Thursday, 14 April 2016

" The Invasion of Europe and UK ? Beware Aussies !! "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 13/4/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " The Invasion of Europe and UK ? Beware Aussies!! "

Tony Abbott our Ex Aussie PM.

People I am more than confident that once you view this horrific YouTube video, scroll down, the 
majority, especially the LGBT mob because they will be the group that will suffer by far, and 
horrifically,more than any other Aussie, followed by the Aboriginals ofcourse as ISIS has done in 
Syria and Iraq where any group claiming sovereignty over the land had to be eliminated in the name 
of " Allah " so as there can be no obstacle to forming the " Muslim Caliphate ", will be very horrified 
with the dreadful concern and thought that these low life scum of invading Muslims and the many 
other non-Muslim groups from Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, to name but a few, invaders could 
once again, as they did under the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd and Greenie governments prior to the Tony 
Abbott mob being elected in September 2013, invade our shores and totally wreck our way of life 
and economy, even worse than it is currently, as it is obviously doing to the countries in Europe 
and the UK!!!!.

Therefore people I believe we have to be very grateful for the following:

1. That the Tony Abbott, our Ex Aussie PM, before he got politically shafted by our current PM 
Malcolm the magnificent Turnbull,mob tightened our border security which is helping to keep 
these sort of rat bags, well by sea anyway, there still being allowed to enter by air but at least they 
have to have legitimate paper work, out of Aussie and we can have a better chance of controlling 
who comes here.

However ofcourse, as is pointed out in the attached video the Muslims out breed any other part 
of any community, in whatever country they invade, by at least 7 - 1 in their favour, so again you 
don't have to be my mate Einstein to calculate that population wise, and by the sheer weight of 
numbers the Muslims must become the dominant group down the track as is happening now in 
various parts of the UK.

2. That Aussie, as an island, is surrounded by vast shark infested stretches of Ocean and where 
anyone found killing sharks for whatever reason should be charged with 'Treason' and jailed for 
a very long time!!

Plus ofcourse a great stretch of our massive coast line is, unless you are a local Aboriginal, uninhabitable with the bonus of having very large hungry crocodiles. 

The Greenie South Australian (? where else one of Premier Jay Wetherill's SA mob) Senator Sarah Hanson-Young the $200,000.00 PA plus perks of office, and our Aussie United Nations Refugee and asylum seeker representative.

Clive Palmer the Head of the Palmer United Party having a Nanny nap in federal parliament

People surely we can only hope that if there is a " Double Dissolution " election this year that the 
like's, as the result of the " New Senate Election System ", of the South Australian Senator Sarah Hanson-Young who only managed the bare minimum voting quota to get elected with the help of Clive Palmers Palmer United Party preferences, that this, in my view a waste of Tax Payers hard earned tax payer scare funds and the Aussie Senate's space, Senator Hanson-Young will fail miserably to get her quota and not get re-elected.

However I gather Senator Hanson- Young could still leave with a very healthy, to say the least, 
severance payout ? taxpayers fully funded superannuation since 2008 and currently I gather only 35 years old, and this would be CPI adjusted for the rest of her life? not bad hey for just sitting on her bum and representing a bunch of, in many if not most cases, foreign, non-contributing, non Aussie tax paying welfare recipients such as the 10's of 1000's free loading so-called asylum seekers and refugees which are stretching an already over stretched national debt.

As far as I am concerned anyone here in Aussie that can view the attached video and still maintain it
would be different here, and is not in the least bit concerned, if not for themselves then for our future generations, so let the poor bastards in? I would have to ask what is their ulterior motive because it sure can't be for the good of the Aussie Nation as a whole.

The Swede's and Germans cheering these mobs as they arrive, you notice as the people in the video's state are, in the majority of cases, fine
healthy strong young men!! are no doubt cheering in, over the long term, the end of their Western Culture and civilisation, that they have developed over 100's of years, as they currently know it.

In fact due to overwhelming numbers they are virtually committing future " Cultural Suicide ".

However people we will still have " Political Correctness " the only problem is it will be " Shari Law 
Political Correctness " then let us see how the noisy, in your face Aussie minorities will go, such as the LGBT, Aboriginals, Women's & Female right's movements especially with the domestic violence issue where the one women a week dying in Aussie will be more like (10) per day, that's the old one's, the young one's will be kept for sex and for breeding the fine soldiers of "Allah".

Did you know that according to The Aurat Foundation in Pakistan, a Muslim State,at least a 1000 women, say (3) per
day, are killed as the result of so-called " Honour Killing " plus there are many 1000's mutilated.

A Pakistani Women Mutilated in the name of " Honour " by either their husband or a male member of their family ? father, brother etc; rarely if ever are the male perpetrators of this heinous crime convicted, punished or jailed and if you listen carefully to this video the modern day Muslim Zealots believe such things are acceptable in the Western society especially when " Sharia Law " has been introduced which is " Gods Law ".

A women about to be buried up to at least her shoulders then stoned to death.

A women that has just been killed by stoning.

Women are normally killed in this very public horrific, heinous way after being accused ( I EMPHASISE
ACCUSED! ) of adultery and it is up to the women to prove their innocence even if they have been raped, because without at least (5) males, again males notice, being witness to the rape and being prepared to go to court on her behalf she does not stand a hope and is accused of encouraging it and hence the poor wretch is beaten, then very enthusiastically buried up to her shoulders so she can't defend herself by the villages and others and have rocks hurled at head her until she dies hopefully fairly quickly but I doubt it,and this along with amputations,crucifixions,whippings and other horrendous government sanctioned treatment is going on today in many Muslim Controlled Countries!

Muslim men very rarely get stoned, whipped, mutilated or punished in any way!!

Anyway people at my age of 75 plus unless the bastards invade us on mass like a ISIS army, which they won't because 
they infiltrate and work from within like some World War 2"Fifth Column",I fortunately, should not be around when we have a Muslim " Ayatollah " as our Aussie Head of State.

However, if your just going to sit on your well padded bums and at least not stand up for the life 
style and freedoms, as little as they are, and you don't constantly let these short shelf life, self interested, take the easy way out pollies, at all three levels of this over governed nation of ours, that what 10's of 1000's of Aussies have fought for both in civilian life and the military, and as a consequence we enjoy currently, and which surely our future generations expect to carry on with, then don't whinge when your kids and your grand kids look you in the the face a state angrily " Ok what happened ?? where were you when you were needed to stand up and be counted??

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. Scroll down and if not be fearful then surely be 
disgusted and vow it will not be allowed to happen to this great Nation of Aussie.

Subject: FW: FWD; The Invasion of Europe - How Muslims are utterly destroying Western
This is so frightening. I can hardly believe it is happening but the video proves a point.
Please stick with this long video.
I am not sure you will want to watch this but I was horrified at the anger, destruction and
sheer numbers where authorities appear powerless.
Terrifying video about the migration through EU!
This Lunacy is beyond my comprehension !!!
Sadly, I feel that a remedy is no longer possible, even if our politicians wanted to, which
they seem not to.
You will be shocked at what is really happening. the cameras do not lie.
Dear all.
This video is NOT propaganda. It is TERRIFYING reality.
This is exactly what many Muslims are achieving in Europe:
I have no doubt that not a SINGLE main media TV station will show this video although
it portends what will happen in the USA with Muslim ' immigrants '.
I hope that as many of you will spread it on Facebook and all your links as well as
to your political and so called Christian leaders, If you do not so, you too are part
of the problem for remaining SILENT.
The DESTRUCTION of Europe is being orchestrated by the very Elites who are
supposed to protect their peoples.
A very long video, but the contents is scary.