Saturday, September 12, 2015 12:20 AM
To: abc news ; Amy McNeilage Deputy Editor ;
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Wangaratta Chronicle
Cc: Andrew Wilkie
Subject: Fw: ' Stay and fight - you bloody cowards !!
Saturday, September 12, 2015 12:06 AM
To: Michelle Rowland ; Mick Veitch ; Mike
Baird ; Mitch Fifield ; Natasha Griggs ; Nick
Champion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nigel Scullion ; Nola
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Subject: Fw: ' Stay and fight - you bloody cowards !!
Friday, September 11, 2015 11:56 PM
To: J. P. Langbroek MP ; J. W. Seeney MP ; J.Fitzgibbon. ; J.Macklin
; Jacinta Collins ; Jacqui
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Subject: Fw: ' Stay and fight - you bloody cowards !!
Friday, September 11, 2015 11:48 PM
To: Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang
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Subject: Fw: ' Stay and fight - you bloody cowards !!
Friday, September 11, 2015 11:41 PM
To: A. C. Powell MP ; A. P. Cripps MP ; Adam
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Subject: ' Stay and fight - you bloody cowards !!
( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring
the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in
the so-called Christian values/beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog:
Subject: ' Stay and fight - you bloody cowards
People I am getting more and more angry every time I turn on either the Tamworth NBN TV news and the ABC TV news and see all those perfectly healthy well fed and clothed so-called male refugees flooding into Europe one way or the other for sanctuary - the cowardly bastards!
? Why are they not back in their own country - ? where ever that is ? - with a weapon either in their hands are if a larger weapon of some sort operating it instead fleeing like a whipped dog or a frightened rabbit??
Well people as you can see they are not " Whipped dogs " or " Frightened Rabbits " nor are they refugees running from tyranny just by looking at them!!
They are economic invaders of Europe looking
for a better life and seek not necessarily fame because they would want to keep under the radar - so to speak -
but a fortune so they can go back to
where they come from when the fighting stops or at least reduces to a trickle
and they can return
Over the years and certainly since the Iraq war
I have come to believe these Middle Eastern mob of blokes are just bloody cowards - with the exception of the
Kurds - where it is ok to send children and mentally deficient people into crowded cities as "
Suicide Bombers " and/or rig up "
Car & Truck Bombs " that are set off by mobile phones with the perpetrators
well out
of danger killing and maiming as
many innocent men, women and children as possible.
A Cowardly Perpetrator.
However when this mob like the new Iraq army that we and many other countries have spent not millions but billions of our Tax Payers hard earned funds training 3 - 400,000 of them only to have a large majority of them drop their weapons and leave their vehicles which have been funded by the various foreign governments Tax Payers and run at the first sign of ISIS!!! and leave innocent old people, women and children to the indescribable horror that ISIS inflicted - and continues too - on them - the cowardly bastards.
Now surely we have to ask ourselves who else has been left behind in say the likes of Syria to fend for themselves while these well fed, healthy older teenagers and up the age groups seek sanctuary and a better life?? - the cowardly bastards.
However let us not forget the young and able women because as the Kurds have shown women are just as capable of handling weapons in fact the Kurd women are bravely fighting shoulder to shoulder with their men and where the women frighten the ISIS monsters who won't engage in battle with the women because if they get killed by a women they believe they will be virginless in heaven? bloody morons.
We have the Israeli and Chinese women soldiers where it is maintained they are every bit as good as their male counterparts! as I gather are our female Aussies military.
When ISIS or any other military group goes into and takes over a village let alone a small or large town or city they are mostly out numbered by the inhabitants - men, teenage boys & girls, women & smaller kids and they are all aware - apart from the small kids - that there is every possibility that many - depending on the size of the community - or all are going to suffer the likes of rape and horrific and vicious deaths - even small kids are killed horrifically in front of their family!
So what am I suggesting or
Well let me explain to you an experience that has not only been imprinted in my mind but has been a bases and a matter of principle of mine during my now 75 plus years.
As a young soldier in my early twenties in Central Africa I witnessed just what sought of inhumane cruelties we can inflict on each other and the horrendous effect it can have on the strongest of use -character wise - to say nothing of the effect it can have on the strongest stomach's??.
We were out on patrol looking for bands of well armed and resourced so-called freedom fighters who in reality were nothing more than armed thugs who raped, murdered and pillaged around this vast area of Central Africa and like ISIS had no boundaries or borders to contain them.
The village we came too we knew had been raided by these mongrels a few times in fact many of the wives and daughters were carrying these mongrels babies after being raped
continuously and where many of the male village husbands and sons had been
murdered and after these bastards had left the villagers they would have been
robed of their personal possessions, food and clothing.
On entering the village we noticed a couple of empty military camouflaged landrovers and ofcourse this put us on high alert expecting a possible ambush as the village was deathly silent - not even the dogs were barking? all the wild birds and animals had ceased making a noise which in it's self is scary goose pimples, hair on the back of the neck stuff to say the least?
However after what seemed a life time we heard a male voice coming out of the headman's Rondaval hut - something like that shown below - and we told him to come out where we could see him and be very careful because we would shoot him if he was not careful or tried to harm us.
Rondavel Huts.
At that the whole village started to emerge from all the huts which added to our stress because where were the armed mongrels?? were they using the villagers as a cover/shields??
However seemingly not as the headman gestured to us to follow him which we did with great trepidation until he pointed out on the other side of these landrovers (6) of these mongrels laying on the floor mostly naked - (4) were bloody and dead the other (2) were losing blood from their very severe wounds and were nearly dead by the look of them - we did not bother to take a pulse or even try to save them.
Seemingly we were told that the village women - I emphasise the village women!! - had told the village men that they had had enough and they would not put up with this continuous and terrible treatment by these mongrels anymore even if it meant they would die in the process?
