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Subject: Fw: " The Cronulla Lebo thugs had it coming !!
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:37 PM
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Subject: Fw: " The Cronulla Lebo thugs had it coming !!
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:27 PM
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Subject: Fw: " The Cronulla Lebo thugs had it coming !!
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Subject: Fw: " The Cronulla Lebo thugs had it coming !!
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Subject: Fw: " The Cronulla Lebo thugs had it coming !!
( Me at my Place
am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
1. I am an Aussie
white bloke of European descent !
2. I am heterosexual
3. Although non-religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs !
3. Although non-religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs !
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog:
Subject: " The
Cronulla Lebo thugs had it coming !! "
Cronulla Beach, NSW.
Morris Iemma the then NSW Premier.
Carl Scully the then NSW Police Minister.
Ken Moroney the then NSW Police Commissioner.
As a person that was visiting the Cronulla beach on a regular basis prior to the violence on the 11th of December 2005 and like many 100's of beach goers who were forced to vacate the Cronulla beach because of the bullying activities of these middle eastern Lebo thugs where with their ball games, plural, there were more than one on the go at a time,made it virtually impossible, I believe this was intentional done on their part, to enjoy a quiet time without their ball entering your space under the umbrella getting sand showered on you at the moment of impacted.
When I and many others complained - including Mums and Dads trying to protect their kids, some still in the nappy stage, we were
jeered and ridiculed with a very menacing attitude, these Leb's were not young kids because there were many in their 20's and 30's
and obviously went to the gym regularly and were quite well muscled and big blokes and ofcourse as these Lebo's always hunt in
packs and I gather like most bullies were gutless as individuals, but never-the-less annoying as it was we were out numbered and
most people were either forced to move to another part of the beach or like me move off the beach.
At one stage when I was leaving the beach, after only one swim and surf and very angry, I approached a NSW Policeman sitting in a Police car over looking the beach waiting for his mate to bring the coffee and lunch and asked him if he had been watching what was going on with the Leb's and their ball games and how people like myself felt that they were being bullied into moving either up or
off the beach by the Leb's sheer weight of numbers and their physical size when playing ball games and disturbing other people??
The policeman stated something to the effect that yes he was watching a bunch of blokes playing ball although he was not sure if
they were Leb's as I call them and pointed out to me that the term Leb's could be classed as a racial slur for which I could be prosecuted??
However he went on, as I recall, to point out that as far as he was concerned there were no crimes being committed and as such he
could do nothing about it and if I had any complaints I should take the matter up with the proper authority and jurisdiction and that being the Sutherland Shire Council who are responsible for the Cronulla Beach.
To say that I was now even more angry and pissed off especially with this arrogant, do nothing, I am having my lunch, attitude of this NSW copper would be a very gross understatement, I was fuming!!
However people it did not end there !! oh no !
A short while after I was sitting with a friend out side a beach side cafe not far from the Cronulla Beach at tables and chairs provided
by the cafe owners when some of these Lebo thugs while walking past the tables purposely bumped the tables where people were
sitting in order to make their drinks spill over onto the table or in my case my coffee into my saucer! or if the table was unoccupied tipped the serviette/napkin holders and the containers holding the sugar over but at the same time apologising " Oh sorry mate" with great laughter afterwards!!
I challenged them and was told to quote "Go back to sleep Grand Dad" unquote however the owner asked me to leave it or they would come back and do worse.
The owner stated to me that he had complained to the local police and asked for their help on the weekends but they just stated that
they would do what they can but they were short of staff? and according to the owner they had done nothing at that point in time !!
Therefore I reckon people if the arrogant attitude of the NSW copper I had spoken to earlier that day was anything to go by I could quite understand why nothing had been done to help this hard working cafe owner and I was also led to believe by this owner that there were many other retailers with similar problems.
This weekend invasion by the Leb hordes of thugs coming via rail from the Leb area's such as Lakemba and taking over the Cronulla beach during summer had been going on for a few summers and when they arrived at Cronulla they were noisy, arrogant and belligerent which has become the trade mark of the Leb's especially when they were in their pack mode - individually? so quiet you would not know they are/were there!!
Therefore when these Leb mongrels attacked and hurt the two Cronulla Life Savers it was as the old proverb states " It is the last straw that breaks the camels back " and this was the last straw that broke this camels back and the non Muslim Leb's had decided that " Enough is Enough " and as the NSW Police could not, or ?? would not ?? sort this lingering volatile matter out then the ordinary suffering beach goers would !! and did they ever !! and good on them!!
As a result this has put these arrogant, aggressive and belligerent Leb's in their place and they sure have not caused any trouble since and no thanks to the NSW Premier at the time Morris Iemma, Police Minister Carl Scully or the Police Commissioner, Ken Moroney, refer photos above, who were totally reactionary and came in charging like the Light Brigade dragging in Police from all round the Sydney Metropolitan area and out as far as the Blue Mountains and Newcastle all because they, collectively, plus the Southerland Shire Council had either lost control of the matter ? or never had it under control in the first place.
