Thursday, 16 March 2017

" Islamic Fears - Today Tonight Adelaide 2017 Video "

(Me at my place )
My blog:

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values
and beliefs.

Sir Mike's Comments 16/3/2017

Subject " Islamic Fears - Today Tonight Adelaide 2017 video "

G/day people wherever you are?.

Further to:

Mike's Comments dated the 5/3/2017 subject ' Gross Double Standards '
Mike's Comments dated the 31/1/2017 subject ' The State of the Nation by
Dr Jennifer Oriel - The Australian Newspaper.

Michele Guthrie the ABC MD.

Michael Ebeid. CEO & MD of SBS.

People having just received this very alarming ? if not it should be to some Muslims
and to all non-Muslim, email with the URL video attached from the weekday Channel 7's
Today Tonight Show in Adelaide - scroll down and click on - where I believe, and I am more
than sure any reasonable person after viewing it would agree with me that it speaks not a
1000 words but
10's of 1000's of words that are being expressed around the Globe in
SO-CALLED FAITH ', and something the like's of our Tax Payer Funded ABC and SBS will
no doubt pay scant
or inadequate attention too, and considering Michael Ebeid of SBS is
gay and an advocate
for " Gay Marriage " I would have thought that something like this
would be high on his agenda considering the very powerful, some might say including
me too powerful!! media position Michael Ebeid is currently in.

When you get Aussie Islamic Imam Leadership coming out and seriously risking their lives
by appearing on Aussie National TV highlighting their concerns that various senior members
of Islam are by stealth engineering, ? with possibly funds from Saudi Arabia and the
like, to form a state within a state known as a " Caliphate - something ISIS set up which now
many in the Western World, with the help of many Muslim controlled nations, are spending
billions of dollars of hard earned and scarce Tax Payer funds trying to militarily destroy,
within Aussie which will have a bloke referred to as a " Caliph " governing this Aussie state
within a state and who would be the political and religious leader who's powers and vast
authority is " ABSOLUTE " and where any sort democracy is absolutely forbidden!!

If Western societies not just Western style governments, which ofcourse are made up of self
interest pollies that live from one election to the next, do not make a strong stand against
this medieval, draconian, ruthless Islamic invasion of our sovereign lands, cultures, heritage
and way of life in general which will be intent of destroying our very soul and Aussie free
spirit, as tried by the Nazis, Communists, Japanese Imperial Power, all of which failed at a
great cost in human, 100's of millions of people, and billions of dollars in precious resources,
then the world can expect civil wars, yes wars!!, even in Aussie!! as there are every where
the Islamic movement tries to take over in some sort of " Caliphate " or dominance such as
Syria, Iraq, Nigeria,Yemen, Israel/Palestine conflict, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Libya,
Turkey, Egypt, Ethiopia,The Republic of Congo, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Philippines to say
nothing of the Islamic " No Go Areas " in the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Canada and at the
moment here in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Can't happen here in Aussie?? well if that is the case, even with the controlled media bias
by the ABC but more seriously and far more dangerously the SBS, you would have to consider
that all the media attention in regard to the horrendous Islamic activities around the world on
a daily bases, if not hourly, is " FAKE NEWS " ?? failing that you must be either deaf, blind
or have half a brain because surely nobody can be that bloody naive.

However people without a further ado from me because I believe the video says it all in a
nut shell, and as the Imam in the video states if the Aussie government, and I would extend
that to all non-Muslim controlled governments around the world, ignore, or words to that
effect, his warning then in 20-30 years he will be saying he told us so ? now these are my
words not his
? " If the Islamic mob have not killed him by then, he get's many daily death

Geert Wilders the Leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom who currently looks like
he will not have enough votes/seats to form government.

The USA President Trump.

I firmly believe that these two blokes, Wilders and Trump, in years down the track will
be looked upon as the hero's of Western Society, culture and democracy by trying to
currently stem the Islamic tide, "? Psunami if you will " flooding our future generations
welfare, wellbeing, freedom in all ways possible from this cancerous type virus referred
to as the " Sharia Islamic Movement ".

A "Sharia Islamic Psunami".

Ok people if you stick your head in the sand don't whinge about the fact that you did
not get the chance to see the bloke that kicked you up the arse before they did it.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Scroll down and be concerned,