Tuesday, 26 April 2016

" Politics - Just more of the same !!! "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 24/4/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au

Subject " Politics - just more of the same !!! "

Charley Reese - Journalist, Syndicated Columnist - Orlando Sentinel
Died 21/5/2013 at the age of 76 years.
The author of the ' Final Column - 555 ' dated the 3rd of May 1984 - see attached scroll down.

Although according to " Snopes " Charley Reese did write the ' Final Column - 555 ' but 
there has been a few items added over the years via the internet, me being one see at the bottom ? hopefully in different coloured font.

People although the article was written by Charley Reese back in May 1984 some ( 32 ) 
years ago surely it does not take my old mate Einstein to revue the article, and although based on Charley Reese experiences in his home country of the USA I believe it applies to all countries world wide, no exceptions, and ask the following:

1. What has changed in (32) years, when, where, why and how ?.

2. If so what effect has these changes had on the worlds population as a whole either good, bad or indifferent?.

3. Who are the winners and losers or ain't their any, because metaphorically speaking 
the worlds populations are both cancelling out winning and losing due to the insurmountable financial and climatic stress, added to the constant increase in taxation,whether that be by direct or indirect, by stealth, taxes, fees and charges.

Charley Reese article has a myriad of interesting statements, but the one I believe is very current and pertinent to our situation in Aussie today with the pending Federal Elections 
is as follows:

Quote: ' Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them ' unquote, Amen to that people, Amen to that.

John Howard Liberal Ex Aussie PM.

Peter Costello Liberal Ex Aussie Treasurer. ( The worlds best according to his admiration society?)

Kevin Rudd Labor Ex Aussie PM.

Julia Gillard Labor Ex Aussie PM.

Tony Abbott Liberal Ex Aussie PM.

Now we Aussies will be informed by the people with a self interest, pollies for instance, that we are
a wealthy nation and ofcourse these self interested people, when calculating this wealth include very significantly our very inflated property values which ofcourse is a very tenuous, fragile to say nothing of a dubious way, including share portfolios, to rely on when calculating a nations productive and sustainable wealth because any minor, let alone a major GFC, to say nothing of the devastating " recession or depression " which has happened more times than I can remember over the last few decades or so, and where the inevitable happens and sends both share and property values collapsing like a pack of cards.

Shares are not even money shuffling, just paper shuffling and property values,not being an applied science, are more just think of a figure and get some body to meet the price, and therefore is just figments of peoples imaginations and neither are sustainable in a financial crisis and are always the first to be effected and to go belly up.

Therefore there are any amount of figures put out to show that the Aussie nation is" Very Asset rich 
and Very cash poor"and it would appear that the Aussie nation has a total credit charge, excluding all three levels of this over governed countries local, state and federal debts, or private commercial debts, of some $60,000.00 per every man, women and child and if called upon to immediately repay those funds the nation as a whole would ' Default ' due to insufficient funds.

So when we consider the " Halcyon Days " of little Johnny Howard and Peter Costello where the 
Aussie Nations resource assets, tax and royalty wise, were a licence to print money,as the saying goes,and were used in election sweeteners by the way of tax breaks,reductions and middle class welfare,to the excessive unsustainable spending of the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd Labor governments and the blocking by a hostile Aussie Senate of Tony Abbotts mob of budgetary savings and cost cutting by Teflon Billy's Labor mob, Greenies and some Independents. 

We now have national debts of billions,
with millions per day of interest charges accruing that a " Front End Loader " could not dig us out of this national financial debacle we find ourselves in.

A " Front End Loader ".

Especially as we Aussies have an aging population, less tax receipts more welfare, 800,000 to say 
1,000,000 unemployed, less tax receipts more welfare and climbing, almost 3,000,000 underemployed the working poor, less tax receipts ? some extra welfare, commodity and resource prices fluctuating wildly, less national tax and royalty receipts, and more Aussie businesses relocating overseas because our taxes, fees and charges are to high in comparison, to say nothing of our labour costs.

Our current Liberal PM Malcolm - the magnificent - Turnbull.

Our current Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, Homosexual Advocate and alleged " Rapist " Teflon Billy Shorten.

Yet regardless of what I have stated here or any of the myriad of other matters we have in
 Aussie that range from
the"Cradle to the Grave"and, possibly before and after, these pair 
of political mongrels are playing politics with this nations current and future financial health, welfare and wellbeing for their own political interests and survival.

Let's take our current PM Malcolm- the magnificent-Turnbull first up, where he no doubt would 
make a far better statesman like job of being our PM than ever this smirky little "One Liner" Teflon Billy Shorten would, because not only is Turnbull more intelligent but has a greater physical appearance and bearing than the shifty looking Teflon Billy Shorten could ever have.

