( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
Subject: " Equal Rights " / " Equality " with a difference ". 9/10/2017
From Wikipedia, there are many others but all come to the same conclusion just
Equal rights - definition - which may refer to the following:
Equality before the law,when all people have the same rights.
Equal justice Under the Law - civil rights.
Human rights, when such rights are held in common by all people.
Civil rights,when such rights are held in common by all citizens of a nation.
Women's rights,when such rights are held in common by both men and women.
WOW, what great words?? and all you have to do is to be able to pay say
the case of Kathy the alleged rape victim of Teflon Billy Shorten the
Federal Labor Party's Opposition Leader,where I wonder if Kathy had had sufficient
Equality - definition - Dictionary.com. There are many versions but all amount to the
The state of being equal;correspondence in quality,degree,value,rank,or ability:
WOW, again what a great word and definition surely it fills everyone reading that with
When in actual fact to millions of Aussies and billions of people around the world
these words,together with " Jobs and Growth ", are just that, 'Words' and of little
value in their daily lives as they struggle to survive,even though our federal pollies
keep informing us we are a wealthy country?? yeah right go walk in their shoes
pollies ? if you can take the time to get your noses out of the Tax Payer funded
trough long enough,and ? ofcourse providing you are not classified as a " Dual
G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are receiving your so-called
" Equal Rights " and the " Equality " I gather you are entitled too and deserve.
However I am sure the 800,000,000, yep million,around the world and the
3,000,000 Aussies that are living below the minimum Aussie living standards,
Or ? how about the estimated 160,000 homes that have had the electricity turned
Or ? if your part of this statistical " Mickey Mouse " system which makes our pollies
feel " Relaxed and Comfortable " where if a person works " One hour per week "
What a great shame the bulk of the Aussie population is not enjoying such a great
However I guess when you are a self made millionaire that can afford to give a
As far as I am concerned people can say what they like about Tony Abbott but
from my point of view nobody will die wondering what Tony Abbott stands for
and beliefs are or were,as PM or now as a Liberal Party backbencher.
This I believe is so refreshing in a pollie,however regrettably when he was the
Aussie PM he listened to his political correct minders in order to change his
Where as the two current leaders Turnbull and Teflon Billy will say just about
However ? how is this for " Equality for all ".
While the average Aussies wage growth is at a record low,and has been for years,
2.4% in 2013.
The reason for these very generous salary increases,which I might add is fully funded
Now people by next Wednesday the 15/10/2017 the Aussie population will get to hear
However I believe from all the evidence being presented currently,and for years past,
the gay/LGBTI mob,and all the weirdoes they have picked up in their slip stream on the
People as the gap between rich and poor ever widens,the so-called " Middle Class "
I attach my blog subject: " Gay Marriage,where equal rights may end up " which I
You don't reckon?? well ok if that is the case just grab another beer,lay back and
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
Subject: " Equal Rights " / " Equality " with a difference ". 9/10/2017
From Wikipedia, there are many others but all come to the same conclusion just
worded slightly different.
Equal rights - definition - which may refer to the following:
Equality before the law,when all people have the same rights.
Equal justice Under the Law - civil rights.
Human rights, when such rights are held in common by all people.
Civil rights,when such rights are held in common by all citizens of a nation.
Women's rights,when such rights are held in common by both men and women.
WOW, what great words?? and all you have to do is to be able to pay say
$3 - 400.00 per hour for a solicitor, and upwards of say $1500 - $2000 per
for a barrister and be able to lodge a considerable sum of say many 1000's of
dollars in the solicitors trust fund,which you will be required to top up as the cost
for a barrister and be able to lodge a considerable sum of say many 1000's of
dollars in the solicitors trust fund,which you will be required to top up as the cost
of litigation continues to rise the longer the case goes on,then mate as
the old
saying goes " Your home and dry " ? that is providing you win the case
and don't incur your opponents court/legal costs if you lose.
