Wednesday, 11 April 2018

' Turnbull ' NO ' political nous '

( Me at my place )


I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. I am a staunch self-rule republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and

Subject ' Turnbull No political nous ' 11/4/2018.

G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are well or at least be as well as can be expected
under your specific circumstances.

For my overseas readers,and ? maybe some of my Aussie readers as well,let me try and define the
word ' Nous ' pronounced as ' Naus ' from Wikipedia.

Nous ( Naus ) sometimes equated to intellect or intelligence,is a philosophical term for the faculty of
the human mind which is described in classical philosophy as necessary for understanding what is
" True or Real ".

Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality,or fidelity to an original standard.

Reality is the state of things as they exist,as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

The Guardian 9/4/2018 - Malcolm Turnbull in November 1999 as Chairman for the Australian Republican
Movement answering questions during final campaigning.
Photographer: Mark/REUTERS.

Now as a staunch Republican obviously I followed the 1999 campaign minute by minute and where under
the Malcolm Turnbulls, a then barrister and merchant banker,so-called arrogant,autocratic," Know-all "
leadership the Republican "Yes" vote was a total disaster,where there was no collective agreement on
anything of any consequence in regard to how the head of state would be elected,the type of system
that would replace the current one etc; etc; and as a consequence the voting pattern spoke for it's self:

Summary of results - Republic question.

National Total = 12,392,040 -Yes = 5,273,024- (45.13%.)         No = 6,410,787- (54.87%.)

Summary of results - Preamble Question.

National Total = 12,392,040 -Yes = 4,591,563-  (39.34%.)        No = 7,080,998- (60.66%)  

Remember this bloke Godwin Grech,the Treasury official in charge of the Ozcar scheme who on the
bases of what turned out to be,according the Aussie Federal Police,a forged "Email',Malcolm Turnbull
the then Federal Opposition Leader on the 4th of June 2009 went public accusing the then Labor PM
Kevin Rudd's office of going to Treasury to obtain preferential financial assistance for a Queensland
car dealership by the name of John Grant Motors under the Ozcar funding scheme which was closed
after the GFC.

On the 23 June 2009 Turnbull had to admit he was wrong about Kevin Rudd.

Over the next couple weeks several polls appeared simultaneously all showing a drop in Turnbulls
approval rating, and according to Newspoll in the Australian Turnbulls approval rating suffered the
biggest fall in the survey's 25-year history, where Rudd's approval went from 57 to 65%.

Tony Abbott an Ex Aussie PM.

1/12/2009 Tony Abbott roles Malcolm Turnbull at a Liberal Party leadership spill by one vote 42 - 41.
Seemingly Turnbull supported,with amendments,the Rudd Labor/Greanie Governments " Emissions
Trading Scheme " (ETS),however many,including Abbott and the National Party,in the Liberal Party
didn't, and as such I clearly remember listening to Turnbull on a radio channel stating words to the
effect that he would not lead a party that did not believe in climate change and develop systems and
scheme's to combat it.

So obviously the bulk of the Liberal Party were not going to be lectured too/told what they can or
can't do by some autocratic demogogue leader so they made up Turnbull's mind for him,and after the
spill on the 1/12/2009 made Tony Abbott the new Opposition Leader.

However you would have to be bloody naive to not believe that Turnbull from that day on continually
" White anted - subverted,under-mined " Tony Abbott.

Therefore as we know Turnbull achieved his goal on the 14/9/2015 by beating Tony Abbott after a
party spill and becoming the Aussie PM.

However as we are painfully aware Turnbull in a moment of " Political naivety and lack of political nous "
especially as the polls were favouring a Labor Party win,went to the longest political election campaign,
and possibly the most tax payer expensive,in 50 years, of 8 weeks/52 days including an even more naive
decision of a " Double Dissolution/dissolving of both the Senate and House of Reps " only to lose a 15
seat majority in the House of Reps to only one, and the election of minor parties to take control of the
Senate on the 2nd of July 2016.

This was the 1999 " Republican Campaign " all over again where Turnbull is so far out of touch with
reality and makes emotional,idealistic decisions.

Gay Marriage.

Turnbull guaranteed after he had politically assassinated Abbott to continue to have the compulsory
Plebiscite Aussie wide in regard to amending the marriage Act to allow same sex marriage.

However what we got was a " Mickey Mouse " non-compulsory Postal Survey sent out/posted to
some 16 million eligible voters,20% - say 3.2 million did not bother to fill in the form,and say 4 million
- say 25% voted 'NO' so we had at least 45% of Aussies that did not vote for " Same sex marriage "
some 7.2 million voters ? is it any wonder that many religious and conservative voters are switching
to minority parties especially in the Senate.

Barnaby Joyce the Member for New England,now the Ex Deputy PM and Leader of the National Party
and a back bencher,but still the most recognised and influential rural pollie Aussie has currently,and a
great loss to the Federal Ministry,Cabinet and the Coalition front bench as a result of being politically
shafted in the back by our Prime Minister the magnificent,bumbling,politically naive,lacking any political
nous,for any pollie yet alone a Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

S.M Herald 16/2/2018. Turnbull.

" Barnaby made a shocking error of judgment in having an affair with a young woman working in his
office.In doing so,he has set off a world of woe for those women and appalled all of us,the Prime
Minister said in a late afternoon address.
Barnaby knows he made that shocking error of judgment.He knows that he let down his wife and
daughters and he apologised for that and to them " unquote.

So people what has this got to do with Turnbull ?? Barnaby was the Leader of the National Party ?
what happened to " No comment this is a matter for Barnaby and the National Party ???

