( Me at my place )
Sir Mike's Comments 25/3/2017
Subject " ? What is more important to you ? "
Information from: The Free Wikipedia, Kangaroo Court Publications, ABS and many
G/day people wherever you are.
People I have no doubt that if I conducted a survey of my many 1000's of readers over
The safety and welfare of the family and loved ones, getting a new house, unit, job, car,
fishing boat and equipment, holiday, winning the big one on the lottery, horses, casino
with the list filling umpteen A4 pages.
Now according to the free Wikipedia history is not to sure which of the three blokes
pictured above came up with the statement quote "An Army Marches on it's Stomach"
Therefore the most important issue in my life, without being paranoid about it, is to
This article of Shane Dowling's I received a week or two ago got me thinking and
researching, and I am not liking what I am finding by far!! and the more I look into
Aussie is becoming more and more reliant on imported prepared/manufactured
Where to start with China?? even their own people prefer imported goods if they
According to the Chinese State Environment Protection Administration soil pollution
Heavy metals including: mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, chromium, zinc to
name but a few which are contaminating the soils to such an extent that it is having
adverse health effects on human metabolism via ingestion, contact through the
skin, diet through the sea food chain, respiratory intake, oral intake can all be an
absorption mechanism from soil contamination by heavy metals in regard to human
health, however this is more than over looked as a critical threat to food security in
I believe Aussie consumes 70% of it's seafood from overseas, and in NSW the
I hear through the grape vine that many migrants such as Indians and
One third of India's slum dwellers live in unrecognised slums, however there
are 65 million people, up from 52 million at 2001, that are recognised as slum
dwellers, but there again considering in 2016 India's population was estimated
Aussie imports 100's if not 1000's of articles/goods/services from India across
Now the imports that concern me from a myriad of articles I have read, to many
Body, skin, face, hair, baby, health, eye, Lip/tooth, ear care along with medicines,
Now surely any reasonable person would be forgiven in asking how many of the
Cancers and other deadly debilitating diseases are more than often prevented taking
However even with these great defences if they come under sustained attack from
The more I read about these World Trade Agreements I believe it is obvious they are
I am led to believe from what I read that even China's manufactures are being slowly
Now people what I have supplied here is a mili-fraction of the information available
However if you are not prepared to read the labels on products and be selective in what
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
Scroll down and be concerned, very concerned, because I can only go on what Shane
Dowling is producing here in regard to honey, but from what my research is showing is
that there are questions across the Aussie food chain to be answered before Aussies
health in general is seriously effected.
My blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the
so-called Christian values
and beliefs.
Sir Mike's Comments 25/3/2017
Subject " ? What is more important to you ? "
Information from: The Free Wikipedia, Kangaroo Court Publications, ABS and many
other sources.
G/day people wherever you are.
People I have no doubt that if I conducted a survey of my many 1000's of readers over
a myriad of countries around the globe in regard to " What is more
important to you "
the variation in the answers/replies would be as varied as the people themselves, for
the variation in the answers/replies would be as varied as the people themselves, for
The safety and welfare of the family and loved ones, getting a new house, unit, job, car,
fishing boat and equipment, holiday, winning the big one on the lottery, horses, casino
with the list filling umpteen A4 pages.
Now according to the free Wikipedia history is not to sure which of the three blokes
pictured above came up with the statement quote "An Army Marches on it's Stomach"
unquote, therefore I believe it goes without question that if we
superimpose the word
" Nation " for " Army " the same principle applies, if not more
Therefore the most important issue in my life, without being paranoid about it, is to
ensure where possible that what I consume in the way of food and beverage
beneficial to my well being, because let us face facts without a good diet to sustain
beneficial to my well being, because let us face facts without a good diet to sustain
us every thing else is totally unattainable/unachievable in the long, or
even in the short
term, and without being a food saint over my 76 years plus where I have
over indulged
and paid the short term consequences, I have current medical evidence to show that I
would be one of the healthiest and strong 76 plus year old Aussie males in this country.
Now I realise the variety of food and beverage consumed around the globe is so diverse
it would be to vast for anyone or organisation to gather and record, however it is the
and paid the short term consequences, I have current medical evidence to show that I
would be one of the healthiest and strong 76 plus year old Aussie males in this country.
