( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
Subject: ' Say No!! Say it proud!!!,Say it loud !!!! '. 4/9/2017
G/day people wherever you are??.
To my many 1000's of readers may I wish you all a Happy Aussie Fathers Day which
Yesterday Sunday the 5/9/2017, Fathers Day, just before 7 am I switched on the
ABC to Radio National which as the name suggests has I believe the largest media
It also has Macquarie National News which I find is far more balanced when it comes
This I believe was born out by the fact during the (3) hours I listened to the ABC Radio
What I witnessed on this Aussie Fathers Day on the ABC's Radio National I believe,
along with Senator Pauline Hanson and millions of Aussies around this great nation,
highlights the fact that we need,to coin President Trumps phrase," Drain the swamp
in the ABC " and as Senator Hanson has stated make the ABC far more accountable
for this left wing ideological social engineering, while absorbing the fully funded Tax
Sun Herald - LGBTI protestors storming the Athenaeum Club trying to stop
We have currently,because our limp wristed,gutless pollies have capitulated to a
noisy,in your face minority by far same sex marriage and their supporter group, a
voluntary postal plebiscite on " Same Sex Marriage " asking basically if the Aussie
population agrees to the concept and parliament should change the basic current
heterosexual marriage Act, which only currently allows a male and female to legally
marry to also allow " Same Sex Couples " to be legally married.
Now I state limp wristed and gutless because the Liberal/National Party Coalition
They will be lucky to get say 40% returned and many of those will have been stolen
I for one, and I have no doubt that this view is shared with millions of Aussies and
When it is put into perspective this way!
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
Subject: ' Say No!! Say it proud!!!,Say it loud !!!! '. 4/9/2017
G/day people wherever you are??.
To my many 1000's of readers may I wish you all a Happy Aussie Fathers Day which
the vast majority of us Aussies celebrated last Sunday the 3/9/2017,I say
the majority
because we have here in Aussie various mentally doubtful social engineers pushing
political correctness from the point of view that " Fathers Day " along with " Mothers
Day " is gender specific,and both should be celebrated in a more " Gender Neutral "
way, because this might offend a tiny minority group of Aussies that don't know
whether they are " Arthur or Martha " the poor little misfits, so the vast majority of
Aussies must change their tradition of generations to comply, yeah right, go put your
head up where the sun never shines!!
Guthrie The ABC MD.
because we have here in Aussie various mentally doubtful social engineers pushing
political correctness from the point of view that " Fathers Day " along with " Mothers
Day " is gender specific,and both should be celebrated in a more " Gender Neutral "
way, because this might offend a tiny minority group of Aussies that don't know
whether they are " Arthur or Martha " the poor little misfits, so the vast majority of
Aussies must change their tradition of generations to comply, yeah right, go put your
head up where the sun never shines!!
Yesterday Sunday the 5/9/2017, Fathers Day, just before 7 am I switched on the
ABC to Radio National which as the name suggests has I believe the largest media
foot print in Aussie covering a very large % of this huge
country/continent, this I
continued until just after 10 am when I switched over to the Tamworth Regional
commercial radio 88.9 FM which plays music of the 1960's,70's & 80's plus country
continued until just after 10 am when I switched over to the Tamworth Regional
commercial radio 88.9 FM which plays music of the 1960's,70's & 80's plus country
and western, plus comments/reports on local weather,road accidents and
community activities in the Tamworth Regional area.
It also has Macquarie National News which I find is far more balanced when it comes
to either local,state and federal politics than the ABC's left wing
one sided attempt to social engineer and make,not report,the
This I believe was born out by the fact during the (3) hours I listened to the ABC Radio
National I do not recalled one reference to the fact that it was Aussies
Fathers Day Celebration Day,where on the 88.9 FM the hosts mentioned it,one
or the other many times,wishing the Dad's a Happy Day and hoping they
were enjoying
the great weather etc;
the great weather etc;
Senator Pauline Hanson,The One Nation Party.
