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Subject: Fw: " Bill Cosby - Yes!! Teflon Bill Shorten - No!! Why? "
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 5:13 PM
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Subject: Fw: " Bill Cosby - Yes!! Teflon Bill Shorten - No!! Why? "
Sunday, November 30, 2014 5:03 PM
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Subject: Fw: " Bill Cosby - Yes!! Teflon Bill Shorten - No!! Why? "
Sunday, November 30, 2014 4:56 PM
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Subject: Fw: " Bill Cosby - Yes!! Teflon Bill Shorten - No!! Why? "
( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the
so-called Christian values/belief!
Mike's Comments 30/11/2014.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " Bill Cosby - Yes!! Teflon Bill Shorten
- No!! WHY?? "
Bill Cosby.
People if you haven't recently become aware that
Bill Cosby the world famous comedian and TV plus big screen actor has been
accused of rape then you must have been on a desert island or in a
Bill Cosby at 77 has never faced a judge or jury,
let alone been convicted, over the allegations of rape however it is clear many
people - especially within the media generally- have him already tried and
Well lets take a look at this bloke Bill
Yes he is a well known world celebrity! but he is
not a pollie and/or a powerful Union/ Labour Leader accountable to the voters!
Union Membership! and therefore has got his hands in their pockets for his
remuneration of any
He is not running for the office of an American
State Governor or any other government tax paid position and especially not the
USA Presidents job or even something to the equivalent of our Prime Ministers
Yet he has been hammered in my view in the media
generally across the board ie; TV,Print, Radio, Social media with negative slurs
and headlines especially on our Aussie ABC TV News but with special mention of
the ABC Radio and the ABC Radio National where they ran it as a major news item
on the hour virtually through out the day together with recorded interviews with
the irate spitting chips " ALLEGED " rape victim!!
Teflon Bill Shorten.
Alleged Rapist.
So people surely any reasonable Aussie has every
right to ask WHY? so much concentrated interest on an American comedian when a
bloke like Teflon Bill Shorten an Aussie powerful Union & Labor Federal
Opposition Leader can be accused of raping a (16) year old girl back in the 1980's at a
Victorian Labor Party Youth Camp and the media here - with a few exceptions see
Kangaroo Court Publication below - with a special mention again of the ABC TV
but mostly ABC Radio & Radio National!! - where their " SILENCE WAS
DEAFENING!! " and this bloke Teflon Bill is hoping to be the next Prime Minister
of this great country of ours!!
So WHY?? the blatant and morally corrupt media
black out and suppressed comment and investigation??
How is it that Teflon Bill Shortens alleged rape
victim Kathy was not interviewed by the ABC Radio & Radio National and that
interview with commentary repeatedly played to us audience as a major news item
through out the day???.
Maybe? because Teflon Bills " Alleged " rape of
Kathy was supposed to have happened 20-30 years ago?
Well so did Bill Cosby's but that didn't stop the
ABC Radio & Radio National giving it maximum air
Rolf Harris.
What about Rolf Harris??
To my knowledge Rolf Harris was accused and
convicted and sent to jail for sexually assaulting and not the heinous crime of
raping those women some 30 - 40 years ago and yet look at the time, money and effort the Aussie media - again with
special mention of the ABC across the board put into that!! and that went on for
weeks if not months!!
Yet the alleged case of a heinous rape of a (16)
year by Teflon Bill Shorten a possible future PM of this great country of ours??
virtually a disgusting and very undemocratic and some what oppressive
"ZERO" media coverage and investigation
Annabel Crabb.
As I stated in Mike's Comments dated the 9/11/2014
Subject: " ABC's Insiders - A free kick for Teflon Bill " even on Annabel Crabbs
show the " Kitchen Cabinet " interviewing Teflon Bill at his home having lunch
where Annabel referred to the media laying off in regard to his other
problem - the alleged rape case no doubt ? what else has
Teflon Bill " Drawn a Line under " and refused to discuss any further? - where
Teflon Bill agreed!!
How? is that for political power and unprecedented
media influence of a national Union & Political leader?
