although 5.4% of the total world landmass has a centre of sum 25% unpopulated desert.
My blog:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
Subject: " Aussie Mothers Day Sunday 13/5/2018 ". - 15/6/2018
G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are well considering the circumstances you find yourself in.
Well like Freddy Kruger I'm back after being off the air,so to speak,with a bad right shoulder injury where
I damaged the " Rotator Cup " which I gather is the focal point of all that happens going into and out of
the shoulder,going down to the fingers and radiates around the shoulder area which as I can concur makes
movement extremely painful.
As someone that is right handed I soon learned just how often I used my right hand,arm,shoulder and how
ineffective my left hand,arm etc; was ? try simple things like cleaning your teeth,combing your hair,cutting
up veggies for the evening meal,getting dressed and a multitude of other human tasks using only your left
hand/arm ? even getting into or out,turning over in bed is extremely painful and initially makes it hard to
get to sleep with the throbbing pain,typing on key board is out of the question!! however much better now
so on with the subject.
I was very surprised, mind you I don't know why ?? to find that a form of " Mothers Day " is celebrated
around the world virtually every month of the year in many and different ways and covering,it would appear,
every country in the world, starting with Norway on the second Sunday in February going through to Indonesia
on the 22nd of December.
There are some 62 countries in the world that celebrates the same day as Aussie that being the second Sunday
in May.
Even if your not a Mother,whether your a male or a childless female,you must have had one,therefore why
not celebrate the Aussie,and other countries equivalent,traditional and special day for Mums that gave life,
often to their physical detriment,not only in Aussie but the world at large,and without whom there would
not be life as we know it today.
Childbirth is ofcourse not unique there are babies born every second 24/7 around the world.
However " Motherhood " is very unique and lasts a life time,both for the Mother and the child,and where
individually every Mum and the children they give life too,even twins,are very much special and are
" One-Off's " never having been here before !! and never to be repeated in the future !!.
So hopefully if your Mum has passed away remember to think of her fondly on her special day.
G/day people I hope you are as well as can be expected wherever you are.
Well people every day must confirm to us all that it is the pollies around ( including Aussie ) the world
that cause,condone,sanction,excuse the killing,one way or the other,of not only the combatants but
innocent men,women and children,including babies,from the safety/sanctuary of their cozy well protected
offices and parliaments.
Had some,if not all,of these armchair soldiers experienced as I have some 50 odd years ago as a young
soldier in Central Africa,and although what I and others went through totally pales into insignificance
compared to what has for decades,and is currently happening in the middle east such as Iraq and Syria,
innocent people 'ALWAYS ' I repeat 'ALWAYS ' get effected one way or the other by various degrees by
military/armed conflict,but ofcourse these are just numbers on paper and ? concern for the cost to the
budget with the like's of our PM Malcolm Turnbull,Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister
Senator Marise Payne and seemingly supported by the Federal Labor Opposition.
The actions like these three " Armchair pollies " have over 100's of years resulted in the horrible across
the board deaths,to say nothing of those maimed and injured physically and mentally, of multi-millions
of both military and civilians around the world, yet the the slaughter continues as I type this only these
days death,injury and destruction is greater,more efficient and who has the capability of doing it
electronically and by remote control 100's if not 1000's of kilometres from their targets most likely wins
without " Boots on the ground " as the military saying goes
Now this is an article from by Sarah Blake 15/4/2018,there are many more in other
publications ? take your pick.
Heading - Australia ' Fully Supports ' air strikes.
Quote: It came as the Turnbull Government said it " fully supports " air strikes on
In a statement Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister Marise
Payne said the strikes were a " proportionate and targeted responce ".
" They send an unequivocal message to the Assad regime and it's backers, Russia and Iran,that the use of
chemical weapons will not be tolerated " the statement said.
" The use of chemical weapons by anyone,anywhere,under any circumstances is illegal and utterly reprehensible
" The Assad regime must not be allowed to commit such crimes with impunity." unquote.
There is more but I can't bring myself to repeat anymore of this sanctimonious pollie speak where they are
stating that is ok to kill and/or maim providing it is quote " proportionate and targeted " and seemingly ??