However, who could trust Turnbull, because in my view his sole purpose of calling an early 
election, especially a "Double Dissolution", is to fulfill his personal ambition to not only justify Turnbull's knifing of the Ex Liberal PM Tony Abbott but to achieve the PM's job in his own right.

Secondly, let's take a look at Teflon Billy who as a Minister in the previous Labor Federal 
governments of Rudd, Gillard, Rudd where he topped Turnbull's effort by knifing both Rudd and Gillard in the back and with that, and with his Union mates support,obtained the Labor Opposition Leaders job after one of, if not the worst, Federal Labor Parties defeats in the Labor Parties history at the September 2013 elections.

Now Teflon Billy and his Labor mob want another go and are already out on the hustings drumming 
up business, votes, saying anything the voters wants to hear in regard to education, health, employment, Judicial Enquiry into the banking industry,negative gearing, the Steel Industry and the list seems never ending of Teflon Billy's generosity with Tax Payers funds?.

However,? how is Teflon Billy going to fund all these generous gifts to the Aussie nation?.

Well Teflon Billy has repeated many times that this will be fully paid for by the 100 billion,Yep billion, 
of savings over the next (10) years??.

However, is there no end to this Teflon Billy's arrogance because the way I see it this means that 
Teflon Billy and his Labor mob are convinced that come what may they will be initially elected this year 2016, again in 2019, then again in 2022 giving them (3) consecutive (3) year terms of government plus one year to make up the (10) year plan ? otherwise how can Teflon Bill and his Labor mob commit any future governments to such a 100 billion dollar plan? answer they can't!!

Also when do Teflon Billy's mob start funding all these grandioso schemes? after they have made 
the savings or do what Julia Gillard did, with as a Minister Teflon Billy's agreement, and that was to spend the unfunded commitment in regard to the NDIS, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and the Gonsky educational system, to name but a few, and hope to make the savings along the way??.

If the Aussie voters believe that? then they should believe that when I tell them that a (90) year old 
lady I know up here is going to be the next Gold Medalist for the Olympic hurdles beating our Aussie Hurdles champion Sally Pearson.

Our Aussie Gold Medalist Hurdles Champion Sally Pearson.

Labor Senator Stephen Conroy and Labors defence spokesman and the Deputy Senate Labor Leader.
LNP Senator Ian Macdonald.

Lieutenant General Angus Campbell the then Commander of Border Protection.

General David Hurley was on the 27/4/2014 the Defence Force Chief currently the Governor of NSW.

General Sir Peter Cosgrove the current very popular Aussie Governor General and formally The Chief of Defence Force.

People to add insult to injury we have this loud mouth, rude, belligerent, moronic excuse for an Aussie Labor Senator,by the name of the Labor Senator Stephen Conroy,
?don't believe me then listen into the Aussie Senate debates on the ABC Radio.

Who in my view is a total disgrace to the position of Senator and to the tradition of the Aussie 
Senate, the so-called peoples representatives as they not only represent their political parties but the Aussie States and Territories individually.

On Tuesday the 26/2/2014 the LNP Senator Ian MacDonald who was chairing a Senate estimates hearing
had to shut down the hearing because Labor Senator Conroy launched a vicious attack on Lieutenant General Angus Campbell, the then Commander Operations Sovereign Borders but who is currently the Chief of Army, accusing him of being involved in a political cover up because General Campbell was restricting the flow of information regarding the interception of asylum seeker boats.

Labor Senator Conroy then went on to liken General Campbell to the fictitious " Colonel Nathan Jessop "
from the movie " A Few Good Men ".

On the following day Wednesday the 27/2/2014 the then Defence Force Chief General David Hurley, 
now the Governor of NSW, fronted the Senate Estimates hearing and in a very robust way defended the integrity of General Campbell against Labor Senator Conroy's accusation that General Campbell was part of a political cover up with the border protection.

However people is there no end to what lengths this loud mouth moron Labor Senator Stephen Conroy the Deputy Opposition Labor Senate Leader will go to to get headlines? even if it means taking on our Head of State General Sir Peter Cosgrove,formally the Chief of Defence Force, holder of the ' Military Cross ' and one of, if not the most, popular Governor General we have had to date.                                                           
Dame Quentin Bryce former Governor General.

Far more popular than his predecessor the " Lefty " and Teflon Billy Shortens mother in law, 
Dame Quentin Bryce.