The Charge of the Light Brigade.
A matter which Iemma,Scully and Moroney stated during the riots that there was not, or words to that effect, this problem before and this was purely a racist thing fired up by a load of drunken Aussies?
Yep that's right the three wise monkeys running for cover, after the event -
" Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil "
We had the media like the Sydney Morning Herald with head lines like quote " Mob Violence envelopes Cronulla " unquote and ofcourse so as not to upset the Muslim, Lebanese sensibilities the majority of photos I viewed from memory was of Aussies beating up on Leb's and the cops beating up on or wrestling with the Aussies.
Therefore so as not to again upset the Muslim Community and cop a so-called social media back lash in regard to these poor miss-understood, tee-total, peace loving, God fearing and fine upstanding Lebanese Aussie citizens who's only wish is to be accepted into
the Aussie way of life of sun, surf and the love of the out doors, therefore it had to be all the drunken racist Aussies fault.
Did you know people that most of these Lebo's can't swim so it would appear that their sole purpose was to go to the Cronulla beach to kick a ball around? get into the knickers of the non- Muslim women, the Aussie sluts as the Leb's refer to them as, and generally be a right pain in the arse.
People I differentiate between Aussies and Leb's because they do!
When asked, even on national TV ? how do they define themselves the majority of Leb's will state - Muslim first, Lebanese second!!! that's it!!
However I should like to add Muslim first, Lebanese second and Aussie when they collect the Aussie Tax Payers welfare money for unemployment, disability, child care and anything else they can get their hands on??
People you had to be there to witness first hand what trouble these Leb hooligans,thugs and even " Cronulla Beach Terrorists " were
causing and the volatile tention in the air when these mobs arrived by train at Cronulla and it was patently obvious to the suffers of the Leb's activities like me that either the local police had no interest and were,Turning a blind eye as the saying goes like the copper I spoke to while he was waiting for his coffeeand lunch to arrive? or had lost control of the problem but never-the-less they soon took a publicly forced interest after the riots with police patrolling on and off the beaches both on foot and on beach vehicles.
However the serious damage had already been done to not only Cronulla's reputation but to Aussie as a whole as the photos and the news went viral world wide.
Many decades ago when I was a young manager coming through the corporate ranks I was given some very good advice by a management consultant, an old bloke about my age of 75 now, well I thought he was old at my age then anyway? who was working in the company I was and which I have endeavoured to adopt as a code of practice both in my private and business life since, and that is:
"It is better to get a blooded nose now than get hospitalised in three months time"unquote.
In other words handle your problems as quickly as possible don't let them fester and get out of hand as I am sure 100's of Cronulla beach goers and residents would agree thatcollectively the then NSW government, Police and the Sutherland Shire Council that controls the Cronulla beach area did NOT DO! in allowing these Lebo thugs to get away with what they did for so long!!!
The current NSW
Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione APM.
Now ofcourse we have our current Police Commissioner Scipione coming on the media yesterday the 11/12/15 and warning that racial hatred, or words to that effect, will not be tolerated and his police force will be active to ensure, words to that effect, that a repeat
of December 2005 riots and drunken civil disobedience will not happen again.
However all through Commissioner Scipione's speech/warning which I heard and viewed a number of times on various media I got the distinct inference that Scipione was putting the whole blame for the December 2005 riots at the feet of the Aussies??
This one sided attitude that seem to, in my view, ignore the history and the fact that the Lebo gangs arrived in a convoy of cars in a so-called retaliatory manner where I am led to believe that the police were informed that the Leb's were on their way but instructed not to stop them but just record their rego numbers instead??
I wonder who thought up that great pacifist strategy?? surely by stopping these thugs and removing their weapons – possible Glock pistols, iron bars, baseball clubs, knives,chains and other possible items that could cause harm and damage to property would have been proactive enough to stop the 100’s of 1000’s dollars of property damage these mongrels caused so say nothing of the additional human misery they made innocent bystanders some very elderly, be submitted too, some with life long injuries and certainly all with traumatic life long memories of a horrific occasion in their lives !!!!
On arrival at Cronulla the Leb's proceeded to damaged a 100 or so parked cars, burnt out at least one, attacked, knifed, beat with iron bars and base ball bat's innocent bystanders in the Cronulla and surrounding areas leaving some with permanent injuries with some Lebo's brandishing for the TV media " Glock Pistols " the type issued to the Aussie Police Forces.
Therefore in my view anyone in authority let alone a Police Commissioner with a limited point of view in regard to the apportionment of blame to one side more than the other is only going to aggravate the situation a even more!!!
