( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
People I have been told and read where people class the pollies across the political spectrum below the status of a "Used Car Salesman".
In my view Teflon Billy Shorten has that many strikes against him not only as Union Leader,Aussie pollie or and including his personal life, as I have mention many times in various mike's comments over the years, that I find it incomprehensible that he should be even considered for the position of the Aussie Prime Minister, and that you only have to read the attached article by Shane Dowling of Kangaroo Court publications and the many 10's of 1000's on so-called social media to realise I am not "Robin Crusoe" in this regard.
Therefore I have to ask ? what other Western civilised nation ie: Uk, Ireland, Europe generally,Canada, USA to name but a few, would elect a bloke that has an "Alleged" rape case hanging over his head? and that is apart from all the other allegations mentioned in Shane Dowling's article below.
The arrogant gall of this bloke Teflon Billy Shorten to totally carry on in the confidence that his position as the Leader of the Labor Opposition Party is so secure and rock solid,supported by the Union movement, as I have stated before the Unions are the Labor Party! that regardless what has occurred in his private life, which I believe has a lot to say about a persons character and values to say nothing of their honesty, and his political career to date where his loyalty obviously means nothing when it comes to his own political ambitions, and we only have to refer to the political knifing of ex PM's Rudd and Gillard where Teflon Billy was a Minister in both of their governments to find evidence of that!
Kevin Rudd. Ex Aussie PM.
Now you could say well this is politics because look at the what Malcolm Turnbull, the current PM, did to Tony Abbott and ofcourse I would have to agree with you.
Chloe Bryce the other women that Teflon Billy impregnated while she was still married to another bloke and while he was still married to Deborah Beale.
Dame Quentin Bryce an Ex Aussie Governor General and Mother of Chloe Bryce.
What a great example Teflon Billy would show to the Aussie population if he
Same sex marriage as promoted by Teflon Billy Shorten and who does not trust the
President Obama the current socialistic and bully boy of the USA.
What a great Branco ComicallyIncorrect.com cartoon that speaks not only a
Teflon Billy and his Labor mob may try and do what the socialistic USA President Obama is trying to enforce by law, and by "Social Engineering" and by having a "Gender neutral society" and that will include allowing "Transgender" males to use the female dressing rooms and toilets in schools and public places.
And so say all of us!!
If this is not the greatest opening for "Perverts" and "Peadophiles" to have legal
However people this may work with the Sydney and Melbourne sycophantic and
Expect violence.
There are at the moment at least (11) USA states taking legal action against the Obama government because the Obama mob are trying to force all the states in the USA to conform with "Transgender and Federal Gender Neutral Laws" in regard to
However it would appear that Teflon Billy, if we take into account what ShaneDowling is stating, is not into being "Gay" ? I have no idea in regard to being a
A picture of a 'Condom' just in case Teflon Billy has never seen one?.
It is well known that Teflon Billy is of the Catholic faith and as such ofcourse he abides by the Catholic Teachings about birth control and obviously does not wear a 'Condom'.
However it is seemingly ok to shag and impregnate some other blokes wife while they are still married to others??
Therefore I ask what example does this set for Teflon Billy Shorten as a potential Prime Minister of this great nation of Aussie??
Very poor in my view and certainly lowers the tone of the office when he is accused of the heinous crime of allegedly ' Raping ' a (16) year old,virtually defenceless young and vulnerable female, who I would suggest that due to the fact that Teflon Bill Shorten was a Labor Party Youth Leader at the camp at the time, and as such Teflon Billy allegedly abused his position of authority and trust.
John Dyson Heydon AC.QC.
It could also be the same when Teflon Billy was a Union Leader and the trust theUnion members gave him, yet again according to the alleged submissions in the recent Trade Union Royale Commission conducted by John Dyson Heydon AC.QC there was some doubt that Teflon Billy did the right thing by his Union members when negotiating with the employers.
The Prime Ministers Lodge, Canberra.
So people after reading Shane Dowling's article below, plus a myriad of other publications in the media, main and so-called social, witnessing what Teflon Billy has done in his personal and political life, and there is some serious doubt about his activities as a Union Leader to date,are you prepared to give him and his Union mates the key to the Prime Ministers Lodge in Canberra??
For what it is worth Me?
However people it is obviously up to you to decide where you put that " TICK " on election day the 2/7/2016, but don't whinge when you realise that you have fallen for the "Five Card"
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
Shane Dowling - Kangaroo Court of Australia.
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 26/5/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Sir Mike's Comments 26/5/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject " Bill Shorten's alleged crimes: fraud, theft, adultery and
rape - ? Next PM ".