What I witnessed on this Aussie Fathers Day on the ABC's Radio National I believe,
along with Senator Pauline Hanson and millions of Aussies around this great nation,
highlights the fact that we need,to coin President Trumps phrase," Drain the swamp
in the ABC " and as Senator Hanson has stated make the ABC far more accountable
for this left wing ideological social engineering, while absorbing the fully funded Tax
Payers scarce funds to the tune of ' Billions ' of dollars,currently and
for decades
past,and have become a law unto themselves judged by politically
perspective,in house internal committees and not popular opinion and
media ratings.
our Aussie tennis ' ICON ' Margaret Court from speaking against " Gay
Marriage ".
We have currently,because our limp wristed,gutless pollies have capitulated to a
noisy,in your face minority by far same sex marriage and their supporter group, a
voluntary postal plebiscite on " Same Sex Marriage " asking basically if the Aussie
population agrees to the concept and parliament should change the basic current
heterosexual marriage Act, which only currently allows a male and female to legally
marry to also allow " Same Sex Couples " to be legally married.
Now I state limp wristed and gutless because the Liberal/National Party Coalition
went to the last September 2016 Federal Election on a platform of that
there would
be a compulsory plebiscite on "Same Sex Marriage" as if it were an election
and it
would be conducted as such, however because of at least say (3)
Liberal homosexuals and probably (4) other limp wristed very effeminate
pollies out
of a total of 106 coalition pollies in the House of Reps and Senate,
insinuating that
this minority bunch of say (7) untrustworthy deviates because of Turnbull's loss of (14)
this minority bunch of say (7) untrustworthy deviates because of Turnbull's loss of (14)
seats at the last September 2016 Federal Election and now with only a one
majority, might cross the floors of parliament to vote with Labour and the
Greenies in
regard to " Marriage Equality - Same Sex Marriage " the Coalition have,
under the
so-called leadership of Malcolm Turnbull, thrown the promised
' Compulsory
Plebiscite " in the political to hard basket,garbage bin to be replaced by
this next-to-
nothing,useless,non-binding hotch potch/ragbag " Postal Plebiscite
They will be lucky to get say 40% returned and many of those will have been stolen
out of peoples private mail boxes,especially in the major cities like
Sydney and
Melbourne, and returned fraudulently by both the " Yes & No " groups making the
Melbourne, and returned fraudulently by both the " Yes & No " groups making the
whole expensive Tax Payer funded debacle ' Null & Void " and ' Without
Value '.
I for one, and I have no doubt that this view is shared with millions of Aussies and
billions of other " Normal " heterosexual people around the world, find the
sight of
two men kissing,especially the bearded types, and tonguing one and other
revolting and repulsive, to name but a few reactions, however we are
expected to
suffer this unnatural spectacle in our churches and places of worship which
will be
a very confronting experience for the majority of the Aussie population
that hold the
sanctity of traditional marriage between a man and a women in a holy
place going
back many centuries as a very important part of their culture and beliefs.
Where now all this tradition and powerful beliefs that " Normal " people hold dearly
back many centuries as a very important part of their culture and beliefs.
Where now all this tradition and powerful beliefs that " Normal " people hold dearly
is to be trashed, and our children as young as 5 years old and above are to
socially engineered, brain washed if you will, with this " Safe Schools
Program "into
believing that gender is just a myth,and that male and female genitalia
does not
depict your gender,that two men can have children, however I have yet to see a
person having anal sex produce a child,? however miracles happen I gather? and
this also applies to two women,however I have yet to see a plastic dildo produce a
child either,although modern science is moving in leaps and bounds so who knows?.
depict your gender,that two men can have children, however I have yet to see a
person having anal sex produce a child,? however miracles happen I gather? and
this also applies to two women,however I have yet to see a plastic dildo produce a
child either,although modern science is moving in leaps and bounds so who knows?.
Now ofcourse we are being informed by all this " Vote Yes "
these limp wristed pollies ofcourse,that if the current marriage act is
changed this
will not effect churches,mosques,synagogues,retailers,event
or anyone else liable to be involved/effected by this change etc; if they do not want
or anyone else liable to be involved/effected by this change etc; if they do not want
to assist or get involved for whatever reason.
