Sunday, 5 March 2017

" Grose Double Standards "

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and

Sir Mike's Comments 4/3/2017

Subject: " Grose Double Standards ".

G/day people wherever you are??.

People I am sure you would all have noticed the following no matter where you live:

Global Warming - Climate Change.

The more I am read articles published by so-called climate experts that question
not the fact that
there is a climate change occurring, but the severity, doom and
gloom, ideological fanaticism being
expressed by that promoted by the pro-climate
mob the more I am becoming a " Doom and Gloom ",
" Armageddon " skeptic,
especially as governments around the world and across the political spectrum are
more inclined to financing the " Pro-climate Mob " as compared to those that put
up an alternative argument or discussion so the official line is very skewed to the
" Pro mob " and
not allowing the majority of the worlds population to be fully
informed, after all it is us that will be
footing the bill long after the " Pro mob "
are long gone one way or the other.

However if you or anyone else dares to question the" Pro climate mobs so-called
modeling and
conclusions " there is absolutely no doubt you will get severely
dumped on by the Pro mob
and their Greenie, Labor, Lefty social media supporters
stating the information is proven and the
world must take action.

Now by comparison let's take a look at the evidence in regard to Islamic Muslims
and their Sharia Law and the worlds reaction to what is ' NOT ' a religion and never
has been, and where religion is the Muslims ' Trojan Horse ' and the tool they are
allowed to use to enter/infiltrate a country or area using the sanctity of a holy order
so as not to alarm the original inhabitants in regard to the true Muslim Islamic
intention, and that is to politically introduce Sharia Law and it's teachings into that
country and/or area by stealth.

Adolf Hitler.

Benito Mussolini.

The Medieval Period from the 5th to the 15th Century.

The Muslim Islamic so-called faith is undoubtedly a fascist, as were Hitler's Nazis
and Mussolini's Brown Shirts, authoritarian, totalitarian, militaristic, draconian,
anti - democratic, misogynistic organisation and structure, and have not
progressed since the Medieval Period where the Muslims conquest began in the
7th century after the death of the Islamic Profit Muhammad and were marked by
a century of rapid Arab expansion, and ofcourse, as we see is it still happening as
I type this but not with weapons, exclude ISIS that was an error of judgment and
just a minor set back, but with very high intellectual stealth.

So unlike " Climate Control " where we the world plebbs are expected, without
question, to accept the " Doom & Gloom " and " Armageddon " predictions but
not in regard to the Muslim Islamic threat.

Even though it is actually happening as I type this for all, other than a complete
moron, to witness, where the political elite, pollies and western governments
around the world, academics of all kinds, and where many of the major media
around the world such as in Germany,Sweden, Holland, France, UK and many
others are being instructed by their governments to tone down any anti social
incidents concerning the Muslims,with draconian threats of prosecution if they
don't, for fear of reprisals by non-Muslims, and yet still we plebbs are being
informed regularly that there is no Islamic threat to our democratic way of life,
and that it is only an isolated few Muslims that are any threat, and not all Muslims
are bad which ofcourse any reasonable person would have to accept ! but the
Islamic teachings, Sharia Law and way of life is!!

Islam is a religion of peace and understanding ' BULLSHIT !!!!! '.

President Obama bowing to a Saudi Muslim King, never to the Queen of England.

Now we are as a world population informed 24/7 via the many multitude of world
wide media sources just how across the board Muslim Sharia Law
is totally
unacceptable to any type of Western society
and/or democratic system, with
graphic video and photographic evidence showing
how brutal, draconian and
medieval Sharia Law is!! and showing stoning, mainly females, beheading,
- hands and/or feet -,crucifixation, gouging of eyes,especially
in regard to homosexuals, cutting tongues out, public hanging on the end
of a
mobile crane jib of children of 12-13 years old and above,
public canning/whipping
mainly again
women and the list unfortunately goes on for even such things as
people just being accused of religious blasphemy? and this is just not just done
by ISIS, but Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Nigeria, Somalia,Yemen and any
where there is an Islamic Muslim controlled area and or country.

Yassmin Abdel- Magied on the ABC Q&A show ? where else.

Here is a way of solving " The children in detention problem Aussie had in the
Northern Territory
and Victoria recently " Islamic style.

A Daily Mail photo dated the 2/3/2017 which is a file copy of a young teenager being

There was also a report in the same article of another 15 year old teenager being
beheaded for being caught listening to western music.(no photo available seemingly ?)

