Monday, 18 September 2017

' The Great Gay Marriage Myth part 2/3 '

( Me at my place )

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.

Subject: ' The Great Gay Marriage Myth part 2 ' 3 19/9/2017

G/day people wherever you are??.

People having received/collected from a local post office my copy of our Australian
Marriage Law Survey forms last Friday the 15/9/2017, where I immediately marked
the 'NO' section of the survey form and re-mailed it to the Australian Bureau of
Statistics,and further to my posting of subject ' Say No !! Say it Proud !! Say it Loud '
dated the 5/9/2017 I thought it very appropriate to re-post subject ' The Great Gay
Marriage Myth ' dated the 13/9/2016,scroll below.where the matter of "Gay Marriage"
was being discussed by the political elite,The ABC/SBS Media and various LGBTI
groups/supporters, and where I doubt the majority of Aussies had any particular
interest in the subject,however the situation is totally different now where the Aussie
Nation/Population is being asked ' Should the current Marriage Law be changed to
allow same-sex couples to marry ' by voting either " YES " or " NO " in a survey.

Prime Minister Turnbull one of the most " Unpopular " with the voters Liberal Leaders

we have seen,who went to the last 2016 Federal Election by creating a double
dissolution,dissolving both houses of parliament.Senate and Reps,had one of the
longest - 8 weeks - and most expensive elections in Aussies history,yet managed to
alienate the voters to the extent that Turnbull lost a 15 seat majority to a (1) seat
majority with cross bench political support in the House of Reps,and with also some
cross bench support in the Senate,plus being politically very untrustworthy among
many conservative pollies/voters after deposing the then PM Tony Abbott,still
managed to hold onto political power.

Now I believe it is an indisputable fact that the institution of marriage,family,Mum
Dad and the kids is the nucleus,centre point,the rock of every country,nations,tribe,
community the world over,because it is the family that forms their various economies,
governments,law and order and judicial system without whom civilisation of any sought
just would not exist, as it could not be achieved based on the fact that all the inhabitants
were single and uncommitted free from any responsibility.

The Ex Liberal PM Tony Abbott.

Therefore I among millions of heterosexuals, we represent 97% of the 24 million
plus Aussie population,were more than pleased when the then Abbott government
introduced a voter compulsory,but non-binding on the pollies,plebiscite to be run
as we would a federal election, possible at the same time as one,to establish
whether the Aussie population as a whole agreed to have the ' Aussie Marriage
Law ' changed to allow " Same Sex couples " to legally marry under the law??.
It was also pleasing to see a " Same Sex Advocate " like Malcolm Turnbull who
after politically knifing the then PM Tony Abbott and deposing him guaranteed
the plebiscite would continue as Liberal/Coalition policy at the 2016 Federal

Senator Hinch a cross bench so-called independent seemingly asleep.

Senator Nick Xenophan of the Nick Xenophan Party ? what else.

However even though the plebiscite was passed in the House of Reps by Turnbulls
(1) seat majority it was blocked in the senate by the devious socialistic engineering
Teflon Billy Shortens Labor mob,that useless waste of space/incompetent and Tax
Payers scarce funds Senator Hinch,the media tart and opportunistic Senator Nick
Xenophon on the main bases that the " Plebiscite " would cost the Tax Payers
$150 million.

These pollies have just got to be having a lend of us!! the majority of these mongrels
would waste/cost the Aussie Tax Payers that $150 million on a daily bases with their
political self interest,lack of good governance and duty of care,procrastination,the
passing of ridiculous out of touch legislation, or worse still not passing legislation
urgently required which is above procrastination bordering on criminal.

However our illustrious leader,I use the word " Leader " extremely loosely!! the very
Pro-Same-Sex Advocate Malcolm Turnbull PM maintained it was the " Plebiscite "
or nothing so I,and no doubt the majority of Aussies according to the polls of at
least 70% agreeing,were pleased that we the Aussie population was still going to
make the decision in regard to" Same Sex Marriage "and not all these self interested
gay,lesbian,bi-sexual,limp wristed effeminate Federal pollies plus their social
engineering lefty/communistic supporters!!.

However how naive was I and Aussies like me to believe that we had a " Leader "
of any substance that would stand up for the majority against this noisy,in many cases
violent against any opposition LGBTIQ mob because when (4) of the Liberal pollies
that are practicing homosexuals plus say (3) other of their Liberal pollie limp wristed
supporters in the party room, where possibly they could threaten to cross the
parliamentary floors and vote on a " Private Members Bill "in regard to" Same Sex
Marriage "in the House of Reps/Senate with Teflon Billy's Labor Party and the Greenies,
Malcolm Turnbull panicked and his political self-preservation gear went into overdrive
and kicked in (6) notches!!