Federal Labor Party's Opposition Leader,where I wonder if Kathy had had sufficient
funds to take Teflon Billy Shorten to court as an alleged rapist,even
though the Victorian
Police were not prepared to take the matter to court with the excuse there
was little
chance of getting a guilty verdict,not that Teflon Billy was considered
the situation would be now if Teflon Billy was found guilty by a jury of
his peers and
put behind bars along with his other union mates ???.
put behind bars along with his other union mates ???.
Equality - definition - Dictionary.com. There are many versions but all amount to the
same thing.
The state of being equal;correspondence in quality,degree,value,rank,or ability:
promoting equality in the workplace... a statement that two quantities are
WOW, again what a great word and definition surely it fills everyone reading that with
great hope and confidence,? those words such as both " Equal rights " and "
Equality "
are ofcourse often used not only by Aussie pollies across the political spectrum of our
over governed (3) tiered Aussie governments but world wide as well,as eye catching,
are ofcourse often used not only by Aussie pollies across the political spectrum of our
over governed (3) tiered Aussie governments but world wide as well,as eye catching,
emotive,vague,feel good platitudes of motherhood statements to encourage
voters to
vote for them.
vote for them.
When in actual fact to millions of Aussies and billions of people around the world
these words,together with " Jobs and Growth ", are just that, 'Words' and of little
value in their daily lives as they struggle to survive,even though our federal pollies
keep informing us we are a wealthy country?? yeah right go walk in their shoes
pollies ? if you can take the time to get your noses out of the Tax Payer funded
trough long enough,and ? ofcourse providing you are not classified as a " Dual
Citizen " and therefore not eligible to be a Federal pollie in the first
what a pathetic across the political spectrum third world debacle!!
G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are receiving your so-called
" Equal Rights " and the " Equality " I gather you are entitled too and deserve.
However I am sure the 800,000,000, yep million,around the world and the
3,000,000 Aussies that are living below the minimum Aussie living standards,
the other 100,000 plus Aussies who are homeless,plus many of
the previous
once so-called " Middle Class " that are going the way of the dinosaurs
the stifling and crushing weight of domestic debt and who are relying on charity
the stifling and crushing weight of domestic debt and who are relying on charity
for their one meal of the day,a meal supplied by generous retailers that
runs out leaving individuals/families going hungry,and I am sure their asking
runs out leaving individuals/families going hungry,and I am sure their asking
where their " Equality " is??.
Or ? how about the estimated 160,000 homes that have had the electricity turned
off as a result of unpaid energy bills,or the estimated 6000 homes,and
of the homes/families that are in serious debit to the energy companies and
is every likelihood that they will join the 160,000 and have their
and gas,turned off, all this having been brought about by the totally
self absorbed,incompetent pollies across the political spectrum for a
decade or
more by them losing control of our finite and valuable energy resources to
the like's
of international energy cartels, ? any idea where those consumers
" Equality of life or even Equal Rights " are when it comes to being dealt
with fairly
and even handedly in regard to the Aussies precious and scarce resources.
and even handedly in regard to the Aussies precious and scarce resources.
