( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
As the largest living structure on the planet, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly rich and diverse.
Stretching 2300 kilometers, this natural icon is so large it can be seen from outer space,
While it's known mostly for it's large maze of colourful reefs, it's intricate architecture also provides a home for a huge number of plants and animals.
Some of these, such as turtles and crocodiles, have been around since prehistoric times and have
The breathtaking array of marine creatures includes 600 types of soft and hard corals, more than
The Great Barrier Reef is also unique as it extends over 14 degrees of latitude, from shallow estuarine areas to deep oceanic waters.
Within this vast expanse are a unique range of ecological communities, habitats and species, all of of which make the reef one of the most complex natural ecosystems in the world.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
1. Covers 344,400 square kilometres in area.
2. Includes the largest coral reef ecosystem.
3. Includes some 3000 coral reefs, 600 continental islands, 300 coral cays and about 150 inshore
4. Extends south from the northern tip of Queensland in north eastern Australia to just north
5. It is between 60 and 250 kilometres in width.
6. It has an average depth of 35 metres in it's inshore waters, while on outer reefs continental
7. Was created in 1975 through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act.
8. Extends into the airspace above and into the earth beneath the seabed.
While coral reefs initially made the Great Barrier Reef famous, they only comprise of about (7)
The rest of the marine park has extraordinary variety of marine habitats, ranging from shallow inshore areas, such as seagrass, mangroves, sand, algal and sponge gardens and inter-reefal communities to deep oceanic areas some 250 kolometres of shore.
Rather than having one level of protection throughout the marine park, the area instead is
The Great Barrier reef covers 344,400 square Klms and is:
1. Bigger than Victoria and Tasmania combined.
2. Bigger than the UK, Switzerland, and Holland combined.
3. Roughly the same area as Japan, Germany, Malaysia or Italy.
4. Approximately half the size of Texas.
5 Slightly smaller than the entire Baltic Sea.
The marine park stretches approximately 2000 klms along the coast of Queensland in north
The Belize reef of the Caribbean coast of Belize is the second longest barrier reef in the world
The well known and acknowledged definition of a so-called expert comes from "Ex - meaning"a
People surely we have to keep reminding ourselves that any research across the board including
Now yes, ? if the researches are employed, or associated with any commercial organistions whether
They could be funded by some extremely wealthy
However the bulk of the research funds without a doubt comes from either the researchers being
So regardless however the funding is generated the poor old, extremely financially strapped, Aussie Tax Payer is going to pick up the bulk of these scarce available funds, and considering the Federal mob plus most of the Aussie states, with special mention of Jay Weatherill's financial basket case state of South Australia that is limping from crisis to crisis, and territories, with the others such as Queensland and Western Australia very close to the financial border line, are
Now obviously, like all of us, these researches do need to earn a living one way or the other,
However, surely we don't have to rely on my old mate Einstein to calculate that it is imperative, as
The 50 percent of the worlds population ie; 3.5 billion, that are living across the board below
The million or so of invading so-called refugees that thanks to the German Chancellor Angela
Therefore I maintain that no so-called " Modelling " could possibly predict the impact this non
So people as I see it that according to the " Climate Spurts " and their Greenie and self interested
1. To be fried to death from the climate change heat.
2. Drowned due to the level of the oceans rising as a result of the melting ice at the north and
4. Be destroyed by violent tsunami type storms with horrific winds, flooding and massive structural
5. Destruction of our on and off farm food sources.
6. Good old Tasmania could become a tropical island in the next 50 to 100 years with palm trees
All this is based on so-called"Computer Modelling"and human"Imagination"and largely limited
Where as an Ex businessman never once, even based on well known industry knowledge and experience, did our budget forecasting or "Modelling" turn out correct for the next financial year, let alone for the next 3 to 5 years and the reason for that was because the human race is very unpredictable in a predictable way, and we have to share this world with another (7) billion who rarely see the world in the light of our interests, yet we as a world population are expected to take the " Spurts " word for what will happen in the next 50-100 years?
