( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
Subject: ' Political Correctness contributes to Civil Disobedience and Terrorism '.
People surely the " Golden Rule " for any country and any organisation or group, regardless of their beliefs and status therein, if they are to survive and thrive in a peaceful, harmonious and productive way must be " That the Majority Rules with the Minorities in Mind ".
However it is obvious that over say the last decade or so this"Western Society Disease", in fact I would refer to it as a ' Cancer ', of "Political Correctness" that the"Social Engineers " through various bureaucratic means and supported politically by the " Sycophantic " Labor Parties around the world, especially here in Aussie, and the like's of the USA Barack Obama and the Democrats, Greenies and various self interested others have greatly shifted and eroded the " National Focus " away from what the majority wants, needs and certainly deserves, towards the " Unrepresentative - population wise " drum banging, well organised, in your face, financially and politically powerful - one way or the other, minority groups.
Hence, without a doubt, the meteoric political rise of the like's of Donald Trump in the USA and the ever increasing support for " Nationalistic Right Wing " parties and organisations in the UK and right across Europe and with the ever increasing unemployment that now not only just effects 10's of 1000's of people living below the various standards of the so-called " Poverty Line ", but ' MILLIONS ' of people, which will inevitably develop into a " Social Tsunami " that no government or any amount of " Social Engineering " will be able to restrain, divert, avert and thereby prevent the total break down of law and order in the way of civil disobedience and domestic terrorism!!
Just take Aussie for instance where I have stated many times in mike's comments where we have some 800,000 to over a million unemployed, almost (3) million of the so-called " Working Poor ", Aussie charities stretched to their limits and beyond sometimes trying to feed at least (90) thousand and rising, every night from largely donated food and beverage plus supplying vouchers to help get these poor neglected Aussies in this so-called wealthy country to pay their electricity and water bills.and supply clothing and foot wear for the kids.
However ofcourse we must not forget the 100,000 plus Aussie homeless sleeping rough every night.
Aussie homeless.
A Social Tsunami - Once motivated and " Unleashed " is an unstoppable force and we have only to refer to what has happened across the board in the Middle East and Africa let alone the absolute disaster in Europe, with a special mention of the Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel and her very unpopular and controversial, to say nothing of unsustainable, open border policy allowing now a million plus of so-called refugees to invade Germany where undoubtedly the influence of the so-called " Social Engineers " and their " Political Correctness " was paramount in Merkels decision without obviously taking into account the majority of the German peoples views who after all will have to take the brunt of Markel's decision both personally and financially via their taxes for years, if not decades to come, long after the like's of Merkel and the " Social Engineers " have disappeared into the ether enjoying the fruits of their " ill-gotten labour ".
The minorities, any group that individually only represent (3) percent or less of the Aussie population of almost (24) million, such as the LGBT mob, Muslims, Refugees and so-called asylum seekers, women's rights movements, Aboriginals, various greenie and left wing movements always protesting about something or other to try and remain relevant and grabbing the media, especially the Aussie ABC, headlines who in all would only, at the most, represent in the number of individuals involved say (10) percent of the Aussie population of say (24) million, say 2.4 million.
Yet if you listen to federal parliament as I do, follow the media, especially the ABC as I do, where without a doubt this (10) percent of our population by various means get's to absorb, in proportion to their numbers, especially the in your face, very politically influential, financially well funded powerful LGBT mob on the ABC, ? where else? far exceeds the time spent, in proportion, on the problems the (90) percent of us have from " The Cradle to the Grave " and sometimes beyond, where legislation or proposed legislation has been gathering dust, possibly in the to hard basket, politically sensitive area, for weeks, months or even years, and who knows maybe decades??
Therefore is it any wonder that the (90) percenters are, and have been for decades, disillusioned and very disenchanted with the major parties, including the Greenies, and looking in desperation for a Messiah like the Donald Trump's of this world to lead them out of this politically tainted, and in many ways corrupt unrepresentative, and to quote a former Aussie PM Paul Keating,political swill, that is farcically referred to as Aussie politics.
Ex PM Paul Keating
Ship bringing convicts to Aussie.
Maybe this is because we started off as a British Penal Colony?????
Then as convicts if we spoke out of turn we risked " The lash and punishment " therefore I ask that with this bureaucratic " Political Correctness " excluding the physical pain,? What's Changed.
If currently anyone speaks out who is not: LGBT, Muslim, Aboriginal, asylum seeker or refugee, or part of say a women's rights organisations, or any labor, greenie, lefty group then that person or group is accused of being homophobic, racist, xenophobic, misogynist,sexist and that is putting it very mildly and excluding what the low life's on social media across the board will say about your Mother and her internal organs?? plus ofcourse good old ( Aunty ) the Aussie ABC staff frothing at the mouth and wetting their knickers with excitement, the poor darlings, so they can try and defend the situation and remain relevant by not only promoting, but aiding and abetting, the back lash instead of just reporting it? in order to stifle all dissent.