Well this is hoping we naive Aussies do not read,listen too,go on the
internet to see
what is going on in Canada,USA,UK,Europe in general where " Same Sex " has
legalised,where it is a lawyers picnic and people are being prosecuted by
law for
discriminating against homosexuals!! and what it ain't going to happen
Maybe not in my life time,well hopefully not??,what is the bet that these
in many cases
violent,abusive,stand over homosexual groups and their supporters get their
way and
the marriage Act is changed in their favour, then down the track they
insist that
" Homosexually " along with the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders get
a mention
in the Aussie Constitution,get allocated/reserved seats in local,state and
parliaments,maybe get one of their faces on one of our bank notes,monuments
showing their decades of struggle, special queues at the airports where "
Transgender's "
choose who of the Customs & Excise Border Control staff can
physically examine them.
No way you reckon?? well considering,I am reliably informed,that at least
40% of our
pollies across this over governed country of ours are either gay,lesbian or
surely they have not one but two feet in the door already??.
However people if any government of whatever persuasion tries to institute
by law
allowing males to use female toilets,change or dressing rooms on the basis
that these
" blokes " ?? believe they feel more female than male in the country towns,
then they
better have a riot squad in every town, and even then I seriously doubt
that will stop
the country women tearing these potential perv's/misfits apart limb from
It is very pleasing to many millions of us Aussies that the " NO " vote
campaign is
finally fighting back and not before time either,because people in my
by many others,this is the the thin end of a socialistic,social engineering
that has been in the pipe line world wide for decades, ? don't believe
me?well just
go on the LGBTI web sites and read for yourself,read the" Safe Schools
then if in my view you are still naively convinced that this is just allowing two people
then if in my view you are still naively convinced that this is just allowing two people
of the same sex to legally marry? then ok if your my age of 77 plus or more
then by
the time the " Proverbial hits the fan " as the saying goes,even if the
marriage Act
is changed in this term of parliament or the next and acted into law I/we
will be either
dead or too " Doolaly " to care,
However if your any where near 50 years and below then I am concerned for
because these LGBTI storm troopers appetite for power will show no bounds or
boundaries, because this hurdle of " Same sex marriage/marriage equality " is the
hardest hurdle for them to stride,once successfully over the LGBTI mob and all the
because these LGBTI storm troopers appetite for power will show no bounds or
boundaries, because this hurdle of " Same sex marriage/marriage equality " is the
hardest hurdle for them to stride,once successfully over the LGBTI mob and all the
other weird hangers on,weird to us now but will be potentially a fact of
life in the
future, will pick up speed/momentum with laws after laws being passed to curtail
future, will pick up speed/momentum with laws after laws being passed to curtail
what little freedoms of speech we have currently.
Now ofcourse the political and media elite,especially the Canberra Press
are predicting a " Yes " vote win?? which I believe is more wishful
thinking on their
part than reality,however we all know what the result of the political and
elite's predictions were with President Trump,Brexit,the far right in Europe,the
down fall of the USA stock & money markets with the rise of President Trump to
power,and the list of failed forecasts currently goes on and on.
elite's predictions were with President Trump,Brexit,the far right in Europe,the
down fall of the USA stock & money markets with the rise of President Trump to
power,and the list of failed forecasts currently goes on and on.
However the feed back I am getting on the streets where these decisions are
is that the prediction of a " YES Vote win " is not set in concrete, and if
the " NO "
vote get's up then the LGBTI mob have only themselves to blame,as many of the
voters are disgusted at the violent,intimidating,abusive bullying actions of many of
these LGBTI groups and their supporters, and are very concerned that if this law
vote get's up then the LGBTI mob have only themselves to blame,as many of the
voters are disgusted at the violent,intimidating,abusive bullying actions of many of
these LGBTI groups and their supporters, and are very concerned that if this law
enabling same sex couples to marry this will give these LGBTI groups
license to
continue with this type of unacceptable behaviour.
