Saturday, 31 March 2018

" ? When is Aussie Independence Day ??? Mark 2 "


( Me at my place )


I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. I am a staunch self-rule Republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and


Subject ' This is far more relevant today than it was in 2014 when I posted it
              to my blog on 26/3/2014. ' scroll down to the bottom for " ? When
              is Aussie Independence Day ??? Mark 2 "

( Me at my place )
Mike's Comments - 26/3/2014.
Subject: " ? When is Aussie Independence Day ?? "
People we have Australia Day on the 26th of January each year which I believe
is now appearing to be just tokenism just to try and make us colonials feel like
we are a proud and sovereign country in our own right and we have broken the
shackles! cut the umbilical cord! and the apron strings! touching our forelocks!
in regard to our imperial English Masters?? however seemingly not??

Ex Aussie PM Tony Abbott
What is this bloke our PM Tony Abbott thinking off???? maybe he has gone
out on one bike ride to many and is suffering from mental/physical exhaustion??
plus a touch of sun stroke??? " Knights - Sirs " and " Dames "??? what next
Barons? Earls? Dukes? Viscounts? or maybe replace the Senate with a house
of Lords??

The Aussie Flag over our Federal Parliament where the English Union Jack
is the most prominent, distinguishable and dominant above all aspects
of our flag giving the distinct impression that UK still reigns supreme in
our parliament and answerable to the English Monarch via her Aussie
Governor General.

Our Aussie military escorting the Aussie flag ? how confusing is that to the
rest of the world population where again the most prominent,distinguishable
and dominant aspect of the Aussie flag is the British Union Jack.

Here is the English Queen Elizabeth on one of her many tours of Aussie
which normally costs the hard done by financially stretched Aussie Tax Payers
millions of dollars for the privilege, where no wonder the Queen is smiling
the Aussies are waiving a flag dominated by her British Union Jack.
However why not?? we have a bloody great British Flag taking up at least a
third of our national flag and which cannot be changed and/or altered in anyway
without the gracious permission of Queen Elizabeth the current "ENGLISH
QUEEN" so as far as I am concerned until we get our own flag we will never be
truly independent but under the Abbott ( now Turnbull ) mob that would appear
to be highly unlikely??
There are many that state that we had people in our military down the ages die
under that flag so it should be kept in their remembrance! however I know this
can be classed as splitting hairs but our military - army,navy and air force -
have never to my knowledge gone into battle of any sought under the national
flag because each service has it's own standard - flag if you wish?

Malcolm Turnbull our current Aussie Prime Minister.

The Abbott ( Turnbull ) mob are stating to the rest of the world - especially Asia
- that we ( ? whoever we are now ? ) are open for business!!

Well people what a confusing and in many ways ridiculous statement - we are 
open for business?? - because surely the Asians,Yanks and the rest of the world
would be forgiven for asking " Who " is open for business?? Australians as an
independent sovereign country or a British colony where a third of our national
flag adorns the British Union Jack in all it's glory and is very prominent when
draped around the shoulders of our athletes for all the world to see - and confuse!!
when they proudly stand on the Olympic and other platforms to receive their hard
earned/won medals?? and now to further confuse the issue of national sovereignty
we turn the clock back decades and reinstate British Imperial Titles and thereby
in my view reintroduce the dreaded privileged class system of us and them,
where up to now Aussie has been famous around the world in regard to having
an egalitarian social system which is - or at least was?? - the envy of the world!!!!

Ex PM John Howard.

However people there would be one bloke that would be salivating at the prospect
of getting a Knighthood and that would be the none other than little " JOHNNY
HOWARD " the mentor of great note to Tony Abbott!!

Sir Robert Menzies.
Although Johnny Howard was the 2nd longest Serving Aussie PM to Sir Robert
Menzies the one thing that eluded Johnny Howard that Robert Menzies could
make claim too was the fact that Menzies got a Knighthood from the Queen and
until now - thanks to the Abbott mob - it was not recognised as an Aussie title!

Sir Peter Cosgrove the current Aussie Governor General.
So people guess who after the new Aussie Governor his Excellency Sir Peter
Cosgrove will be on the short list for an Aussie Knighthood?? give up?? well
here is a clue he is a short bloke with bushy eyebrows like his mentor Sir Robert
Menzies and where little Johnny Howard served as an Aussie PM for some (11)
years and he was the second
PM to lose his seat in Aussies political history
after Stanley Bruce in 1929!!
What next bring back the British Anthem? God Save The Queen ?
If a country is to prosper and lay down a good strong foundation for the future
it must first and foremost indentify itself in regard to who they are and what
they stand for otherwise how is the rest of the world going to take them seriously?
Tony Abbott PM and his mob should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves in this
back to the future class discriminating British Imperial Awards which is farcical in
this day and age to say the least!!!
Ok people speak up and bring on the revolution - oh dear I am going to have ASIO
knocking on my door now - and lets have that republic where we can stand or fall
without mummy bear the English Queen and her brood of Excellencies in Aussie
reigning over us like some 15th Century monarchical/oligarchy feudal system
where your station in life and all the privileges you acquired only depended on who
your Mum and Dad are/were!!?
If your going to cop this royalist bullshit then more fool you because I bow to no
one, and if you do and someone kicks you up the arse while you are doing it don't
whinge because it's what royal boot lickers deserve !!!!!
Mike Howe.
So what do you reckon people ?? especially with the like's of the USA under President
Trump,UK with Brexit and many others trying to clearly identify themselves as sovereign
independent states in their own right and trying to protect their national interests by stating
" National interests first " then surely it must be time that we break these imperial shackles
and have our own Head of State,National flag and ' NO ' more swearing allegiances
by our pollies to a ' Foreign Queen ' as follows: ( from the free Wikipedia )

The oath.

1, A.B., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen
    Elizabeth, Her heirs and successors according to law.SO HELP ME GOD !.

The affirmation is:

1, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true
   allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth,Her heirs and successors according to law.

The Aussie Governor General hearing all this is the Queens representative and does ' NOT '
represent the Aussie people those hard working Aussie Tax Payers that make all this happen.

So how demeaning,archaic and anachronistic is this for us Aussies ?? it would appear
that the English Monarchical/Oligarchy Feudal system is alive and well here in Aussie ??
how pathetic!!

The Medieval Monarchical/Oligarchy Feudal System - in Aussies case this unelected 
English Queens representative
the Aussie Governor General,then the various unelected
State Governors,the Aussie PM and State Premiers,the political elite,bureaucrats,leaders
of industry and commerce,then way down the chain is us " Shit kickers " who without our
taxes,fees and charges and being the commercial powerhouse that keeps the economy
going these bastards would not get paid or even exist in real terms!!

Wake up Aussies we are being conned,shafted,screwed,dumped on from dizzy
heights and it is about time we " Drained the Swamp ",to use a well used phrase these
days,because by being loyal to a very old,very rich,in fact one of the richest women
in the world thanks by far to the UK tax Payers, English Queen is just a " Smoke
Screen " where we in actual fact are protecting an unelected,Tax Payer funded elite
powerful system of " Us and them " going back centuries where the participants and
the people with the most to lose will stop at virtually nothing to protect the " Status Quo " !!!.

A cartoon by Pickering of a conversation between the Ex Aussie Governor
Dame Quentin Bryce and the English Queen Elizabeth.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