Yeah right, on that bases my 10 year old donkey can win the next Melbourne Cup.
The Great Barrier Reef is not only one of the seven wonders of the world but a great asset
Therefore in my view any Aussie " Spurt " producing unfounded, inaccurate, self interested
Now do I believe that we have a climate change problem in the world? ofcourse I do, but after viewing the video on my mike's comments dated the 10/1/2016 subject " Climate Change - The Best Summary I have seen " plus many other reports and submissions I believe the whole idea of climate change has been high jacked by the self interested " Doom and Gloom Purveyors of Armageddon " and therefore I agree with the CSIRO Chief Dr Larry Marshall that we should stop spending scarce funds on modelling and measuring and propping up financially these " Doom and Gloom Purveyors " and get on with trying to mitigate say at least 50 percent of the most likely perceived problems.
Providing ofcourse the whole responsibility and cost is not dumped on little polluter Aussie with it's 1.5% which is not based on our consumption then omission, but the omissions from the products we produce and export to the rest of the world and therefore the
Do I believe that collectively we as a world human race will be able, or even willing, to solve any climate problems, perceived or real??.
No ofcourse I don't and neither do the major world powers or the (2) percent wealthy mob that
The current Aussie PM Malcolm Turnbull.
So people what with these " Doom and Gloom - Climatic Spurts " and our current Aussie political situation where we have a bunch of 'Amateurs' making a hopeless mess of the Aussies economy and it's citizens future welfare, and where we have one in the " Blue " corner, our current Liberal PM who I believe has an opinion of himself as to having been " Born to Rule ", by the name of Malcolm-the magnificent-Turnbull, and in the " Red " corner we have this smirky, little, insipid, say and promise anything to get over the line at election time, Teflon Billy Shorten, and ofcourse we must not forget this silly lefty/Greenie old bugger Tony Windsor who wants to get elected to the Federal Parliament again to save the New England electorate from our selves as we appear, according to Tony Windsor, to be doing such a bad job of it? and if we don't vote for them our Aussie political, financial and the Aussie way of life and well being will go to"Hell in a hand Basket"
Therefore I don't know what is worse ? our political or climatic situation??.
Other wise don't whinge when you find God, anyone take your pick, has abandoned the good old
Sir Mike Howe but you can call me Mike. Scroll down and read the last words of a very wise priest.
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
Subject: ' The Great Barrier Reef - STUFFED - say " Experts " '
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
Subject: ' The Great Barrier Reef - STUFFED - say " Experts " '
Information produced by The Australian Governments, Great Barrier
Reef Marine Park Authority.
The Facts about the Great Barrier Reef
The Facts about the Great Barrier Reef
As the largest living structure on the planet, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly rich and diverse.
Stretching 2300 kilometers, this natural icon is so large it can be seen from outer space,
While it's known mostly for it's large maze of colourful reefs, it's intricate architecture also provides a home for a huge number of plants and animals.
Some of these, such as turtles and crocodiles, have been around since prehistoric times and have
changed little over the millennia.
The breathtaking array of marine creatures includes 600 types of soft and hard corals, more than
100 species of jellyfish, 3000 varieties of molluscs, 500 species
of worms, 1625 types of fish, 133
varieties of sharks and rays, and more than 30 species of whales
and dolphins.
The Great Barrier Reef is also unique as it extends over 14 degrees of latitude, from shallow estuarine areas to deep oceanic waters.
Within this vast expanse are a unique range of ecological communities, habitats and species, all of of which make the reef one of the most complex natural ecosystems in the world.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
1. Covers 344,400 square kilometres in area.
2. Includes the largest coral reef ecosystem.
3. Includes some 3000 coral reefs, 600 continental islands, 300 coral cays and about 150 inshore
mangrove islands.
4. Extends south from the northern tip of Queensland in north eastern Australia to just north
of Bundaberg
5. It is between 60 and 250 kilometres in width.
6. It has an average depth of 35 metres in it's inshore waters, while on outer reefs continental
slopes extend down to depths of more than 2000 metres.