Teflon Billy
Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition leader, Union Heavy Weight, homosexual
advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged
victim Kathy.
Kathy - Teflon Billy's alleged ' RAPE ' victim.
Kathy - Teflon Billy's alleged ' RAPE ' victim.
People I have been told and read where people class the pollies across the political spectrum below the status of a "Used Car Salesman".
However, surely even so there must be a limit to the depths we
allow our pollies to go before we allow
them to take their seat of power across this (3) tier over
governed nation of ours?especially if we ignore the
position of the Aussie Governor General and
therefore consider the position of the highest office in the
land as that being of our Federal Prime Minister.
In my view Teflon Billy Shorten has that many strikes against him not only as Union Leader,Aussie pollie or and including his personal life, as I have mention many times in various mike's comments over the years, that I find it incomprehensible that he should be even considered for the position of the Aussie Prime Minister, and that you only have to read the attached article by Shane Dowling of Kangaroo Court publications and the many 10's of 1000's on so-called social media to realise I am not "Robin Crusoe" in this regard.
Therefore I have to ask ? what other Western civilised nation ie: Uk, Ireland, Europe generally,Canada, USA to name but a few, would elect a bloke that has an "Alleged" rape case hanging over his head? and that is apart from all the other allegations mentioned in Shane Dowling's article below.
The arrogant gall of this bloke Teflon Billy Shorten to totally carry on in the confidence that his position as the Leader of the Labor Opposition Party is so secure and rock solid,supported by the Union movement, as I have stated before the Unions are the Labor Party! that regardless what has occurred in his private life, which I believe has a lot to say about a persons character and values to say nothing of their honesty, and his political career to date where his loyalty obviously means nothing when it comes to his own political ambitions, and we only have to refer to the political knifing of ex PM's Rudd and Gillard where Teflon Billy was a Minister in both of their governments to find evidence of that!
Kevin Rudd. Ex Aussie PM.
Jullia Gillard. Ex Aussie PM.
Now you could say well this is politics because look at the what Malcolm Turnbull, the current PM, did to Tony Abbott and ofcourse I would have to agree with you.
Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.
However to my knowledge Malcolm Turnbull with all his faults has not been accused of allegedly raping a (16) year old at a Labor Party youth gathering in Victoria in the 1980's,where Teflon Billy was a (19) year old Labor Party youth leader and therefore someone of political influence and power, and where now questioned about it just quote " Draws a line under it " unquote and refuses to talk about it let alone give the alleged rape victim 'Kathy' her day in court.
Again to my knowledge Malcolm Turnbull has not shagged some other blokes wife while she is still living, I gather, with the bloke and Teflon Billy still married, although I gather Teflon Billy was separated, then make an big announcement in the Aussie media that new bird (Chloe Bryce) the daughter of the now Ex Aussie Governor General Dame Quentin Bryce is pregnant and after their respective divorces they will get married, which they did.
Deborah Beale Teflon Billy's dumped wife.
However to my knowledge Malcolm Turnbull with all his faults has not been accused of allegedly raping a (16) year old at a Labor Party youth gathering in Victoria in the 1980's,where Teflon Billy was a (19) year old Labor Party youth leader and therefore someone of political influence and power, and where now questioned about it just quote " Draws a line under it " unquote and refuses to talk about it let alone give the alleged rape victim 'Kathy' her day in court.
Again to my knowledge Malcolm Turnbull has not shagged some other blokes wife while she is still living, I gather, with the bloke and Teflon Billy still married, although I gather Teflon Billy was separated, then make an big announcement in the Aussie media that new bird (Chloe Bryce) the daughter of the now Ex Aussie Governor General Dame Quentin Bryce is pregnant and after their respective divorces they will get married, which they did.
Deborah Beale Teflon Billy's dumped wife.
Chloe Bryce the other women that Teflon Billy impregnated while she was still married to another bloke and while he was still married to Deborah Beale.
Dame Quentin Bryce an Ex Aussie Governor General and Mother of Chloe Bryce.
What a great example Teflon Billy would show to the Aussie population if he
became the nations PM in regard to loyalty, trust and the sanctity of
Same sex marriage as promoted by Teflon Billy Shorten and who does not trust the
Aussie population to make this very important decision via a "Plebiscite",
and wants'
it rammed through parliament should he become PM, and
ofcourse with the amount
of Lesbian, Gays, Bi-sexual and Transgender pollies
we have, and/or will have, in
both houses of parliament, Reps and Senate, it will be as the Aussie saying
goes a
"Shoe in" regardless what the majority of Aussies, in the majority of
states and
terroritories, may like or want ? on the pretext that this would save the
Aussie population the $160,000,000 million it is estimated the "Plebiscite"
would cost, and ofcourse coming from the "Spendathon" Teflon Billy ? how
hypocritical is this!