People we are currently, and have been for a year or so now, running a multi-million
dollar Royal
Commission, and I gather the UK are starting an enquiry of the like as well,
into child
abuse, and it is coming up with very disturbing evidence of just that, however
nothing yet to
equal what that poor young teenager must have gone through being
publically beheaded!!

However where is this righteous outrage, placard waiving, megaphoned 10's of 1000's
on these Muslim Countries Embassy's and Muslim Mosques around Aussie
demanding these
and 100's of other Islamic practices end ' NOW ' and calling for a
boycott on their goods and
services plus a ban on travel to this country of pollies,
diplomats and leading officials until it
occurs?? Hello, Hello is there anyone out there??
nope seemingly not, after all they ain't our kids
are they???.

So considering there are some 2-3 billion, and climbing, of the worlds population of the
7 plus billion that regard themselves as Muslims and embrace Sharia Law in it's entirety,
because you can't be a
little bit Muslim, or have an old and new Sharia Law like say the
New and Old testaments in the various
Christian bibles, your either all in or possibly end
up prematurely ' DEAD '!!

Therefore considering the severe threat that Islam across all western
societies and other
democratic systems is proving to be, where are the 100's of 1000's, including so-called
" Movie Stars and Entertainers ", if not millions of megaphone,
placard wielding, chanting
in regard to climate change,female and gay rights," Black Lives Matter "
where white cops
shoot and kill blacks,even though blacks kill blacks at three times the rate ? however
gather that is classed as " Tribalism " and therefore some what acceptable?? abortion,
child abuse, and anything else they can whinge about as some kind of elitist
part of the Worlds population, while the atrocities against females by Islamic
controlled countries,not just ISIS!, where they are being circumcised and married and
made pregnant from the age of 12 years old. the stoning of females
to death for being
' ACCUSED ' of ' ADULTERY ' ? 
their gross elite hypocritical silence is deafening !.

A women about to be killed by stoning.

A women who has just been killed by stoning.

A women mutilated as a matter of family honour.

These selfish, self centered, elite hypocrites cannot even claim that they were not aware,
in other words
the defence of " Out of sight out of mind " plea which ofcourse is ludicrous
and absurd because even the
biased pro-Muslim media organisations like the Aussie ABC
and SBS, albeit very limited, show nightly some of
the horrific Muslim situations around
the world: Iraq, Syria, Somalia,Yemen where millions have
been displaced, 100's of 1000's
if not millions of women and children are facing death by starvation/dehydration/disease,
that is providing they are not killed as a part of the military action going on in their
countries?? 100's of 1000's killed, towns and cities and their hospitals, water and sewerage,
power, pulverised, crushed into rubble from shelling and bombing.

So again I ask where are the 100's of 1000's if not millions of hypocritical self centered
activists that demonstrated against the election of President Trump across most of the
Western Societies who are being condemned for their lack of interest, and biased self
centered silence living very comfortable within the comparative safety of Presidents
Trumps USA and other western countries borders!!

Michael Ebeid the Gay, Muslim, Egyptian Aussie Immigrant and CEO & MD of SBS.

Michelle Guthrie the ABC CEO

Our Aussie lefty SBS and ABC are continually rolling out everything negative they can
find about President
Trumps Administration, yet where have you ever seen these biased
organisations continually
highlight the Muslim atrocities, and the negative effects of
Law which if Michael Ebeid the CEO & MD of SBS is a true Muslim then surely he
must agree to fully comply with,and where by comparison with what is
going on in the
USA just pales into insignificance ?? hardly ever!!!
bloody lefty and a dangerous
combined mob and a threat to our Aussie way of life hypocrites!!.

For instance have we ever heard of President Trump signing Executive orders too:

1. To get the USA Army snipers to shoot Mexican women with babies in their arms, or
children themselves as they cross illegally the border into the USA ? NO!

2. To get the USA Army to plant road side bombs to kill,maim, injure Mexicans coming
the border ? NO!

3. To get the various USA police departments when confronted by angry mobs to get
as a human shields to protect themselves ? NO!

4. To have all homosexuals tortured then crucified plus blinded so they can't look upon
people looking on and contaminate them OR? bind and blindfold them and throw
them of a tall
building ? NO!

So people surely any reasonable person could have the right to ask that if this LGBTQI
" Rainbow Mob " can organise something like the world famous Sydney Gay 'Mardi Gras'
which is happening tonight Saturday the 4/4/2017, ?? then how is it they can't organise
even greater display against Muslims committing these atrocities to their gay brothers
and sisters in the Muslim
controlled countries around the world:

" The Sydney Lippy and Glitter Mardi Gras Mob " and it's their
bloody self centered it's
" All about me and my one chance to dress up " attitude that's why, bugger anyone else.