7. Was created in 1975 through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act.
8. Extends into the airspace above and into the earth beneath the seabed.
While coral reefs initially made the Great Barrier Reef famous, they only comprise of about (7)
percent of the Marine Park and World Heritage area.
The rest of the marine park has extraordinary variety of marine habitats, ranging from shallow inshore areas, such as seagrass, mangroves, sand, algal and sponge gardens and inter-reefal communities to deep oceanic areas some 250 kolometres of shore.
Rather than having one level of protection throughout the marine park, the area instead is
divided into different zones. Each zone has different rules
outlining permitted activities and those
that are prohibited.
The Great Barrier reef covers 344,400 square Klms and is:
1. Bigger than Victoria and Tasmania combined.
2. Bigger than the UK, Switzerland, and Holland combined.
3. Roughly the same area as Japan, Germany, Malaysia or Italy.
4. Approximately half the size of Texas.
5 Slightly smaller than the entire Baltic Sea.
The marine park stretches approximately 2000 klms along the coast of Queensland in north
eastern Australia which is about the same length along the west
coast of the USA from
Vancouver to the Mexican border.
The Belize reef of the Caribbean coast of Belize is the second longest barrier reef in the world
at 290 klms, while Ningaloo Reef of the West Australian coast is
280 klms long.
However Armageddon is forecast by the steady stream, at least weekly, of so-called climate experts from within Aussie, and no doubt
overseas people on well paid"Tax Deductable Speaking Tours" and book
sales in regard to The Great Barrier Reef based on ? "
Computer Modelling " and very
little actual physical viewing and with the dire warning that The Great
Barrier Reef will lose it's
World Heritage status? or at least put the Reef
on " The Endangered List ".
The well known and acknowledged definition of a so-called expert comes from "Ex - meaning"a
has been and"Spurt"meaning"A drip under pressure" and in my
75 years plus I have seen so
many of these over the decades come and disappear into the ether
after making a small fortune
from public speaking and book sales, never to be heard of again,
and later to be found totally
wrong in their assumptions, calculations and forecasts by other
so-called " Drips under pressure ".
People surely we have to keep reminding ourselves that any research across the board including
the like's of climate and medicine to name but a few, has to be funded in
some way or other and can
be extremely expensive and not just 10's of 1000's
but 100's of 1000's if not millions.
Now yes, ? if the researches are employed, or associated with any commercial organistions whether
large or small then ok they will be paid accordingly but ofcourse such
expenses are mainly tax
deductable so in practice the average Aussie Tax Payer is still
They could be funded by some extremely wealthy
philanthropist, benefactor
who makes generous
donations, but there again part of the donation will be tax deductable, so
again the average Aussie
Tax Payer is also contributing.
However the bulk of the research funds without a doubt comes from either the researchers being
directly employed, or associated in some way, with the Aussie Universities
and other higher seats
of learning, or by direct tax payer funded grants via
the various levels of this over governed
country of ours.
So regardless however the funding is generated the poor old, extremely financially strapped, Aussie Tax Payer is going to pick up the bulk of these scarce available funds, and considering the Federal mob plus most of the Aussie states, with special mention of Jay Weatherill's financial basket case state of South Australia that is limping from crisis to crisis, and territories, with the others such as Queensland and Western Australia very close to the financial border line, are
well and truly maxing out the Nations credit cards with interest charges of
millions of dollars per
day, this research funding must past the so-called " Pub Test " and be very
well scrutinised prior
to releasing the scarce funding.
Now obviously, like all of us, these researches do need to earn a living one way or the other,
therefore it is very important, hopefully, that they and or their
organisation puts up a very credible
reason in order to obtain this scarce funding especially if there is no
direct, either short or long
term, commercial return.
