1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
' LGBT fascists StormTroopers trash Aussie Senators Office '
( lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender
South Australian police officer inspecting the damage done to South
Australian Senator Bernardi's office after the LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers on the 18/3/2016
terrorised Senator Bernardi's wife and staff forcing them to lock themselves in a back room while they
totally trashed and graphettied the reception area and kicked down a picket fence outside while also
trashing the small garden.
Senator Cory Bernardi.
Michael Owen, SA Bureau
Chief for the Adelaide, The Australian- National Affairs and I gather the photo was produced by a Mark Brake.
I must state up front that although I used Michael Owen's
article on the 18/3/2016 as a reference the words,
comments, titles on here or on my blog are entirely my own and
not either Michael Owen's or Mark Brake's.
Jay Weatherill, The
Premier of South Australian.
Well South Australia where else??? as an Aussie State a "
Walking Disaster ".
Where we have a Premier Jay Weatherill
1. Now has the highest unemployment figures in Aussie rising
from 6.8% to 7.7%, the highest figures for SA in(15)years.
2. The demise of the SA automotive industry with the SA ship
building and steel industry just about on their knee's and
ofcourse the flow onto other industries that rely on these industries for
3. Lower commodity prices for their mining industries, less
royalties etc;.
4. SA is experiencing (5) maybe (6) consecutive budget deficits
hence Weatherill's plea for the rest of the good Aussie
citizens to bale SA financially out and save his political arse by upping the national GST rate from (10%) to (15%)?
5. It would appear according to the Australian Tourist Bureau at
a recent award presentations where good old Tassie won the
major prize and the pathetic effort put up by SA put them at the bottom of
the pile when it came to the very lucrative multi-billion
Aussie tourist industry?is it any wonder Weatherill wants an
increase to the GST which in my view is a very lazy,
uncreative, pedestrian way to run any organisation let
alone a sovereign state of Aussie.
The Sovereign State.
6. Now to add insult to injury in regard to law and order Weatherill's
mob of SA police have ' FAILED' big time to protect a very controversial,
so surely a reasonable person could expect that SA police intelligence would
have anticipated what has happened on the 18/3/2016?? NO??, to an Aussie
Federal Senator by the name of Cory Bernardi and the terrorising of Mrs. Bernardi and the Senators staff and the serious trashing , graphetting and property
What a national disgrace let alone a SA state disgrace!!
However, taking all the above into consideration and regardless of
their impact on not only SA but Aussie broadly, Weatherill, as I pointed out
in a previous mike's comments,can put the effort into subjects like"Gay
Marriage"and come onto ABC Radio National,as I also previously mentioned
on a mike's comments, and apologise profusely for not putting the fact that
an English gay bloke that was lucky enough to die in Aussie,SA did not have the
fact that the bloke had been legally married in the UK and this was not
endorsed on the death certificate and as such Weatherill would ensure that a
law was passed in SA to recognised overseas homosexual marriage?
Wow,?? how earth shattering is that and of such national importance to
the extent that Weatherill had to announce it on national radio?? much to
the absolute " GLEE " ofcourse of the homosexual broadcasting media the
Therefore in my view is it any wonder with Weatherill's attitude and
support for LGBT that these LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers waited to trash and
seriously damage property and terrorise Senator Bernardi's wife and staff
with the Senator still in Canberra highly involved in one of, if not the longest, Senate debates in regard to the Senate election system and thereby
the nations media attention would be otherwise diverted!
People it will be very interesting to see if the Weatherill mob' SA
police force take any serious actions over what has to be tantamount to an
act of terrorism and wonton destruction of Tax Payers property!!
Senator Penny Wong.
Let us hope the SA Premier Jay Weatherill's past relationship where,I
am led to believe,he was the boyfriend of Penny Wong the now Senator Penny
Wong who now, and has been for years, living in a lesbian relationship and
where they together, when in the Adelaide University,was then in control of
the University Labor Club which was also known as the
" Bulkus Left " as prodigies of Nick Bolkus the former Aussie Labor Senator has any influence
in regard to how effective the SA police investigation and hopeful
prosecutions of these ' Low Life LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers '.
This relationship between Weatherill and Wong when they were vibrant
young Uni students I believe any reasonable person could assume was the
usual heterosexual one or listening to Weatherill's effeminate male voice
you have to wonder??
However this surely must have been before Senator
Penny Wong realised she was a lesbian therefore blowing out of the water the
LGBT theory that females are born lesbians and do not evolve, develop or
mature over time and due to circumstances such as very few males, if any, find them attractive enough.