" Legal ",bearing in mind there will be civilian scientists and ordinary workers there just trying to earn a living
to feed their families as well as military personnel who are there being forced by the pollies to protect those
installations ( I certainly know what that is all about having experienced it )
Now people I can expect the lack of some empathy for Mothers and their treasured connection with their
offspring's/children they gave life too from the seemingly childless Ministers Marise Payne and Julie Bishop
in regard to " proportionate targeting ".
However our PM Turnbull confesses to be a proud Father and Grand Father so seemingly it would be quite
right and justifiable to say " proportionately target " other peoples children/grand children in the most
horrific and devastating way ? even if it means using the millions/billions of our Aussie Tax Payer funded
military to do it in wars without end as we are doing in the middle east,seemingly it is not enough to spend
billions on our Aussie Border Control we have to get involved in other countries wars and go looking for their
terrorists to kill on the pretext that we are safe guarding our Aussies here in Aussie???.
In my view this celebrating " Mothers Day by whatever name " is a total farce where the Aussie governments
of all persuasions are encouraging Mothers to have children with across the board subsidies,encouraging
immigration to boast the population in the interest of economical and military security ( Cannon Fodder )
and the old adage " Populate or Perish " seems to be relevant today as it always has been!!
and economical " Cannon Fodder ".
Yet when we consider,including Aussie, that according to " Statista - The statistics portal " the world powers
are collectively amassing military hardware at the cost of trillions of Tax Payers hard earned scarce funds to
eliminate as many of these much loved Mothers creations wherever,whoever they are in the most horrendous
and in the quickest most cost effective ways possible!! as per the following:
Quote: Global military spending has grown steadily since 2001,when 1.15 trillion US dollars were spent globally,
to the 1.68 trillion US dollars spent globally in 2015,Despite the global financial economic crisis,nations did not
curb military spending in the 'oo's and the beginning of the "10's.Going forward,global defence spending estimated
Even little old Aussie with it's population of say only 24/25 million spent according to Statistical Portal 27.5 billion,
yep billion in 2017 plus according to Paul Karp of The Guardian on the 26/4/2016 Aussie is contracted to purchase
a fleet of submarines for $50 billion,$20 billion to build and $30 billion to sustain ? surely we Tax Payers have
the right to ask who does our pollies believe we are going to be invaded by ? or who are we likely going to " War "
with that could not beat the hell out of us ? Papua Nugini or the Solomon Islands ?? especially with technology
advancements by the time these subs are built they will be some what detectable and a waste of scare funds.
Anyway ? why would any world power or otherwise want to go to the expense of invading us surely it would much
cheaper to do as they are doing currently, either buy Aussie directly or through various subsidiaries and/or
share/stock market holdings.
However even though the Turnbull mob were singing the praises of the Aussie economy and Gross Domestic
Product increasing in the 2018 March quarter by 1% and through the year to 3.1%,but when you break down
this glowing figure of 1% it will show that without the mining industry which rose by 2.9%,oil and gas extraction,
coal and iron mining would look pretty sick and where we lack any substantial manufacturing due mainly to high
labour and energy costs and the various " Green and Red Tape "
Therefore why would any other country want to expend both human and financial capital when in say 30 years
our resources are either exhausted or alternatives have been discovered world wide,and agriculture has been
devastated through draught - refer Aussie climate zones above,our Aussie economy and welfare systems collapse
and as a consequence there will possibly be a mass migration from Aussie to Asia to find employment??.
Just imagine what the Aussie nation could do with that $27 billion,to say nothing of the additional $50 billion
for the subs,in regard to public housing,hospitals,palliative care surely the list is endless especially as Aussie has
problems from the " Cradle to the grave " and the on going employment it would create far more than the subs.
Pyne Federal Liberal Member for Sturt South Australia.
Ofcourse not having the subs built in Pynes state of SA would certainly upset this little ponces chances
of getting re-elected at the next election!!!
Indonesia,our largest neighbour, expects to spend on their military a sum of US$25 billion by 2020 ?
helped by our Aussie foreign aid no doubt.