On the 17/4/2016 General Sir Peter Cosgrove was asked by the Turnbull mob to convene a special 
sitting of parliament to deal with the Governments bill to re-establish the Australian Building and Construction Commission ( ABCC).

However as the bill was already in the Senate it had to be voted on there first after the ceremony had

It was then when Labor Senator Conroy took it on himself to attack General Sir Peter Cosgrove for
"demeaning his office" for allowing the parliament to convene and stated that a " Strong " Governor General would have never agreed to it, and went on to state that no way on this earth would the Queen have allowed this to happen.

Senator & Senate President Stephen Parry.

However it did not end there,Oh no,this big mouth Labor Senator Conroy was on a roll even after he was warned
by the Senate President Stephen Parry.

Labor Senator Conroy accused the Governor General of committing a" tawdry political stunt " and was
interfering with the " Democratic Process ".

Labor Senator Conroy went onto state - taken from the video of the event.

" What we have had today is the ghost of 1975 revisit upon us ,"
" The long dead arm of Sir John Kerr crawled out of his grave to participate in a travesty of democracy in this country.

Sir John Kerr and a painting of Queen Elizabeth of England.

Now ofcourse as usual this Labor Senator Conroy has shot himself in the foot when comparing Sir John Kerr
with General Sir Peter Cosgrove from the point of view that Sir John Kerr was " REFUSING " to do what the then Whitlam Labor Government at the time wanted, which surely is just what this moronic loud mouth Labor Senator Stephen Conroy is stating that General Sir Peter Cosgrove should have done.

Also considering that the Labor Senator Conroy is comparing Sir John Kerr who was one of the 
most despised Aussie Governor Generals after what he did to the Whitlam Government in 1975,to our current Governor, General Sir Peter Cosgrove, formally our Chief of Defence Force and a holder of the 'Military Cross',and absolutely considered by the majority of Aussies as a good bloke let alone a popular Governor General, to use the Labor Senator Conroy's terminology, is definitely a very " Tawdry " comment as well as a " Travesty " coming from an Aussie Senator who also happens to be the Labor Parties Oppositions Deputy Leader in the Senate.


Well people we can only hope that with a "Double Dissolution" election in the offing that the like's of some of the
"Used by Date"and"Dinosaur" Senators we have currently across the political spectrum, with special mention of the Labor Senator Stephen Conroy, will be replaced with some fresh, not necessarily younger, blood, and let's get this proud Nation of Aussie on the move again.

However as the like's of the Labor Senator Stephen Conroy was formally employed by the Transport 
Workers Union as a Superannuation's Officer and as the Unions not only run the Aussie Labor Party but are the Aussie Labor Party! and where just like Teflon Billy Shorten with his only ( 20%) voter approval,and unlike the House of Reps (lower house),the Unions will decide who becomes the next Labor Leaders and Senators not the Aussie voters.

But people if that happens because you put the tick in the wrong box on election day
then don't whinge when you just get " More of the same ".

Sir Mike Howe-but you can call me Mike. Scroll Down, lengthy but oh so true even (32) years later.

Subject: Fwd: FW: Charley Reese's Final Column for the Orlando Sentinel

Here's one we can all agree on!
Charley Reese's Final Column for the Orlando

Charley Reese is retiring. His last column is this
one. I know
many will miss this southern gentleman.

He had a great run and we are
all better off for it.

Farewell, Mr. Reese, and thank you.

Charley Reese has been a journalist for 49 years.

Be sure to read the Tax List at the end.

This is about as clear and easy to understand as
it can be - read
it!! The article below is completely
neutral, not anti republican or

Worth the time.

Worth remembering!

Politicians are the only people in the world who
create problems and then campaign against them..

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats
the Republicans are against deficits,WHY do
we have deficits?

555 PEOPLE--By Charlie Reese

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against
inflation and high taxes,

WHY do we have inflation and high

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on

The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve
Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President,
and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 555 human
beings out of the 300 million are directly,legally, morally, and
responsible for the domestic problems that plague
this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913,
delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound
currency to a
federally chartered, but PRIVATE, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound
They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a
senator, a congressman, or a President to do one
picking thing.

I don't care if they offer a politician $1
million dollars in cash.

The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter
the lobbyist promises,it is the legislator's responsibility
determine how he votes.

Those 555 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They
in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an
amount of gall.No normal human being would have
gall of a Speaker,who stood up and criticized the
President for
creating deficits.

The President can only propose a budget. He
cannot force the
Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives
sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for
originating and approving appropriations and taxes.
The speaker of the House and fellow House members, not the
President, can approve any budget
they want.