I hope Senator Penny Wong's relationship with
Jay Weatherill was not the reason Senator Wong was put of blokes forever and
decided she preferred females for some reason???
However I know I will, and from reading the feed back on newspaper
comments, social media etc; I am more than confident that so are 10's of
1000's of decent Aussie citizens, be taking a keen interest in how the Jay
Weatherill mob and his police force handle this serious matter??
Teflon Billy Shorten The
Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, homosexual
activist and alleged rapist.
Well people there would be no doubt in
my mind, as I am sure in the minds of 100's of 1000's of
descent minded Aussies, that Teflon Billy, his Labor mob and Union mates
are swilling down a
few extra pints and cheering along with their song " Unions, united,
we will never be defeated "
or in this case " LGBT, united, we will never be defeated " and celebrating
the trashing of
Senator Bernardi's office because that, and now the LGBT, is
what Unions do!!
However ofcourse this Myth that"Unions, united, we will never be
defeated "is just that,because unions are losing members on a weekly basis
due to closures, amalgamations and technology and that is why in my view
they are buttering up to the LGBT in order to try and replace paying Labor
party membership and in return accumulate election funds because this has
nothing to do with people loving each other, but more to do with getting Teflon
Billy's mob elected to govern Aussie.
Now People what I am about to
say, albeit in far more words, I am, after reading a great stream of the
various readers comments in the media, excluding the ABC where reporting the
trashing of Senator Bernardi's office was barely mentioned and even then via
the ABC TV showed a very
subdued mob outside Bernadi's office in both the NSW or Queensland,
confident expresses the
views of 10's of 1000's of descent Aussie people that find this violent
behaviour by these LGBT
Fascist Stormtroopers terrorising Mrs. Bernardi and the office staff
plus trashing and the
graphetting of the office and should be condemned in
the most possible terms and the full
weight of the law whether state or
federal, because Bernardi's office is totally funded I gather by
federal Tax
Payers, should be brought on these LGBT low life's.
Now all this information I gathered from Wikipedia, the free
First up we have:
Adolf Hitler.
During the 1920's and 1930's the Nazi Party developed a paramilitary
wing which came to be known as the"Brown Shirts"or"Stormtroopers"(
Sturmabteilung )and helped the Nazi Party to rise to power by disrupting
opposition party meetings, intimidating Slavic, Romani citizens, unions and
They boycotted Jewish businesses and did their best to discourage
others by threats and intimidation.
They attacked newspaper premises and radio stations that criticised the
Nazi's and smashed and destroyed printing presses and equipment.
They certainly helped in a big way to get Hitler's Nazi Party into
power, the rest is history.
So people how is that different from what these LGBT fascist
Stormtroopers didby terrorising Mrs.Bernardi and staff and wrecking the
office and outside premises plus threatening to boycott businesses where the
owners object to " Gay Marriage " and try and intimidated any Aussie, pollie
or otherwise, that speaks out against " Gay Marriage "???
Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini's Black Shirts. in Italian, Camicle Nere, CCNN.
This mob of Mussolini's " Black Shirts " modeled themselves on the
success of the Nazi
"Brown Shirts"and became the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist
Party and they like Hitler's Nazi " Brown Shirts " were successful by using
violence,intimidation andboycotts against anyone or organisations,
especially the Jews, that disagreed or criticised Mussolini and the
Like the Nazi situation it worked and Mussolini's National Fascist
Party got into power.
How is this different from what happened to Senator Bernardi's wife, staff
and premises on the 18/3/2016 ???
Mao Zedong.
Mao's Red Guard.
This was a fanaticised student mass Paramilitary Social Movement their
main aim was to destroy and intimidate all those that did not agree with
Mao's teachings by attacking libraries and destroying old books, art,
museums and anything relating to heritage, ransacking
temples and
Their motto or " War Cry " was:
Chair Mao has defined our future as an armed revolutionary youth
organisation. So if Chairman Mao is our
Red-Commander-in-Chief and we are his Red soldiers, who can stop us? First we
will make China red ( superimpose LGBT in this case ) from inside out and
then we will help the working people ( superimpose LGBT )
of other countries make the world red ( LGBT ). And then the whole
So people how is this " Fanaticism " not unlike what the LGBT
are trying to force their agenda on the rest of us, Senator
Bernardi's office is just the thin end of the wedge and if the Weatherill mob
in SA, for whatever reason such as bias, political correctness, so-called free
speech, allows this bunch of fanatical LGBT fascists to get away with " Just
a slap on the wrist "?? then watch out closer to the " Plebiscite "
in regard to " Gay Marriage " the LGBT terrorism will be full
Kenneth Kaunda - Zambia President from 1964 - 1991. - 27
A quote from Kenneth Kaunda:
The power which establishes a state is violence, the power
which maintains it is violence, the power which eventually overthrows it is violence.
inability of those in power to still the voices of their own consciences is the
great force leading to change.