President Obama the current socialistic and bully boy of the USA.
What a great Branco ComicallyIncorrect.com cartoon that speaks not only a
1000 words but in this case 10,000!!!!
Teflon Billy and his Labor mob may try and do what the socialistic USA President Obama is trying to enforce by law, and by "Social Engineering" and by having a "Gender neutral society" and that will include allowing "Transgender" males to use the female dressing rooms and toilets in schools and public places.
And so say all of us!!
If this is not the greatest opening for "Perverts" and "Peadophiles" to have legal
access to female toilets and change rooms I don't know what is.
Guess ? am I a boy ? am I
a girl ? or neither? see mike's comments dated 27/2/2016 Subject: "Guess ? am
I a boy ? am I a girl ? or neither?"
However people this may work with the Sydney and Melbourne sycophantic and
fawning city mobs, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that
any Labor's
federal laws in this regard will be fiercely fought against in
the country and bush
Expect violence.
There are at the moment at least (11) USA states taking legal action against the Obama government because the Obama mob are trying to force all the states in the USA to conform with "Transgender and Federal Gender Neutral Laws" in regard to
same sex school and public toilets and change rooms, or lose their USA
funding for state government schools.
However it would appear that Teflon Billy, if we take into account what ShaneDowling is stating, is not into being "Gay" ? I have no idea in regard to being a
"Transgender" and has had alleged problems with other females being
outside marriage, if so horny little bastard ain't
A picture of a 'Condom' just in case Teflon Billy has never seen one?.
It is well known that Teflon Billy is of the Catholic faith and as such ofcourse he abides by the Catholic Teachings about birth control and obviously does not wear a 'Condom'.
However it is seemingly ok to shag and impregnate some other blokes wife while they are still married to others??
Therefore I ask what example does this set for Teflon Billy Shorten as a potential Prime Minister of this great nation of Aussie??
Very poor in my view and certainly lowers the tone of the office when he is accused of the heinous crime of allegedly ' Raping ' a (16) year old,virtually defenceless young and vulnerable female, who I would suggest that due to the fact that Teflon Bill Shorten was a Labor Party Youth Leader at the camp at the time, and as such Teflon Billy allegedly abused his position of authority and trust.
John Dyson Heydon AC.QC.
The Trade Union Royale Commission.
It could also be the same when Teflon Billy was a Union Leader and the trust theUnion members gave him, yet again according to the alleged submissions in the recent Trade Union Royale Commission conducted by John Dyson Heydon AC.QC there was some doubt that Teflon Billy did the right thing by his Union members when negotiating with the employers.
The Prime Ministers Lodge, Canberra.
So people after reading Shane Dowling's article below, plus a myriad of other publications in the media, main and so-called social, witnessing what Teflon Billy has done in his personal and political life, and there is some serious doubt about his activities as a Union Leader to date,are you prepared to give him and his Union mates the key to the Prime Ministers Lodge in Canberra??
For what it is worth Me?
However people it is obviously up to you to decide where you put that " TICK " on election day the 2/7/2016, but don't whinge when you realise that you have fallen for the "Five Card"
trick and "Smoke and mirrors" - "Motherhood Promises" or even out right
lies, because
you and only you put the "Tick" in the box or boxes!!!!
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
Shane Dowling - Kangaroo Court of Australia.
Bill Shorten and Chloe Shorten
Shorten’s past which includes alleged crimes of fraud, theft, adultery and rape
haven’t stopped him being in a position where he has a good chance of becoming
Prime Minister in 7 weeks on the 2nd of July 2016. So it is worth again looking
at what crimes he may or may not have committed which this website has covered
many times but some of which the mainstream media has missed or
history covers everything from major fraud and theft when he was Victorian and
National Secretary of the Australian Workers Union (AWU), raping another union
member at a camp, branch stacking to become a politician and improve the power
of the AWU and getting one of his staff members pregnant.
and theft when he was in the Union movement
Trade Union Royal Commission that went from 2014 to 2015 highlighted many crimes
by Bill Shorten and the AWU when he was in charge. This should have been
something that the federal government could highlight during the federal
election campaign as to Shorten’s unsuitability to be Prime Minister but for
some reason they are refusing to do so at this point.
