( Me at my place )
Students at Newtown Performing Arts School can now choose to wear either the male or female uniform without seeking formal permission
Students at Newtown Performing Arts School can now choose to wear either the male or female uniform without seeking formal permission
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2016 5:14 PM
To: abc news ; Amy McNeilage Deputy Editor ;
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Cc: Wayne Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: Fw: " Guess - ??? Am I a boy ?? or a girl ?? or neither??
Saturday, February 27, 2016 5:02 PM
To: Michelle Rowland ; Mick Veitch ; Mike
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Subject: Fw: " Guess - ??? Am I a boy ?? or a girl ?? or neither??
Saturday, February 27, 2016 4:52 PM
To: J. P. Langbroek MP ; J. W. Seeney MP ; J.Fitzgibbon. ; J.Macklin
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Subject: Fw: " Guess - ??? Am I a boy ?? or a girl ?? or neither??
Saturday, February 27, 2016 4:43 PM
To: Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O'Riely@aph.gov.au ; devans@alburycity.nsw.gov.au ; Dio Wang
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Subject: Fw: " Guess - ??? Am I a boy ?? or a girl ?? or neither??
Saturday, February 27, 2016 4:32 PM
To: A. C. Powell MP ; A. P. Cripps MP ; Adam
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Subject: Fw: " Guess - ??? Am I a boy ?? or a girl ?? or neither??
( The email addresses mentioned here are some of the Aussie media
and pollies across the political spectrum of this over governed nation of
ours who receive this as an email prior to me posting it too my blogs
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non-religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values/beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 27/2/2016.
Also on my blogs:
Subject: " Guess - ?? Am I a boy,?? or a girl, ?? or neither ?? " No peeking up my skirt!!
Photo: Students at Newtown Performing Arts School can now choose to wear either the male or female uniform without seeking formal permission - Fairfax Media Peter Rae.
Michael Edwards of the ABC.
People attached is an article by Michael Edwards - scroll down - " Australian Christian Lobby condemns Sydney school's ' rainbow politics ' for allowing male students to wear female uniforms ".
There are other media writing up a similar story such as the Sydney Morning Herald and the Daily Mail in fact I would not go to the extent to suggest plagiarism but in my view they could have been written by the same person?.
However as I stated in Mike's Comments dated the 20/2/2016 Subject: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kid's throats "? WHY? I have in no way any allegiance,loyalty or commitment to the so-called "Australian Christian Lobby " whatsoever,but what does intrigue me, especially with the like's of the ABC, that the media seems to be,in my view, lazily concentrating on the like's of this so-called Christian lobby when according to the Aussie 2011 Census the religious component or constituents of Aussie are many and various so surely any news person worth their salt would canvas a wide range of opinions and attitudes??.
Otherwise it would appear to me that it is a matter of trying to divide and conquer and ' Cherry Pick ' and do the best to discredit ACL with the hope that it will deter the other religious organisation from sticking their heads
Subject: " Guess - ?? Am I a boy,?? or a girl, ?? or neither ?? " No peeking up my skirt!!
Photo: Students at Newtown Performing Arts School can now choose to wear either the male or female uniform without seeking formal permission - Fairfax Media Peter Rae.
Michael Edwards of the ABC.
People attached is an article by Michael Edwards - scroll down - " Australian Christian Lobby condemns Sydney school's ' rainbow politics ' for allowing male students to wear female uniforms ".
There are other media writing up a similar story such as the Sydney Morning Herald and the Daily Mail in fact I would not go to the extent to suggest plagiarism but in my view they could have been written by the same person?.
However as I stated in Mike's Comments dated the 20/2/2016 Subject: " Shoving Homosexuality down our kid's throats "? WHY? I have in no way any allegiance,loyalty or commitment to the so-called "Australian Christian Lobby " whatsoever,but what does intrigue me, especially with the like's of the ABC, that the media seems to be,in my view, lazily concentrating on the like's of this so-called Christian lobby when according to the Aussie 2011 Census the religious component or constituents of Aussie are many and various so surely any news person worth their salt would canvas a wide range of opinions and attitudes??.