Or ? if your part of this statistical " Mickey Mouse " system which makes our pollies
feel " Relaxed and Comfortable " where if a person works " One hour per week "
they are deemed "Gainfully Employed" which ofcourse totally misrepresents
real unemployment figures by showing only some 5.5 to 6.0% are
the impression to the Aussie voters that at least anything up to say 94% of
Aussies are " Gainfully Employed ",but even so that means there are at least
Aussies are " Gainfully Employed ",but even so that means there are at least
700,000 to a 1,000,000 unemployed in Aussie,and that is not taking into
the estimated 2-3 million Aussies underemployed," The working Poor " as they are
degradingly referred too,and these are 'NOT' part the Old Age Pensioners or
any other welfare section these 2-3,000,000 Aussies earn less than the minimum
wage of $36,300.00 PA before tax ( $699.00 PW )
Now ? I guess by world standards this would be a fortune, as our pollies keeping
reminding us ad nauseam,however they very conveniently fail to mention,that rents
can be 30-50% of their after tax income,Aussies energy prices for gas and electricity
are some of the highest in the world,we have a 10% Goods and Services Tax where
with few exceptions is applied to the sales/selling price of all goods and services
and as such as these prices increase so does the amount of GST paid,(example an
item/service costs $1.00 today = say 10 cents GST, the same item/service in the
the estimated 2-3 million Aussies underemployed," The working Poor " as they are
degradingly referred too,and these are 'NOT' part the Old Age Pensioners or
any other welfare section these 2-3,000,000 Aussies earn less than the minimum
wage of $36,300.00 PA before tax ( $699.00 PW )
Now ? I guess by world standards this would be a fortune, as our pollies keeping
reminding us ad nauseam,however they very conveniently fail to mention,that rents
can be 30-50% of their after tax income,Aussies energy prices for gas and electricity
are some of the highest in the world,we have a 10% Goods and Services Tax where
with few exceptions is applied to the sales/selling price of all goods and services
and as such as these prices increase so does the amount of GST paid,(example an
item/service costs $1.00 today = say 10 cents GST, the same item/service in the
future now costs $2.00 = say 20 cents ) and this type of tax is regressive
and always
has a greater effect on the poor and low income people as a percentage of their
income,plus ofcourse the soaring cost of fruit,vegetables,meat,transport,fuel,vehicle
has a greater effect on the poor and low income people as a percentage of their
income,plus ofcourse the soaring cost of fruit,vegetables,meat,transport,fuel,vehicle
insurance and registration,servicing and the essentials of life!! which I
am fully aware
of as I do my shopping and pay the bills,and as an old age pensioner
specials across
his personality,bearing and his seemingly acceptance by world leaders,be a
while Aussie President if we become a Republic in the future,but as a
leader he leaves a very lot to be desired going from one political crisis
to another,
as Turnbull seems to lack a political leaders personality to control the very complex
situation of running a country,and his poor polling I believe shows this.
as Turnbull seems to lack a political leaders personality to control the very complex
situation of running a country,and his poor polling I believe shows this.
Malcolm Turnbull after visiting Israel recently was asked if he had
had enough of
politics to which he replied,and I witnessed/recorded this on TV,quote ' I have never
had more fun in my life ' unquote.
politics to which he replied,and I witnessed/recorded this on TV,quote ' I have never
had more fun in my life ' unquote.
What a great shame the bulk of the Aussie population is not enjoying such a great
sense of fun under his political administration as he is??.
However I guess when you are a self made millionaire that can afford to give a
donation to your political Liberal Party at the last 2016 Federal Election
of 1.1
million dollars,you earn as the PM alone $507,000 PA plus all the perks of
office - a fabulous Tax Payer funded old government house/gardens over
the Sydney Opera House/Sydney Harbour,servants,chauffeurs,24/7 security,fine
wine and dining,RAAF plane for overseas trips,staying at 5 star accommodation
when jetting away from the political chaos left here in Aussie to meet and greet the
the Sydney Opera House/Sydney Harbour,servants,chauffeurs,24/7 security,fine
wine and dining,RAAF plane for overseas trips,staying at 5 star accommodation
when jetting away from the political chaos left here in Aussie to meet and greet the
various world leaders,which Turnbull is doing now at least every couple of
at a huge cost to the poor old/young already financially stretched Aussie
Tax Payer
? why wouldn't Malcolm Turnbull PM be having great fun ? is it any wonder that
? why wouldn't Malcolm Turnbull PM be having great fun ? is it any wonder that
Teflon Billy Shorten wants the PM's job.
trusted in either his personal,union or political life,Teflon Billy Shorten
the Federal
Labor Opposition Leader,who I am led to believe that him and his Labor
Party are
going to run their next federal election campaign on the platform of "
Equality for
all " ?? therefore how hypocritical can they be when historically the Labor
Party and
their Union bosses do not have an " Equality " bone in their body, and if any member
their Union bosses do not have an " Equality " bone in their body, and if any member
of the Labor Party steps out of line,disagrees with,the Labor Party
policies and/or
indoctrinated values they will quickly find out just how " Unequal " the
Labor Party is!!!