With only a (1) seat majority, came up with this so-called compromise of this " Mickey
Mouse " - " HotchPotch " - " Patchwork " in regard to the current " Non-compulsory "-
" Non-Binding " Australian Marriage Law Survey " being currently administered by the
' Australian Bureau of Statistics ' which requires the citizens that are interested?? and
not too apathetic ? to complete the attached form,as I did,and mark in the appropriate
box either " YES " or " NO " which is estimated to cost the Aussie Tax Payer not $150
million just $120 million ? WHAT AN ABSOLUTE FARCE!

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader an alleged rapist,
and where his history shows that Teflon Billy cannot be trusted in either his
personal,Union or political life,and as the polls show is one of the most
" Unpopular " with the voters Federal Labor Opposition Leader in the history
of the Labor Party,and has the dubious honour of achieving under his so-called
Leadership the second lowest " First Primary Votes " in a 100 years of the
Labor Party!.

So people if you prepared,considering these two self interested political low
life's are the so-called leaders of the two major political parties and their political
history?,to put your trust in them should the " YES " vote succeed to convince
an already prejudice bunch of Federal pollies to change the ' Australian Marriage
Law ' to allow " Same Sex Marriage " are going to adequately protect the Aussie
populations " Parents Rights,Free Speech and Freedom of Religion " I have to
wonder what planet you have been living on for the last 20 years or more??.

Pollies have only a short 3-4 year political shelf life,they can only be sacked by
voters at election time, or if they are convicted and serve a sentence longer
than 12 months or more,or where not eligible to run for parliament at the time of
the election,they can't be sued personally for their political decisions,misleading
promises, lies, promotional material at elections
or at any other event such as a
plebiscite/Australian Marriage Law Survey,
even though like this question of
" So-called Marriage Equality " and the undoubtedly
ramification of a " YES " vote
winning the day will currently have on potentially every man,
women and child the
moment it is passed into law and for all future generations,
long after this current
mob of devious,self interested pollies have retired,written their
glowing memoirs
of what a great job they personally did and all the failures were
someone else's
doing,or dead.

People I can honestly reckon at the grand old age of 77 plus I and my generation
have seen the best of Aussie and the world in general,poverty and insecurity
is on the increase here and world wide, and where nothing seems to mean
anything anymore,or have any value especially in regard culture,tradition and the
of belonging,of community,mate ship,and it is very sad to see the way this
once great nation of Aussie is losing it's way,sinking in debt, and being run by self
interested across the board minorities.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.

The new Aussie pollies lapel badge, and the Federal pollies want their tenure/
term increased from (3) years to a fixed term of (4) years which ofcourse would
mean increasing the length of the lapel badge to accommodate one more,however
the lapel badge for the Senate's (6) to (7) years tenure/terms would be extensive
and some what heavy.


( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 13/9/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: ' The Great Gay Marriage Myth '.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's.

Tanya Plibersek the very " Left Wing " Federal Deputy Labor Opposition Leader
and a very strong advocate for " Gay Marriage " mainly because without the largest
community of LGBT's in Aussie
in her electorate as her constituents voting for her,
Plibersek would not get into Federal Parliament, therefore I believe it is far less a
matter of " LOVE " but much more like political expediency.

Senator Richard Di Natale the Head Federal Greenie and also a great advocate for
" Gay Marriage ".

People the spruikers of " Gay Marriage " like the "Looney Left" Teflon Billy,Plibersek
and Di Natale and the LGBT mobs will try and make us believe that " Gay Marriage "
accepted and welcomed by the like's of the populations of the UK, Ireland and
Zealand which if anyone cares to investigate is so far from the truth it is absolute
rubbish, and were more political decisions than popular one's, and had they put it to a
compulsory " Plebiscite "it would have failed miserably as Teflon Billy and his mob
know only to well will happen here in Aussie.

President Obama

There is evidence that without a doubt if a ' Plebiscite' occurred in the USA it would
" Dump Gay Marriage " regardless of the support that the greatest ' Lefty ' and
by all accounts,according to many unchallenged YouTube videos, homosexual President

Let's take the UK first:

For those of us that watched David Cameron's final speech outside 10 Downing Street
when he resigned as UK's PM as a result of his devastating defeat of Brexit, where he
stated that one of his greatest achievements was getting " Gay Marriage " through as
law in the UK.

