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Subject: Fw: " Tim Cook the Apple CEO is Gay "
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Subject: Fw: " Tim Cook the Apple CEO is Gay "
Sunday, November 02, 2014 4:36 PM
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Subject: " Tim Cook the Apple CEO is Gay "
( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring
the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am heterosexual!!
3. Although non-religious I tend to believe in
so-called Christian values/beliefs!!
Mike's Comments -
Also on my blog:
Subject:" Tim Cook the Apple CEO is Gay
Tim Cook Apple CEO
Well people I believe you would have had to
have been in a coma or some other state of unconsciousness not to have seen/ heard in the
media the earth shattering news – probably greater than the start of the GFC - that the
CEO of Apple Tim Cook announced to the world the best known - I gather - secret in the
electronic and financial world ? are
you ready for this? Tim Cook is " GAY "!! WOW!!! what a headline!!
? maybe Apple were a bit short on
new products and therefore they thought " I know in
order to take the punters attention from our competitors product launches we will serve up
our " Ace in the hole !! " bound to get the media's attention world wide - which ofcourse it did -
and announce that Tim Cook is " GAY "!! stroke of genius!!
This precious gay mob are from my point of view
becoming a right pain in the bum - no pun intended – just like the Muslim mob where they both purport to want to be part of
the general community but at the same
time blatantly highlight and
constantly express -one way or the other-their differences!!!
The only people in my view that would be
salivating and wetting their knickers over the announcement of Tim Cooks gayness in Aussie would be the
1. The 30 - 40% of our gay, lesbian and
bisexual pollies spread across all (3) levels of this over governed country of ours who I believe are a far to big a representative
body where they use their political power and influence to gain benefits
for the homosexual Aussie mob considering that the homosexual mob only
represent about 1.5% - or about 250
- 300,000 - of the Aussie population!!
2. Then ofcourse people we have the 20 - 30% I
gather - led to believe - of the management and staff of the homosexual promotional arm of the Aussie ABC ( Aunty ) are
swooning every time! and Time! and Time
and time again they run and rerun
the news videos of Tim Cook looking like a stunned mullet in amongst
his adoring crowd of well
Rodney Croome.
3. However people the cream of the crop - ? HOW
IS THIS FOR POWER AND INFLUENCE?? - would in my view be Rodney Croome a Tassie bloke that is a well know gay rights
and anti - discrimination activist who is about
to be made " The Tasmanian
Australian of the Year for 2015 " and believe me people that decision is
creating quite a storm on Tassie
social media and as you can expect not all good?? and many are saying that
it could put gay rights in Tassie back years if not decades especially since the Labor/ Greenie pollies
were well and truly dumped by the Tassie voters and that Rodney Croome could just end up Tassies
token gay??
4. Plus ofcourse the gay & lesbian
community in general.
Therefore people other than the mobs mentioned
Many of these gays across the board - sport,
politics, entertainment, now business believe that for some reason it is essential to announce to the world that they are
To me - especially for the likes of Tim Cook
who by normal standards has every thing going his way - wealth, power, influence - this is no more than an extreme case of "
Narcissism " where Tim Cook and his like have
risen to these dizzy heights and
still crave more because they have this preoccupation with self, plus personal
preferences and aspirations, needs,
success and how he/or she is perceived by others?? in Tim
Cooks case he is gay and prefers
having sexual relations with males and not females and quite
frankly looking at the skinny body
and lined face of his it would be his money and position any
decent women would want him for- so no great loss to the female fraternity I would
Lets take a look at this bloke Tim
He was the Apple Chief Operations Officer until
the 24/8/2011 when due to Steve Jobs ill health Jobs became the first Chairman of Apple and Cook took over as the CEO and
ofcourse Jobs died on the 5/10/2011 leaving
Cook to take over in his own right
as CEO however from articles that I read there was little likelihood of Cook
becoming CEO had Jobs not got sick
and later died and some of the opinion I read suggested that the
real reason Cook got the job was
that he happened to be in the right place at the right time and
there are many detractors that have
doubts about his ability to fill the shoes of Steve Jobs and
when you read in the Bloomberg Business Week something that is attributed to Cook quote: "
While I have never denied my sexuality I haven't publically acknowledged it either until now so
let it be clear I'm proud to be gay and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me " unquote - how
So ? what is Tim Cook suggesting that God
discriminates and differentiates between homosexuals and heterosexuals therefore God may show a prejudicial distinction in the treatment
of the two categories of people especially on
the grounds of their sexual
preference?? really?? then we had better get the learned scholars to check out
whether God is either gay? straight?
or bi-sexual or all of the above?? otherwise some of us are going
to be very disappointed when we meet
St Peter at the pearly gates??
People I have to ask myself that considering
the vast responsibilities - read below - that this bloke Tim Cook has got as the CEO of Apple as a share holder, customer or even as
one of his 90 odd 1000 employees would
you like to have your CEO to come
out and declare his sexual preference and that it is sanction by God? the
same God that you believe in and
like the majority of the other (7) billion people on this earth find the act
of sodomy - which it is estimated
that the majority of say 85 - 90% of gay men practice - to be abhorrent?
how would that make them feel
towards the CEO and the company it's
As far as I am concerned you can be gay or
whatever you want to be but don't expect any special treatment! consideration! understanding! or laws protecting you specifically
because you are what you want to be plus
don't continually
push it in
my face! down my throat! because of
some narcissistic personality you want to be
the centre of attraction by claiming
to be different???
Contrary to the propaganda put out by the
greenies/lefties and the gay/lesbian lobby homosexuality is not accepted by the
majority of Aussies it is just tolerated because of the fear of being abused by the gay/lesbian in your face mob or
prosecuted by law under the anti- discrimination
However if you don't believe me try putting the
changes to the Federal Marriage Act to allow same sex marriages to a referendum? as compared to some " Mickey Mouse " polling done
by some out fit that interviews some
18 - 25 year olds who are unmarried
and don't particularly believe in it?? it will get dumped big
Ok people speak up before these minorities
decide what we the majority - who they can't for practical and financial
reasons do without!!! - tell us what
we can and can't say and/or do??
However if your happy with that then don't
whinge when it happens you will have deserved it!!!!
Mike Howe.
Tim Cook Apple CEO
From Wikipedia
of June 2014, Apple maintains 425
stores in fourteen countries,[11][12] as well as the online Apple
Store and
Store,[13] the
of which is the world's largest music retailer.[14] Apple is the largest
publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization,
As of Q1 2014, Apple's five-year growth
average is 39% for top
line growth and 45% forbottom
line growth. In May 2013, Apple entered the
ten of the Fortune
500 list of companies for the first time, rising
11 places above its 2012 ranking to take the sixth position.
Revenue | |
Operating income | |
Net income | |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Employees | 98,000 (2014)[3] |