So they as a village developed a plan and when these mongrels drove into the village they were greeted like hero's by all the women and kids just so they could get close enough to the landrovers so as not to alarm the bastards and when they did get close enough the women and kids produced weapons of all kinds from under their clothing and started to beat, stab and cut these mongrels to pieces before they had a chance to use their weapons - obviously the village men were also quickly on the scene to help- they took the weapons and hid them in the surrounding bush and after what we had just heard we were not going to demand that they hand them over especially as we were sure the mongrels mates would come to avenge them and the villagers would need all the help and fire power they could get because the mongrels would not attack while we were around.
The fall of
As our brave troops found out at the unconditional surrender and the fall of Singapore where a 100,000 plus troops of various Empire Nations and 100's of civilians suffered horrendously under the Japanese where in my view it would have been better to die fighting than suffer the horrible slow way many 1000's did!!
In my view and now from experience I am confident that had the villagers in Iraq and Syria done what the African villagers did - yes there would have been casualties most likely and more ISIS would have come to avenge their mongrel mates - and planned it properly just by the sheer weight of numbers the villagers or the city community would have won the day as it is they have and are still suffering horrendously under ISIS anyway!!
Another thing that seriously annoys me about these cowardly bastards not prepared to stand and fight for their own people, countries and cultures is our pollies and many European type or style countries including say Canada, America, UK and France etc; believe it is our duty to risk our military personal and spend billions of the various Tax Payers funds from around the world fighting Arab middle eastern wars that have been going on as a tribal - religious situation for 100's of years and you don't have to be Einstein to figure out that while we the supposedly European" xenophobic " racists fight, fund and possibly die for their wars which could rage on for another few centuries what incentive have they to participate??? they can just sit back and reap the benefits of our Western Democracies welfare systems, jobs, medical assistance, housing ?? and there is no doubt in my mind that within this huge dam burst of people there are very few genuine refugees compared to the economic invaders coming for a better life at our expense, from our hard work and our get off our arse ingenuity! what a bunch of " Mugs " we are???
Yes a little boy got washed up on a beach and all of a sudden the 250,000 Syrians at least that died prior to him being washed up on a beach - and by all accounts he and his family were not refugees but economic migrants seeking to get dental care for him - don't count?? how does that figure????
There are many 1000's that die around the world prematurely every day from curable diseases,violence one way or the other and will possibly continue too for the rest of time as we know it! but again don't count? but one little boy washed up on a beach does count?? how does that figure??
As far as I am concerned it was just another
so-called feel good initial social media hysteria followed by the major media bringing up the rear which has been and
is typical of how the major – especial the Aussie ABC - media
operates therefore is it any wonder the Major Media are becoming obsolete???
So people if your happy to let the Greenies and the rest of our pollies allow this small nation of ours of only 22 - 23 million to be over run by hordes of these stop at nothing so-called asylum seekers & refugees then don't whinge when they take your already hard to obtain jobs,( 800,000 unemployed and rising ) housing ( over 200,000 Aussies waiting for government housing – waiting time currently 5 – 10 years) and fill up the already full hospital waiting rooms and scarce hospital and palliative care beds apart from giving you and your loved ones serious competition as far as the scarce Aussie Welfare funds are concerned!!
Joe Hockey - The Aussie
Scott Morrison - Minister for Social
Teflon Billy Shorten alleged rapist &
Federal Labor Opposition Leader.
According to our Treasurer Joe Hockey on ABC Radio National the 10/9/2015 these extra 12,000 Syrian refugees due here by this Christmas coming is going to cost the Aussie Tax Payer an estimated additional - are you ready for this?? 600 million dollars - yep - that's $600,000,000 extra???
When the Minister for Social Services Scott Morrison was also interviewed on the ABC Radio and asked about the cost he agreed and stated that they would have to find savings to pay for it???
Well people again considering this countries credit card is maxed out and we as a nation are already running deficits of many billions - yep billions - with millions paid out in interest per day on the nations credit card debt and considering our recent economic growth figure was only ( 0.2% ) and we have some (6%) plus or better explained some 800,000 unemployed you again do not have to be Einstein to figure out who are the poor mugs that are going to pay the price for this magnanimous gesture by our pollies towards these 12,000 Syrians do we?? and it sure ain't going to be these so-called refugees or the other 30-50,000 that Teflon Billy Shortens mob let in when they were last in government prior to September 2013 elections who I gather after being here now for some 5 - 6 years and as I have stated before where some 80% plus of them are still on the dole is costing the poor old Aussie Tax Payer not millions anymore but billions!!
Andrew Wilkie MP - The Tasmanian Federal
Independent for Denison.
However ? maybe Andrew Wilkie MP can be asked how much of the Federal Funds spent on Tasmania can be spared to contribute to the $600,000,000 needed to pay for just these 12,000 additional Syrian so-called refugees in addition to the 30- 50,000 he along with Teflon Billy's Labor Party allowed to breech our borders prior to the 2013 election.????
For a long while now Wilkie has championed the refugee and asylum seeker campaign as an independent pollie in the House of Reps - lower house Federally for my overseas readers – so lets see Wilkie put his money where his mouth is - as the saying goes - and let him inform his Denison constituents that they need to tighten their belts further for a ?? " Greater Cause " and let us see the re-action of the said Wilkies " Denison Constituents "??
People believe me it wont be a pretty sight because I don't believe that
even a concrete bunker would
save Andrew Wilkie MP by the time
his constituents had dealt with him!!
However I still maintain that the ' Cowardly bastards should stay and fight !! ' and not dump there problems on us because we have enough problems already across our political spectrum of getting our amateur pollies to solve our current " Cradle to the Grave Problems " without taking on more!!
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.