People having lived under virtual dictatorships in Africa I am very aware
that once
freedoms of any kind are withdrawn they are never reinstated without
and vicious armed conflict, and even then there is no guarantee they will
be once
again reinstated, in fact I have known the situation personally to be
So people take some advice from an old bloke that has seen/experienced life
the average person can only wonder about, when I say before you tick/cross
box on any ballet paper,for whatever reason, give it considerable thought
it may not feel that your little tick/cross is significant which at that
particular moment
it maybe so, but the future ramifications of that little tick/cross
collectively can have
unimaginable consequences for you and all concerned in the
Anyway people ' Say No!! Say it proud!! Say it loud!! ' ? if not then don't
when life goes some what pear shape for you and your friends and loved
in the future because you were to apathetic to care at the time.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down,I can't vouch for
accuracy of the figures but sure looks convincing no matter what country
live in.
When it is put into perspective this way!
If I give you $1 billion dollars and you stand on a street corner handing out $1 per
second,twenty four hours a day,seven days a week,you would still not
have handed
out the $1
billion after 31 years
Now read on:
Now read on:
How is this for statistics:
The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner,think about
whether you believe the 'politician' is competent and/or qualified,has the necessary
ability,knowledge or skill to spend 'YOUR' billion dollar hard earned
A billion is a difficult number for the average person to comprehend,but one advertising
agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.
A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion Dollars ago our 'politicians' were spending that every 13 hours and 12 minutes.
Now for them to do that the politicians had to pass laws compelling their citizens,under the
threat of possible prosecution,to pay most of, or all of the following:
A billion is a difficult number for the average person to comprehend,but one advertising
agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.
A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion Dollars ago our 'politicians' were spending that every 13 hours and 12 minutes.
Now for them to do that the politicians had to pass laws compelling their citizens,under the
threat of possible prosecution,to pay most of, or all of the following:
Stamp duty.
Corporation Tax.
Income Tax.
Council rates and taxes/fees.
Fishing Licence Tax.
Petrol/Oil/Diesel Tax.
Alcohol Tax.
GST ( A Tax on Top of Taxes )
Capital gains Tax.
Corporation Tax.
Income Tax.
Council rates and taxes/fees.
Fishing Licence Tax.
Petrol/Oil/Diesel Tax.
Alcohol Tax.
GST ( A Tax on Top of Taxes )
Capital gains Tax.
Vehicle Registration Tax.
Driver licence Tax.
Vehicle Registration Tax.
Driver licence Tax.
Greenslip Insurance ? Tax.
Royalties Tax.
Toll Road fees/taxes on top of vehicle registration Tax.
State Payroll Taxes.
Royalties Tax.
Toll Road fees/taxes on top of vehicle registration Tax.
State Payroll Taxes.
departure Tax.
Duty and Quarantine fees.
Tax on Superannuation.
Now when we consider that only some 50-60 years ago ( 1960 's or so ) very few
of these taxes existed yet Aussie was one of the most prosperous nations in the
Yet Aussie had virtually no national debt and were balancing the nations books.
Aussie had one of the worlds largest middle class.
Mum stayed home to raise the kids.
Parents and Teachers were allowed to discipline kids.
A criminals life was made uncomfortable.
So what happened?.
Tax on Superannuation.
Now when we consider that only some 50-60 years ago ( 1960 's or so ) very few
of these taxes existed yet Aussie was one of the most prosperous nations in the
Yet Aussie had virtually no national debt and were balancing the nations books.
Aussie had one of the worlds largest middle class.
Mum stayed home to raise the kids.
Parents and Teachers were allowed to discipline kids.
A criminals life was made uncomfortable.
So what happened?.
The National Debt now $500 ' BILLION ' and climbing at millions of dollars per
day with
interest payments.
The once Aussie middle class economic powerhouse being reduced to a possible
national economic liability with some $1.5 'Trillion" domestic debt.
Aussies being informed that by World standards we as a nation are doing great
economically,however they fail to mention that the majority of the
other Worlds
Economies are under serious financial stress so to use our financial
situation/status as " GREAT " is very misleading to say the