Ok let's take a look at what some of the other world powers,according to Statista,have spent in 2017:
all in billions:
USA 610, China 228, Saudi Arabia 69.4, Russia 66.3, India 63.9, France 57.8 UK 47.2, Japan 45.4, Germany 44.3,
South Korea 39.2, Brazil 29.3, Italy 29.2 Australia 27.5, Canada 20.6, Turkey 18.2 to name but a few.
We have to realise people that what I have quoted above by all accounts is a one year expenditure in 2017
?? so surely it does not take my mate Professor Einstein to calculate that if all these millions/billions were
spent on good for the benefit of the world population,and not for the worlds populations destruction it
would over decades eliminate poverty,hunger,drought,many curable diseases, pollution of our air and water,
create mass world wide employment and generally boost economies ??
However ofcourse that would create a type of equality that would not please the 2% of the worlds elite that
control a disproportionate amount of worlds wealth, at least 50%,and who have privilege and political power
which they are not likely to surrender any time soon.
VERY SAD TO SEE!! however over my 77 nearly 78 years regrettably it " Twas ever thus ".
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. I am a staunch self-rule republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
3. I am a staunch self-rule republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
Subject: " Aussie Mothers Day Sunday 13/5/2018 ". - 15/6/2018
G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are well considering the circumstances you find yourself in.
Well like Freddy Kruger I'm back after being off the air,so to speak,with a bad right shoulder injury where
I damaged the " Rotator Cup " which I gather is the focal point of all that happens going into and out of
the shoulder,going down to the fingers and radiates around the shoulder area which as I can concur makes
movement extremely painful.
As someone that is right handed I soon learned just how often I used my right hand,arm,shoulder and how
ineffective my left hand,arm etc; was ? try simple things like cleaning your teeth,combing your hair,cutting
up veggies for the evening meal,getting dressed and a multitude of other human tasks using only your left
hand/arm ? even getting into or out,turning over in bed is extremely painful and initially makes it hard to
get to sleep with the throbbing pain,typing on key board is out of the question!! however much better now
so on with the subject.
I was very surprised, mind you I don't know why ?? to find that a form of " Mothers Day " is celebrated
around the world virtually every month of the year in many and different ways and covering,it would appear,
every country in the world, starting with Norway on the second Sunday in February going through to Indonesia
on the 22nd of December.
There are some 62 countries in the world that celebrates the same day as Aussie that being the second Sunday
in May.
Even if your not a Mother,whether your a male or a childless female,you must have had one,therefore why
not celebrate the Aussie,and other countries equivalent,traditional and special day for Mums that gave life,
often to their physical detriment,not only in Aussie but the world at large,and without whom there would
not be life as we know it today.
Childbirth is ofcourse not unique there are babies born every second 24/7 around the world.
However " Motherhood " is very unique and lasts a life time,both for the Mother and the child,and where
individually every Mum and the children they give life too,even twins,are very much special and are
" One-Off's " never having been here before !! and never to be repeated in the future !!.
So hopefully if your Mum has passed away remember to think of her fondly on her special day.
However if your Mum is still alive then why not give her a ' BIG ' Mothers
Day hug and kiss,actions speak
a 1000 words,and say thanks and that you love her.
media tart and pathetic " Selfie Devotee " PM Malcolm Turnbull and family
participating in Aussies
Mothers Days celebration on Sunday the 13/5/2018.
As you can see people even our PM Malcolm Turnbull all dressed in pink thought that Mothers Day was
such an important celebration that he and his family marched in Sydney on Sunday the 13/5/2018 along
with 1000's of other Mums and their supporters. Yep good on um !!!!!
Just to digress slightly I very rarely miss the TV news bulletins ie: NBN 9,SBS,ABC which I record and view
at my leisure later,and yet I do not recall any other President,Prime Minister or Head of State like our PM
Turnbull that carries a phone with them to take " Selfies " of the various heads of countries they are visiting
or acting as the host nation,where I cringe with embarrassment when I watch our PM Turnbull do it !!!they
and the world population in general viewing the incident must think what a childish immature act it is for
a leader of a country,and I totally agree with them!!
Marise Payne, The Aussie Minister of Defence.
Bishop, The Aussie Foreign Minister.
The following is an extract from my blog dated the 18/4/2018.
Subject: " Killing/Slaughter Depends how it's done ?? " 18/4/2018
a 1000 words,and say thanks and that you love her.