Tony Jones the big mouth smart arse host of the ABC Q & A.
Or get you to appear on that rude big mouth, smart arse Tony Jones show the ABC Q & A where you will be set up, where they will hopefully,from their point of view, be able to ridicule you by both smart arse Jones and the other panel members and a " Loaded " audience.
You could even find yourself being charged, arrested and prosecuted in a court of law before a judge who could impose penalties such as good behaviour bonds, community service, fines, AVO's or in a worse case, depending on how the judge felt and his or her biases, a jail term.
So I ask ? what has happened to so-called " Free Speech and our legal rights to do so " when compared to the convict days where even though the lash is not used I believe that the effect of this modern day whip referred to as " Political Correctness " can have, over the long term, a far more devastating physiological effect on someone than say the physical pain of the whip that, although horrific, will heal with time. ( for let's face it there are people among us that pay to get whipped on a regular bases and seemingly enjoy it, and find it a great turn on??)
Now people for some reason better known to this blog computer it has decided to change the ' Font ' size on me from here on???.
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
Subject: ' Political Correctness contributes to Civil Disobedience and Terrorism '.
People surely the " Golden Rule " for any country and any organisation or group, regardless of their beliefs and status therein, if they are to survive and thrive in a peaceful, harmonious and productive way must be " That the Majority Rules with the Minorities in Mind ".
However it is obvious that over say the last decade or so this"Western Society Disease", in fact I would refer to it as a ' Cancer ', of "Political Correctness" that the"Social Engineers " through various bureaucratic means and supported politically by the " Sycophantic " Labor Parties around the world, especially here in Aussie, and the like's of the USA Barack Obama and the Democrats, Greenies and various self interested others have greatly shifted and eroded the " National Focus " away from what the majority wants, needs and certainly deserves, towards the " Unrepresentative - population wise " drum banging, well organised, in your face, financially and politically powerful - one way or the other, minority groups.
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union
Heavy Weight, Homosexual
Advocate and alleged Rapist.
The USA President Barack Obama.
Donald Trump.
Hence, without a doubt, the meteoric political rise of the like's of Donald Trump in the USA and the ever increasing support for " Nationalistic Right Wing " parties and organisations in the UK and right across Europe and with the ever increasing unemployment that now not only just effects 10's of 1000's of people living below the various standards of the so-called " Poverty Line ", but ' MILLIONS ' of people, which will inevitably develop into a " Social Tsunami " that no government or any amount of " Social Engineering " will be able to restrain, divert, avert and thereby prevent the total break down of law and order in the way of civil disobedience and domestic terrorism!!
Just take Aussie for instance where I have stated many times in mike's comments where we have some 800,000 to over a million unemployed, almost (3) million of the so-called " Working Poor ", Aussie charities stretched to their limits and beyond sometimes trying to feed at least (90) thousand and rising, every night from largely donated food and beverage plus supplying vouchers to help get these poor neglected Aussies in this so-called wealthy country to pay their electricity and water bills.and supply clothing and foot wear for the kids.
However ofcourse we must not forget the 100,000 plus Aussie homeless sleeping rough every night.
Aussie homeless.
A Social Tsunami - Once motivated and " Unleashed " is an unstoppable force and we have only to refer to what has happened across the board in the Middle East and Africa let alone the absolute disaster in Europe, with a special mention of the Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel and her very unpopular and controversial, to say nothing of unsustainable, open border policy allowing now a million plus of so-called refugees to invade Germany where undoubtedly the influence of the so-called " Social Engineers " and their " Political Correctness " was paramount in Merkels decision without obviously taking into account the majority of the German peoples views who after all will have to take the brunt of Markel's decision both personally and financially via their taxes for years, if not decades to come, long after the like's of Merkel and the " Social Engineers " have disappeared into the ether enjoying the fruits of their " ill-gotten labour ".
The minorities, any group that individually only represent (3) percent or less of the Aussie population of almost (24) million, such as the LGBT mob, Muslims, Refugees and so-called asylum seekers, women's rights movements, Aboriginals, various greenie and left wing movements always protesting about something or other to try and remain relevant and grabbing the media, especially the Aussie ABC, headlines who in all would only, at the most, represent in the number of individuals involved say (10) percent of the Aussie population of say (24) million, say 2.4 million.
Yet if you listen to federal parliament as I do, follow the media, especially the ABC as I do, where without a doubt this (10) percent of our population by various means get's to absorb, in proportion to their numbers, especially the in your face, very politically influential, financially well funded powerful LGBT mob on the ABC, ? where else? far exceeds the time spent, in proportion, on the problems the (90) percent of us have from " The Cradle to the Grave " and sometimes beyond, where legislation or proposed legislation has been gathering dust, possibly in the to hard basket, politically sensitive area, for weeks, months or even years, and who knows maybe decades??
