Wednesday, 18 April 2018

" Killing/Slaughter Depends how it's done "

(Me at my place )

My blog:

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. I am a staunch self-rule republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.

Subject: " Killing/Slaughter Depends how it's done ?? " 18/4/2018

G/day people I hope you are as well as can be expected wherever you are.

Well people every day must confirm to us all that it is the pollies around ( including Aussie ) the world
that cause,condone,sanction,excuse the killing,one way or the other,of not only the combatants but
innocent men,women and children,including babies,from the safety/sanctuary of their cozy well protected
offices and parliaments.

Had some,if not all,of these armchair soldiers experienced as I have some 50 odd years ago as a young
soldier in Central Africa,and although what I and others went through totally pales into insignificance
compared to what has for decades,and is currently happening in the middle east such as Iraq and Syria,
innocent people 'ALWAYS ' I repeat 'ALWAYS ' get effected one way or the other by various degrees by
military/armed conflict,but ofcourse these are just numbers on paper and ? concern for the cost to the
budget with the like's of our PM Malcolm Turnbull,Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister
Senator Marise Payne and seemingly supported by the Federal Labor Opposition.

The actions like these three " Armchair pollies " have over 100's of years resulted in the horrible across
the board deaths,to say nothing of those maimed and injured physically and mentally, of multi-millions
of both military and civilians around the world, yet the the slaughter continues as I type this only these
days death,injury and destruction is greater,more efficient and who has the capability of doing it
electronically and by remote control 100's if not 1000's of kilometres from their targets most likely wins
without " Boots on the ground " as the military saying goes.

Malcolm Turnbull Aussie PM.

Senator Marise Payne, Aussie Defence Minister.

Julie Bishop MP, Aussie Foreign Minister.

Now this is an article from by Sarah Blake 15/4/2018,there are many more in other publications
? take your pick.

Heading - Australia ' Fully Supports ' air strikes.

Quote: It came as the Turnbull Government said it " fully supports " air strikes on chemical-weapons targets
in Syria by US,British and French forces.

In a statement Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister Marise
Payne said the strikes were a " proportionate and targeted responce ".

" They send an unequivocal message to the Assad regime and it's backers, Russia and Iran,that the use of
chemical weapons will not be tolerated " the statement said.

" The use of chemical weapons by anyone,anywhere,under any circumstances is illegal and utterly
reprehensible " The Assad regime must not be allowed to commit such crimes with impunity." unquote.

There is more but I can't bring myself to repeat anymore of this sanctimonious pollie speak where they
are stating that is ok to kill and/or maim providing it is quote " proportionate and targeted " and seemingly
?? " Legal ",bearing in mind there will be civilian scientists and ordinary workers there just trying to earn a
living to feed their families as well as military personnel who are there being forced by the pollies to
protect those installations ( I certainly know what that is all about having experienced it ).

Well let's take a look at " proportionate and targeted ":

Proportionate - MACMILLION Dictionary.

Quote: " Correct or suitable in size,amount,or degree when considered in relation to something else."

Targeted - Collins English Dictionary.

Quote: " Military - The act of deciding to attack a particular point,area,or person physically " unquote.

Now we are discussing a situation where some unknown military person on or in either a ship/sub,
or some " Fly boy " from say 30,000 feet in the air ( who I know from experience can be a serious pain
in the arse from an infantry on the ground point of view ) fires and remotely controls,? or tries to
considering all the things that can go wrong including weather and any other electronic interference/
/jamming devices being used ?.missiles loaded with very high explosives,costing 100's of 1000's of
dollars each,( No worries it's only scarce Tax Payers funds there is plenty more where that came from )
in order to hit a specific target ? which ofcourse is a ridiculous assumption if we believe that a missile
is only going to damage where it strikes because the blast/percussion from the explosion can be as
devastating,or worse, than the strike point,- see below:

The percussion from an explosion, and ofcourse whatever they strike ie; chemicals will add to the
devastating effect/damage/death and injury

If missiles,rockets,mortar/artillery shells hit the wrong target ' THEY ABSOLUTELY DON'T BLOODY CARE ‘
!!!!! and as for the military personnel that fired the hard ware,or the pollie that authorised it
? Whoops send our regrets to the families and loved ones unfortunately collateral damage can often
happen in a military conflict ? that is ofcourse providing the bastards collectively are not able to cover
it up and keep it out of the media before hand??.