Otherwise it would appear to me that it is a matter of trying to divide and conquer and ' Cherry Pick ' and do the best to discredit ACL with the hope that it will deter the other religious organisation from sticking their heads
above the parapet , as the saying goes.
So people let's take a look at what these homosexual mobs - LGBT - Lesbian,gay,bisexual and transgender - and their supporters are potentially up against according to the 2011 Aussie Census:
All Aussie Christians = 61.1% or 14,664,000
of which there are:
Roman Catholics - 25.3% - 6,072,000.
Anglicans - 17.1% - 4,104,000.
Christian other - 18.7% - 4,488,000
No religion - me for instance - = 22.3% or 5,352,000
Did not answer = 9.4% or 2,256,000
Buddhists = 2.5% or 600,000
Muslims = 2.2% or 528,000
Hindus = 1.3% or 312,000
Jews = 0.5% or 120.000
Anglicans - 17.1% - 4,104,000.
Christian other - 18.7% - 4,488,000
No religion - me for instance - = 22.3% or 5,352,000
Did not answer = 9.4% or 2,256,000
Buddhists = 2.5% or 600,000
Muslims = 2.2% or 528,000
Hindus = 1.3% or 312,000
Jews = 0.5% or 120.000
Totals = 99.3% or 23,832,000 Aussie population.
Now ofcourse we have to give these homosexual activist mobs,LGBT, and their supporters credit because
Now ofcourse we have to give these homosexual activist mobs,LGBT, and their supporters credit because
they are no dummies they, on the whole, represent the middle to upper class
in regard to occupations and
remuneration,look at our pollies and the
management and staff of the ABC for instance, and this is why they want the
matter of "Gay Marriage, Marriage Equality"decided by the pollies because
they realise that trying to convince the millions of the very diverse Aussie
religious beliefs,considering we have ' Compulsory Voting '
unlike Ireland that found in favour of " Gay marriage " by a referendum
where only 61% of the eligible voters
actually voted and who do not have '
Compulsory Voting '!!
Therefore by going to the very diverse Aussie population by having a direct peoples vote in the form of a ' Plebiscite ' involving the entire electoral population and obtaining "The majority of votes in the majority of states" is going to be very difficult to say the least? in fact to use an Aussie term " They have Buckley’s and none "!! and as I state they are fully aware of this and hence the intense and vicious attack on anyone or group that dares to say or state anything, whether verbally or in writing, that may challenge their collective campaign.
Hence this, I believe, homosexual propaganda and ' Rainbow ' ideology and political campaign under the 'Pretext'of a "Safe School network program", which after all is a ' Motherhood Statement ' who would not want a "Safe School Environment ",in order to convince the 97% of heterosexual parents they should be very concerned for the miniscule number of LGBT children involved as part of the total of 3,750.973 school children in Aussie which comprises of 2,445,130 in government schools and 1,305,843 in non-government schools.
Teflon Billy Shorten - The Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy weight, homosexual activist and alleged rapist.
However it would appear that the homosexuals have lost the battle in regard to "Gay-Marriage Equality "
in the various Aussie parliaments providing Teflon Billy Shorten and his
mob don't get into power at the
next Federal election this year because for
sure they will do their best to scrap the ' Plebiscite ' idea!! - so they are
trying another tack and trying to use the very effective " Lefty,Communistic
Social Engineering "
scheme where by"Stealth"they convince our very
young, impressionable and vulnerable hetro kids, and as a consequence their
parents especially their Mothers with the " All of Us "campaign very subtly
included in " The Safe Network Program " that it is ok to be a LGBT even if
their not! never have been! and not likely
to be although this "All of Us" program will help convince them other
wise and if the parents put up to much resistance they will be informed it
could result in the child becoming depressed or even suicidal.
The Tattooed Lady.
However why don't we have tattooed on their forehead that I'm a lesbian, or I'm gay, or I'm bi-sexual, or
However why don't we have tattooed on their forehead that I'm a lesbian, or I'm gay, or I'm bi-sexual, or
I'm a transgender and if you upset me I will tend to become depressed and
possibly suicidal.