When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by
I was in Zambia in the 1960's and 1970's when the "
Zambian Youth Brigade " which was an off shoot of Kaunda's U.N.I.P - United National Independence Party
- was formed by enrolling young fanatical U.N.I.P youths to basically
enforce, albeit illegally although in many cases the Zambian Police for whatever reason refused to intervene,
party policy which meant that they went around the villages and the cities threatening,
intimidating and assaulting those that dared to speak out against the U.N.I.P and
They regularly physically assaulted, in public, any women that
they found with short skirts especially "Mini Skirts".
This certainly helped keep Kaunda and the U.N.I.P in power for
( 27 ) years!!
This is not newspaper or media hype I actually witnessed the
the U.N.I.P so-called "Youth Brigade "in full flight on many occasions and seeing what went on
in and around Senator Bernardi's premises in Premier Jay
Weatherill's SA state was a photo copy of what myself and many 1000's
of others witnessed in Zambia!!
What we as a nation has witnessed by these mongrel LGBT Fascist
Stormtroopers with intimidation of Mrs. Bernardi, office staff and the destruction of
the Senators electoral office and surrounding area is a ' Cancer ' that has to be cut out, cauterised
and dealt with harshly before it spreads and becomes the norm and eats away at our society and
the values we treasure most because if not,' NO ONE IS SAFE ' this type of terrorism knows no
bounds or boundaries and disregards totally anyone's legal right to peacefully voice a
contrary opinion or point of view.
Otherwise people don't whinge when this tactic works and after
these LGBT activists on getting things like " Gay Marriage - Marriage Equality " they insist they
get a special mention in the Aussie Constitution as a minority just like the Aboriginals and
Torres Strait Islanders?
Aussie Aboriginals.
Or as Teflon Billy Shorten suggested, while campaigning for the
Labor Leadership after the Labor Parties devastating defeat
in September 2013, that there should be certain seats set aside
for homosexuals in parliament.
Trent Zimmerman the new Liberal Federal Member for North Sydney
taking over from Joe Hockey.
Tim Wilson formally our Human Rights Commissioner at a salary of
some $400,000 pa - we certainly know how to spend the hard earned scarce Tax Payer funds don't we??
this bloke would have been earning about $100,000 less than our PM? who resigned to run for
the Victoria Liberal safe seat of Goldstein being vacated by our LNP Trades
Minister Andrew Robb who is retiring from politics.
Wilson is yet another practicing homosexual.
Well Teflon Billy boy looks like your wish to fill up the
federal parliament at least, with LGBT's is fast becoming a reality?
Just now it will be " Spot the heterosexual "??
Therefore it is as obvious as the noses on the like's of Trent Zimmerman
and Tim Wilson's faces why our pollies, especially Teflon Billy, wants the vote on " Gay marriage
and Marriage Equality " decided by the pollies and not a "National Plebiscite" because you could
bet the value of your house on the outcome especially with the Labor Party not allowing a conscience vote as "Marriage Equality " is part of the Labor Parties platform.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
Sir Mike's Comments 21/3/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
Subject: ' LGBT fascists StormTroopers trash Aussie Senators Office '
Senator Cory Bernardi.
Michael Owen, SA Bureau Chief for the Adelaide, The Australian- National Affairs and I gather the photo was produced by a Mark Brake.
I must state up front that although I used Michael Owen's article on the 18/3/2016 as a reference the words, comments, titles on here or on my blog are entirely my own and not either Michael Owen's or Mark Brake's.
Jay Weatherill, The Premier of South Australian.
Well South Australia where else??? as an Aussie State a " Walking Disaster ".
Where we have a Premier Jay Weatherill that:
1. Now has the highest unemployment figures in Aussie rising from 6.8% to 7.7%, the highest figures for SA in(15)years.
2. The demise of the SA automotive industry with the SA ship building and steel industry just about on their knee's and ofcourse the flow onto other industries that rely on these industries for work.
3. Lower commodity prices for their mining industries, less royalties etc;.
4. SA is experiencing (5) maybe (6) consecutive budget deficits hence Weatherill's plea for the rest of the good Aussie citizens to bale SA financially out and save his political arse by upping the national GST rate from (10%) to (15%)?
5. It would appear according to the Australian Tourist Bureau at a recent award presentations where good old Tassie won the major prize and the pathetic effort put up by SA put them at the bottom of the pile when it came to the very lucrative multi-billion Aussie tourist industry?is it any wonder Weatherill wants an increase to the GST which in my view is a very lazy, uncreative, pedestrian way to run any organisation let alone a sovereign state of Aussie.