Now people if I go out into the streets of good old Aussie and kill someone for whatever reason ? do
the courts decide on how I killed that person ie: gun,knife,baseball bat,vehicle etc; as to the penalty
they impose on me ??, because it would appear that has a great bearing on how at least the Western
World governments see military action especially in the case of " Chemical Warfare " which seemingly
is ironically classed as " Illegal " as compared to other forms I assume of " Killing/Slaughter " regardless
of the number of people killed/maimed or injured and/or damage done?? which would appear in some
sort of very sick way to be considered/accepted as ?? " Legal ".

? Why,because a bunch of inexperienced,amateur,self interested,short shelf life( They could all lose
their political positions at the very next election leaving the mess they have created for someone else
to attempt to clean up ?) to the like's of Turnbull,Bishop and Payne with a " Stroke of a pen ",as the
saying goes,commit the Aussie Tax Payers of millions if not billions of dollars for the war effort and
put Aussie military lives at stake,none of their family members/loved ones you can bet your house on
that!! therefore this makes the " Killing/Slaughter " of human life whoever they are ? " Legal "???.

Now ofcourse the wars in the so-called middle east is very complicated and in truth one way or the
other has been going on in one form or other for centuries.

However let's take a brief look at Syria currently,although it is constantly evolving:

Credit Sam Tarling.Getty Images

Credit Sam Tarling.Getty Images.

Credit Sam Tarling.Getty Images.
As far as I can gather todate the situation in Syria is as follows:

1. I am Syria publication - Some 500,000 death count due to the conflict including civilians,fighters on
    all sides and those killed fleeing the conflict.
2. I am Syria publication - During 2017 there were 10,204 civilians killed, 2,298 were children 1,536 were
3. U.N World Report - 6.1 million internally displaced.
                                 4.8 million seeking refuge abroad.
                                 100,000's were besieged and denied life-saving assistance.
                                 117,000 have been detained or disappeared since 2011.

BBC 14/4/2018 Reuters. The 7th April 2018 the suspected chemical attack on Dooma which was the last
rebel-held town in the Eastern Ghouta region.

More than 500 patients mostly women and children were brought to medical facilities with symptoms
indicative of exposure to a chemical agent,the estimated death toll depends who or where you read,
but it ranges from say 40 to 150.

An expert team especially flown into Syria is yet to confirm what the cause was.

However the death by violence to anyone must ofcourse be condemned, but this incidence of the
so-called " Suspected chemical attack " surely pales into insignificance compared to what the Syrian
people have, and are enduring todate??.

So question 'WHY ??'. the sudden urge by the USA,UK and France supported by Aussie to attack the
chemical plants? and why did these concerned countries not attack Syria's munitions manufacturers/
/dumps when the Syrians were using the internationally banned " Cluster Bombs/munitions ",
" Incendiary weapons " and " Barrel Bombs " which were responsible for killing/maiming 10's of 1000's.

From what I am reading this is more to put Russia in it's international place than concern for the
Syrian or even the wider world population,and the Western governments such as the USA,UK and
France,supported by sycophantic,obsequious,fawning Aussie pollies, having been just waiting for such
an opportunity !!!

This low life Russian double agent Sergel Skripal ? poisoned by a nerve agent?.

Now people I call this bloke a " Low life " because to me no matter who you are loyalty is paramount !!
and has nothing to do with any thoughts of me being some what pro Russia.