However, surely we don't have to rely on my old mate Einstein to calculate that it is imperative, as
well as our human sense of survival, that the researches and or their
organisations put their best
and most financially rewarding prospects if a
financial return is expected, OR, the worst possible
"Armageddon" if their research is not commenced and fully completed and I
firmly believe reading
possibly 100's of publications over the decades in
regard to climate change based on " Crystal Ball
Gazing " or in other words
" Modelling " where many of the submissions either contradict each
other or
leave many unanswered questions, which ofcourse have to be further
investigated,? yeah
right, where at least 50 percent of the individual
submissions are based on outdated information, because anything older than
(7) days with the weather and climate is dated information, plus a figment of
the writers or composers imagination, self interest and biases.
The 50 percent of the worlds population ie; 3.5 billion, that are living across the board below
our western living standards, have no history in regard to living our
western life styles ie; housing,
electricity, piped water and sewerage, paved roads, cars and an industrial
community therefore
any so-called " Modelling " just has to be supposition, imagination,
crystal ball gazing and biases.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The million or so of invading so-called refugees that thanks to the German Chancellor Angela
Merkel and her " Open Border Policy " has let in will possibly only have
seen a set of traffic lights
on TV, that is provided they have a TV?, let alone stopped at
Therefore I maintain that no so-called " Modelling " could possibly predict the impact this non
German speaking, reading or writing, unemployed, some, such as the women,
have never been
formally employed, and needing serious medical attention, and the list goes
on, is going to have
on the German economy and the German people as a
So people as I see it that according to the " Climate Spurts " and their Greenie and self interested
supporters within the next 30 to 100 years we can
1. To be fried to death from the climate change heat.
2. Drowned due to the level of the oceans rising as a result of the melting ice at the north and
south poles.
A " Spurt " predicted tsunami
4. Be destroyed by violent tsunami type storms with horrific winds, flooding and massive structural
damage and the loss of life across the full spectrum of all Mother
Natures living things.
5. Destruction of our on and off farm food sources.
6. Good old Tasmania could become a tropical island in the next 50 to 100 years with palm trees
replacing their current vegetation and with camels roaming their
sandy hinterland?.
All this is based on so-called"Computer Modelling"and human"Imagination"and largely limited
to past experience and considering these computers are incapable of
picking out the next winning
NSW Lotto numbers or which horse is going to win the next Melbourne
Cup, or the Stock Market
because these"Spurts"state the imponderables are to great ?
weather and climate has no
imponderables I gather? and where we have (7) billion plus people
on this earth,a veritable
"Vegetable Soup"of races, creeds,
cultures, religions, life styles, whether flexible or forced
due to circumstances, and where all
computer modelling relies on
all the information, biased or other wise,
entered into the computer with
the old saying " Rubbish in, Rubbish out " how much can we really rely on
these "Spurts" prophecies, predictions, prognosis and crystal ball gazing
Where as an Ex businessman never once, even based on well known industry knowledge and experience, did our budget forecasting or "Modelling" turn out correct for the next financial year, let alone for the next 3 to 5 years and the reason for that was because the human race is very unpredictable in a predictable way, and we have to share this world with another (7) billion who rarely see the world in the light of our interests, yet we as a world population are expected to take the " Spurts " word for what will happen in the next 50-100 years?
Yeah right, on that bases my 10 year old donkey can win the next Melbourne Cup.
The Great Barrier Reef is not only one of the seven wonders of the world but a great asset
to Aussie, to say nothing of Queensland, not only financially in regard to
tourism but either
directly or indirectly is responsible for 1000's of
Aussies, especially Queenslanders, being
Therefore in my view any Aussie " Spurt " producing unfounded, inaccurate, self interested
reports or submissions in regard to The Great Barrier Reef are to be
accused of " Treason "
and any blow in so-called " Spurt " banned from
coming here for life.
Now do I believe that we have a climate change problem in the world? ofcourse I do, but after viewing the video on my mike's comments dated the 10/1/2016 subject " Climate Change - The Best Summary I have seen " plus many other reports and submissions I believe the whole idea of climate change has been high jacked by the self interested " Doom and Gloom Purveyors of Armageddon " and therefore I agree with the CSIRO Chief Dr Larry Marshall that we should stop spending scarce funds on modelling and measuring and propping up financially these " Doom and Gloom Purveyors " and get on with trying to mitigate say at least 50 percent of the most likely perceived problems.