Now I realise the variety of food and beverage consumed around the globe is so diverse
it would be to vast for anyone or organisation to gather and record, however it is the
end result that counts.
Shane Dowling - Kangaroo Court of Australia Publications.
Article dated the 11th March 2017 - Woolworths, Coles and Aldi running a
selling imported food as organic - see attached scroll down.
This article of Shane Dowling's I received a week or two ago got me thinking and
researching, and I am not liking what I am finding by far!! and the more I look into
these so-called World Trade Agreements the more concerned I am for this
Nations health and wellbeing now and especially into the future.
Aussie is becoming more and more reliant on imported prepared/manufactured
consumables from countries like China, India, Vietnam,Thailand where
control and health checks and consumable analyses is just not part of
vocabulary let alone put into effect.
Where to start with China?? even their own people prefer imported goods if they
can get them, especially from Aussie, providing their Central Government
does not
limit, put an embargo on imports, so much for their current " Free Trade
Rhetoric ".
According to the Chinese State Environment Protection Administration soil pollution
is effecting food safety and sustainability, where 38,610 sq miles (
100,000 km2 ) of
China's cultivated agricultural land has been polluted with contaminated water used
to irrigate 31.5 million miles plus another 2 million miles, which amounts to one tenth
of China's cultivated land, has been destroyed by solid waste, ? it would not take
much imagination to figure out what that solid waste could contain with the lack of
China's cultivated agricultural land has been polluted with contaminated water used
to irrigate 31.5 million miles plus another 2 million miles, which amounts to one tenth
of China's cultivated land, has been destroyed by solid waste, ? it would not take
much imagination to figure out what that solid waste could contain with the lack of
human sewerage facilities for such a huge population, other than I gather
the following.
Heavy metals including: mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, chromium, zinc to
name but a few which are contaminating the soils to such an extent that it is having
adverse health effects on human metabolism via ingestion, contact through the
skin, diet through the sea food chain, respiratory intake, oral intake can all be an
absorption mechanism from soil contamination by heavy metals in regard to human
health, however this is more than over looked as a critical threat to food security in
The Vietnam Polluted Rivers.
Thailand Polluted Rivers.
Now bearing in mind I stated previously that there are very few, if any, quality
control in Asia which I believe is the result of not only corruption on a grand
Now bearing in mind I stated previously that there are very few, if any, quality
control in Asia which I believe is the result of not only corruption on a grand
scale, but their attitude is as a result of the huge numbers, billions of
they have as populations and as a consequence life is cheap, and so what if
few 100 thousand of their population gets sick from contaminated
I believe Aussie consumes 70% of it's seafood from overseas, and in NSW the
figure is closer to 85% the bulk of it from Asia, however imported prawns
been banned because of the so-called ' White Spot Disease '.
been banned because of the so-called ' White Spot Disease '.
I hear through the grape vine that many migrants such as Indians and
the like, that are becoming proprietors of sea food restaurants ( Fish
& Chip
Shops ) are not stating so because that would be illegal, but if the customers
Shops ) are not stating so because that would be illegal, but if the customers
don't ask, which is in most cases, they are cooking this possible
sea food crap take away and passing it off as Aussie products, because if
customer gets sick the answer would be " Well it was all ok when it left
premises it must have been contaminated after that " and proving heavy
contamination once the regurgitated product has been flushed down the
would be impossible to prove, so the best of luck there.
One third of India's slum dwellers live in unrecognised slums, however there
are 65 million people, up from 52 million at 2001, that are recognised as slum
dwellers, but there again considering in 2016 India's population was estimated
at 1.326 billion, some,? would you believe 382 people per square kilometre,
possibly soon to be the highest concentration of population per square kilometre
on the globe, ? no wonder they are becoming the largest bunch of immigrants to
come to Aussie.
possibly soon to be the highest concentration of population per square kilometre
on the globe, ? no wonder they are becoming the largest bunch of immigrants to
come to Aussie.
Aussie imports 100's if not 1000's of articles/goods/services from India across
a very wide range from industrial, commercial and retail worth 100's of
of Aussie dollars.