I have in my time in Africa lived under
dictatorships and believe me people this is how they assume power and
unfettered influence by first
controlling the media especially the national broadcaster with the threats of
repercussions legal or otherwise and then they keep their " Foot on their throats " as the saying goes until they assume control of the media
in general!!
Senator Stephen Conroy.
Was? it not the previous Labor Communications
Minister Stephen Conroy that introduced the then Labor governments proposed
media laws where the package included the establishment of a new media watch dog
and interest test for future company mergers which thank goodness failed to get
the needed votes to pass the legislation.
However maybe what Senator Conroy failed to do
Teflon Bill Shorten has done very effectively anyway??
This unfettered power and influence over our media
- especially our national broadcaster the ABC - should concern every Aussie if they value what
little democratic freedoms we have because just blink mate and there gone " Never " to
However if your happy with that then don't whinge
when Aussie years down the track becomes a one party state and the equivalent of
a dictatorship? couldn't happen in Aussie?
How bloody naive can you be?? how many media
moguls control our over all Aussie media today? then inform me how useful a
current or future Prime Minister could be too them?.
Mike Howe.Scroll down.
Shane Dowling – Kangaroo Court
Bill Shorten was
arrested and interviewed by Victoria police regarding an allegation that he
raped a 16-year-old girl in 1986. I have been told that it happened on or around
the 28th March 2014. I only found out a few days ago about the arrest although I
have known about the investigation since last year. It is a bit like the
Australian Rules player Majak
Daw who the media has only reported in the last few days as being accused
of rape even though he was arrested in May.
I have spoken to the Victoria
Police yesterday in relation to the Bill Shorten investigation and they have
given me the standard line that “The
investigation is ongoing and we’re not prepared to provide a running commentary
or comment on whether anyone’s been interviewed.” (Click here to read my last 2 emails to the
Victoria Police - I have taken the
names and email addresses out for privacy reasons.)
I have previously written it was
first reported in The Australian in November last year that “A
Senior Labor figure is under investigation by Victoria Police after it was
alleged he raped a teenager at an event organised by the party’s youth wing in
the 1980s.” (Click here to read more)
Plibersek and Abbott were
interviewed and said: “THE deputy leader of the federal Labor
Party, Tanya Plibersek, has said she fully supports the police investigation of
a senior party figure after it was alleged the man raped a teenager at a holiday
complex during the 1980s.” and “Tony
Abbott has also said he supports the police investigation. “If something has
happened, let it be looked into and treated as it should be by the relevant
authorities,” the Prime Minister told Melbourne radio station 3AW
yesterday.” (Click here to read more) As you would expect Bill Shorten was not
I investigated and
published three articles:
1. 29th November 2013 – “Bill
Shorten accused of raping 16-year-old girl in 1986. Victorian police are
investigating” (Click here to read the post)
2. 11th December 2013 – “Bill
Shorten refuses to answer media questions regarding alleged rape of 16-year-old
girl” (Click here to read the post)
3. 9th February 2014 – “Bill
Shorten and the Victoria Police rape investigation. Do we have a right to
know?” (Click here
to read the post)
As I said I found
out a few days ago that Bill Shorten had been arrested and interviewed on or
around the 28th of March so it was time for a follow-up. Everyone is staying
silent but they cannot stay that way forever. Even though they’re silent no one
is denying anything which is not a good look for Mr Shorten. I am told that the
police still have a few more people to interview.
I sent an email to the Prime
Minister’s office on Tuesday with a few questions (Click here to read) and have not had a response even though I made a follow-up call
yesterday. I also emailed Bill Shorten’s Media Director Ms Gardiner
yesterday (Click here to read) and have not had a response. In all fairness Ms Gardiner did not
have much time to respond. But I did ask her verbally if Bill Shorten had been
interviewed by police and she said I had to put the question in an email but the
tone of her voice told the story. If I do get a response I will add it to this
post but the previous email I sent last year with
questions for Mr Shorten he refused to respond so I
am not holding my breath.