example is the Chiquita Mushroom scam run by Shorten in the early 2000s where
workers who worked as pickers at Chiquita Mushroom received lower wages in
return for direct payments to the AWU. Shorten negotiated the deal directly with
the owners of Chiquita Mushroom and the workers knew nothing. (Click here to read more)
Royal Commission heard many stories similar to the Chiquita Mushroom scam where
Shorten would rip off workers for the benefit of the AWU or himself. Other
companies where similar dodgy deals were done include Labor hire company
Unibuilt which donated $40,000 to Shorten’s election campaign in 2006 which
Shorten only declared a couple of days before he gave evidence at the Royal
Commission last year. (Click here to read more)
example is Shorten’s deal with Cleanevent where for a donation of $25,000 a year
to the AWU Cleanevent staff were ripped of millions of dollars in
wages. (Click here to read more)
there is also the $100,000-a-year fake invoice scam Shorten negotiated
from Thiess-John Holland. (Click here to read more)
list of companies and employees Shorten ripped off when he was at the AWU is a
mile long but the above alone is bad enough and shows what Shorten is
fraud at the HSU
don’t have to just look at Shorten’s past to know what he was like in the union
movement because we can also look at what is happening currently at the HSU
Victoria Number 1 Branch as it is being run by Bill Shortens supporters in the
Labor Party. It is hurtling towards bankruptcy so much so that the Fair Work
Commission (FWC) has stepped in with a written warning regarding possible legal
action. (Click here to read more)
reason bankruptcy is not far away is because of the massive fraud that has been
happening at the HSU Branch since 2012 when Shorten in effect had his crew take
over the branch. The corruption that is going on there is common knowledge in
the Labor Party and union movement and why the Liberals/Nationals have not
raised it in the election is odd.
members and Branch Stacking
issue raised at the Royal Commission is that when Bill Shorten was at the AWU he
was signing up employees of companies as members without their knowledge which
gave him more voting power at Labor Party meetings etc.
should be no surprise then that a legendary Labor Party branch stacker George
Seitz made Shorten a federal politician in
the first place.
Shorten tried to cover-up that his former campaign manager now works in the
Police Minister’s office
thing that obviously helps Bill Shorten keep the wolves at bay regarding his
crimes is the fact that Fiona Ward who is of Shorten’s former staff members
works for the Victorian Minister for Police Wade Noonan
MP. Bill
Shorten tried his best not to name Fiona Ward when he gave evidence at the Royal
Commission but was in effect forced to. (Click here to read more)
allegations – Why Shorten must address the rape allegations before he becomes
the 20th August 2014 the Victoria Police issued a statement in relation to rape
allegations against Bill Shorten saying “Investigating
police sought advice from the Office of Public Prosecutions, which advised there
was no reasonable prospect of conviction,”. (Click here to read more)
no stage has Bill Shorten been cleared of rape. Shorten issued a brief statement
at the time but has refused to answer questions and give his side of the
someone wants to be Australian Prime Minister, they have to answer all and every
question that is put to them. If Bill Shorten is elected Prime Minister the rape
allegations will eat away at his credibility until he has none left. At some
stage he will have to address the issue. (Click here to read the numerous stories I have written about the
rape investigation)
gets one of his staff pregnant
of the most popular articles on this website is one published in 2012 about the
rumour that Bill Shorten had an affair with one of his staff members who became
pregnant. The rumour was published by News Corp’s Piers Akerman but he failed to
name Shorten and just said it was a federal politician who had an affair. A few
days later Shorten did a two-page interview with the Herald Sun denying the
rumour but he did not say what the rumour was that he was actually
denying. (Click here to read the article) The
bottom line is that Bill Shorten has never actually denied the specific rumour
he had an affair.
above is only a very short summary of Shorten’s corrupt history covered on this website but
it is more than enough to show he is not suitable to be PM. As Prime Minister
Bill Shorten will not be able to get away with the way he treats the media now
nor will the media get away with failing to demand he answers the tough
questions that he should.
Shorten is almost bullet proof to any dirt campaign against himself because
Malcolm Turnbull is not much better and that is the only thing keeping Shorten
in the race for Prime Minister. Malcolm Turnbull has just as many skeletons in
the closet himself and he is also owned by certain elements that dictate what he
can and cannot do the same as Shorten is owned by the union movement and
elements of the Labor Party. I have written about Turnbull’s past numerous times
and will do so again given its election time and worth revisiting.
wins between Shorten and Turnbull will lose the next election if they last that
long. The fact that we have had 5 Prime Ministers in the last 6 years shows that
the Australian public won’t tolerate crooks and fools anymore. The Labor Party
should have elected someone else as leader when they had the chance because they
seen the damage former Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard did to the
Labor Party and Bill Shorten will do the same if he becomes PM.
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