Now the imports that concern me from a myriad of articles I have read, to many
to mention here, where Indian quality control is coming under question is
Body, skin, face, hair, baby, health, eye, Lip/tooth, ear care along with medicines,
perfumes, organic, homeopathy, nutrition & supplements, sexual
and this is just a fraction of the multi-millions of dollars worth of
across the board
imports from India of this type.
Now surely any reasonable person would be forgiven in asking how many of the
multi-millions of the unrecognised slum dwellers, and the 65 million slum
are employed in the factories that produce these imported products as very
cheap labour and ? do their unfortunate domestic living circumstances where their
unhygienic conditions, by Aussie standards anyway,and their possibility of transferring
cheap labour and ? do their unfortunate domestic living circumstances where their
unhygienic conditions, by Aussie standards anyway,and their possibility of transferring
any diseases, which over the generations they have become immune too, but
become carriers of, going to rear their ugly heads in the products that these
become carriers of, going to rear their ugly heads in the products that these
organizations produce for which we Aussies have no resistance too,
especially our
young babies/children??.
Cancers and other deadly debilitating diseases are more than often prevented taking
hold, or having a serious effect, by Mother Natures built in defence
However even with these great defences if they come under sustained attack from
heavy metals, various pollutants and diseases can be penetrated with
if not deadly effect especially on the young, elderly, sick and
The more I read about these World Trade Agreements I believe it is obvious they are
profit generators, and certainly not employment generators, where we have
millions of workers in the so-called Western Societies made unemployed as
and organisation move off shore to where company taxes are less, if not at
all for the
first number of years, the health and safety of the workers across the
board, quality
control and product health analyses, corruption is part, and condoned, of
the every
day operation, to name but a few of the benefits, and where the majority, by far, of
these people that are made redundant are dumped on the Tax Payers as welfare
day operation, to name but a few of the benefits, and where the majority, by far, of
these people that are made redundant are dumped on the Tax Payers as welfare
dependents, and where these countries like Aussie are now struggling
financially to
keep up with the billions of dollars needed to maintain an ever increasing
expenditure program.
I am led to believe from what I read that even China's manufactures are being slowly
converted over to automation creating unemployment ? that would in my view
be a
huge mistake if their huge work force is denied being able to receive the benefits
huge mistake if their huge work force is denied being able to receive the benefits
of China's prosperity before they have had the chance too?? the violence in
years to
come as a result will be catastrophic and calamitous not only for China but
the World
economy in general.
Now people what I have supplied here is a mili-fraction of the information available
but certainly not on the major media, because many of the companies that
are in my
view the perpetrators of the unemployment,and the lowering of food
standards coming
into Aussie are big advertiser in the commercial TV, Radio and Newspaper
and the ABC and SBS are to busy spending scarce Tax Payers funds promoting
" Gay
Marriage " - " Women's International Day " and other Tax Payer funded
However if you are not prepared to read the labels on products and be selective in what
you consume one way or the other, and contact your/our amateur talk lots,
little, self interested pollies at all levels of this over governed Nation
of Aussie, and get
them to pass laws ensuring what the label states is actually there, and
when it states
produced from " Local and imported goods " ?? " IMPORTED FROM WHERE??? '
don't whinge when you and your loved ones spend more time visiting your
Doctor with
unexplained ailments, and the most purchased item in your shopping trolley
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
Scroll down and be concerned, very concerned, because I can only go on what Shane
Dowling is producing here in regard to honey, but from what my research is showing is
that there are questions across the Aussie food chain to be answered before Aussies
health in general is seriously effected.
major organic food scam has been exposed which involves Woolworths, Coles and
Aldi selling cheap imported food as organic food and when I asked the certifier,
Australian Certified Organic (ACO), questions they refused to answer. ACO have
already started with the legal threats in an attempt to cover-up what is
happening as per the legal letter sent to Save the Bees publisher Simon Mulvany
Australians would think they are buying Australian produced food when they buy
food labeled as organic and they shouldn’t have to read the fine print to work
out they’re not. The old saying “always
follow the money” comes to mind when looking at this scandal and trying to
work out who’s doing what and why. E.g. How much is Capilano Honey paying ACO to
use the certification label?
