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Subject: Fw: " A Fish out of water ? "
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:14 PM
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Subject: Fw: " A Fish out of water ? "
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:03 J. P. Langbroek MP ; J. W. Seeney MP ; J.Fitzgibbon. ; J.Macklin
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Subject: Fw: " A Fish out of water ? "
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 1:56 PM
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Subject: Fw: " A Fish out of water ? "
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 1:47 PM
To: A. C. Powell MP ; A. P. Cripps MP ; Adam
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Subject: Fw: " A Fish out of water ? "
The email addresses you see here are some of the
Aussie media and pollies across the political spectrum of this
over governed nation of ours who receive this as an email prior to me posting it on my blogs.
over governed nation of ours who receive this as an email prior to me posting it on my blogs.
Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non-religious I tend to
believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs.
Sir Mike's Comments 17/2/2016.
Sir Mike's Comments 17/2/2016.
Subject: " A fish out of water ?
Tony Abbott MP - Ex Aussie Prime Minister.
People I always believed, and still do, that Tony Abbott was/is a very loyal Aussie as an individual and as our PM and although he appeared to lack the charisma and the statesman like ability to carry off his radical and wide ranging efforts to make Aussie a better place from the point of view of protecting our borders and as a consequence our nations population in general, as well as endeavouring to balance the nations accounts in order to financially secure our nation against any pending new GFC, or worse, such as a recession or even a depression ??.
Having a face that only his Mother would love after the effects of his various sporting prowess such as boxing, rugby union which would be in addition to the weathered look from his surfing and Bush Fire Brigade activities, plus his aggressive style of his of walking obviously offended many of the superficial female Aussie voters??.
However I did mention in previous mike's comments that as our PM Tony Abbott looked like a " Fish out of water " when meeting overseas
dignitaries and heads of government because he seemed awkward in his movements and not to sure what to do next and in my view it would appear that Abbott was not comfortable in that role??.
Our current PM, Malcolm-the magnificent-Turnbull & some of his top end of town mates.
Unlike ofcourse our current PM Turnbull who is very suave, charming, sophisticated, debonair and very pleasing on the eye and quite statesman like who revels in " Selfies ", " The limelight and centre stage " and giving the appearance that he was born to rule and becoming PM, and ? possibly the first Aussie President ? was his divine right has, after deposing Tony Abbott as PM on some pretext that the economy was a lot worse than it is, bad enough but not as bad as this political opportunist made it out to be to get Abbott shafted!!, has fitted into the job like " A duck to water ".
This picture was
electronically drawn by Erika Aoyama on July 3, 2003.
In my view we will only see the real Turnbull rear his beautiful manicured head after the next federal election should he get over the line and get into power and considering he is up against one of the weakest Federal Opposition Leaders we have had in decades, if I see that sickly smug smile of his again I believe I will puke! the none other than the 14-19 percent voter satisfaction, promise the world just put it on the Aussie Nations credit card, illustrious, unbelievable, untrustworthy, social climber Teflon Billy Shorten the Labor Federal Opposition leader, Union Heavy weight and alleged rapist.
In my view we will only see the real Turnbull rear his beautiful manicured head after the next federal election should he get over the line and get into power and considering he is up against one of the weakest Federal Opposition Leaders we have had in decades, if I see that sickly smug smile of his again I believe I will puke! the none other than the 14-19 percent voter satisfaction, promise the world just put it on the Aussie Nations credit card, illustrious, unbelievable, untrustworthy, social climber Teflon Billy Shorten the Labor Federal Opposition leader, Union Heavy weight and alleged rapist.
Teflon Billy Shorten - The Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, and alleged rapist.
Barnaby Joyce - Federal Minister for Agriculture & Water Resources.
The Federal Member for New England,
Plus just recently elected the Leader of
the Aussie National Party who are in coalition with the Liberals.
I have never personally met Barnaby Joyce but I have stood very close enough to him and a bunch of cockies - farmers to my overseas readers - to listen to him discuss, in a very confident and forthright fairly relaxed manner, at the Tamworth Cattle Sale Yards, the various aspects of not only what was/is going on in his electorate of New England, his portfolio and Aussie and internationally generally.