Abbott Federal MP was the PM before he got politically assassinated by the
current PM Malcolm Turnbull now a Liberal Party backbencher.
As far as I am concerned people can say what they like about Tony Abbott but
from my point of view nobody will die wondering what Tony Abbott stands for
and beliefs are or were,as PM or now as a Liberal Party backbencher.
This I believe is so refreshing in a pollie,however regrettably when he was the
Aussie PM he listened to his political correct minders in order to change his
persona and evident personalty in order to win over the political elite
movements,LGBTI groups and the loopy Greenie left,which ofcourse he never
had a hope of doing,which alienated many of his conservative voter base which
had a hope of doing,which alienated many of his conservative voter base which
is now being picked up by the Pauline Hanson One Nation Party and the
of Senator Bernardi's Australian Conservatives as we will see at future
at all three levels of the Aussie political scene.
Wikipedia - Kirribilly House the Sydney residence of the Aussie PM.
Where as the two current leaders Turnbull and Teflon Billy will say just about
anything,to anybody,any where,at any time in order,in the case of
keep his job as PM,or the case of Teflon Billy to get the keys to that
house over looking the Opera House and one of the worlds greatest views
Sydney Harbour.
However ? how is this for " Equality for all ".
While the average Aussies wage growth is at a record low,and has been for years,
and many of the retail,hospitality and fast food workers have had their
penalty rates
cut for weekend work at least,our pollies at great cost to the Aussie Tax
received the following as a basic wage increases:
2.4% in 2013.
2.0% in January 2016.
2.0% from the 1/7/2017 which meant that Malcolm Turnbull PM received an
of some $17,000 PA, being about half the minimum living wage of $36,500 PA,
his salary up to $507,000 PA,the back benchers got some $4,000 PA pushing
average basic salary to just over $200,000 PA,all because the Remuneration
which are a bunch of bureaucrats set up by the pollies to oversight the pollies salary
which are a bunch of bureaucrats set up by the pollies to oversight the pollies salary
and conditions.
Therefore when the pollies get any increases in their salaries and the many other perks
of office, the pollies can put up their hands stating " Don't blame us the Tribunal says so,
so ? what can we do but accept the meager and seemingly well deserved judgment of
the Tribunal " which ofcourse no doubt the bureaucrats on the Tribunal also gain
financially from with salary increases because they plus Judges etc;come under the same
Therefore when the pollies get any increases in their salaries and the many other perks
of office, the pollies can put up their hands stating " Don't blame us the Tribunal says so,
so ? what can we do but accept the meager and seemingly well deserved judgment of
the Tribunal " which ofcourse no doubt the bureaucrats on the Tribunal also gain
financially from with salary increases because they plus Judges etc;come under the same
The reason for these very generous salary increases,which I might add is fully funded
by the Aussies Tax Payers and not shall I say the share holders of some
very successful
private company and these were directors of this very successful
company,and therefore
sharing the spoils of the hard work and ingenuity of that company NO! it
was the
Tribunal had reckoned that quote " To keep Public Office Holders from being
to the private sector " unquote.????
Now people by next Wednesday the 15/10/2017 the Aussie population will get to hear
the result of the 12.5 million Aussies that have completed the " Postal
Vote " whether
it is either " Yes or No " whether the majority of Aussies agree to have
the Marriage
Act to include " Gay Marriage or Marriage Equality ",I hope the answer is '
NO '.
Now ofcourse there can never be the same status/equality in regard to marriage when
Now ofcourse there can never be the same status/equality in regard to marriage when
comparing two blokes or two females too hetro couples of male and
the two blokes and two females is an unnatural act and was never designed
by Mother
Nature to be so, because without borrowing/hiring/renting a third party females womb
Nature to be so, because without borrowing/hiring/renting a third party females womb
the two blokes cannot produce children,and without a male sperm donor the
two females
cannot produce children either.
