Wednesday, September 09, 2015 6:49 PM
To: abc news ; Amy McNeilage Deputy Editor ;
B.M.Gazette ; Canberra Times ; Channel 10 ; Channel 7 ; Channel 9 ; Daily
Mercury Mackay ; daily telegraph ; Dennis
Atkins Nat Affairs Editor ; Eureka Street ; Hobart
Mercury ; Jenna Price Journalist ; Lisa Cox Fairfax Media. ; Michael Lallo SMH ; Penrith City Star. ; Penrith Press. ; SBS ; syd morning
herald ; The Age ; the australian ; The Editor - The Cairns Post ; The Northern Daily Leader ; The Senior ;
Wangaratta Chronicle
Cc: Andrew Wilkie
Subject: Fw: " UK YES - AUSSIE NO - RUBBISH!!! "
Wednesday, September 09, 2015 6:37 PM
To: Michelle Rowland ; Mick Veitch ; Mike
Baird ; Mitch Fifield ; Natasha Griggs ; Nick
Champion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nigel Scullion ; Nola
Marino ; Nova Peris ; P
Neville ; P.Secker ; Palmer United Party ; Pat
Conroy ; Paul Fletcher ; Paul Green MLC ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Penny
Wong ; Penny Wright ; Peter
Dutton ; Peter Phelps MLC ; Peter Primrose MLC ; Peter Wellington MP ; Peter Whish-Wilson ; Phil
Morgans ; ; R. A. Stevens MP ; R. Molhoek MP ; Rachel
Siewert ; Richard Colbeck
Cc: Richard Colless MLC ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky
Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Robert Katter MP ; Ryan
Park MP ; S. A. Bennett MP ; S. A. Emerson MP ; S. J. Hinchliffe MP ; S. J. Minnikin ; Sam
Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Farlow MLC ; Scott
Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott
Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator
Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane
Dowling ; Shane Knuth MP ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon
Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Shayne Mallard MLC ; Simon Birmingham ; Sonia Hornery ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen
Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen
Parry ; Steve Whan ; Steven
Ciobo ; Stuart Robert ; Sue
Lines ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne
Kay (Sue) Boyce ; T. J. Nicholls ; T. L. Mander MP ; T. Smith MP ; T.E. Davis MP ; Tanya Plibersek ; ; The Hon Stuart Ayres MP ; ; Tim Crakanthorp MP ; Tim
Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony
Burke ; Tony Zappia ; Trevor Khan MLC ; Trish Doyle MP ; Walter Secord MLC ; Warren Entsch ; Warren Truss
; Wayne
Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: Fw: " UK YES - AUSSIE NO - RUBBISH!!! "
Wednesday, September 09, 2015 6:26 PM
To: J. P. Langbroek MP ; J. W. Seeney MP ; J.Fitzgibbon. ; J.Macklin
; Jacinta Collins ; Jacqui
Lambie ; James McGrath ; Jamie
Briggs ; Jamie Parker MP ; Jan Barham MLC ; Janet
Rice ; Jason Clare ; Jennifer Aitchison MP ; Jenny Gardiner MLC ; Jeremy Buckingham MLC
; Jeremy Hanson ;
Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne
Ryan ; Jodi McKay MP ; Joe Hockey
; John
(MP) Cobb ; John Alexander ; John
Cobb ; John Forrest ; John
Hogg ; John Kaye ; John
Madigan ; John Williams ;
Cc: Josh Frydenberg ; Julie
Bishop ; Julie Collins ; Julie
Owens ; Justine Elliot ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate
Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; ; Katy Gallagher ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Humphries ; Kim Carr
; L. J. Springborg MP ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa
Waters ; Laurie Ferguson ; Linda Burney ; Linda Reynolds ; Lisa
Chesters ; Lou Amata MP ; Louise
Clare Pratt ; Louise Markus ; Luke Foley MP Leader of
Opposition ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Lynda Voltz MLC ; M. F. McArdle MP ; Mal