This was typical Turnbull emotionally firing from the hip !! media tart !!!

Australian Cricket Team " Ball Tampering Cricket/Network 9/4/2018.

Now here again Turnbull comes out frothing at the mouth about the " Ball Tampering " by " SOME "
of the Aussie Cricket team,however here are some of the spray our PM gave the Aussie Cricket
Team as a whole:

" It seemed completely beyond belief that the Australian cricket team had been involved in cheating "
unquote. (note condemning the whole team not certain individuals.)

" How can our team be engaged in cheating like this ?It beggars belief " unquote.(note again Turnbull
condemns the whole team.)

Referring to Cricket Australia Turnbull states:
Quote: It's their responsibility to deal with it,but I have to say that (to) the whole nation,who holds
those who wear the Baggy Green up on a pedestal,about as high as you can get in Australia...this
is a shocking disappointment. unquote.(note again condemning the whole cricket team.)

Surely this is all about a couple of cricketers that have tried to get the edge by tampering with the
ball,it has been going on since forever in cricket and these blokes got caught which has cost them
their positions in the team and I gather millions in lost sponsorships and I believe,and so do many
others I speak to and read on the internet, that Malcolm Turnbull's out burst as our PM condemning
the whole team just goes to show that Turnbull,once again, seriously lacks the" Political nous " and
temperament to be our political leader.

This bloke Turnbull our Aussie PM is just a media tart, who is driven by emotion and politically
everything Turnbull touches and/or get's involved in is very superficial,smoke and mirrors stuff and
short term to suit his time frame,all Turnbull is interested in is Turnbull !!!!!!!! and the Aussie voters
are not stupid the polling is showing this.

Malcolm Turnbull PM and some of his up market,top end of town mates.

I was in the New England area when the latest bi-election took place for this seat when Barnaby had
to get re-elected because Barnaby had to vacate his seat as a result of this " Dual citizenship debacle "
which Barnaby won hands down by ? some 64-65% majority.

However on election night there was this pompous,up himself Malcolm Turnbull claiming that this was
the greatest " Coalition bi-election win " and what a great team the Liberals and National Party are??
when in actual fact Barnaby and the Nationals won it in their own right !! and Malcolm Turnbull would
be lucky to be five points above that Union Puppet,alleged rapist and Federal Labor Opposition Leader
Teflon Billy Shorten when it comes to being unpopular with the New England voters.

So what do you reckon people is Barnaby Joyce:

1. A threat to national security in anyway?
2. A threat to Aussies financial stability and future wellbeing?
3. Flagrantly abused his political influence/power that may seriously effect the
Aussie nation as a whole for personal financial/or otherwise gain.

or all of the above??

The answer ofcourse is no Barnaby has absolutely not been or done that !!!

Yet when you/we consider the massive problems Aussie has in every which way from the ' Cradle
to the grave ' and where over say the last (3) weeks at obvious considerable cost of easily 100's of
1000's of scarce Tax Payer dollars of equally scarce parliamentary time has been totally wasted
because Barnaby has left his wife and " Adult kids ",had an affair with one of his female,I have to
mention " Female " because there are so many bi-sexual/homosexual limp wrister's in Federal
Parliament you can never tell these days!! parliamentary assistants where she is now pregnant to
him and I gather they are now living together as a couple?

WELL,WELL,WELL what a national disaster how will Aussie ever recover from this devastating and
horrific situation???

But wait there is more!! the pollies are going to waste even more 10's of 1000's of hard earned scarce
Tax Payer dollars, so parliament can investigate if Barnaby used Tax Payers funds in regard to say
travel expenses for him and now his pregnant partner ? and was the transfer of this said partner,notice
I do not mention the ladies name I believe in farness to her,to another government department legitimate
and above board??

BARNABY'S BABY...and the rest

You won’t hear much from Labor and the Greens about Barnaby Joyce’s extra marital affair.

Bill Shorten - had an extra-marital affair with cute blonde Chloe Bryce 10 years ago - and got
Ms. Bryce pregnant while both were still married.

Bob Hawke - had an affair with Blanch d’Alpuget while married to Hazel - WHILE HE WAS PM

Tony Burke - had an affair with office staffer Skye Laris while married to Cathy Bresnan with kids.

Senator Nick McKim - had an affair with married staffer Cassy O’Connor while her husband an
artist was at home keeping the home fires burning and raising their 4 kids.

McKim’s affair it is alleged caused the breaking up of the young family.
There are a lot of shout-outs that Barnaby Joyce should resign.
Yet, Shorten, Burke and McKim are still there.
If we apply the ‘resign’ principle to all of parliament – and the press gallery – Canberra would be
a ghost town.

People if we did not see the antics of these political bastards on a regular bases,where for no other
reason they spend our taxes on no more than political point scoring,and where these devious bastards
have been across the board up to this sort of skullduggery for political decades ? if not forever!! then
ofcourse we should not be surprised just how far these majority of low life's can go.

Now people I could go on as I have gathered a lot more information,however I am getting to the point
of my 77 years ? thinking why bother as the majority of Aussies at election after election keep voting
the same majority of these next-to-useless bunch of amateur,self interested pollies back into parliament
each time!! so I am thinking I will just grab myself another Guinness and go and sit outside in the real
world and see if I can see that International Space Station fly over again.

However as a passing shot I believe the Pickering,in his usual fashion,cartoon depicted below sums
up the Barnaby debacle in parliament perfectly!! but ofcourse only depicts the heterosexual goings
on in Federal parliament and omits the debauchery in regard to the gay/lesbian/bi-sexual activities??

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.