Even though 133 of Cameron's conservative MP's voted against it and it was only
pushed through with the Labor and minor parties votes.

From what I am reading in the UK press and media comments generally the majority
of the UK
population with poll after poll of the population outside "Gay Centric London"
opposed to not only " Gay Marriage " but the way it was forced on them like it or

I am also reading many and various media reports and comments that this " Gay
Marriage " was the start of the UK's populations dissatisfaction with Cameron PM
divided the Conservative Party badly and where Cameron PM was never able to
the confidence of not only the UK population,but the members of his own
Conservative Party
who were continually under mining Cameron.

Therefore it is strongly thought that the UK population and his own Conservative
used Brexit to punish him by voting for the UK to leave that financial sink hole
and basket case the EU.

David Cameron when being interviewed after he had stepped down as PM and Brexit
admitted he should have concentrated lesser on " Gay Marriage " and far more on the
economy and job creation.

( Take note Teflon Billy,Plibersek, Di Natali, Xenophon's mob and that sleeping media
tart Hinch )

Mrs Theresa May the current UK PM.

Baroness Lynne Featherstone who was the Liberal/Democrat Equalities Minister.

Well people it would appear according to many UK media reports that Cameron the
then UK PM was not the powerhouse behind the " Gay Marriage " legislation because
Theresa May, the now UK PM, and her cohort Baroness Lynne Featherstone the then
Lib/Dem Equalities Minister, where by some political skullduggery these two managed
to ambush the UK pollies via the ' The back door of Westminster after the 2010 UK
election via the EU ".


Seemingly there was no reference to " Gay Marriage " in the Tories/Conservative
election manifesto.

However about (4) days before election day Theresa May pushed through a
promising the LGBT group that the Tory party would consider legalising
" Same Sex
Marriage ".

Once the Tories won the 2010 UK election T. May supported by the LGBT groups
ably supported by L. Featherstone joined forces to drive the cause relentlessly

But however not through Westminster Parliament I gather but via the Strasbourg,
Council of Europe aided by a Judgment in it's attendant of the European Court of
Human Rights.

Seemingly May and Featherstone were so successful in convincing the European
mob that in March 2012 while Britain held the Council of Europe's Presidency
L. Featherstone gave a keynote speech to a ' CLOSED CONFERENCE NO PUBLIC
ALLOWED ' in Strasbourg where Featherstone, supported by some UK Judge, got
all the delegates present to agree to set June 2013 as a deadline where (47) countries
would make " Gay Marriage " law.

Then in February 2013 May and Featherstone suddenly thrust this European Council
decision on the Westminster Parliament catching the majority of pollies off guard,
and with the vehement and zealous use of ' Political Correctness and Blackmail ' even
though 133 Tory pollies voted against it, it was rammed through parliament with the
help of the votes from the Labor and minority Parties within months.

So when our Labor mob led by Teflon Billy Shorten, the Greenies,LGBT groups
and supporters say it was well accepted by the UK population they could ' NOT' be
more wrong, and this was supported by poll after poll outside " Gay centric London "
and the law was not supported by the majority of the UK population, but introduced
via the backdoor of Westminster via the next to useless bunch of European fat cats
who after all have all care and no responsibility in regard to the UK population
generally and was a ' Political Decision ' and not a ' Popular Decision ' and where
because the UK is part of the EU in most cases just rubber stamps these decisions
and ofcourse the ' Political Elite ' Messrs May and Featherstone and the LGBT mobs
were relying on this!!

This forcing through of the " Gay Marriage " law has seriously divided the UK
population outside
' Gay Centric London ' and by all accounts has increased ten
fold the animosity, hostility
and ' Hate Speech ' against the LGBT mobs creating
definite ' No Go
Areas ' for them for fear of violence especially from the Muslim

This ' London Centric Political Elite ' making decisions for Scotland was ofcourse
main reason that 45% of Scots wanted to break away from the UK, and it was
Cameron the then UK PM in desperation to hold the UK together promising to
give the Scottish pollies and the Scottish
parliament a greater say in the running
of the country of Scotland that convinced
the other 55% of Scots to stay in the UK.


We will be informed by the promoters of " Gay Marriage " that 62% of the 3.2 million
Irish people eligible to vote in the Irish Referendum in regard to " Gay Marriage "
voted for the 'YES ' vote and ' 38% ' voted 'NO'.