If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million
cannot replace 555 people who stand convicted, by present
facts, of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a
domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those
555 people.

When you
fully grasp the plain truth that 555 people exercise
the power of the
federal government, then it must follow that
exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red ..

If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because
they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite
retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they
want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 555 people shift the blame to bureaucrats,
whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to
whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom
give the power to regulate and from whom they can take
this power.

Above all,
do not let them con you into the belief that there
exists disembodied
mystical forces like "the economy,"
"inflation," or "politics" that prevent
them from doing what they
take an oath to do.

Those 555 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power..

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the
people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel

What you do with this article now that you have read it.
Is up to you

This might be funny if it weren't so true.

Be sure to read all the way to the end:
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table,
At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes are the rule.
Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts anyway!
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries tax his tears.
Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways to tax his ass.
Tax all he has then let him know
That you won't be done till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till he's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he's laid...
Put these words upon his tomb,
Taxes drove me to my doom...'
When he's gone,
Do not relax, Its time to apply:

The inheritance tax..
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,& our nation was the most prosperous
in the

We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle
class in
the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'

I hope this goes around THE USA at least 555 times!!! YOU
can help it get there!!!

GO AHEAD- BE AN AMERICAN! ( or Aussie,English,
or any other nationality because the only
difference regarding
all the pollies around the world is
that they may speak different languages which mean
exactly the same when translated!!!!!

P.S. If you do the right thing and pass this on,which is entirely
up to you,please do the right thing and highlight
and delete
any addresses you receive with it.( with exception of the
pollies and the media email addresses because one
way or the
other we pay for them)

Thanks . .

Thursday, 14 April 2016

" The Invasion of Europe and UK ? Beware Aussies !! "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 13/4/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
Subject: " The Invasion of Europe and UK ? Beware Aussies!! "

Tony Abbott our Ex Aussie PM.

People I am more than confident that once you view this horrific YouTube video, scroll down, the 
majority, especially the LGBT mob because they will be the group that will suffer by far, and 
horrifically,more than any other Aussie, followed by the Aboriginals ofcourse as ISIS has done in 
Syria and Iraq where any group claiming sovereignty over the land had to be eliminated in the name 
of " Allah " so as there can be no obstacle to forming the " Muslim Caliphate ", will be very horrified 
with the dreadful concern and thought that these low life scum of invading Muslims and the many 
other non-Muslim groups from Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, to name but a few, invaders could 
once again, as they did under the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd and Greenie governments prior to the Tony 
Abbott mob being elected in September 2013, invade our shores and totally wreck our way of life 
and economy, even worse than it is currently, as it is obviously doing to the countries in Europe 
and the UK!!!!.

Therefore people I believe we have to be very grateful for the following:

1. That the Tony Abbott, our Ex Aussie PM, before he got politically shafted by our current PM 
Malcolm the magnificent Turnbull,mob tightened our border security which is helping to keep 
these sort of rat bags, well by sea anyway, there still being allowed to enter by air but at least they 
have to have legitimate paper work, out of Aussie and we can have a better chance of controlling 
who comes here.

However ofcourse, as is pointed out in the attached video the Muslims out breed any other part 
of any community, in whatever country they invade, by at least 7 - 1 in their favour, so again you 
don't have to be my mate Einstein to calculate that population wise, and by the sheer weight of 
numbers the Muslims must become the dominant group down the track as is happening now in 
various parts of the UK.

2. That Aussie, as an island, is surrounded by vast shark infested stretches of Ocean and where 
anyone found killing sharks for whatever reason should be charged with 'Treason' and jailed for 
a very long time!!

Plus ofcourse a great stretch of our massive coast line is, unless you are a local Aboriginal, uninhabitable with the bonus of having very large hungry crocodiles. 

The Greenie South Australian (? where else one of Premier Jay Wetherill's SA mob) Senator Sarah Hanson-Young the $200,000.00 PA plus perks of office, and our Aussie United Nations Refugee and asylum seeker representative.

Clive Palmer the Head of the Palmer United Party having a Nanny nap in federal parliament

People surely we can only hope that if there is a " Double Dissolution " election this year that the 
like's, as the result of the " New Senate Election System ", of the South Australian Senator Sarah Hanson-Young who only managed the bare minimum voting quota to get elected with the help of Clive Palmers Palmer United Party preferences, that this, in my view a waste of Tax Payers hard earned tax payer scare funds and the Aussie Senate's space, Senator Hanson-Young will fail miserably to get her quota and not get re-elected.