The LGBTQI movement missing in action !! to concerned what the Trump Administration
is, or not, doing in their democratic right to protest USA ? very brave ? try doing that in
the same country as that poor young teenager about to be beheaded shown above??

5. To ensure all females are covered in various ways only allowing exposing minimal amount
human flesh, otherwise the females are severely canned, to the point of collapse in many cases,
in the town square ? NO!

6. To ensure females are not allowed to be out in public without a male companion, and even
then they are required to walk at least two paces behind ? NO!

7. To ensure that females that claim to be raped have at least (5) male witnesses to support
her claim ? in many, if not most, of the cases she loses the case and ends up being " Stoned
to death or beheaded as an adulterous/unfaithful wife/prostitute " ? NO!

8. To ensure a Muslim husband can divorce his wife for another by stating ( 3 ) times " I
divorce you " leaving her to care for the kids, and as she can't work relying on help from
families, friends and charity ? NO!

Meryl Streep Actress.

Obviously these political and celebrity elite along with these liberal democrat lefties have
little, if any, regard for the millions of USA voters that voted for the Trump Administration
because they are doing it tough, and having lived through the Obama (8) years and have
either gone further backwards or are only treading water in most aspects of their lives'
and Clinton was looked upon as just another Obama " Mark Two " for another (4) years.

Tanya Plibersek MP the lefty Federal Deputy Labor Opposition Leader.

Here we have a female Aussie pollie that has a boss by the name of Teflon Billy Shorten
the Federal Labor Opposition Leader that has been accused of allegedly heinously and
brutally raping a 16 year old vulnerable girl at a Labor Party Youth camp in the 1980's
while Teflon Billy was a 19 year old Labor Party Youth Leader.

While the Minister for the Status of Women in the Rudd government, according to the
Free Wikipedia, Tanya Plibersek MP did the following:

Convened a National Council to reduce the violence against women.

Addressed the 2009 UN International Women's Day Event.

Announced that acceding to the Optional Protocol Convention on the Elimination of all
forms of Discrimination Against Women ( CEDAW ) will send a strong message about
promoting " Gender Equality " and that we are prepared to be judged by international
human rights standards.

Currently since the 23/7/2016 after the defeat of Labor on the 2/7/2016 Plibersek is the
Labor Opposition Shadow Minister for Women and Education.

Plibersek is also a great defender of LGBTQI equal rights and " Marriage Equality ",
however with one of the largest number of LGBTQI constituents in Aussie in her
electorate it is surely hardly surprising and possibly political death if Plibersek didn't.

However that said when did any of us Aussies hear/read where Tanya Plibersek MP
come out publically and strongly condemning the Islam Muslim faith, both here
in Aussie
and around the world, for the way they treat their females especially wives?

Well people if Tanya Plibersek MP did we would certainly hear/read about it in our 
media,with the exception of the lefty ABC and SBS they might play it down for party
unity sake,
and it would be a national talking point, especially if there were a Muslim
backlash with
violent demonstrations in the streets??.

But that won't happen because seemingly there were 76,792 Muslims, or 0.53%, in
1981 then 30 years later, according to the 2011 census,there were 479,300, or 2.25%,
an increase of 438%, so based on this constant increase Labor is hoping to win more
Western Sydney Suburb seats in elections to come with the Muslim Minority votes,
because I gather there is about 15 seats
that can be won and put Labor in government,
however there will be a price for Labor to
pay one way or the other, because it does
not take my mate Professor Einstein to calculate that it won't take long, as has
happened in the UK and parts of Europe, before the Muslim
Community insists that
the Labor Candidate be a Muslim, which won't concern the current Labor
mob because
they can go out on very good Tax Payer funded pensions,
and you can bet your life the
majority of non-Muslims will pay the
price of that deception.

The Muslim religion in Aussie is the third largest after Christianity and Buddhism but
fastest growing religion with an estimated 340 Mosques in Aussie and growing.

With all my decades on this earth I agree with President Trump about not totally trusting
the media in general, especially with the 24/7 situation we have and have had now for
decades where the pressure to fill space one way or the other is making the media in
general, especially the ABC and SBS, to not just report news but to comment, or even
create the news.

The negative media in general towards President Trump must be terribly disappointed
that President Trumps speech to the both houses of the USA Congress appears to be
fairly well accepted?? however no doubt they will drag out the negatives anytime soon?.

