It would appear, to put it in fashion terms, that to be homosexual these days it is “ The New Black ".
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2016 11:57 PM
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Subject: Fw: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kids throats " ??? WHY
Saturday, February 20, 2016 11:45 PM
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Subject: Fw: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kids throats " ??? WHY
Saturday, February 20, 2016 11:26 PM
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Subject: Fw: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kids throats " ??? WHY
Saturday, February 20, 2016 11:17 PM
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Subject: Fw: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kids throats " ??? WHY
Saturday, February 20, 2016 11:10 PM
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Subject: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kids throats " ??? WHY
The email addresses above are those for many of the Aussie media and
pollies across the political spectrum of this
over governed country of ours who receive this as an email prior to me posting it to my blogs.
over governed country of ours who receive this as an email prior to me posting it to my blogs.
( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non-religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values/beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 20/2/2016.
Also on my blogs:
Subject: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kids throats "??? -
It would appear, to put it in fashion terms, that to be homosexual these days it is “ The New Black ".
It would appear, to put it in fashion terms, that to be homosexual these days it is “ The New Black ".
People I have to state up front that I have absolutely, in no way, what's so ever, anything to do with the Australian Christian Lobby and I found the attachment purely by trolling through the many and various Face Book pages.
The article on the front page of the Australian on the 10/2/2016 regarding a taxpayer-funded ' gay manual ' being introduced into schools.
I gather this program has been written up by homosexual activists with considerable Tax Payer funding, via our very generous Federal Government, to the tune of $8 million, yep that's million!!
Is it any wonder that the nations international credit card is maxed out causing billions of dollars of interest and they are looking to cut welfare with the possibility of increasing the GST from 10 - 15% at some time in the future??
It would appear that the program is to encourage children as young as 11, yep 11, towards the homosexual cause where the " All of US teaching manual "suggests to children as young as 7 & 8 years old how that often children realise they are aware of being lesbians, gay or bisexual by the ages of 11 and say 14 although the average kids realise this more closer to the age of 16 where the term is referred to as " Coming out "??.
Can you believe what I am typing here?? I can't!!
We are discussing kids of 7 and 8 years old here who are not long out of nappies!! about sexual matters?
We are also discussing kids of 11 years old where many, both boys and girls, still think their penises and vagina's are just to pee out off?
We are discussing 14 year old plus kids that have their various hormones firing on all six cylinders creating mood swings, irritability, impatience, temper, frustration, confusion yet according to this gay mob on top of all this they realise they are attracted to the opposite sex?? really.
People in my view how "SICK" is all this when we involve innocent children in such "Social Engineering" when such a minority group, with the support of both the Federal and State pollies it would seem, such as the homosexual mob can force their homosexual agenda on our majority heterosexual families and their innocent children??
This is 'Heterophobia' at it's worse! and should be strongly and vehemently condemned because can you imagine the screaming there would be from the homosexual mob and their supporters, such as the ABC, if we hetro's tried to bring on this stunt with the so-called homosexual mob?? Teflon Billy Shorten would have a field day at Question Time in Parliament!!
Obviously these homosexual activists have not had teenage kids of their own and do not have any idea the turmoil, ferment and mayhem kids of these ages go through as we parents have! not once but in some cases with large families it can go on for decades as the various kids come of age.
However as I know from experience as a parent and a Grand Father of 5 grand kids, that these teenagers are very vulnerable in their confused state and are very open to peer and media pressure and outside influences therefore I believe I could be excused for thinking that is just what these homosexual activists are hoping for ? " Fresh meat on the Hoof " as a now dead , as the result of aids, gay friend would refer to them as.
However I gather nearly 500 Primary and High Schools have signed up to this program under the heading of " The Safe School Network " and in fact the Victorian government will require all State Schools to join by 2018??.
Scott Morrison - The Aussie Federal Treasure.