The Political Messiah
Therefore is it any wonder that the (90) percenters are, and have been for decades, disillusioned and very disenchanted with the major parties, including the Greenies, and looking in desperation for a Messiah like the Donald Trump's of this world to lead them out of this politically tainted, and in many ways corrupt unrepresentative, and to quote a former Aussie PM Paul Keating,political swill, that is farcically referred to as Aussie politics.
Ex PM Paul Keating
Superimpose " Political " for the word " Pig ".
People there is nothing we do or say from the womb to the tomb, and even prior to the womb or after the tomb, that is not covered by some local government regulation,ordinance or state and or federal laws, even to where we sleep and the conditions we sleep under, and as a nation we are so over governed and a " Nanny " state compared to the majority of other countries around the world.
People there is nothing we do or say from the womb to the tomb, and even prior to the womb or after the tomb, that is not covered by some local government regulation,ordinance or state and or federal laws, even to where we sleep and the conditions we sleep under, and as a nation we are so over governed and a " Nanny " state compared to the majority of other countries around the world.
Ship bringing convicts to Aussie.
Maybe this is because we started off as a British Penal Colony?????
Then as convicts if we spoke out of turn we risked " The lash and punishment " therefore I ask that with this bureaucratic " Political Correctness " excluding the physical pain,? What's Changed.
If currently anyone speaks out who is not: LGBT, Muslim, Aboriginal, asylum seeker or refugee, or part of say a women's rights organisations, or any labor, greenie, lefty group then that person or group is accused of being homophobic, racist, xenophobic, misogynist,sexist and that is putting it very mildly and excluding what the low life's on social media across the board will say about your Mother and her internal organs?? plus ofcourse good old ( Aunty ) the Aussie ABC staff frothing at the mouth and wetting their knickers with excitement, the poor darlings, so they can try and defend the situation and remain relevant by not only promoting, but aiding and abetting, the back lash instead of just reporting it? in order to stifle all dissent.
Tony Jones the big mouth smart arse host of the ABC Q & A.
Or get you to appear on that rude big mouth, smart arse Tony Jones show the ABC Q & A where you will be set up, where they will hopefully,from their point of view, be able to ridicule you by both smart arse Jones and the other panel members and a " Loaded " audience.
You could even find yourself being charged, arrested and prosecuted in a court of law before a judge who could impose penalties such as good behaviour bonds, community service, fines, AVO's or in a worse case, depending on how the judge felt and his or her biases, a jail term.
So I ask ? what has happened to so-called " Free Speech and our legal rights to do so " when compared to the convict days where even though the lash is not used I believe that the effect of this modern day whip referred to as " Political Correctness " can have, over the long term, a far more devastating physiological effect on someone than say the physical pain of the whip that, although horrific, will heal with time. ( for let's face it there are people among us that pay to get whipped on a regular bases and seemingly enjoy it, and find it a great turn on??)
Now people for some reason better known to this blog computer it has decided to change the ' Font ' size on me from here on???.
Political Correctness.
I started off by stating that this bureaucratic " Political Correctness " is a " Western Society Disease "or as I refer to it as a " Cancer " where apart from anything else the " Social Engineers " are trying to convince us as a nation, especially our young kids via the so-called " Safe Schools Program " that what was once thought of, and still is by many of us including me, the sight of two blokes kissing and tonguing each other in public, especially in a church in front of an alter, where it is rare to see hetro couples doing it, either way, is not only unnatural but abhorrent and disgusting to watch and if I or the many, not 100's,or 1000's,or even 10's of 1000's but millions of Aussies object to this behaviour in a non violent reasonable manner:
If we criticise, again in an non-violent reasonable manner, the like's of Muslims, Aussie Aborigines, women's movements or organisations that exclude males, then the so-called offending person or group can expect to be pilloried, attacked, criticised, censured, condemned, denigrated, lambasted, I am sure I don't need to go on and hopefully you get the message, by the media in general, social media especially, and the people with special interests, financial or otherwise and who by" Social Engineering"
Aussie to become accepting of a " Gender Neutral Nation " where our future kids are encouraged, if not brain washed, to accept the LGBT, plus the Muslims
and any other minority group, without question, dissent or
However ? if the (10) percent of the Aussie population attack and abuse the (90) percent of the Aussie population whether individually or collectively ? what then ? nothing!! zero!! zilch!! the media,again with a special mention of the Aussie ABC, in general look the other way for fear of upsetting the sensibilities, to say nothing of the potential social media back lash, of the minorities in question.
Gough Whitlam an Ex Aussie PM now deceased.