Ok people stay strong because the political/celebrity elite, lefty, minority, and narrow
perspective groups have had it to good to give up easy !! so stay alert and question,
question, question because there is no point in whinging if the " Status Quo " remains
because you took your eye of the ball ? there is only one political game in town so it is
in your
and your future generations interest to get to know the rules!!

Sir Mike Howe - you can call me Mike. Scroll Down.

Larry Pickering.
Four-time Walkley Award winning political commentator and Churchill Fellow.
He has returned to the fray over concerns that the integrity of news dissemination
is continually being threatened by partisan media.

Senator Pauline Hanson who makes a wave that must be ridden and this time, all
the way to the shore.
Thu 15 Sep 2016 – Comment
The rolling eyes of the Left and the Greens’ juvenile walkout won’t change
the fact that a discussion must be held on Islam, not Muslims, Islam, and
Pauline clearly made the distinction. But, as she explained, Australian
Muslims must be involved to a greater extent than they have been.
Parliamentarians as a whole have no concept of Islam... they have decided
Islam is an untouchable religion.

Islam is most definitely not a religion, it’s a vile and ancient cult promoting a
Shariah law that has no place in the West, and the sooner that is recognised
the sooner it can be dealt with.

First out of the blocks to slam Hanson’s (sort of second) maiden speech was
the annoying Tony Burke who reigns over the highest population of Muslims
at (22.3%) of any electorate in the land.

Burke’s attitude typifies the Left’s brick wall that prevents resolution of a
serious Islamic problem the rest of the world has begun to recognise, and
it's the very reason for Brexit and for the success of One Nation.

Failing to confront Islam with some serious alternatives is to degrade our
otherwise successful multiculturalism.

Some pacifists believe Islam can be reformed but that’s akin to pigs taking
flight. If Islam can be reformed so too can the Vatican’s “Mary, Mother of God”
nonsense! Seriously, what chance of that?
All religions have violent pasts but a belief in Islam is what locks you into the
most violent of all cults and it is attempting to superimpose itself on modern
societies. Other beliefs have evolved to meet more enlightened needs and they
have dropped the beheading stuff for non-believers.

Christianity's silly heaven or hellfire and torment still remain, but only after
death and administered by a “higher” ethereal authority.

If the world was without Islam it would be a far better place but if the world
was without Christianity Islam would rule and the world would be a far
worse place. There is a fine balance favouring Christianity and the Islamists
are determined to change that. And we have a responsibility to resist.
To demonise Pauline Hanson will be a drastic mistake. The American Left
media demonised Donald Trump when he said he would ban all Muslims
entering the US, yet when he backed off a little under pressure the
conservative base went berserk and demanded he retain his original policy...
he is now in the lead over the Democratic progressives in a tectonic shift
that Islam is deservedly feeling.
The argument that Hanson promotes will be accepted by all reasonable
Australians and Tony Burke would do well to listen. Her argument is this:

Our history of racial tolerance and successful multiculturalism is at serious risk
from Islam. It must be confronted and made to understand that Australians will
never accept what it demands. Islam is divisive by its very nature, so it’s fit in
or f**k off.


Australians don’t cover our women's faces, we don’t genitally disfigure our
daughters, don’t have more than one wife, don’t like halal certified foods,
don’t pay allegiance to foreign gods or prophets, we don't kill people who
disagree with us, we don’t practise Shariah law and don’t allow child marriages.

Green Councils that continue to promote the building of more Mosques are
only exacerbating the Islam problem. Mosques are at the seat of all Islamic
This time around we have a seasoned, articulate and media smart Pauline with
the strength of numbers that should make major Parties tremble. If they try to
deny her a voice now it’s they who will be banished. She speaks for an erstwhile
Unjustified Islamic welfare is placing an enormous strain on the budget.

Almost all unemployed Muslims are on fatuous disability benefits and this is
unfair to our pensioners who are choosing between food and rent.

Islam will never allow assimilation, Islam will never negotiate. One reason
Israel is so hated is because the Prophet himself decided to stop killing Jews
and instead tax them as they were unusually industrious compared to Arabs.
But now the "lesser" Jews pay no tax to Arabs.

Syria and Iraq were once steeped in Christianity and the Arabs have memories
of the Crusades and worse, they have recent payback memories between Sunni
and Shia. Left alone they will continue to slaughter each other.
So if Islam can’t assimilate with itself what chance does it have in Australia
where its enmities are magnified locally?

What Pauline prosecutes is largely correct and in no way racist. It must not be
ignored by the progressives and the Left or it will bite us all.

This time accusations of xenophobia will not suffice or the establishment might
be asked to "please explain".