Brough ; Malcom Turnbull ; ; Maria Vamvakinou ; ; Marise
Payne ; Mark Butler MP ; Mark
Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mathias Cormann ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mehreen Faruqi ; Melissa Parke ; ; Michael Danby ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Keenan ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michaelia
Subject: Fw: " UK YES - AUSSIE NO - RUBBISH!!! "
Wednesday, September 09, 2015 6:19 PM
To: Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang
; Don Harwin MLC ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr
Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Ed Husic ; ; Eric
Abetz ; F. S. Simpson MP ; Federal Greens
Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai
Brodtmann ; ; Gary
Gray ; Gavin Marshall ; Geoff
Lyons ; George Brandis ; George Christensen ; Glen
Lazarus ; Glenn Sterle ; Greens
Party NSW ; Greg Aplin MP ; Greg
Hunt ; Gregory Pearce ; Guy Zangari MP ; Helen
Cc: ; Hon Adrian Piccoli ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Hon Andrew Constance ; Hon Anthony Roberts Mp ; Hon
Bernie Ripoll ; Hon Brad Hazzard MP ; Hon David Elliott ; Hon
David Feeney ; Hon Dominic Perrottet MP
; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon Gabrielle Upton MP ; Hon
Gladys Berejiklian Treasurer ; Hon J.R. Miller ; Hon
Jan McLucas ; Hon Jillian Skinner MP ; Hon John Ajaka ; Hon John Barilaro ; Hon K. J. Jones ; Hon L. M. Enoch ; Hon Leslie Williams MP ;
Lisa Singh ; Hon Mark Speakman MP ; Hon Mike Baird Premier ; Hon Niall Blair MLC ; Hon Paul Toole MP ; Hon Pru Goward ; Hon Rob Stokes MP ; Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Troy Grant Deputy Premier
; Hon Victor Dominello ; Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon. A. J. Lynham ; Hon.
A. Palaszczuk ; Hon. C. J. O'Rourke ; Hon. C. R. Dick ; Hon. C. W. Pitt ; Hon. J. A. Trad ; Hon. M. C. Bailey ; Hon. S. J. Miles ; Hon. S. M. Fentiman ; Hon. W. S. Byrne ; Hon. Y. M. D'ATH. ; I. B. Walker MP ; I. P. Rickuss MP ; Ian Macdonald ; Ian McFarlane ; J. A. Stuckey MP ; J. J. McVeigh MP ; J. N. Costigan MP ; J.
P. Bleijie MP
Subject: Fw: " UK YES - AUSSIE NO - RUBBISH!!! "
Wednesday, September 09, 2015 6:01 PM
To: A. C. Powell MP ; A. P. Cripps MP ; Adam
Bandt ; Adam Marshall MP ; Adam Searle MLC ; Alan
Griffin ; Alan Tudge ; Alannah MacTiernan ; Alex Gallacher ; Alistair Coe ; Andew Barr MLA ; Andrew
Giles ; Andrew Robb ; Anna
Burke ; Anne McEwen ; Anne
Ruston ; Anne Urquhart ; Anthoney
Albanese ; Anthony Byrne ; Arthur Sinodinos ; Barnaby Joyce ; Ben Franklin MLC ; Ben
O'Sullivan ; Bill Heffernan ; Bill
Shorten ; Blue Mts Greens ; Bob
Baldwin ; Bob Day AO ; Bob
Cc: Brendan O'Connor ; Brett
Mason ; Brett Whiteley ; Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce
Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine Cusack MLC ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; ; Catryna
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Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; ; Christine
Milne ; Christopher Back ; Christopher Evans ; ;
Moore ; Clare O'Neil ; Clayton Barr MP ; Clive Palmer
MP ; Clr Deputy Mayor Russell Webb ; Clr Helen Tickle ; Clr James Treloar ; Clr Juanita Wilson ; Clr
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Fierravanti-Wells ; Cory Bernardi ; D. K. Frecklington ; Dan
Tehan ; Darren Chester ; David
Bushby ; David Clarke MLC ; David
Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Mehan MP ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah
Subject: Fw: " UK YES - AUSSIE NO - RUBBISH!!! "
( Me at my place )
Andrew Wilkie MP – Federal Member for Denison.