However I gather Senator Hanson- Young could still leave with a very healthy, to say the least, 
severance payout ? taxpayers fully funded superannuation since 2008 and currently I gather only 35 years old, and this would be CPI adjusted for the rest of her life? not bad hey for just sitting on her bum and representing a bunch of, in many if not most cases, foreign, non-contributing, non Aussie tax paying welfare recipients such as the 10's of 1000's free loading so-called asylum seekers and refugees which are stretching an already over stretched national debt.

As far as I am concerned anyone here in Aussie that can view the attached video and still maintain it
would be different here, and is not in the least bit concerned, if not for themselves then for our future generations, so let the poor bastards in? I would have to ask what is their ulterior motive because it sure can't be for the good of the Aussie Nation as a whole.

The Swede's and Germans cheering these mobs as they arrive, you notice as the people in the video's state are, in the majority of cases, fine
healthy strong young men!! are no doubt cheering in, over the long term, the end of their Western Culture and civilisation, that they have developed over 100's of years, as they currently know it.

In fact due to overwhelming numbers they are virtually committing future " Cultural Suicide ".

However people we will still have " Political Correctness " the only problem is it will be " Shari Law 
Political Correctness " then let us see how the noisy, in your face Aussie minorities will go, such as the LGBT, Aboriginals, Women's & Female right's movements especially with the domestic violence issue where the one women a week dying in Aussie will be more like (10) per day, that's the old one's, the young one's will be kept for sex and for breeding the fine soldiers of "Allah".

Did you know that according to The Aurat Foundation in Pakistan, a Muslim State,at least a 1000 women, say (3) per
day, are killed as the result of so-called " Honour Killing " plus there are many 1000's mutilated.

A Pakistani Women Mutilated in the name of " Honour " by either their husband or a male member of their family ? father, brother etc; rarely if ever are the male perpetrators of this heinous crime convicted, punished or jailed and if you listen carefully to this video the modern day Muslim Zealots believe such things are acceptable in the Western society especially when " Sharia Law " has been introduced which is " Gods Law ".

A women about to be buried up to at least her shoulders then stoned to death.

A women that has just been killed by stoning.

Women are normally killed in this very public horrific, heinous way after being accused ( I EMPHASISE
ACCUSED! ) of adultery and it is up to the women to prove their innocence even if they have been raped, because without at least (5) males, again males notice, being witness to the rape and being prepared to go to court on her behalf she does not stand a hope and is accused of encouraging it and hence the poor wretch is beaten, then very enthusiastically buried up to her shoulders so she can't defend herself by the villages and others and have rocks hurled at head her until she dies hopefully fairly quickly but I doubt it,and this along with amputations,crucifixions,whippings and other horrendous government sanctioned treatment is going on today in many Muslim Controlled Countries!

Muslim men very rarely get stoned, whipped, mutilated or punished in any way!!

Anyway people at my age of 75 plus unless the bastards invade us on mass like a ISIS army, which they won't because 
they infiltrate and work from within like some World War 2"Fifth Column",I fortunately, should not be around when we have a Muslim " Ayatollah " as our Aussie Head of State.

However, if your just going to sit on your well padded bums and at least not stand up for the life 
style and freedoms, as little as they are, and you don't constantly let these short shelf life, self interested, take the easy way out pollies, at all three levels of this over governed nation of ours, that what 10's of 1000's of Aussies have fought for both in civilian life and the military, and as a consequence we enjoy currently, and which surely our future generations expect to carry on with, then don't whinge when your kids and your grand kids look you in the the face a state angrily " Ok what happened ?? where were you when you were needed to stand up and be counted??

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. Scroll down and if not be fearful then surely be 
disgusted and vow it will not be allowed to happen to this great Nation of Aussie.

Subject: FW: FWD; The Invasion of Europe - How Muslims are utterly destroying Western
This is so frightening. I can hardly believe it is happening but the video proves a point.
Please stick with this long video.
I am not sure you will want to watch this but I was horrified at the anger, destruction and
sheer numbers where authorities appear powerless.
Terrifying video about the migration through EU!
This Lunacy is beyond my comprehension !!!
Sadly, I feel that a remedy is no longer possible, even if our politicians wanted to, which
they seem not to.
You will be shocked at what is really happening. the cameras do not lie.
Dear all.
This video is NOT propaganda. It is TERRIFYING reality.
This is exactly what many Muslims are achieving in Europe:
I have no doubt that not a SINGLE main media TV station will show this video although
it portends what will happen in the USA with Muslim ' immigrants '.
I hope that as many of you will spread it on Facebook and all your links as well as
to your political and so called Christian leaders, If you do not so, you too are part
of the problem for remaining SILENT.
The DESTRUCTION of Europe is being orchestrated by the very Elites who are
supposed to protect their peoples.
A very long video, but the contents is scary.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

' The Great Barrier Reef - STUFFED - say " Experts "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 10/4/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au.
Subject: ' The Great Barrier Reef - STUFFED - say " Experts " '

Information produced by The Australian Governments, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

The Facts about the Great Barrier Reef

As the largest living structure on the planet, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly rich and diverse.