The Sovereign State.
6. Now to add insult to injury in regard to law and order Weatherill's mob of SA police have ' FAILED' big time to protect a very controversial, so surely a reasonable person could expect that SA police intelligence would have anticipated what has happened on the 18/3/2016?? NO??, to an Aussie Federal Senator by the name of Cory Bernardi and the terrorising of Mrs. Bernardi and the Senators staff and the serious trashing , graphetting and property damage!!
What a national disgrace let alone a SA state disgrace!!
However, taking all the above into consideration and regardless of their impact on not only SA but Aussie broadly, Weatherill, as I pointed out in a previous mike's comments,can put the effort into subjects like"Gay Marriage"and come onto ABC Radio National,as I also previously mentioned on a mike's comments, and apologise profusely for not putting the fact that an English gay bloke that was lucky enough to die in Aussie,SA did not have the fact that the bloke had been legally married in the UK and this was not endorsed on the death certificate and as such Weatherill would ensure that a law was passed in SA to recognised overseas homosexual marriage?
Wow,?? how earth shattering is that and of such national importance to the extent that Weatherill had to announce it on national radio?? much to the absolute " GLEE " ofcourse of the homosexual broadcasting media the ABC.
Therefore in my view is it any wonder with Weatherill's attitude and support for LGBT that these LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers waited to trash and seriously damage property and terrorise Senator Bernardi's wife and staff with the Senator still in Canberra highly involved in one of, if not the longest, Senate debates in regard to the Senate election system and thereby the nations media attention would be otherwise diverted!
People it will be very interesting to see if the Weatherill mob' SA police force take any serious actions over what has to be tantamount to an act of terrorism and wonton destruction of Tax Payers property!!
Let us hope the SA Premier Jay Weatherill's past relationship where,I am led to believe,he was the boyfriend of Penny Wong the now Senator Penny Wong who now, and has been for years, living in a lesbian relationship and where they together, when in the Adelaide University,was then in control of the University Labor Club which was also known as the
" Bulkus Left " as prodigies of Nick Bolkus the former Aussie Labor Senator has any influence in regard to how effective the SA police investigation and hopeful prosecutions of these ' Low Life LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers '.
This relationship between Weatherill and Wong when they were vibrant young Uni students I believe any reasonable person could assume was the usual heterosexual one or listening to Weatherill's effeminate male voice you have to wonder??
However this surely must have been before Senator Penny Wong realised she was a lesbian therefore blowing out of the water the LGBT theory that females are born lesbians and do not evolve, develop or mature over time and due to circumstances such as very few males, if any, find them attractive enough.
I hope Senator Penny Wong's relationship with Jay Weatherill was not the reason Senator Wong was put of blokes forever and decided she preferred females for some reason???
However I know I will, and from reading the feed back on newspaper comments, social media etc; I am more than confident that so are 10's of 1000's of decent Aussie citizens, be taking a keen interest in how the Jay Weatherill mob and his police force handle this serious matter??
Teflon Billy Shorten The Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, homosexual
activist and alleged rapist.
Well people there would be no doubt in my mind, as I am sure in the minds of 100's of 1000's of
descent minded Aussies, that Teflon Billy, his Labor mob and Union mates
are swilling down a
few extra pints and cheering along with their song " Unions, united,
we will never be defeated "
or in this case " LGBT, united, we will never be defeated " and celebrating
the trashing of
Senator Bernardi's office because that, and now the LGBT, is
what Unions do!!
However ofcourse this Myth that"Unions, united, we will never be defeated "is just that,because unions are losing members on a weekly basis due to closures, amalgamations and technology and that is why in my view they are buttering up to the LGBT in order to try and replace paying Labor party membership and in return accumulate election funds because this has nothing to do with people loving each other, but more to do with getting Teflon Billy's mob elected to govern Aussie.
Now People what I am about to say, albeit in far more words, I am, after reading a great stream of the various readers comments in the media, excluding the ABC where reporting the trashing of Senator Bernardi's office was barely mentioned and even then via the ABC TV showed a very
subdued mob outside Bernadi's office in both the NSW or Queensland,
confident expresses the
views of 10's of 1000's of descent Aussie people that find this violent
behaviour by these LGBT
Fascist Stormtroopers terrorising Mrs. Bernardi and the office staff
plus trashing and the
graphetting of the office and should be condemned in
the most possible terms and the full
weight of the law whether state or
federal, because Bernardi's office is totally funded I gather by
federal Tax
Payers, should be brought on these LGBT low life's.