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring
the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in
the so-called Christian values/beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog:
Subject: ' UK YES - AUSSIE NO - RUBBISH !!!!! '
People I have such received this email - author unknown - scroll down -
which has been purportedly written by a (72) year old bloke that lives in the Uk
- exactly where it does not say however I believe regardless who wrote it and
whether it is a letter or an essay it is very well constructed and to the point
and leaves no doubt where the composer of it stands!!
Now when reading the letter you could say that it only refers too and
therefore pertains to the political and racial situation in the UK where
immigrants of whatever nature and their off springs although now born in the UK
are demanding - and achieving - " No Go Areas " for any of the population that
are not of the same race, colour, religion, creed as the occupants of the said
area as compared to Aussie where we are such a happy bunch of "Little
Vegemite's" which is ofcourse absolutely rubbish!!
Try the Sydney metro area and walk down the main streets of Auburn,
Matraville, Parramatta, Guilford and the list goes on - as I am sure there would
be areas in Melbourne, Victoria and all the major towns and cities around Aussie
where Aussie born white women that wear respectful Aussie working attire to go
too and from work in the local area offices and retail stores where when they
walk down some of these streets are abused and called " Whores " - " Filthy
Bitches " because these Aussie women by Muslim standards have their skirts to
high? and their tops showing to much human flesh??
Racist remarks you reckon?? well call it what you bloody like it's the
truth and if anyone wishes to pay my expenses for air transport to Sydney and
motel accommodation I will more than be able to prove it! because it's this
political correctness that has got us into this mess in the first place because
I don't see any of these minority groups being political correct when they make
their demands - and this includes -the gays and lesbians, Aboriginals, Muslims
who currently and collectively only make up at the most say ( 9 - 10 % ) say (
2,2 million ) out of (22-23 million) and who seem to demand - and get!!- our
pollies attention at all (3) levels of this over governed country of ours far in
excess of their proportion of the Aussie population when we consider that
without the taxes, fees and charges paid for by the Aussie majority of (90%)
these minority groups would look pretty sick!!!
Yet they are allowed to hurl all sorts of abuse both publically and via the
media at anyone that disagrees with them but if the rest of us try it and do the
same we are threatened with police and court action and howled down and
denigrated in the Media - with special mention of good old (Aunty) the Aussie
Mark Scott AO - MD - ABC.
Therefore is it any wonder that Aussie has become the most politically
unstable and racialistic it has been in many decades and generations where
governments at all (3) levels of this over governed country of ours can be
thrown out after just (1) term something rarely heard of here before and where I
believe this is because the so-called " Silent Majority " are becoming sick and
tired of propping up and paying their hard earned Taxes for the current " Talk
Fest Do Nothing " pollies and their priorities when it comes to their political
survival and the minority Aussie groups as mentioned above plus so-called "
Asylum Seekers/ Refugees " where the so-called " Silent Majority " are
saying " Enough is Enough "!!
What are you doing about our " Cradle to the Grave Serious Problems "???
and where is our precious parliamentary time to solve these problems? on the
back burner it would appear?.
However some of these pollies - ? if not most - especially the "
Professional Party Hacks "are either too thick skinned and/or too self absorbed
they - believing they are in safe party seats
- or in the case of Labor - Unionists - are not getting the message hence the big voter backlash - bugger the opinion polls - at election time and the big voter swings one way or the other!
- or in the case of Labor - Unionists - are not getting the message hence the big voter backlash - bugger the opinion polls - at election time and the big voter swings one way or the other!