Well as our Treasurer Scott Morrison continually informs us the Nations Treasury is empty so surely we hard done by Aussie Tax Payers have a right to ask if the homosexual activist are not paying to promote this, in my view pro-homosexual propaganda,costing $8 million dollars,and Daniel Andrews,along with all the other state and territories leaders, the Victorian Premier,also continually needing more funds for education, where is this $8 million dollars coming from and or what is not going to happen as a result of this minority mob of homosexuals demands,they in total Aussie wide only amount to say 2-3 percent, some 2-300,000,or is this just going to add $8 million dollars to the already maxed out Aussie Nations credit card??
Daniel Andrews - The Labor Premier of Victoria.
However people it does not end there!!! oh NO!!!
Mark Scott AO - MD, ABC.
Is there no limits? boundaries? that the Aussie ABC, the homosexual media promotions arm of the movement, wont go to in order to promote, generate, shove down our throats the homosexual cause and agenda in order, in their biased view, to remain relevant and suck up to the homosexual lobby???.
It would appear that good old Aunty has decided to go one better ?? if that is at all possible, and taken their homosexual propaganda too even greater heights, or depths depending on your point of view ?? are you ready for this?? too " PLAY SCHOOL '' !!! where there will soon be (2) Daddies introduced in the program looking after a baby?
WOW, this should blow the toddlers minds watching the show ?? " Mummy what's happened to the little boys Mummy ? is she ' DEAD '? where is she gone? is she cross and gone to her bedroom? " as if little kids worlds or not confusing enough?.
As I pointed out earlier this homosexual mob maybe in your face and well organised and have political support far above their constituency per head of population of only 2-3 percent which means that 97 percent of adults that these toddlers see are hetro's ie; Mums and Dads and as such would be totally confusing if not very upsetting from the toddler thinking that this kid has " No Mum " in the true sense of the word not some farcical,preposterous situation where some gay bloke is playing the female roll which would be totally foreign to the toddler and surely has to remain so considering these children may never come in contact with a homosexual in their life time considering they are a very small minority group and normally congregate in certain area's in and around the major cities, especially Sydney, apart from the ACT, the homosexual capital of Aussie.
The saying attributed to the Jesuit Priest " Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man " is definitely, in my my view as an experienced parent, being tried as part of " Social Engineering " in this regard and the ABC are obviously complicit and should be' Totally Condemned ' in the most strongest terms, especially being a Tax Payer funded enterprise.
Teflon Billy Shorten - The Federal Labour Opposition Leader, Union Heavy weight and alleged rapist.
Well people it would appear that our 14 - 19 percent voter satisfaction man Teflon Billy Shorten is in favour of this " Safe School Network Program " therefore I assume he, and as their Leader the Labor Party as a whole, accepts and condones the publication of the gay program of" All of US " even though the majority by far of Labor voters are ' NOT ' in favour of " Gay Marriage " as Labor will find out in the outer suburbs of the major cities, or in the bush, if they push the subject at the next Federal Election as part of their Election platform.
However Teflon Billy Shorten is literally frothing at the mouth currently with verbal diarrhea promising the world with the usual Labor Party " Unfunded " thought bubbles that they have little chance of achieving, especially with a possible hostile Senate, and also especially as many of the " Mum and Dads" of the Labor voters use " Negative Gearing " to supplement their retirement income, and they know it!!
Therefore as far as I am concerned Teflon Billy Shorten is just " A drowning man clutching at straws " so he, at the moment anyway, ain't going to upset the very powerful in your face, well organised "Gay Lobby "especially as I gather at least 30-40 percent, if not more, of our pollies across our political spectrum of the 3 levels of this over governed country of ours are known to be either gay, lesbian or bi-sexual and therefore very biased with self interests when it comes to the subject of homosexuality in our Aussie Nation, albeit that they only represent a very small minority of 2-300,000 of our 24,000,000 million population and as such are very highly over represented in our political system!!
Now I repeat I have nothing to do with the Australian Christian Lobby and as such I discovered this via Face Book - scroll down.
A toddler watching play school.