Mothers Days celebration on Sunday the 13/5/2018.
As you can see people even our PM Malcolm Turnbull all dressed in pink thought that Mothers Day was
such an important celebration that he and his family marched in Sydney on Sunday the 13/5/2018 along
with 1000's of other Mums and their supporters. Yep good on um !!!!!
Just to digress slightly I very rarely miss the TV news bulletins ie: NBN 9,SBS,ABC which I record and view
at my leisure later,and yet I do not recall any other President,Prime Minister or Head of State like our PM
Turnbull that carries a phone with them to take " Selfies " of the various heads of countries they are visiting
or acting as the host nation,where I cringe with embarrassment when I watch our PM Turnbull do it !!!they
and the world population in general viewing the incident must think what a childish immature act it is for
a leader of a country,and I totally agree with them!!
The following is an extract from my blog dated the 18/4/2018.
Subject: " Killing/Slaughter Depends how it's done ?? " 18/4/2018
G/day people I hope you are as well as can be expected wherever you are.
Well people every day must confirm to us all that it is the pollies around ( including Aussie ) the world
that cause,condone,sanction,excuse the killing,one way or the other,of not only the combatants but
innocent men,women and children,including babies,from the safety/sanctuary of their cozy well protected
offices and parliaments.
Had some,if not all,of these armchair soldiers experienced as I have some 50 odd years ago as a young
soldier in Central Africa,and although what I and others went through totally pales into insignificance
compared to what has for decades,and is currently happening in the middle east such as Iraq and Syria,
innocent people 'ALWAYS ' I repeat 'ALWAYS ' get effected one way or the other by various degrees by
military/armed conflict,but ofcourse these are just numbers on paper and ? concern for the cost to the
budget with the like's of our PM Malcolm Turnbull,Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister
Senator Marise Payne and seemingly supported by the Federal Labor Opposition.
The actions like these three " Armchair pollies " have over 100's of years resulted in the horrible across
the board deaths,to say nothing of those maimed and injured physically and mentally, of multi-millions
of both military and civilians around the world, yet the the slaughter continues as I type this only these
days death,injury and destruction is greater,more efficient and who has the capability of doing it
electronically and by remote control 100's if not 1000's of kilometres from their targets most likely wins
without " Boots on the ground " as the military saying goes
Now this is an article from by Sarah Blake 15/4/2018,there are many more in other
publications ? take your pick.
Heading - Australia ' Fully Supports ' air strikes.
Quote: It came as the Turnbull Government said it " fully supports " air strikes on
chemical-weapons targets in Syria by US,British and French
In a statement Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister Marise
Payne said the strikes were a " proportionate and targeted responce ".
" They send an unequivocal message to the Assad regime and it's backers, Russia and Iran,that the use of
chemical weapons will not be tolerated " the statement said.
" The use of chemical weapons by anyone,anywhere,under any circumstances is illegal and utterly reprehensible
" The Assad regime must not be allowed to commit such crimes with impunity." unquote.
There is more but I can't bring myself to repeat anymore of this sanctimonious pollie speak where they are
stating that is ok to kill and/or maim providing it is quote " proportionate and targeted " and seemingly ??
" Legal ",bearing in mind there will be civilian scientists and ordinary workers there just trying to earn a living
to feed their families as well as military personnel who are there being forced by the pollies to protect those
installations ( I certainly know what that is all about having experienced it )
Now people I can expect the lack of some empathy for Mothers and their treasured connection with their
offspring's/children they gave life too from the seemingly childless Ministers Marise Payne and Julie Bishop
in regard to " proportionate targeting ".
However our PM Turnbull confesses to be a proud Father and Grand Father so seemingly it would be quite
right and justifiable to say " proportionately target " other peoples children/grand children in the most
horrific and devastating way ? even if it means using the millions/billions of our Aussie Tax Payer funded
military to do it in wars without end as we are doing in the middle east,seemingly it is not enough to spend
billions on our Aussie Border Control we have to get involved in other countries wars and go looking for their
terrorists to kill on the pretext that we are safe guarding our Aussies here in Aussie???.