By all accounts this " Political Correctness " started off , ? where else in the USA, then spread like wild fire to the UK, then Europe to a lesser extent, but then grabbed by our Labor Party lefty's,led by the Ex PM Gough Whitlam, and later our greenies, and certainly our bureaucrats, with open arms, and as a result subsequent, mainly Labor Party, pollies have added additional burdens to restrict dissent and the so-called " Freedom of speech " which ofcourse is part of the lefty, Labor Party communistic platform and belief!! any Aussie Labor Party pollie that crosses the floor of parliament to vote with the opposition, whoever that maybe, will be chucked out of the Labor party!
David Cameron the current UK PM.
Now I have been going on about the Labor Party Lefty's however if you watch one of the YouTube video's in the attachments below titled " David Cameron Exposed on Islam " where you see this bloke being interviewed and who admits that the UK has restricted overseas aid to the like's of Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda because of their opposition to homosexuality, in fact they have made it illegal because these countries have not only large Muslim populations, which ofcourse believe that homosexuality is a sin against God, but also I gather it is mainly against their tribal beliefs?
However this does not stop this bloke Cameron interfering into another countries traditions and beliefs on behalf of the LGBT mob.
This was also something like the USA President Obama did when he some time ago visited Kenya the birth place of his Father where Kenya also makes being LGBT illegal.
Just imagine if all the countries that did not recognise homosexual marriage like the UK does and state by state in the USA, which are in the majority by far, collectively imposed sanctions on the UK and the USA because of it, you can only imagine how the people in the UK and USA would squeal like stuck pigs, to use a useful analogy.
This Western society " Political Correctness " is looked upon by those outside the Western Society circle in Africa,The middle East, Russia, China, Indian, South America and many other countries where such a " Social disease " does not, or rarely at least, exist, is the "Emasculation"of Western Society Males and deprives them of their male role or identity which is a sign of basic weakness and vulnerability in the Western Society males where they have capitulated to their females,LGBT's and virtually all other sections of the so-called Western Society, not to the point of " Equality " although that is what is regularly repeated as being the case, but to the point of subjugation.
This is why the like's of ISIS and all the other terrorist organisations world wide are prepared to take on using violence, the so-called world powers, knowing that without the world powers technology there military, especially the males at all levels, do not have the stomach for the fight and soon tire as their technology does not have the desired effect, AND OR, the technology becomes to costly to continue and because the major powers are fully aware that if they send in their ground troops to fight a possible lengthy military campaign against the so-called terrorist, other than in a support role, on the so-called terrorist home patch, the major powers troops will get their arses seriously kicked sending many body bags home by airmail, as they did in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan to name but a few.
In fact the major powers have not had a successful major military campaign since the second World War, even if we include the relatively small military skirmish the UK had with Argentina over the Falkland Islands and according to Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia it only lasted 74 days killing 649 Argentineans, 255 UK military and 3 Falkland Islanders.
Jay Weatherill the SA Premier.
Senator Bernardi's Office Trashed 18/3/2016.
This so-called " Political Correctness " also emboldens the like's of our local domestic terrorists such as the low life LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers that trashed the South Australian Senator Bernardi's Office and terrorised Mrs. Bernardi and staff forcing them to lock themselves in a back office with the thought that as they were doing this deed on behalf of the LGBT, especially in South Australia with it's very biased LGBT Premier Jay Weatherill, and his very close relationship with another South Australian Senator Penny Wong, a known active lesbian, they would just get a slap on the wrist and told to be good children and don't do it again.
In fact I have absolutely no confidence considering this has happened in South Australia,a Labor Party governed state, that anything to the contrary will happen.
After all how " Politically incorrect " can it be to take on the like's of the powerful and politically influential LGBT lobby, especially as the SA Premier Jay Weatherill has already enough problems with his financial basket case of a state, let alone add the LGBT mob to his ever extending menu of state problems.
This so-called " Political Correctness " as we see it in the media regularly has been taken to ridiculous, way over the top levels, in both the USA and the UK, and if we go to asleep at the wheel in Aussie then don't whinge when you realise that by stealth your freedoms to discuss, disagree and voice an opinion has been so eroded and devalued to the effect that within this Aussie nation you have become a second class citizen of little personal value and of no real consequence, other than to pay your taxes, and be a major contributor to the nations economy, without which these so-called minorities would find it very difficult to enjoy the life styles they have come to expect, especially if they are on any kind of Tax Payer Welfare, as many, if not most, of these minority groups pay little, in any,personal income tax.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. - Scroll down.
I hope this YouTube will open for you because I
believe it is worth watching!
Subject: Watch " David Cameron: A very Happy Easter to you and your family " on YouTube in April 2015.
I would also certainly and strongly suggest that you watch the following video's afterwards especially the one called ' David Cameron Exposed on Islam ' just to see if you think that this bloke David Cameron is the " Political Arsole " the video's make him out to be ?? or just another self centered, self interested, survive politically at any cost, pollie ???