If the powers that be are concerned about Muslim radicalisation watch out for non-Muslim radicalisation because by pushing non-Muslims into a corner because of this invidious political correctness where it appears that bugger the sensibilities of the non-Muslims ? they will just have to get over it and lets pander to the poor miss-understood minorities and the orgasmic 140 - 160 character text messaging nut cases you get on various so-called social media that like most pollies have a retention span of about 48 hours if that ? before they are, mostly anonymously ofcourse the cowardly bastards, trying to destroy some other person or groups lives and reputation?.
In my view this so-called " Cronulla Riots " 10 years ago is just a microcosm and the thin edge of the wedge of what is going on in most parts of the world wherever these Muslims, Lebanese or other wise, have settled where they just refuse on, they say, some religious grounds to integrate with all other, not just Christian, groups and beliefs and it is their way of life, albeit, most are here because of the devastation they left in the country they came from, and demands which must be paramount over all others!!!
This is being fueled by the media and their biased reporting, especially the Aussie ABC News and items for discussion, The ABC Drum publication, the lefty mob like the Guardian and the anything for a head line mob the Sydney Morning Herald plus the bureaucratic and bleeding hearts political correctness mobs who ofcourse do not represent the majority of Aussies therefore as a result if there is to much push and shove by these mobs No!! threats by a NSW Police Commissioner or court orders is going to stop the public backlash and the eventual installing of a far right government or governments plural including the states and territories !!
A photo by Stephen
Cooper for The Daily Telegraph - 12/12/2015.
So-called anti-racists forming a rugby scrum to trample an unsuspecting spectator who happened to be laying on the grass in the sun at Cronulla while the " Party for Freedom " were having their B-B-Q a long way off because this mob did not like what he had written on his singlet ? good thing they did not have the knives that ISIS uses to decapitate people for speaking out???
So-called anti-racists forming a rugby scrum to trample an unsuspecting spectator who happened to be laying on the grass in the sun at Cronulla while the " Party for Freedom " were having their B-B-Q a long way off because this mob did not like what he had written on his singlet ? good thing they did not have the knives that ISIS uses to decapitate people for speaking out???
These mongrels supposedly felt so strongly that they needed to go all the way to Cronulla by whatever means in support of the Muslims in Aussie against the so-called racist yet they did not have the courage to stand openly and declare to the world at large who they are and what they stood for by revealing their faces??
I record both the Tamworth NBN and the ABC's TV news so I can play,view them at my leisure which I did last night the 12/12/2015.
I was then able to rewind and replay both as often as I wanted and apart from the fake Hijab the leader of the " Party of Freedom " was wearing I could not see one Muslim female head scarf and certainly no other Hijab therefore as far as I am concerned this violent so-called anti-racist mob were the usual rent a crowd of anarchist who were using the Cronulla B-B-Q situation to get the maxim media coverage they knew would be available to them and the reason they cowardly covered their faces was to try and protect their identity from the Muslim community who they have by their actions put in a grossly poor light and put Muslim and non-Muslim relations back years!!!!
Therefore there is no doubt these same photos/pictures have gone around the world in just the same way as the photos did back in December 2005 and ofcourse just what the anarchists wanted to happen!!
What is this great nation of Aussie coming to when we have the police , councils and a respected and prominent member of the Lebanese Muslim Community and a private citizen, and having seen the man interviewed on TV I totally agree, a Dr Jamal Rifi going too two of the highest courts in the land to stop a political gathering, regardless what anyone may think of their beliefs, political, religious or other wise?
Dr Jamal Rifi a well
respected prominent member of the Lebanese Muslim
As it is the meeting went on,albeit disguised as a B-B-Q, with some 100-150 estimated participating and with a strong and fully armed and prepared paramilitary police force in attendance costing the NSW Tax Payers probably 10's of 1000's of their hard earned taxes that could have been well spent in other very needy areas and which has had the media coverage around Aussie and the world - refer Google and the internet – as much as when Malcolm - the magnificent - Turnbull deposed the then PM Tony Abbott as anything to do with Muslims, Lebanese or otherwise, does!!!
NSW Police at Cronulla 12/12/15 by Stephen Cooper- News Corp Australia.
Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.
Tony Abbott the deposed and former Aussie PM.
People the authorities, bureaucrats, the media and pollies across the various spectrum should stop giving priority to the whinging and demands of the minority and giving into the bleeding heart political correct mobs and start listening more to the majority who after all pays the majority of the nations bills and generates the bulk of the nations wealth but what is even more important decides what pollie keeps their well remunerated jobs or not!!
Unless ofcourse they are in the Federal Senate or the various State Upper Houses then any idiot with a fancy political slogan for a name can get into power it would seem with the bare minimum of votes and or quota's which is a lot to do with why we have the Cronulla type problems and a country living off the international credit card costing the nation billions of dollars in interest PA.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.