In my view this celebrating " Mothers Day by whatever name " is a total farce where the Aussie governments
of all persuasions are encouraging Mothers to have children with across the board subsidies,encouraging
immigration to boast the population in the interest of economical and military security ( Cannon Fodder )
and the old adage " Populate or Perish " seems to be relevant today as it always has been!!
Yet when we consider,including Aussie, that according to " Statista - The statistics portal " the world powers
are collectively amassing military hardware at the cost of trillions of Tax Payers hard earned scarce funds to
eliminate as many of these much loved Mothers creations wherever,whoever they are in the most horrendous
and in the quickest most cost effective ways possible!! as per the following:
Quote: Global military spending has grown steadily since 2001,when 1.15 trillion US dollars were spent globally,
to the 1.68 trillion US dollars spent globally in 2015,Despite the global financial economic crisis,nations did not
curb military spending in the 'oo's and the beginning of the "10's.Going forward,global defence spending estimated
to increase in all regions between 2010 and 2020.Before the end of the
decade,spending in the Asia Pacific is
projected to have increased by 165 percent since 2010,by 94 percent in the Middle East and Africa,and 49 percent
in Latin America. Unquote.
projected to have increased by 165 percent since 2010,by 94 percent in the Middle East and Africa,and 49 percent
in Latin America. Unquote.
Even little old Aussie with it's population of say only 24/25 million spent according to Statistical Portal 27.5 billion,
yep billion in 2017 plus according to Paul Karp of The Guardian on the 26/4/2016 Aussie is contracted to purchase
a fleet of submarines for $50 billion,$20 billion to build and $30 billion to sustain ? surely we Tax Payers have
the right to ask who does our pollies believe we are going to be invaded by ? or who are we likely going to " War "
with that could not beat the hell out of us ? Papua Nugini or the Solomon Islands ?? especially with technology
advancements by the time these subs are built they will be some what detectable and a waste of scare funds.
Anyway ? why would any world power or otherwise want to go to the expense of invading us surely it would much
cheaper to do as they are doing currently, either buy Aussie directly or through various subsidiaries and/or
share/stock market holdings.
However even though the Turnbull mob were singing the praises of the Aussie economy and Gross Domestic
Product increasing in the 2018 March quarter by 1% and through the year to 3.1%,but when you break down
this glowing figure of 1% it will show that without the mining industry which rose by 2.9%,oil and gas extraction,
coal and iron mining would look pretty sick and where we lack any substantial manufacturing due mainly to high
labour and energy costs and the various " Green and Red Tape "
Therefore why would any other country want to expend both human and financial capital when in say 30 years
our resources are either exhausted or alternatives have been discovered world wide,and agriculture has been
devastated through draught - refer Aussie climate zones above,our Aussie economy and welfare systems collapse
and as a consequence there will possibly be a mass migration from Aussie to Asia to find employment??.
Just imagine what the Aussie nation could do with that $27 billion,to say nothing of the additional $50 billion
for the subs,in regard to public housing,hospitals,palliative care surely the list is endless especially as Aussie has
problems from the " Cradle to the grave " and the on going employment it would create far more than the subs.
Ofcourse not having the subs built in Pynes state of SA would certainly upset this little ponces chances
of getting re-elected at the next election!!!
Indonesia,our largest neighbour, expects to spend on their military a sum of US$25 billion by 2020 ?
helped by our Aussie foreign aid no doubt.
Ok let's take a look at what some of the other world powers,according to Statista,have spent in 2017:
all in billions:
USA 610, China 228, Saudi Arabia 69.4, Russia 66.3, India 63.9, France 57.8 UK 47.2, Japan 45.4, Germany 44.3,
South Korea 39.2, Brazil 29.3, Italy 29.2 Australia 27.5, Canada 20.6, Turkey 18.2 to name but a few.
We have to realise people that what I have quoted above by all accounts is a one year expenditure in 2017
?? so surely it does not take my mate Professor Einstein to calculate that if all these millions/billions were
spent on good for the benefit of the world population,and not for the worlds populations destruction it
would over decades eliminate poverty,hunger,drought,many curable diseases, pollution of our air and water,
create mass world wide employment and generally boost economies ??