In my view - and I don't doubt for one moment that it is or ? would not be
a popular opinion with the majority of Aussie voters - that both the Federal
Senate and the Lower House of Rep's needs desperately a vacuum cleaner put
through to suck out the old rusted on professional pollies and for better or
worse let's get some new fresh blood in there with new ideas and far less
political baggage!!
People if when you read the attached letter from this supposedly (72) year
old bloke substitute the name of David Cameron the current UK PM with Tony
Abbott the Aussie PM and the previous UK Labor Opposition Leader Ed Miliband
with our alleged rapist and Federal Labor Opposition Leader Teflon Billy Shorten
then I believe we are virtually describing the same situation in both countries
and when we Aussies consider that the UK's political, cultural, financial
systems have been going on for many, many 100's of years before ours yet I have
no doubt we are now running parallel across the board with the UK when reading
the attached letter?? how sad is that that we have not learned from their - UK -
David Cameron UK, PM.
Ed Miliband - The Ex UK Labor Leader.
Tony Abbott - Aussie PM.
Teflon Billy Shorten alleged rapist and Federal Labor Opposition
However people if your happy with the way it is and are one of the (96%) of
the Aussie population that does not contact their pollies to let them know of
your thoughts then don't whinge when the majority of these across the board
amateur self interested and devious pollies send this once great country of ours
broke and as such start withdrawing your welfare benefits? and the countries
infrastructure falls apart due to the lack of funds!! and we join the long
international queue of third world countries!
Can’t happen in Aussie you reckon? we are a wealthy country you reckon?
Well if you naively believe that then you must have been listening to the poker machine Guru – the say anything to get a headline pollie – the all care and no responsibility pollie – let’s take 50,000 refugees currently and put them on good old Aussie Tax Payers worlds best practice welfare system like he did when supporting the Rudd – Gillard – Rudd Labor government where up to 50,000 so-called refugees crossed our borders by boat illegally and I gather about (80%) of them some (5-6 years) later are still robbing the good old Aussie Tax Payer blind and receiving the dole/family payments pollie – and who is the none other than our illustrious hair brain Tasmanian – although born in Tamworth NSW ? who would have believed it?? thank goodness he ain’t our Member – the Federal Independent Member for Denison Andrew Wilkie MP !!! and believe me people Denison is welcome to him!!
Well if you naively believe that then you must have been listening to the poker machine Guru – the say anything to get a headline pollie – the all care and no responsibility pollie – let’s take 50,000 refugees currently and put them on good old Aussie Tax Payers worlds best practice welfare system like he did when supporting the Rudd – Gillard – Rudd Labor government where up to 50,000 so-called refugees crossed our borders by boat illegally and I gather about (80%) of them some (5-6 years) later are still robbing the good old Aussie Tax Payer blind and receiving the dole/family payments pollie – and who is the none other than our illustrious hair brain Tasmanian – although born in Tamworth NSW ? who would have believed it?? thank goodness he ain’t our Member – the Federal Independent Member for Denison Andrew Wilkie MP !!! and believe me people Denison is welcome to him!!
Andrew Wilkie MP – Federal Member for Denison.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike - Scroll Down.
Written by a senior citizen.It's difficult to disagree with the 72-year-old man who wrote this letter.
He has had no reply.To: David Cameron (Prime Minister) & Ed Milliband (Now Former Leader
of the Opposition)You BOTH Worry me! (in fact, both of your Political parties worry me!!)
Over the last three years, you both have been turning this country into a place
that I no longer feel at home in, or feel part of.I watch you in Parliament, sneering at each other, and acting like children!!!
(and if you were my children, I would be ashamed of you).Years ago, aged 15 at grammar school, we had similar "Yah-Boo" debates
in the Fourth Form. We quickly grew out of it when we realised that the real
world was different. When will you two do the same?What an example you set the viewing millions!
Although you would like us all to believe that you are putting the needs of
this country first, everyone knows that NEITHER of you are doing that.