Now ofcourse this is an exaggeration and an enhancement to bolster the pro
" Gay Marriage " cause, because outside the major cities like Dublin polls after
polls showed the majority of the Irish people were 'NOT' in favour of "Gay Marriage"
and because voting was not compulsory only 60% of the eligible 3.2 million voters,
which were bolstered by the many 1000's LGBT's expatriates and supporters coming
in from all over the world to vote 'YES', which amounted to only 1,920,000 in total
and where 40%, 1,280,000 voters, did not vote.

So if we break that down further it means that 62% of 1,920,000 = 1,190,400 voted
'YES' and 38% = 729,600 voted "NO'.

Now ofcourse we don't know why the 1,280,000 eligible voters did 'NOT' vote but
surely if the 'Referendum' had been compulsory who knows what the result combined
with 729,600 'NO' voters would have been, and regardless of the spin the 'PRO' LGBT
mob and supporters put on it this Irish situation does not mean an acceptance of
" Gay Marriage " in Ireland, in fact like the UK it has seriously split the Irish nation,
and from what I can gather put to another vote it would seriously fail.

New Zealand.

Now ofcourse our Aussie promoters of " Gay Marriage " hale the fact that in
February 2015 the Kiwi Parliament voted 77 pollies (64%) for " Same sex Marriage "
with 44 pollies (36%) voted against.

The 77 pollies that voted 'FOR' were made up of 30 Labor,14 Greenies = 44 with
33 others = 23 conservatives and 10 other smaller parties.

Although " Same Sex Marriage " is law in New Zealand as part of the Realm of New
Zealand the Cook Islands,Niue and Tokelau do not allow " Gay Marriage '.

Well people you have only to read the Kiwi media and comments to see that this
acting into law without a ' Plebiscite ' of " Same Sex Marriage " which had only
' Political support and certainly ' NOT ' the majority of the Kiwi population ' is a

Polls after polls showed the majority of Kiwi's where not in favour of legalised
" Same sex Marriage ".

In fact there were two polls conducted just prior to the vote in the NZ Parliament
regarding " Same Sex Marriage ", one of 17,000 Kiwi's, where the overwhelming
majority (78%) voted against " Same Sex Marriage " and 22% for.

Narell Henson wrote in the Wakato Times and expressed the community commonly
held view of " Same Sex Marriage ":


Same Sex Marriage is not, by it's nature, the same as heterosexual marriage, it
never will be, no matter how much we fiddle with the law or censor the use of
words like ' Bride ' and ' Groom '. The fact that homosexual marriage does not tend
towards the conception and raising of children will forever set it apart.


Narell Henson went onto state a lot more on the same thyme in regard to " Same
Sex Marriage " but I believe this paragraph explains how the majority of the Kiwi
population feels about " Same Sex Marriage " and without a doubt they are not,
nor were they prior to the NZ Parliament in favour of " Same Sex Marriage " but
were ignored by the " Political Elite " and as such had the question been put to
the Kiwi population in regard to " Same Sex Marriage " via a 'Referendum' or even
a ' Plebiscite ' it would have got dumped big time!!!


People it don't take my mate Einstein to figure out that we Aussies are being
' Rail Roaded '/ ' Compelled '/ ' Social Engineered ' to accept that " Same Sex
Marriage" - " Gay Marriage " being " Gender Neutral " and being part of the
LGBT groups is a normal part of ' Mother Natures ' human phenomenon, and
regardless whether we agree or not we must accept the fact without question
and just shut up and cop it sweet because a bunch of misfit amateur pollies,
the " Political Elite " say we should.

The relationship between a male and female across the majority of Mother
Natures billions of creatures, whether it is referred to as a marriage or not, is
the only natural way we can procreate our various species,and pretend to infer
that any other relationship such as two males or females together can be put
into the same category or classification is ofcourse totally unnatural, not only
from a physical point of view but also from a majority human psychological,
rational and cognitive development, and that is why I believe this 'Social
Engineering ' of young children in regard to being " Gender Neutral " is nothing
more or less than ' Child Abuse ' of the worst kind !!

Ok people if you are going to cop this ' Social Engineering ' crap from these
minority groups and the ' Political Elite ' shoving this politically correct, totally
unnatural ideological demands down your and your loved ones throats without
fighting back,then don't whinge when their demands get more extreme, and they
will these bastards can't help themselves!!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.