However let's take a look at this situation of the poisoning of him and his daughter,? the daughter was
possibly ? " Collateral damage " who would know?? where the three world leaders,plus Aussie, heading
the charge against the Russian President Putin and Russia generally,whether it be the poisoning of this
bloke Skripal or attacking Syria over the suspected chemical bombing ' ALL ' have very large domestic
problems so what better way to distract their populations attention than by using the old tried and
tested way from down the centuries and that is pick a fight with someone ? that sure centres the
populations concentration with the possibility of the loss of human life, " Theirs and/or their loved ones ".

President Trump - Approval rating 44%. Disapproval 54%, The Ex FBI Directors James Comey's book coming
out soon,The Russian probe into the Trump election,and the USA Federal Mid-term elections coming up
November 2019 where the Republicans could lose control of both houses.

The French President Emmanuel Macron - Approval rating down from 57% to 40%,seriously paralysing
national rail and Air France strikes bringing France to a stand still regularly.

The British PM Theresa May - Approval rating for the first time since last years election just in front of
the Labor Leader Jeremy Corbyn,Lost a huge government majority to now share the power with the
Democratic Union Party especially with Brexit approaching fast,under fire for not consulting with
parliament in regard to the current attack on Syria's chemical plants.

Our Aussie sycophantic,obsequious,fawning to the USA,UK,France and Germany PM Malcolm Turnbull.

Yet who swans around the world spending millions of Aussie hard earned scarce Tax Payer funds,we
have to wonder why we pay for a foreign Minister Julie Bishop ? surely Turnbull has made Bishop
redundant ?,like Turnbull is some leader of a major world power,which ofcourse he/we are not,take
away our finite mineral/energy resources then Aussies with it's small population of some 24-25 million,
53rd in the world in population size,we are an island/country/continent measuring 5.5% of the worlds
landmass and yet is just one big " Hot Rock " and would ? will have the status of what is referred to as
a " Third World Economy " without those finite resources.

Malcolm Turnbulls approval rating with voters is only 37% and his disapproval 49%, and is there any
wonder why where we have serious problems from the " Cradle to the grave ",if we believe the
" Mickey Mouse " system where if we work " One hour per week we are gainfully employed ??", some
700,000 unemployed, 2-3 million underemployed, 120,000 plus sleeping rough outside every night,
100,000 plus relying on charity for their only meal of the day, the lack of palliative care, and the list
goes on and on.

Therefore I suggest that Turnbull spends more time with the Aussie voters and less time trying to
impress the world at large,? that's if he truly cares because like President Trump he is very wealthy
so I am sure life after politics has no great concern for Turnbull.
However this does not stop this motor mouth/media tart Turnbull,? you would think Turnbull is
a parliament of ( ONE) we rarely see/hear from other Ministers/pollies,coming onto Macquarie
National News on Tamworth 88.9 FM community radio and later on SBS News lecturing the Russian
President Putin and Russia generally,who are a major power with a population in Russia of some
143,439,832 million,in regard to what Russia must do,or not do in regard to Assad in Syria,and
expelling Russian diplomats from Aussie over the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter.

So once again Turnbull is firing from the hip without giving to much thought to the possible
consequences,as a major exporting nation where the nations current and future welfare/economy
relies on such exports,before taking on in a negative way a major power like Russia and their
collective influence in that huge area of the world that they occupy such as Europe.

Having followed the Russian President Putin's career for decades I find it hard to believe that this
intelligent bloke with his back ground,political nous and the like, would be that naive,stupid if you
will,to be personally involved in the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter.

From what I am reading about this low life double agent Skripal and his activities when he defected
to the UK I am coming to the conclusion that this was more like " Payback " by some of his
ex-colleagues/mob in the Russian secrete service after Skripal divulged information about them and
many others who maybe were arrested,tortured and/or worse killed as result of the information
supplied by Skripal.

However who knows ? maybe someone will write a book about it a few decades from now, however
at 77 years old I doubt I will be around to read it??.
              A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.
             Texas Guinan, 19th Century American Businessman.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.