Although what is so special about LGBT kids as compared to - fat kids, skinny kids, short kids, kids with a
stutter, kids with facial disfigurement, kids with both physical or mental
disabilities, black kids, kids with
albinism, ginger kids, kids with a
different racial or cultural back ground, kids in wheel chairs, kids with
parents that are drunks or drug addicts and the list goes on and on!!
So I ask again ? what is so special about LGBT kids when it comes to comparing them to the kids I have mentioned above that LGBT have to have a special program to highlight their problem and just how sensitive they are??.
Well as far as I am concerned the LGBT " All of US " in conjunction with the " Safe Network Program "
is a means to an end developed by LGBT activists as part of " Social
Engineering " with the support
of the powerful, in your face, well organised, politically influential
homosexual lobby supported financially
by the hard done by over stretched
Aussie Tax Payers to the tune of $8 million dollars of scare funds
which is
to be added to the Aussie Nations already maxed out international credit card
As far as I am concerned the majority of red blooded Aussie blokes would find two blokes kissing, especially
tonguing each other,repulsive and abhorrent so obviously this LGBT mob and
their supporters like Teflon
Billy believe that if they start young, say from 7,8 years and up wards
they will be socially engineered at
such a young age that it will become the
norm and acceptable, which ofcourse as Mother Nature did not
intend us to be
that way inclined as Mother Nature knows only too well that two blokes can't
make a baby
together, and after all contrary to popular opinion that is why
Mother Natures creatures are here to propagate
and multiply by the process
of natural reproduction therefore it will never be a natural male instinct to
another male, unless your Greek, French or Italian and then it is only on
the cheek!!
I read in a recent LGBT article where it stated the like that studies have shown that between 8% and 11% of
young people in Australia experience same sex attraction with 8.6%of
Australian men and 15.1% of Australian
women experience same sex attraction at some time in their
Yep I am sure they are right and that is because as far as blokes are concerned it's referred to as having
"Mates" and as far as females are concerned it's referred to as having "Girl Friends" and that could mean
you love them as you would a brother or
sister!! not that you wont to have sex with them! although ofcourse
it would happen from time to time but no where near as much as this LGBT
mob would like us to believe!
In the military I lived with other soldiers not only in the same barrack room but had at least two, one each side
of me, sleeping next to me as close if not closer than a hetro couple would
in single beds.
Some, not all, became my very close ' Mates ' so much so I came to love them as brothers and if called upon,
which was the case on a number of occasions, I would risk my life for them
and I am sure they for me!!
However if one of them tried to kiss me I would shove either or both my bayonet or bowie knife where the sun don't shine!! and I am more than confident it would be quickly reciprocated, quick smart!!
People I wonder just how far this School Management and parents of Newtown Performing Arts School are prepared go with young blokes dressing up as females:
Make up, eye shadow, lippy, rouge or cheek blush, permed hair, shaving their legs and all other pubic hair
especially under their arms??
What about a nice twin set, bra and panties with silk stockings held up with suspenders with four inch high
heels just to show of his beautiful carves and ankles??.
Ofcourse over time the bloke is going to become so " Narcissistic " and that he will really believe he is a female
and insist he is allowed to use the female toilets and then ofcourse not
having a ' Urinal ' the females will be
complaining that he is not lifting the seat and as a consequence peeing on
the seat? which is a common
complaint in the family homes.
Now the fact that this blokes behaviour maybe acceptable within the school grounds and at home it will mean
that his parents will need to deliver him too and from the school or
friends houses because this " All of Us "
and " The Safe Network Program "
sure ain't going to protect him outside those environments in the public
arena such as public transport, shopping centres, sporting fixtures and the
like because there is absolutely
no doubt he in the real world will be,
teased, bullied, humiliated, abused even beaten up as happens to LGBT's
regularly in the outer suburbs of the major Aussie metropolitan cities that
is why they tend to congregate in
the inner city suburbs or adopt a very low profile or target in the outer
Western and Southern suburbs of Western
Sydney, Blue Mtns and small and large country towns.