You are more interested in scoring points off each other. Do you somehow
think that will impress people and get you votes this year? WRONG !!What is achieved by all those shenanigans in Parliament, is denigrating our
once-great nation in the eyes of the world. You would NEVER see the German
politicians doing that. They have recovered so wonderfully from WW2 by hard
work and IMAGE - being careful never to run down their own country in public.Your Parliamentary debates seem to be all about YOU as individuals, and not
about what you are doing for this country!You are not listening to the people you are paid to govern !
I am seeing the deterioration of living standards, but according to you, playing
with statistics, we are doing better than most countries, yet the gap is widening
between the "haves" and the "have-nots".I see our hospitals under-staffed, yet I see multi-millions of pounds being sent
in aid to other countries, before attending to this country's needs! Are you quite
sure that our precious aid-money is applied to where it is needed, and not
funnelled off to despots' bank accounts in New York and Zurich?I see the "selling off of water rights to foreign interests. WHY...? You go to
great lengths to tell us that water is a finite resource & supposedly, we must
ALL be careful with how we use it.The Carbon Tax, (which we all KNOW is just another tax) will make NO
difference, to carbon emissions at all. It is a tax, which in spite of all your
arguments FOR it, you are doing alone, because other major countries
DO NOT BELIEVE in it.Let's talk about Multiculturalism. People have come here from other
countries, for a better life, for more years than I have been alive.
Pre & post- war immigrants came for a better life, settled in and became
wonderful contributors to this country. They have contributed to the rich
diversity of Britain and many have fought FOR this country. They were
glad to become U.K Citizens and they had NO hand-outs ....they worked
hard for everything!I have never before had a problem with immigrants coming
However, I DO NOW!!!Please tell me why we have areas in towns all over the country, where
police WILL NOT GO, for fear of their life? Please tell me why we can
no longer have religion in schools for fear of "OFFENDING" someone?
Please tell me why Christmas celebration is no longer allowed in some
schools for fear of OFFENDING someone? Please tell me HOW
Christmas decorations in stores might OFFEND someone? Please tell
me why we have to have segregated days in public swimming pools for
fear of "OFFENDING" someone? Please tell me why we allow
RADICAL Muslim clerics to demand Sharia Law when our religions
would never be allowed in THEIR country ?
Please tell me why our laws need to be changed, so as not to OFFEND
someone?Please tell me why we true-Brits are fast becoming a MINORITY voice,
in our own country, because of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS? Please
tell me WHY Brits must not wear a bike helmet going into a bank and
yet it is OK to wear a Burka, covering the whole of the face?And please tell me WHY, when those people who want asylum here,
they can wreck our detention centres and STILL be allowed to stay?What does that say about just who and what are this government's
priorities? Every British person that I speak to has genuine concerns
about becoming a second-class minority in our own country, for the
above reasons.Are you so blind that you cannot see this?
And no, I am NOT racist !
If I did not like Catholics or Protestants, would I be considered racist?
Of course not!We are fighting extremist Muslims in Afghanistan and elsewhere,
are we not?I hear you say, "yes but the Muslims we have here are not like that."
Well how do you know?
Do we see or hear ANY of them speaking AGAINST extremists on
TV or radio?I haven't. Islam is not compatible with ANY of the values that we
hold here in Britain ! Are not the experiences of France and the
Netherlands examples of that?
Why do you think it would be any different here?We even have a British born "radical," who states that Britain
WILL become a Muslim country, under Sharia Law, & that we
had "better get used to it ".Will both of you grow up and start sticking up for this country
and its people?
We are the people who put you where you are and PAY you to look
after our interests!
You are NOT doing that, by any stretch of the imagination!!!I would appreciate an answer, if only to convince me that once again
I am not talking to a brick wall!Let us get this out to all - please keep forwarding and if you have
people in the press or if you know Politicians let them know we are
dissatisfied with their behaviour!PLEASE SEND THIS LETTER TO AS MANY PEOPLE IN THE