scam is quite simple. Import food, in this case honey, say it is organic and pay
an Australian certifier to give you a label to prove it is organic and then have
the major grocery stores stock the product. A lot of Australians will buy it
thinking they are buying Australian organic honey given the labels and the fact
that is being sold in a major grocery store they trust.
the moment it is not known how widespread the scam is as it is still under
investigation but I would suspect it will ultimately be shown to spread across
numerous food sectors. But it does involve the likes of the major grocery
stores, Australian Certified Organic and Capilano Honey and their Allowrie Honey
wrote to Capilano Honey’s Mr Trevor Morgan (Chairman) and Ms Annette Zbasnik
(Company Secretary) in September 2016 asking questions about Capilano Honey and
their CEO Ben McKee lying about the quality of their honey etc and they refused
to respond. (Click here to read more)
example is Aldi selling its own brand honey as organic which
most consumers would think was Australian honey but the small print on the label
reveals it is less than 10% Australian. It has the same Australian Certified
Organic certification number (472) as Allowrie Honey, that also claims to be
100% organic, which points to the fact that Capilano Honey who own Allowrie are
producing honey for Aldi.
Chinese sell their low quality honey to Australia and then import Australian
honey back to China which tells the story by itself. On what basis the imported
honey is being called organic no one seems to know and if they do know they’re
not telling anyone and how reliable would their answers be anyhow?
Honey have a huge financial interest in imported honey
Australian reported in February 2017:
beekeepers have called on the federal government to investigate the risk posed
to the local $100 million honey industry and bee population by the recent jump
in honey imports.
Australian Honey Bee Industry Council is concerned imported honey from countries
such as China and Mexico could contain live viruses and bacteria that cause bee
disease and threaten the survival of Australia’s introduced honey bee population
and 1500 species of native bees.
honey imports have more than doubled in the past three years, with nearly 10,000
tonnes bought by Australian honey processors and food manufacturers in
biggest honey processor, Brisbane-based ASX-listed Capilano — 19 per cent owned
by Kerry Stokes through his family investment vehicle Wroxby-ACE Investments —
last year imported about 4000 tonnes of honey into Australia from a small
processing plant it owns in Argentina and also from China.
imports added to the 10,500 tonnes of pure Australian honey Capilano bought from
its 600 supplying beekeepers, about 70 per cent of all local production. (Click here to read more)
Honey – made by Capilano – Less than 10% Australian but apparently
the Aldi honey is less than 10% Australian honey, how much less? Is it one
percent? And what percentage of Australian honey is Allowrie
Allowrie Honey, which is owned by Capilano Honey, and Aldi Honey have the same
certification number which points to Capilano producing it for
scandal by itself that a company can get away with saying a product is less than
10% Australian? They should be forced to say exactly what the percentages are.
1%, 2% or 3% etc.
Honey – It says “less than 10% Australian ingredients” on the
say on their website:
Australian made
our first store opened in 2001, ALDI has played an important role in the
Australian community. Each day, our operations improve the livelihoods of local
businesses, create employment opportunities and deliver high quality products to
Australian families at everyday low prices.
have worked closely with Australian farmers, producers and manufacturers to
establish long-term relationships. The majority of ALDI’s exclusive brands are
sourced from Australian suppliers, and we only source products from overseas
when we can’t find the product, quality, efficiency or innovation we seek, here
in Australia. (Click here to read more)
claim of “Proudly
Australian made” is looking like a major league lie. Are they
claiming they can’t find any quality Australian honey?
threats to try and hide the truth
is the legal threat sent to Simon Mulvany on the 6th March 2017 after he
published a post on his Save the
Bees Facebook
page on the the 5th of March which
started off:
reputation as an organic producer is at risk because of deceptive organic
certification on Capilano Honey subsidiary Allowrie brand.
conscious Elisa purchased this Allowrie Organic honey because being Australian
certified organic honey gave Elisa the impression the honey was 100 percent
Australian. She was shocked when told by Australian Certified Organic that the
imported honey was not tested by them and could have come from several countries
including China.