However ofcourse that would create a type of equality that would not please the 2% of the worlds elite that
control a disproportionate amount of worlds wealth, at least 50%,and who have privilege and political power
which they are not likely to surrender any time soon.
VERY SAD TO SEE!! however over my 77 nearly 78 years regrettably it " Twas ever thus ".
Ok people stop whinging and get off your fat bums and get active,otherwise
shut up and forever hold your
tongue because in my view your not worth listening too.
tongue because in my view your not worth listening too.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down and read what a bunch
of lefty,political correct fat
cats are running our military.
cats are running our military.
TANGO FOXTROT, (WTF) you tell me?
must question their judgement . . .
There is no doubt in the
minds of many that leadership in the ADF has
been replaced with social engineering lunacy as one supposed leader
after another abandoned common sense in favour of PC nonsense. The
latest to dazzle us with his questionable judgement is the newly appointed
chief of the ADF General Angus Campbell.
been replaced with social engineering lunacy as one supposed leader
after another abandoned common sense in favour of PC nonsense. The
latest to dazzle us with his questionable judgement is the newly appointed
chief of the ADF General Angus Campbell.
General David Hurley got the
ball rolling when as chief of the ADF he sacked
Major Bernard Gaynor, a veteran of three deployments to Iraq, because he
was openly opposed to the political correct erosion of our military standards
that resulted in uniformed participation in the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
and the associated attacks on the Christian religion. After installing this
craziness into the ADF, Hurley toddled off to become the Governor of NSW.
Major Bernard Gaynor, a veteran of three deployments to Iraq, because he
was openly opposed to the political correct erosion of our military standards
that resulted in uniformed participation in the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
and the associated attacks on the Christian religion. After installing this
craziness into the ADF, Hurley toddled off to become the Governor of NSW.
Then along came General David
Morrison. You remember him, he was the
one who became Australian of the Year and ponced around on women’s
high heels while calling for equality for women in the ADF. As a result of
such nonsense our ADF now boasts downgraded fitness requirements for
women in the front line and the recruitment of women in place of those
terrible blokey white Anglo/Australian males.
one who became Australian of the Year and ponced around on women’s
high heels while calling for equality for women in the ADF. As a result of
such nonsense our ADF now boasts downgraded fitness requirements for
women in the front line and the recruitment of women in place of those
terrible blokey white Anglo/Australian males.
Following on was Vice Admiral
Ray Griggs. His claim to fame was to not
only have an affair with sailor’s wife but to have her promoted to the rank
of Commander. Unlike ol’ Barnaby, who eventually stepped down, Griggs
doesn’t even show that much class as he hides behind the protection of
an investigating panel that refuses to release the details of his illicit affair
because they are private matters.
only have an affair with sailor’s wife but to have her promoted to the rank
of Commander. Unlike ol’ Barnaby, who eventually stepped down, Griggs
doesn’t even show that much class as he hides behind the protection of
an investigating panel that refuses to release the details of his illicit affair
because they are private matters.
Griggs is another of our fine
military leaders who has never heard a shot
fired in anger but wears an unbelievable shirt full of hardware.Of the fifteen
medals he wears only one if for active service while six are foreign awards
handed out by Indonesia, United States, France, Singapore, Philippines
and Spain.In addition and not surprisingly,he is a supporter of the LGBTI
fired in anger but wears an unbelievable shirt full of hardware.Of the fifteen
medals he wears only one if for active service while six are foreign awards
handed out by Indonesia, United States, France, Singapore, Philippines
and Spain.In addition and not surprisingly,he is a supporter of the LGBTI
That brings us to the latest
display of exceedingly bad judgement on the
part of an ADF so-called leader. General Angus Campbell is about to
become the top dog of the ADF despite a list of questionable decisions
that would see the records of a junior officer marked not fit for promotion.
part of an ADF so-called leader. General Angus Campbell is about to
become the top dog of the ADF despite a list of questionable decisions
that would see the records of a junior officer marked not fit for promotion.
First cab off the rank is the
appointmenty of an Army Reserve officer, one
Brigadier Kathryn Campbell. Brigadier Campbell took three months leave
from the public service to become deputy commander of Joint Task Force
633 Middle East and Afghanistan. Many would question the wisdom of
appointing a reserve officer with no battle experience to a command
position in a war zone.
