? Looks Like Freddy Krueger I'm Back ??
( Me at my place )
Freddy Krueger
Subject: " Looks like Freddy Krueger I'm back ?? "
Well people it would appear and with a bit of luck we might be chatting again??
It would appear by changing the format - template of my blog I can get to preview my work before I publish which helps take the guess work and some of the frustration out of blogging?
I hope you like the new template it certainly is a lot fresher than the previous one the only difference is that readers have to click onto dates and search where with the previous one the headings were all visible and all the reader had to do was scroll down.
However maybe that was part of the problem or ? that the system had been and got it's self a bug/virus ? who would know as the communications from the Administrators of this Blog is very poor to say the least!!!
Ok look forward to chatting when I put some more new blogs up for your consideration and revue?
I stopped allowing comments a long while ago because some of the foul degrading language and abuse I was getting which had very little to do with what I had produced or the subject matter, and anonymous ofcourse, the cowardly bastards!! it was pointless allowing it!
As far as I am concerned if anyone takes a dislike, or disagrees with me then don't tell me set up your own blog and let the world know because the main aim of my blog is hopefully to get people thinking and get activated and not just whinge to your next door neighbours or your captive friends and mates at a B-B-Q, pub or club.
Well people take good care of yourselves because as we all know it can be a very dangerous world out there and there are far to many innocent victims for my liking!!
Sir Mike Howe. but you can call me Mike.