Gear" the majority of other investments
such as shares, money markets,and the list is very lengthy, to offset loses against my income.

Therefore what incentive has investors got in investing in property, which is a long term
and full of financial pit falls and problems, and how does that reduce the price of
property and
help lower income and first home buyers when there ' Will' not 'Maybe' be a
shortage of supply?

According the the ABS the preliminary estimated resident population (ERP) of Australia at 30
September 2015 was 23,810,100 million people.

This reflects an increase of 313,000 people since 30 September 2014, and 82,400 people since 30
June 2015 an increase of (1.3%) and seemingly there is no sign that a similar increase will not


No people this 'Half Baked' and 'Ill Conceived' Labor Party " Negative Gearing" plan/scheme is
just another "Feel Good"
hypocritical vote catching situation and a badly thought out scheme
just to get little Teflon Billy Shorten into the Prime Ministers Lodge in Canberra!!

In fact I have no doubt that 'IF' and 'OR' when Teflon Billy's Labor mob get into power they will
dump it into the usual political to 'Hard Basket' as a broken promise and blame the Turnbull mob
in some way or the other??. 

Chris Bowen the Federal Labor Parties Treasury spokesman.

Chris Bowen the motor mouth, talk under water with a mouth full of marbles, who was a disaster
under the Gillard Labor government as Immigration Minister where he failed to protect our
borders and allowed some 50,000 illegal boat people, 70 - 80% of whom 6-7 years or more later
are still unemployed and draining the Aussie Tax Payers Treasury on welfare and who was later,
again ? if I remember correctly still in the Gillard government or even the Rudd government? the
Federal Labor Treasurer where he did less than a mediocre job and now is, it would appear, the
power house behind this
potential debacle of a Labor "Negative Gearing" scheme/plan. 

If that is the case, and based on Chris Bowens previous political history and achievements, or
lack of, this Labor "Negative Gearing" scheme is "Doomed to Failure" before it even starts!

Teflon Billy Shorten during his "Motherhood" unfunded ramblings in the so-called "Reply Speech"
put great emphasis on "Trust" and the " Importance" of women in our Aussie society and how
they should be treated equally, and there should more equality in general and especially in the
work place (paused with a smiley smirk while acknowledging the cheering and clapping of the
Labor Party "Rent
a Crowd" in the gallery) to the extent that the Labor Party will have the
equal number of male and female pollies as
members of parliament.

However Teflon Billy, whether intentionally or not?, did not mention if there were to be a percentage
of "Transgender"," Gays","Lesbians" and or "Bi-sexual" in amongst his new dynamic Labor Mob.

Kathy, Teflon Billy Shortens alleged "Rape" victim.

People I wonder what the like's of Kathy feels like when as her alleged "Rapist" Teflon Billy appears 
on TV spruiking the words "Trust' and "Women" in the same sentence.

Deborah Beale, Teflon Billy's dumped wife.

People I wonder what the like's of Deborah Beale,Teflon Billy's dumped wife thinks when Teflon Billy
spruiks the words "Trust" and "Women" in the same sentence, when still being married to her shagged
and impregnated Chloe Bryce the daughter of our Ex Aussie Governor General Quentin Bryce while
Chloe Bryce was still married to another bloke.

Chloe Bryce.

Dame Quentin Bryce, Ex Aussie Governor General.

Julia Gillard, Ex Aussie PM and the first Aussie female PM.

I wonder what Julia Gillard thinks after Teflon Billy knifed her in her political back, the first female
Aussie PM, and replaced her with Kevin (707) Rudd when Gillard sees Teflon Billy spruik on about
"Trust" and "Women" in the same sentence.

Kevin (707) Rudd, Julia Gillard's replacement PM.

Teflon Billy was a Minister in Kevin Rudd's government when he, as a major player I gather,deposed
Rudd and replaced him with Julia Gillard stating his loyalty to her on many occasion!

But later decided he would once again change his loyalty back to Kevin Rudd and again got highly
involved in deposing Julia Gillard to return Kevin Rudd.

Same Sex Marriage from Wikipedia.

Teflon Billy stated in his "Reply Speech" that if elected he would introduce within the first 100 days
a bill for "Marriage Equality" and thereby save the Aussie Tax Payers the $160,000.000 put aside
for the Aussie plebiscite where the Aussie population was to be allowed to vote on whether Aussie
would change the Aussie Marriage Act to include "Gay Marriage" - "Same Sex Marriage" because
Teflon Billy stated it should be up to the parliament to decide and not put to a plebiscite, in other
not put direct to the Aussie people in general to vote on ??

How arrogant is that inferring that the Aussie population cannot
be trusted to vote on such an
important subject as the sanctity of marriage the corner stone of our
Aussie society.

This statement was greeted by the L.G.B.T mob and the Labor Party "Rent a Crowd" in the gallery
with thunderous applause and cheering much to little Teflon Billy's absolute delight.

People considering our governments at all three levels of this over governed Aussie nation of ours
where the LGBT mob only represent some 2-3% of the population, say 2-300,000, but are far more
represented by LGBT politicians than their standing in the population warrants, especially in the
Federal Parliament, and it would appear it is about to be bolstered by pending Gay's should they
be elected at the next ? 2/7/2016 election.

I have been reliably informed that at least 30-40% of Federal pollies are LGBT therefore there is
absolutely 'NO DOUBT' along with their supporters the bill will pass if a Teflon Billy's Labor Party
wins at the next 2/7/2016 Federal Election whether the vast majority of Aussie voters want it or

It can surely be seen by any reasonable person the blatant and flagrant way Teflon Billy openly
and publically treated, and
I should imagine embarrassed, his dumped wife Deborah Beale, that
Teflon Billy's regard for the
sanctity of marriage leaves a lot to be desired, if not down right
disgusting,so why would he care
what happens to the Aussie Marriage Act in it's current status
if it get's him votes and thereby into the PM's Lodge
in Canberra.

To my many 1000's of overseas readers I should point out that unlike Ireland and New Zealand
"Same Sex Marriage" was adopted after putting it to the vote of their populations, that
voting is not
compulsory in those countries, where it is in Aussie and Teflon Billy is in 'NO Doubt'
that "Same Sex
Marriage" put to the national vote where under our constitution there has
to be a majority of voters,
in the majority of states and territories vote for the change either "Yes
or "No" the answer would
be overwhelmingly 'NO', and therefore it has absolutely nothing to do
with saving the Aussie Tax
Payers the $160,000,000 for the plebiscite!! and considering the Labor
Party are such big spenders of the Tax Payers Funds that is just so hypocritical, and is just a voting
grab of the LGBT votes!!!

Tanya Plibersek, the Federal Labor Opposition Leader and the Member for Sydney.

Tanya Plibersek has one off the largest, if not the largest LGBT constituents, and without the
votes Plibersek would lose her seat, especially if a LGBT independent ran against her!!

Therefore this has bugger all to do with people loving each other, and more to do with political
survival and political expediency!

People any reasonable person could come to the conclusion that Teflon Billy Shorten cannot be
"Trusted" in either his private or political life and yet he is asking us to "Trust" him with the keys
to the PM's Lodge in Canberra and our Aussie nations wellbeing??

Wreck used car.

Well people considering all things would you "Buy a used car from Teflon Billy" because if you
do don't whinge when you find it only drives in reverse gear.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.