Stretching 2300 kilometers, this natural icon is so large it can be seen from outer space,

While it's known mostly for it's large maze of colourful reefs, it's intricate architecture also provides a home for a huge number of plants and animals.

Some of these, such as turtles and crocodiles, have been around since prehistoric times and have 
changed little over the millennia.

The breathtaking array of marine creatures includes 600 types of soft and hard corals, more than 
100 species of jellyfish, 3000 varieties of molluscs, 500 species of worms, 1625 types of fish, 133 
varieties of sharks and rays, and more than 30 species of whales and dolphins.

The Great Barrier Reef is also unique as it extends over 14 degrees of latitude, from shallow estuarine areas to deep oceanic waters.

Within this vast expanse are a unique range of ecological communities, habitats and species, all of of which make the reef one of the most complex natural ecosystems in the world.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

1. Covers 344,400 square kilometres in area.

2. Includes the largest coral reef ecosystem.

3. Includes some 3000 coral reefs, 600 continental islands, 300 coral cays and about 150 inshore 
mangrove islands.

4. Extends south from the northern tip of Queensland in north eastern Australia to just north
of Bundaberg

5. It is between 60 and 250 kilometres in width.

6. It has an average depth of 35 metres in it's inshore waters, while on outer reefs continental 
slopes extend down to depths of more than 2000 metres.

7. Was created in 1975 through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act.

8. Extends into the airspace above and into the earth beneath the seabed.

While coral reefs initially made the Great Barrier Reef famous, they only comprise of about (7) 
percent of the Marine Park and World Heritage area.

The rest of the marine park has extraordinary variety of marine habitats, ranging from
shallow inshore areas, such as seagrass, mangroves, sand, algal and sponge gardens and inter-reefal communities to deep oceanic areas some 250 kolometres of shore.

Rather than having one level of protection throughout the marine park, the area instead is 
divided into different zones. Each zone has different rules outlining permitted activities and those 
that are prohibited.

The Great Barrier reef covers 344,400 square Klms and is:

1. Bigger than Victoria and Tasmania combined.

2. Bigger than the UK, Switzerland, and Holland combined.

3. Roughly the same area as Japan, Germany, Malaysia or Italy.

4. Approximately half the size of Texas.

5 Slightly smaller than the entire Baltic Sea.

The marine park stretches approximately 2000 klms along the coast of Queensland in north 
eastern Australia which is about the same length along the west coast of the USA from 
Vancouver to the Mexican border.

The Belize reef of the Caribbean coast of Belize is the second longest barrier reef in the world 
at 290 klms, while Ningaloo Reef of the West Australian coast is 280 klms long.

However Armageddon is forecast by the steady stream, at least weekly, of so-called climate experts from within Aussie, and no doubt overseas people on well paid"Tax Deductable Speaking Tours" and book sales in regard to The Great Barrier Reef based on ? " Computer Modelling " and very 
little actual physical viewing and with the dire warning that The Great Barrier Reef will lose it's 
World Heritage status? or at least put the Reef on " The Endangered List ".

The well known and acknowledged definition of a so-called expert comes from "Ex - meaning"a 
has been and"Spurt"meaning"A drip under pressure" and in my 75 years plus I have seen so 
many of these over the decades come and disappear into the ether after making a small fortune 
from public speaking and book sales, never to be heard of again, and later to be found totally 
wrong in their assumptions, calculations and forecasts by other so-called " Drips under pressure ".

People surely we have to keep reminding ourselves that any research across the board including 
the like's of climate and medicine to name but a few, has to be funded in some way or other and can 
be extremely expensive and not just 10's of 1000's but 100's of 1000's if not millions.

Now yes, ? if the researches are employed, or associated with any commercial organistions whether 
large or small then ok they will be paid accordingly but ofcourse such expenses are mainly tax 
deductable so in practice the average Aussie Tax Payer is still contributing.

They could be funded by some extremely wealthy 
philanthropist, benefactor who makes generous 
donations, but there again part of the donation will be tax deductable, so again the average Aussie 
Tax Payer is also contributing.