Brigadier Kathryn Campbell. Brigadier Campbell took three months leave
from the public service to become deputy commander of Joint Task Force
633 Middle East and Afghanistan. Many would question the wisdom of
appointing a reserve officer with no battle experience to a command
position in a war zone.
As Chief of the Army General
Angus Campbell ordered an inquiry into
the SAS based upon rumour, hearsay and conversations. The Inspector
-General posted an advertisement calling for people to come forward if
they had heard rumours or heard others talking about the actions of
soldiers on the front line in Afghanistan. Victoria Cross recipient Ben
Roberts-Smith ripped into the Inspector-General and Angus Campbell
when he said, “When have you heard of a judicial process initiated off
the back of rumour? It’s a joke. We should be looking after our soldiers
not persecuting them.” At the time of a parliamentary committee hearing
on the 25 October 2017 this witch hunt had been running for 17 months
based upon unsubstantiated gossip.
the SAS based upon rumour, hearsay and conversations. The Inspector
-General posted an advertisement calling for people to come forward if
they had heard rumours or heard others talking about the actions of
soldiers on the front line in Afghanistan. Victoria Cross recipient Ben
Roberts-Smith ripped into the Inspector-General and Angus Campbell
when he said, “When have you heard of a judicial process initiated off
the back of rumour? It’s a joke. We should be looking after our soldiers
not persecuting them.” At the time of a parliamentary committee hearing
on the 25 October 2017 this witch hunt had been running for 17 months
based upon unsubstantiated gossip.
Next came Angus Campbell’s
latest brain-snap when he decided that
it was terribly wrong for our service personnel to be wearing “symbology”
portraying death. Seemingly ignoring the fact that a soldier’s job is to
engage and kill the enemy, Campbell says, “This is not where we need
to be as a national institution.
As soldiers our purpose is to serve the state, employing violence with
humility always and compassion wherever possible. The symbology to
which I refer erodes this ethos of service.” The Sydney Daily Telegraph
got it right when it said, “There’s your new army slogan: “Employing
Violence with Humility”. It’ll probably sound less stupid in Latin.
it was terribly wrong for our service personnel to be wearing “symbology”
portraying death. Seemingly ignoring the fact that a soldier’s job is to
engage and kill the enemy, Campbell says, “This is not where we need
to be as a national institution.
As soldiers our purpose is to serve the state, employing violence with
humility always and compassion wherever possible. The symbology to
which I refer erodes this ethos of service.” The Sydney Daily Telegraph
got it right when it said, “There’s your new army slogan: “Employing
Violence with Humility”. It’ll probably sound less stupid in Latin.
It appears to have escaped
General Campbell’s notice that he himself
wears the Infantry Combat Badge that displays a bayonet.The bayonet
has one purpose and that is to kill and maim.Is this befuddled General
going to ban that badge too.
wears the Infantry Combat Badge that displays a bayonet.The bayonet
has one purpose and that is to kill and maim.Is this befuddled General
going to ban that badge too.
General Angus Campbell seems
to favour focusing on gender issues
instead of concentrating on our reduced military capabilities within our
own region.
Last year Campbell addressed a Defence Force conference on
recruitment at which time he said, “The number one priority I have with
respect to recruitment is increasing our diversity,with a focus on women
and indigenous Australians.” In summing this up Cori Bernardi also took
into account the issuing of Halal rations to our troops when he said,
“(This) demonstrates just how our military has been captured by minority
interests and appears to have suspended the application of common
instead of concentrating on our reduced military capabilities within our
own region.
Last year Campbell addressed a Defence Force conference on
recruitment at which time he said, “The number one priority I have with
respect to recruitment is increasing our diversity,with a focus on women
and indigenous Australians.” In summing this up Cori Bernardi also took
into account the issuing of Halal rations to our troops when he said,
“(This) demonstrates just how our military has been captured by minority
interests and appears to have suspended the application of common
Auther unknown but what a great contribution to just what is taking place
in this once
proud Aussie nation generally where the bronzed Aussie has been replaced by
pink version of ?? well you tell me ?? it must have our potential enemies
shaking in their
boots with