I have never personally met Barnaby Joyce but I have stood very close enough to him and a bunch of cockies - farmers to my overseas readers - to listen to him discuss, in a very confident and forthright fairly relaxed manner, at the Tamworth Cattle Sale Yards, the various aspects of not only what was/is going on in his electorate of New England, his portfolio and Aussie and internationally generally.
Now I realise that country people are generally polite and are good listeners, even when listening to our pollies they will at least give them a go, not like their foul mouthed abusive and aggressive city cousins!, but never-the-less the people around Barnaby seem to be listening intently to what he had to say and when it was appropriate they would make comments and ask questions and the atmosphere was very cordial and it would appear very informative for all those concerned including Barnaby.
The Barnaby Joyce I viewed there, who was obviously in his element being in his natural environment, was not in my view the Barnaby Joyce I have heard on the radio or viewed on the TV where he seems rather nervous and gives me the impression that even after all these years in politics, both in the Aussie Senate and in the House of Rep's, he finds being interviewed, and he is probably one of the most popular media interviewed pollies because of his, " You never know what he going to say next and is quite up front in his opinions which can be very controversial " some what daunting and uncomfortable?.
Therefore the problem I see with Barnaby Joyce is that as the Leader of the National Party he is also the Deputy Prime Minister and should Malcolm-the magnificent-Turnbull be off taking a " Selfie " and therefore be unavailable it would be up to Barnaby Joyce as Deputy PM to meet, greet and entertain any visiting dignitaries, heads of state and/or government he - Barnaby Joyce - like Tony Abbott will find it outside his comfort zone and again be a " Fish out of water " as the saying goes??
I hope not but I guess only time will tell??
Tony Windsor - The so-called Independent, left leaning Greenie and Labor Party Stooge and Ex Federal Member for New England who in my view left the seat just prior to Barnaby Joyce winning the seat comfortably after the 2013 election and just before he would have got politically dumped anyway!!!
Now people being that we are discussing Barnaby Joyce and the New England area I believe it is timely to discuss Tony Windsor.
Now Windsor is appearing regularly on at least the Tamworth NBN TV and the ABC TV spruiking about how Windsor is thinking about having a come back into Federal politics and contesting this years Federal election up against Barnaby Joyce who Windsor believes is not doing a good enough job as the current Member for New England??.
Well I say " Bring it on Windsor " because I believe that the voters of the New England have some unfinished business with you because you shot through before they could really let you know what they thought of you when you sided with that next to useless Labor Gillard mob to save your political skin and thereby with you being complicit helped leave this nation in the financial stuff up it is in today!!!
Unless there is a minority or hung parliament, as there was with the Gillard/Rudd mobs, independents are a waste of tax payers scare funds unless they hold the balance of power which ofcourse along with other independents and Greanies Windsor did and look at the mess he and they left us with !!!
Julie Gillard - Ex Aussie PM.
Windsor commented when being interviewed by an ABC reporter - I commented on it in mike's comments at the time - that his biggest regret was that he could not do more for the " Asylum seekers and refugees "??.
Yep! that is right people we Aussies have serious problems from the cradle to the grave yet Windsor's greatest regret is for a bunch of non-contributing, non-tax paying, who did not contribute to Windsor's Tax Payer Funded very generous superannuation and retirement perks, bunch of foreign invaders???.
Maybe Windsor's superannuation is running a bit low and he is hoping for a top up and a couple more bites at the Tax Payer Funded " Cherry " ??.
Windsor I gather sold his farm to a mining mob now hopes to secure the New England seat, with the Greenies preferences no doubt, on the bases of attacking mining in certain areas for both coal and gas??
If Windsor did manage to obtain the New England seat with preferences to get him over the line, he will no doubt butt heads with Malcolm Turnbull so what then?
Well in my view he will then in order to remain relevant just join his Greenie and Labor mates as he did before!!
Calm waters with a light house showing the way to safety,
People this is going to be a very interesting election this year and for more than for a few decades now we need a strong stable government to sail this national ship to calm waters so consider carefully where you place that tick or cross on election day because there is no point whinging the day after that you made a mistake like I did in the 2013 election by voting for the Palmer United Party!!
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me mike.
Expert predication's ? can you trust them.