However I believe from all the evidence being presented currently,and for years past,
the gay/LGBTI mob,and all the weirdoes they have picked up in their slip stream on the
way,have long lost the campaign for " Gay Marriage/Marriage Equality " to
the likes of
the lefty socialists,communists,ANTIFA the anti-government,far left and
militant left
organisations and ofcourse the activist 'Getup' who get onto any campaign
which will
bring them notoriety and ofcourse funding so they can survive,and ofcourse they are
very closely linked,if not attached at the hip,to the Labor Party where Teflon Billy
Shorten was a Director of 'Getup'.
bring them notoriety and ofcourse funding so they can survive,and ofcourse they are
very closely linked,if not attached at the hip,to the Labor Party where Teflon Billy
Shorten was a Director of 'Getup'.
People as the gap between rich and poor ever widens,the so-called " Middle Class "
who were once the power house,the engine room of any western economy now
the way of the dinosaurs hence the low inflation,bordering on
deflation,around the
world where they have become so heavily financially burdened they are "
rich cash poor ",growing unemployment as a result of continual
technological change,
automation and robotics,an aging of the worlds population and the reduction
in tax
revenue and increased welfare dependency, where "Political Correctness","
Engineering " is killing free speech and proper open social interaction
where people
are to concerned to speak their mind for fear of abuse and vilification
which could
in turn have an effect on ingenuity, and where the words " Equal Rights "
" Equality " are just that 'WORDS',political slogans,feel good motherhood
and in most cases in reality hopeful figments of peoples
I attach my blog subject: " Gay Marriage,where equal rights may end up " which I
posted some (2) years or more ago on the 2/9/2015 which many people
then to the effect " Mate " Gay Marriage " will never happen ", well to
those people
and millions of other doubters around Aussie there is every possibility you
are about
to eat your words next Wednesday the 15/10/2017,plus the denigration of
of our cultures,standards and long held beliefs,religious and otherwise,to
say nothing
of free speech.
You don't reckon?? well ok if that is the case just grab another beer,lay back and
don't whinge when you get shafted with the rough end of the
pineapple,because these
lefty political correct socialists have a ravenous appetite for
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the
so-called Christian values/beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 2/9/2015.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Gay Marriage, where Equal Rights May end up ?? "
Subject: " Gay Marriage, where Equal Rights May end up ?? "
People I realise that the attached email that I have just received is supposed to
be in that ironic way some what " Tongue in Cheek " and humorous but as I see
it as the saying goes - " Many a true word is spoken in jest " and I believe this
attached email - author unknown - scroll down - is a perfect example and
epitomises the mess these either politically naive or ones with a self interest
pollies are going to get this nation into!!!???.
Let's take a look at the situation and will the " Equal Rights Law and Same Sex
Marriage Act " stipulate the following???:
1. Will the (2) blokes that want to marry have to be " Gay " or the (2) women have
to be lesbians and if so what proof do they have to produce before they are entitled
to any Tax Payer funds that hetro married couples are generally entitled to at
various stages of married life.? if no proof is required just my word of mouth then:
2. Could (2) hetro blokes declare their dying love for each other then get married
and also claim any Tax Payer funded Marital benefits?? if not why not?? equal
rights yes!! but only for "Gays" and lesbians ???
However if (2) Hetro blokes and (2) Hetro females declare their undying love for
each other and declare themselves " Gay" and " Lesbian" respectively and get
married but later apply for a divorce and one party in spite declares that they are
not or were not " Gays" or " Lesbians " after receiving any Tax Payers marital
funds once producing children either adopted or by artificial insemination??:
2a. What would the penalty be?
2b. How would the courts decide who was telling the truth?