Providing ofcourse the whole responsibility and cost is not dumped on little polluter Aussie with it's 1.5% which is not based on our consumption then omission, but the omissions from the products we produce and export to the rest of the world and therefore the
omissions it causes there.
Do I believe that collectively we as a world human race will be able, or even willing, to solve any climate problems, perceived or real??.
No ofcourse I don't and neither do the major world powers or the (2) percent wealthy mob that
controls at least (50) percent of the worlds wealth, hence the desperate
and very expensive
of billions of dollars to find another habitable planet before this old
girl " Earth " becomes to
toxic and over crowded to support human life as we know it currently.
The current Aussie PM Malcolm Turnbull.
The current Labor Federal Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight,
Homosexuality and Political
Correctness Advocate and an alleged rapist.
So people what with these " Doom and Gloom - Climatic Spurts " and our current Aussie political situation where we have a bunch of 'Amateurs' making a hopeless mess of the Aussies economy and it's citizens future welfare, and where we have one in the " Blue " corner, our current Liberal PM who I believe has an opinion of himself as to having been " Born to Rule ", by the name of Malcolm-the magnificent-Turnbull, and in the " Red " corner we have this smirky, little, insipid, say and promise anything to get over the line at election time, Teflon Billy Shorten, and ofcourse we must not forget this silly lefty/Greenie old bugger Tony Windsor who wants to get elected to the Federal Parliament again to save the New England electorate from our selves as we appear, according to Tony Windsor, to be doing such a bad job of it? and if we don't vote for them our Aussie political, financial and the Aussie way of life and well being will go to"Hell in a hand Basket"
and will rapidly deteriorate and be on course for a national
Therefore I don't know what is worse ? our political or climatic situation??.
Tony Windsor.
Therefore I suggest that you all cash in your superannuation, don't worry about 30-50 sun block
Therefore I suggest that you all cash in your superannuation, don't worry about 30-50 sun block
out, no more kids or buy property, sell if you have any, not kids property?
although I am sure at
times both might be considered? get fat, drink plenty
of grog,smoke what,when and where you
want, fill up with drugs, party or prescription? don't concern yourselves
with law and order
including speeding fines it's" Rafferty's Rules"from now on because this
country will be so broke
after these amateur pollies have finished with it we wont be able to afford
to pay the various
police forces or maintain the judicial and jail system.
Other wise don't whinge when you find God, anyone take your pick, has abandoned the good old
Earth and the " Doom and Gloom Spurts " and there prophecies, predictions,
prognosis and crystal
ball gazing of an "Armageddon" comes true and you
missed out on having a good time.
Sir Mike Howe but you can call me Mike. Scroll down and read the last words of a very wise priest.
Subject: ET TU
An old priest lay dying in Woden's, Canberra Hospital. He had servedthe people near the nation's capital, Manuka for many years.He motioned for the nurse to come near."Yes father?" said the nurse."I would really like to see Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten before Idie" whispered the priest."I will see what I can do" said the nurse.The nurse sent the request to parliament house and waited for aresponse. Soon an answer came back; Both Malcolm Turnbull and BillShorten would be delighted to visit the priest.As they were driven to the hospital in Malcolm's new BMW, Turnbullcommented to Shorten, "I don't know why this old priest wants to seeus, but it certainly will help our images and may even help ourre-election prospects."Shorten agreed it was probably a good thing.When they arrived at the priest's room the priest took Turnbull's handin his right hand and Shorten's hand in his left hand.There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest's face.Finally Shorten spoke "Father of all people you could have chosen, whydid you chose us to be with you at this time when your end is sonear?"The old priest slowly replied "I have always tried to pattern my lifeand behaviour after our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.""Amen" said Turnbull."Amen" replied Shorten.The old priest continued, "Jesus Christ our saviour died between twolying thieving bastards, and I wanted to do the same."