February 2016
Parents should be able to
trust their toddlers to the ABCs Play School program without worrying if they
are being exposed to controversial political and social agendas, according to
the Australian Christian Lobby.
Parents should not be forced
to explain to little children how it is that two men come to have a baby, ACL
Managing Director Lyle Shelton said.
Play School yesterday
announced it would feature two men raising a child in its popular Through the
Windows segment.
It is disappointing that the
ABC is seeking to impose rainbow politics on toddlers when millions of their
parents do not agree with redefining marriage in law.
Millions of Australians also
do not agree that two men should be allowed to deliberately deprive a child of
its mother. This does not mean two men can not love a child, of course they can.
The issue is whether or not it is right for the child to be deprived of its
mother and whether this should be taught as ethical to toddlers.
The ABC should also not
assume that producing children through harvested eggs and a rented or donated
womans womb to meet the desires of two men is a public good.
Unsupervised watching of
Play School was always considered safe by generations of parents. Now parents
cant be sure if their children are going to be exposed to contested social and
political agendas.
Play School is not the place
for the ABC to run agendas. The Australian people will be deciding whether or
not marriage (and with it parenting) is redefined in a national plebiscite after
the federal election, should the Coalition win.
Many parents will be
disappointed with this, particularly as this is a taxpayer-funded program that
should refrain from pushing confusing adult messaging to our children.
Parents shouldnt be forced
to have adult conversations about sexuality and bioethics with their kids at
such a young age and it certainly should not be the government broadcaster
raising the subject with them.
Mr Shelton said the nature of
the ABC as a taxpayer-funded broadcaster meant that it should maintain its
objectivity on political issues, particularly when matters crucial to the
definition of marriage and family are subject to a national vote.
ABC Kids in particular
should be particularly sensitive to what it shows to young impressionable minds
and refrain from introducing contested social concepts into their childrens
programing, Mr Shelton said.
We encourage the
Communications Minister, Mitch Fifield to take these concerns to the ABC so that
the integrity of the ABC can be maintained.
Unfortunately for reasons best known to this blog computer it has changed my font size, back ground and colour?
So people there you have a case in my view of ‘ Social Engineering ’ at it’s worst!! and as far as I am concerned my message to these sick bastards is to leave our hetro kids alone, let them grow up in their own way with their hetro ‘ Mums and Dads ’!!.
If you want gay kids go breed your own! and I mean breed!! not acquire!.
Go do the hard yards and don’t leave it to the 97 percent of the heterosexual Aussie population so you can hop in and pick up the cream and benefit from the fruit of our labours!!
This is “ Heterophobia " at it’s worsted and something you would expect in some mind shaping, bending communistic society, although the homosexuals will inform us that “ Heterophobia " does not exist because the homosexual community does not hate or fear the hetro’s?.
Well that may or may not be true on the whole, however I have experienced first hand lesbian hatred for hetro males!
Plus in my view you don’t have to hate or fear someone or group to be “ Heterophobic " because you could envy, be jealous of someone or group and you could say “ I’m having what their having " and I don’t care what it takes to get it even if it causes hurt, confusion and disruption and totally ignores the culture and religious views of that person or group going back centuries.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin.
You only have to see why the Russian President Vladimir Putin passed stricter legislation against the LGBT community which is a law against “ Homosexual propaganda " which prohibits such symbols as the rainbow flag as well as published works containing homosexual content because he knows very well, being an Ex KGB high ranking officer, just how effective this can be on very young vulnerable, susceptible and easily influenced minds.
Ok people take good care of your kids until they are mature enough to make up their own minds, when ever that maybe??, but it surely won’t be at 7, 8 or 11 years of age or even 14 and 16 ???.
However don’t whinge if some of these “ Social Engineers " either individually or collectively, regardless whether they are the homosexual lobby or any other lobby,group or organisation, including The Australian Christian Lobby, take control of your children’s minds while you have been a sleep at the wheel.
Sir Mike Howe – but you can call me Mike.
" Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car ".