3. Will the law stipulate that brother & brother? sister & sister? parent & sibling
of either gender? sister & brother? although not either " Gay " or " Lesbian "
therefore would not probably contravene the " Incest Act " once declaring their
undying love for each other be allowed to marry and claim any marital Tax Payer
funds if say like the gays and lesbians they adopted a child or children?? if not
why not?? does "Gender" only become applicable if the " Gender " declares
themselves " Gay" or " Lesbian "??? discrimination??.
People I believe that applying the use of a couple of metaphors like " Scrambled
Eggs " and " Opening a can of worms " spring immediately to mind when looking
at the " Gay Marriage " issue and would be in reality gross understatements
because the majority of these amateur pollies - together with their bosses the
bureaucrats - make such a collective mess of every major issue this great Aussie
Nation faces especially how to run this country as a self supporting financial
identity?? and as a result of decades of governments bad management across
the board and the political spectrum we are going down the financial gurgle and
this rushed " Gay Marriage " issue will be no different!!!.
However people if your happy with the way these short term! self interest! pollies
squander our hard earned Taxes, Fees and Charges for political & personal gain
then don't whinge when the " Closed " sign " No funds available " is put up at the
Centrelink Offices near you!
Read and weep or better still get angry when our bloody pollies spend so much
time concerning themselves with a minority noisy in your face bunch of Aussies
that declare that because they " Love " each other, and as a result of their sexual
preference our pollies devote so much precious parliamentary time when as I have
stated many! many! times in mike's comments that we the majority ( 97%) hetro's
of the Aussie Nation have serious problems requiring urgent attention from the
cradle to the grave!!
Parliament?? What a farce!!!!! a ' Pox on both houses ' - if you can't sell used
cars become a pollie ?? even then I doubt most of them would make a living!!
It is full of over paid, self-interested, egotistical, conceited, narcissistic, self
absorbed amateurs with a snout in the Tax Payer Funded trough winner takes
all with very short political shelf life!!!
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
Equal Rights May End UP
Good morning. We want to apply for a marriage license."
"Names?", said the clerk.
"Tim and Jim Jones."
"Jones? Are you related? I see a resemblance."
"Yes, we're brothers."
"Brothers? You can't get married."
"Why not? Aren't you giving marriage licenses to same gender couples?"
"Yes, thousands. But we haven't had any siblings. That's incest!"
"Incest?" No, we are not gay."
"Not gay? Then why do you want to get married?"
"For the financial benefits, of course. And we do love each other. Besides, we don't have any other prospects."
"But we're issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who've claim they'd been denied equal protection under the law. If you are not gay, you can get married to a woman."
"Wait a minute. A gay man has the same right to marry a woman as I have. But just because I'm straight doesn't mean I want to marry a woman. I want to marry Jim."
"And I want to marry Tim, Are you going to discriminate against us just because we are not gay?"
"All right, all right. I'll give you your license. Next."
"Hi. We are here to get married."
"John Smith, Jane James, Robert Green, and June Johnson."
"Who wants to marry whom?"
"We all want to marry each other."
"But there are four of you!"
"That's right. You see, we're all bisexual. I love Jane and Robert, Jane loves me and June, June loves Robert and Jane, and Robert loves June and me. All of us getting married together is the only way that we can express our sexual preferences in a marital relationship."
"But we've only been granting licenses to gay and lesbian couples."
"So you're discriminating against bisexuals!"
"No, it's just that, well, the traditional idea of marriage is that it's just for couples."
"Since when are you standing on tradition?"
"Well, I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere."
"Who says? There's no logical reason to limit marriage to couples. The more the better. Besides, we demand our rights!The mayor says the constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Give us a marriage license!"
"All right, all right. Next."
"Hello, I'd like a marriage license."
"In what names?"
"David Anderson."
"And the other man?"
"That's all. I want to marry myself."
"Marry yourself? What do you mean?"
"Well, my psychiatrist says I have a dual personality, so I want to marry the two together. Maybe I can file a joint income-tax return."
"That does it! I quit! You people are making a mockery of marriage!"