Australian Organic has partnered with the Chinese and
other countries.”
Simon Mulvany on behalf of the Australian Federal Government
below letter is written by lawyer Trent Sleeman who works directly for ACO and
the most disturbing part is when he says:
have also advised the Federal Government and our client depicted in the post of
its presence; some of these parties have indicated that they will be taking
legal action.”
is not for any company or corporate lawyer to threaten a party with legal action
on behalf of the Federal Government or one of its departments. Australian
Certified Organic should sack Trent Sleeman summarily.
emailed the below questions to Mr Sleeman and the Directors of ACO and they have
refused to answer.
Sent: Wednesday, 8 March 2017 10:00 PM
To: ‘Trent.Sleeman@austorganic.com’ ‘chair@austorganic.com’ ‘whetstoneorganics@bigpond.com’ ‘kim.marketing@culinaryfoods.com’ ‘Martin@unitedorganics.com.au’ ‘manager@kiallafoods.com.au’
Cc: ‘contact@austorganic.com’
Subject: Suspected corrupt conduct by Australian Certified Organic
Sent: Wednesday, 8 March 2017 10:00 PM
To: ‘Trent.Sleeman@austorganic.com’ ‘chair@austorganic.com’ ‘whetstoneorganics@bigpond.com’ ‘kim.marketing@culinaryfoods.com’ ‘Martin@unitedorganics.com.au’ ‘manager@kiallafoods.com.au’
Cc: ‘contact@austorganic.com’
Subject: Suspected corrupt conduct by Australian Certified Organic
Mr Sleeman – General Counsel – Australian Organic Group
have read the legal letter (Concerns notice) that you sent Simon Mulvany and
read the so called offending Facebook story. I will be publishing an article on
my website and have some questions.
- Allowrie Honey, which is owned by Capilano Honey, is a mixture of honey including imported honey from China, Mexico and Argentina etc. How can you allow your ACO Certified Organic label to be used on Allowrie Honey when a large proportion of it is imported from overseas and it is clearly not Australian honey which the consumers would assume it is?
- Given the “ACO” part of the Label stands for “Australian Certified Organic” which clearly states and implies the labelled product is a 100% Australian product do you agree that you are aiding and abetting Allowrie Honey (Capilano) to deliberately deceive Australian consumers?
- Are you aware the above conduct is a breach of Australian consumer laws?
- Can you advise what testing Australian Certified Organic has done regarding the Allowrie honey? If you haven’t done testing why not?
- If Australian Certified Organic have done testing can you supply me with a copy of the test results as I am sure consumers would be interested.
- You say in your letter to Simon Mulvany “We have also advised the Federal Government and our client depicted in the post of its presence; some of these parties have indicated that they will be taking legal action.” Can you name exactly which parties will be taking action and give me their contact details? Is one of the parties Capilano Honey and/or Ben McKee?
- Can you advise which Australian Government agency you deal with and the contact name and details?
respond ASAP as I may have follow-up questions.
are pictures that show Allowrie honey uses the same ACO certification number as
Aldi honey which shows that Allowrie’s owner, Capilano Honey, makes
above picture was taken at Woolworths and the same product is for sale on Coles
only says that their honey is packed from quality local and imported
ingredients. If they can put less than 10% Australian on the Aldi Honey bottle
how come they can’t say what Australian honey percentage is in
Honey have been suing Simon Mulvany for defamation since February
2016 (Click here to read more) and
have been playing the go slow routine with the case. They have also been suing
me since October 2016 but
have since refused to give me a statement of claim after a number of requests by
me which shows they have no confidence in winning either case.
have no doubt the above scandal will explode into a major internet / social
media battle if Australian Certified Organic do sue Simon Mulvany for
defamation. ACO would better advised to start doing the right thing by consumers
instead of aiding and abetting companies fooling consumers.
issue of dodgy labeling of food as organic won’t go away as producers and
importers see it as a way of increasing their sales. The government needs to
stop turning a blind eye to it and step up and take this battle on because if
they don’t the public will. Woolworths, Coles and Aldi all have some serious
questions they need to answer and there obviously needs to be something like a
Senate inquiry to try and shine a light on the truth.
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