Now all this information I gathered from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
First up we have:
During the 1920's and 1930's the Nazi Party developed a paramilitary wing which came to be known as the"Brown Shirts"or"Stormtroopers"( Sturmabteilung )and helped the Nazi Party to rise to power by disrupting opposition party meetings, intimidating Slavic, Romani citizens, unions and Jews.
They boycotted Jewish businesses and did their best to discourage others by threats and intimidation.
They attacked newspaper premises and radio stations that criticised the Nazi's and smashed and destroyed printing presses and equipment.
They certainly helped in a big way to get Hitler's Nazi Party into power, the rest is history.
So people how is that different from what these LGBT fascist Stormtroopers didby terrorising Mrs.Bernardi and staff and wrecking the office and outside premises plus threatening to boycott businesses where the owners object to " Gay Marriage " and try and intimidated any Aussie, pollie or otherwise, that speaks out against " Gay Marriage "???
This mob of Mussolini's " Black Shirts " modeled themselves on the success of the Nazi
"Brown Shirts"and became the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist
Party and they like Hitler's Nazi " Brown Shirts " were successful by using
violence,intimidation andboycotts against anyone or organisations,
especially the Jews, that disagreed or criticised Mussolini and the
Like the Nazi situation it worked and Mussolini's National Fascist Party got into power.
This was a fanaticised student mass Paramilitary Social Movement their main aim was to destroy and intimidate all those that did not agree with Mao's teachings by attacking libraries and destroying old books, art, museums and anything relating to heritage, ransacking
temples and
Their motto or " War Cry " was:
So people how is this " Fanaticism " not unlike what the LGBT are trying to force their agenda on the rest of us, Senator Bernardi's office is just the thin end of the wedge and if the Weatherill mob in SA, for whatever reason such as bias, political correctness, so-called free speech, allows this bunch of fanatical LGBT fascists to get away with " Just a slap on the wrist "?? then watch out closer to the " Plebiscite " in regard to " Gay Marriage " the LGBT terrorism will be full on!!
A quote from Kenneth Kaunda:
The power which establishes a state is violence, the power which maintains it is violence, the power which eventually overthrows it is violence.
The inability of those in power to still the voices of their own consciences is the great force leading to change.
When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees.
I was in Zambia in the 1960's and 1970's when the " Zambian Youth Brigade " which was an off shoot of Kaunda's U.N.I.P - United National Independence Party - was formed by enrolling young fanatical U.N.I.P youths to basically enforce, albeit illegally although in many cases the Zambian Police for whatever reason refused to intervene, party policy which meant that they went around the villages and the cities threatening, intimidating and assaulting those that dared to speak out against the U.N.I.P and Kaunda.
They regularly physically assaulted, in public, any women that they found with short skirts especially "Mini Skirts".
This certainly helped keep Kaunda and the U.N.I.P in power for ( 27 ) years!!
This is not newspaper or media hype I actually witnessed the the U.N.I.P so-called "Youth Brigade "in full flight on many occasions and seeing what went on in and around Senator Bernardi's premises in Premier Jay Weatherill's SA state was a photo copy of what myself and many 1000's of others witnessed in Zambia!!
What we as a nation has witnessed by these mongrel LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers with intimidation of Mrs. Bernardi, office staff and the destruction of the Senators electoral office and surrounding area is a ' Cancer ' that has to be cut out, cauterised and dealt with harshly before it spreads and becomes the norm and eats away at our society and the values we treasure most because if not,' NO ONE IS SAFE ' this type of terrorism knows no bounds or boundaries and disregards totally anyone's legal right to peacefully voice a contrary opinion or point of view.
Otherwise people don't whinge when this tactic works and after these LGBT activists on getting things like " Gay Marriage - Marriage Equality " they insist they get a special mention in the Aussie Constitution as a minority just like the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders?
Or as Teflon Billy Shorten suggested, while campaigning for the Labor Leadership after the Labor Parties devastating defeat in September 2013, that there should be certain seats set aside for homosexuals in parliament.
Wilson is yet another practicing homosexual.
Well Teflon Billy boy looks like your wish to fill up the federal parliament at least, with LGBT's is fast becoming a reality?
Just now it will be " Spot the heterosexual "??
Therefore it is as obvious as the noses on the like's of Trent Zimmerman and Tim Wilson's faces why our pollies, especially Teflon Billy, wants the vote on " Gay marriage and Marriage Equality " decided by the pollies and not a "National Plebiscite" because you could bet the value of your house on the outcome especially with the Labor Party not allowing a conscience vote as "Marriage Equality " is part of the Labor Parties platform.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.