However the bulk of the research funds without a doubt comes from either the researchers being 
directly employed, or associated in some way, with the Aussie Universities and other higher seats 
of learning, or by direct tax payer funded grants via the various levels of this over governed 
country of ours. 

So regardless however the funding is generated the poor old, extremely financially strapped, Aussie Tax Payer is going to pick up the bulk of these scarce available funds, and considering the Federal mob plus most of the Aussie states, with special mention of Jay Weatherill's financial basket case state of South Australia that is limping from crisis to crisis, and territories, with the others such as Queensland and Western Australia very close to the financial border line, are 
well and truly maxing out the Nations credit cards with interest charges of millions of dollars per 
day, this research funding must past the so-called " Pub Test " and be very well scrutinised prior 
to releasing the scarce funding.

Now obviously, like all of us, these researches do need to earn a living one way or the other, 
therefore it is very important, hopefully, that they and or their organisation puts up a very credible 
reason in order to obtain this scarce funding especially if there is no direct, either short or long 
term, commercial return.

However, surely we don't have to rely on my old mate Einstein to calculate that it is imperative, as 
well as our human sense of survival, that the researches and or their organisations put their best 
and most financially rewarding prospects if a financial return is expected, OR, the worst possible
"Armageddon" if their research is not commenced and fully completed and I firmly believe reading 
possibly 100's of publications over the decades in regard to climate change based on " Crystal Ball 
Gazing " or in other words " Modelling " where many of the submissions either contradict each 
other or leave many unanswered questions, which ofcourse have to be further investigated,? yeah 
right, where at least 50 percent of the individual submissions are based on outdated information, because anything older than (7) days with the weather and climate is dated information, plus a figment of the writers or composers imagination, self interest and biases.

The 50 percent of the worlds population ie; 3.5 billion, that are living across the board below 
our western living standards, have no history in regard to living our western life styles ie; housing, 
electricity, piped water and sewerage, paved roads, cars and an industrial community therefore 
any so-called " Modelling " just has to be supposition, imagination, crystal ball gazing and biases.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The million or so of invading so-called refugees that thanks to the German Chancellor Angela 
Merkel and her " Open Border Policy " has let in will possibly only have seen a set of traffic lights 
on TV, that is provided they have a TV?, let alone stopped at one,

Therefore I maintain that no so-called " Modelling " could possibly predict the impact this non 
German speaking, reading or writing, unemployed, some, such as the women, have never been 
formally employed, and needing serious medical attention, and the list goes on, is going to have 
on the German economy and the German people as a whole.

So people as I see it that according to the " Climate Spurts " and their Greenie and self interested 
supporters within the next 30 to 100 years we can expect:

1. To be fried to death from the climate change heat.

2. Drowned due to the level of the oceans rising as a result of the melting ice at the north and 
south poles.

3. Die of thirst due to the lack of rain and therefore moisture.

A " Spurt " predicted tsunami

4. Be destroyed by violent tsunami type storms with horrific winds, flooding and massive structural 
damage and the loss of life across the full spectrum of all Mother Natures living things.

5. Destruction of our on and off farm food sources.

6. Good old Tasmania could become a tropical island in the next 50 to 100 years with palm trees 
replacing their current vegetation and with camels roaming their sandy hinterland?.

All this is based on so-called"Computer Modelling"and human"Imagination"and largely limited 
to past experience and considering these computers are incapable of picking out the next winning 
NSW Lotto numbers or which horse is going to win the next Melbourne Cup, or the Stock Market 
because these"Spurts"state the imponderables are to great ? weather and climate has no 
imponderables I gather? and where we have (7) billion plus people on this earth,a veritable
"Vegetable Soup"of races, creeds, cultures, religions, life styles, whether flexible or forced due to circumstances, and where all 
computer modelling relies on all the information, biased or other wise, 
entered into the computer with the old saying " Rubbish in, Rubbish out " how much can we really rely on these "Spurts" prophecies, predictions, prognosis and crystal ball gazing ?

Where as an Ex businessman never once, even based on well known industry knowledge and experience, did our budget forecasting or "Modelling" turn out correct for the next financial year, let alone for the next 3 to 5 years and the reason for that was because the human race is very unpredictable in a predictable way, and we have to share this world with another (7) billion who rarely see the world in the light of our interests, yet we as a world population are expected to take the " Spurts " word for what will happen in the next 50-100 years?

Yeah right, on that bases my 10 year old donkey can win the next Melbourne Cup.