Well people this says to me that the homosexual activists have already well and truly infiltrated by stealth our
political spectrum over the three levels of this over governed nation of
ours as well as our National Broadcaster
the ABC now they are targeting the
minds of our young vulnerable kids at school and we have not even
or taken into account their effect on our University
Because of my size,obvious fitness, intelligence, education and experience I have, even at the age of 75 plus,
rarely experienced any bulling towards me and when it has happened whether
that be police, local, state or
federal bureaucrats,neighbours or any other organisation regardless of size
I have taken them on and to date
I have rarely lost the battle or the war and they don't normally, if ever,
come back for a second go because
you can never expect bullies to stop they
become even more embolden by their success!! they feed off it!!
That is why I joined the military in Africa to try and protect the weak and the vulnerable because if I have any
" Phobia " at all it is against bullies and this is what I sincerely
believe the LGBT mob have become!
Not only here in Aussie but through the Worlds Western Societies and even though they are only a small
minority across the Globe they have by whatever fair means or foul become
to powerful and influential and if
your happy with that then don't whinge
when you find yourself on the wrong side of the law and appearing
in court not charged with likes of say defamation but because you said or
stated something that a LGBT
took exception too??
Soldiers with their mates!!!
Christian Lobby condemns Sydney school's 'rainbow politics' for allowing male
students to wear female uniforms
Christian Lobby condemns Sydney school's 'rainbow politics' for allowing male
students to wear female uniforms
PHOTO: Students at Newtown Performing Arts School
can now choose to wear either the male or female uniform without seeking formal
permission. (Fairfax
Media: Peter Rae)
Australian Christian Lobby has condemned a move by a Sydney high school to allow
male students to wear female uniforms, and to let students freely express what
gender they identify with.
at Newtown Performing Arts High School have been told anyone can wear a skirt to
school, and refer to themselves as either male or female.
have also been told that anyone identifying as a girl can use the female
while parents have welcomed the change to the school's uniform rules, the
Australian Christian Lobby claims it is a step too far and that it effectively
encourages children to make radical choices with their lives
school, in Sydney's inner-west, prides itself on its progressive values.
recent years the school has approved special requests, allowing students
transitioning from one gender to the other to wear the uniform of their
choosing, and to use the alternative toilet.
difference now is that these students do not have to seek formal permission.
Saric is a parent with two children at the school, enrolled in grades eight and
been told, through the children, that they're allowed to choose from either of
the gender uniforms," Ms Saric told AM.
they've been told that the school has dropped gender-typing. The child can
decide for themselves how they perceive their gender."
Saric said she had no objections to the change in uniform policy.
children are really struggling with that issue, then they shouldn't be... forced
into pigeonholes by the school," she said.
facing enough turmoil and change and crisis of their own. It's not really
relevant what colour trousers they're wearing and whether they're wearing a
skirt or shorts."
parent, Tony Ryan, has also welcomed the change.
to the uniform policy means that kids who feel that they don't fit into a
particular category feel safe," Mr Ryan said.
'Radical gender theory' entering schools: Christian Lobby
not everyone agrees with the school's decision.
PHOTO: Students at Newtown Performing Arts High
School can now choose to wear either the male or female uniform without seeking
formal permission.(Supplied:
NSW Government)
Christian Lobby (ACL) managing director Lyle Shelton told AM he was worried
about "rainbow politics" entering schools.
whole questioning of what it means to be male or female and the idea that gender
doesn't matter anymore, I think is radical gender theory, and it's finding its
way into our schools," Mr Shelton said.
think people are wondering if this is where rainbow ideology and rainbow
politics is taking us.
we better take a second look at the whole agenda that is behind things like the
same-sex marriage debate, etcetera."
Shelton said he was also worried boys wearing skirts could be bullied.
think the thing to remember is that no-one should be bullied at school," he
have very good anti-bullying programs. No-one should be bullied for any reason
at all. But these gender theory ideas go way beyond anti-bullying to almost
proselytising and trying to encourage and instruct young people in radical
lot of parents are starting to ask questions about where on earth this rainbow
ideology is taking us."
Performing Arts High School is yet to issue an official statement on the uniform
policy change.