The Great Barrier Reef is not only one of the seven wonders of the world but a great asset 
to Aussie, to say nothing of Queensland, not only financially in regard to tourism but either 
directly or indirectly is responsible for 1000's of Aussies, especially Queenslanders, being 

Therefore in my view any Aussie " Spurt " producing unfounded, inaccurate, self interested 
reports or submissions in regard to The Great Barrier Reef are to be accused of " Treason " 
and any blow in so-called " Spurt " banned from coming here for life.

Now do I believe that we have a climate change problem in the world? ofcourse I do, but after viewing the video on my mike's comments dated the 10/1/2016 subject " Climate Change - The Best Summary I have seen " plus many other reports and submissions I believe the whole idea of climate change has been high jacked by the self interested " Doom and Gloom Purveyors of Armageddon " and therefore I agree with the CSIRO Chief Dr Larry Marshall that we should stop spending scarce funds on modelling and measuring and propping up financially these " Doom and Gloom Purveyors " and get on with trying to mitigate say at least 50 percent of the most likely perceived problems.

Providing ofcourse the whole responsibility and cost is not dumped on little polluter Aussie with it's 1.5% which is not based on our consumption then omission, but the omissions from the products we produce and export to the rest of the world and therefore the 
omissions it causes there.

Do I believe that collectively we as a world human race will be able, or even willing, to solve any climate problems, perceived or real??.

No ofcourse I don't and neither do the major world powers or the (2) percent wealthy mob that 
controls at least (50) percent of the worlds wealth, hence the desperate and very expensive 
of billions of dollars to find another habitable planet before this old girl " Earth " becomes to 
toxic and over crowded to support human life as we know it currently.

The current Aussie PM Malcolm Turnbull.

The current Labor Federal Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, Homosexuality and Political 
Correctness Advocate and an alleged rapist.

So people what with these " Doom and Gloom - Climatic Spurts " and our current Aussie political situation where we have a bunch of 'Amateurs' making a hopeless mess of the Aussies economy and it's citizens future welfare, and where we have one in the " Blue " corner, our current Liberal PM who I believe has an opinion of himself as to having been " Born to Rule ", by the name of Malcolm-the magnificent-Turnbull, and in the " Red " corner we have this smirky, little, insipid, say and promise anything to get over the line at election time, Teflon Billy Shorten, and ofcourse we must not forget this silly lefty/Greenie old bugger Tony Windsor who wants to get elected to the Federal Parliament again to save the New England electorate from our selves as we appear, according to Tony Windsor, to be doing such a bad job of it? and if we don't vote for them our Aussie political, financial and the Aussie way of life and well being will go to"Hell in a hand Basket"
and will rapidly deteriorate and be on course for a national disaster.

Therefore I don't know what is worse ? our political or climatic situation??.

Tony Windsor.

Therefore I suggest that you all cash in your superannuation, don't worry about 30-50 sun block 
out, no more kids or buy property, sell if you have any, not kids property? although I am sure at 
times both might be considered? get fat, drink plenty of grog,smoke what,when and where you 
want, fill up with drugs, party or prescription? don't concern yourselves with law and order 
including speeding fines it's" Rafferty's Rules"from now on because this country will be so broke 
after these amateur pollies have finished with it we wont be able to afford to pay the various 
police forces or maintain the judicial and jail system.

Other wise don't whinge when you find God, anyone take your pick, has abandoned the good old 
Earth and the " Doom and Gloom Spurts " and there prophecies, predictions, prognosis and crystal 
ball gazing of an "Armageddon" comes true and you missed out on having a good time.

Sir Mike Howe but you can call me Mike. Scroll down and read the last words of a very wise priest.

An old priest lay dying in Woden's, Canberra Hospital. He had served
the people near the nation's capital, Manuka for many years.
He motioned for the nurse to come near.
"Yes father?" said the nurse.
"I would really like to see Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten before I
die" whispered the priest.
"I will see what I can do" said the nurse.
The nurse sent the request to parliament house and waited for a
response. Soon an answer came back; Both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill
Shorten would be delighted to visit the priest.
As they were driven to the hospital in Malcolm's new BMW, Turnbull
commented to Shorten, "I don't know why this old priest wants to see
us, but it certainly will help our images and may even help our
re-election prospects."
Shorten agreed it was probably a good thing.
When they arrived at the priest's room the priest took Turnbull's hand
in his right hand and Shorten's hand in his left hand.
There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest's face.
Finally Shorten spoke "Father of all people you could have chosen, why
did you chose us to be with you at this time when your end is so
The old priest slowly replied "I have always tried to pattern my life
and behaviour after our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
"Amen" said Turnbull.
"Amen" replied Shorten.
The old priest continued, "Jesus Christ our saviour died between two
lying thieving bastards, and I wanted to do the same."