( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an
Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs.
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs.
Sir Mike's
Comments 28/12/2015.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards ?? ".
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards ?? ".
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 4:14 PM
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Subject: Fw: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards??
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Subject: Fw: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards??
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Subject: Fw: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards??
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Subject: Fw: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards??
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Subject: Fw: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards??
Subject: " 1 - 3 Aussie blokes are bastards ?? ".
People having had my oldest 44 year son suddenly, without any prior warning of ill health die some (8) years ago leaving a wife a (5) kids of various ages, I can understand the great hole and sense of lose they leave in your life regardless how they died because I believe no one's loss of anyone's children regardless of their age or what was the circumstances of their death is felt any greater or lesser than anyone else's because as the saying goes :
I am sure the Aussie Nation was in shock when we found out one way or the other via the media how on the 12/2/2014 Rosie Battys son Luke then aged only 11 years old was brutally murdered by his deranged Father after cricket practice in full view of other people on the ground and how the Victorian Police had to shoot him to control him and where he later died of his wounds in hospital.
We I am sure have to give the greatest credit to Rosie Batty for the way she has since battled her pain in order to highlight the nations disgrace where women are being killed one way or the other at a rate of at least one per week by what is referred to as " Domestic Violence " and this is over and above the women that carry physical and mental,psychological scars.
Now we have in my view to accept that Luke Battys Father was well known to the judicial system and the Victorian Police and in fact had warrants out for his arrest and to put it into the Aussie vernacular " Was a nut case!! " and he was recognised as having mental - psychological problems and as Rosie Batty pointed out in her evidence at the inquest held on the 20/10/2014 that she did not trust the situation - referring to the relationship between Luke and his Father - and found it traumatic,stressful and unpredictable therefore no way can it be accepted that Greg Anderson the Father of Luke Batty was just a normal Dad!! and the " Normal " accepted Dad should in no way be judged by the actions of Luke Battys Father nor be under suspicion of possibly being or potentially being anywhere like Luke Batty's Father and it would be an insult to them to even considerate it!!!
Now I have no way of knowing what state of mind all the other 100's of blokes that killed these poor women were or whether there was alcohol, drugs etc; involved and regardless ofcourse violence let alone murder cannot be tolerated in any way shape or form!!
I can honestly state that in my 75 years plus I have never physically assaulted a female, although I have come pretty close to it, because we have plenty of mouthy,abusive,rude,aggressive women in our society which I believe from experience is on the increase with community standards on the decline and these women obviously use this situation with the thought that a bloke wont hit them?
Whereas a bloke may think twice about doing the same especially up against a bloke of my size regardless of my current age.
However I have lost count of the number of women over the decades that I have witnessed slapping, punching blokes because something the bloke has either said or done that was not to her liking, but that is acceptable in society it would appear because it is a female assaulting a bloke?
There was an article I read about men that frequented the BDSM parlours and pay to get spanked, whipped and other terrible painful things done to them and by far the participants of the survey by a large majority stated that a female administering the pain and suffering - referred to as a Mistress - was far more vicious and showed far less empathy to their pain and suffering - considering I gather they are severely restrained - than the males - referred to as a Master ?? just a thought??.
When Rosie Batty first started her worth while campaign in regard to Family Domestic Violence it was estimated that 1 - 7 women would experience " Domestic Violence " then later it was 1 - 5 now we are down to 1 - 3 Aussie Women will experience " Domestic Violence " in other words ? a third of the partners of females ? I assume this includes Lesbian relationships as well although the definite inference - deduction is clearly pointed at us males, are acting somewhat like Luke Battys Father??
In December 2015 it is estimated that the Aussie population is about 23,968,973 of which males are 11,975,935 slightly less than females of 11,993,038.
So therefore what these so-called " 1 - 3 Doom and Gloom Experts " are putting over as fact that the equivalent of 3,991,978 - that's million - Aussie males are committing " Domestic Violence " ? what type they don't conveniently state?? to 3,997,679 - again million - to Aussie females?? yet there is only one female killed per week - one too many ofcourse!!!! and even if we had ? 10,000 females seriously injured during " Domestic Violence " the figures just don't add up and ofcourse many of the organisations making these claims rely on Tax Payer funds largely to stay operating??
This Aussie nation, although by world standards including the Middle East, Pakistan, India and many others which are far worse to the extreme than we are! - has a violence problem across the board and not just in the domestic scene because we appear to have shootings, knifings and gangs of youths - both males and females I might add - hurting people and destroying property virtually on a daily basis so just to pour millions of dollars into Family and Domestic violence when the real cause of " Domestic Violence " could mainly be generated, or at least have it's root cause, outside the family home and with the very scarce Tax Payers funds being available and without having the right strategy and plan of action we could be robbing Peter to pay Paul and achieve little if anything positive as a result??
The problem now is the State and Federal pollies have got a hold of this all-encompassing " Family and Domestic Violence " issue because of the public - ie: voters - strong feelings about it plus the media, at the moment anyway, are running with it because at the moment it sells papers and that encourages advertising in the media across the spectrum.
However you have to ask ? don't you people where these mobs were ie: pollies and media, before Luke Battys death in February 2014 because this goes back for decades and beyond plus ofcourse that considering the pollies and the media have a very short retention span it won't take long for it to become yesterdays news especially if the Aussie public discover they are being feed outlandish contrived figures in order to convince them to cough up even more of their hard earned and scare Tax Payers Funds and quickly lose interest??
It was obvious from Luke Battys Inquest on the 20/10/2014 that had the pollies both Federal and State, especially the Victorian mob, taken as much interest many years ago as they appear to currently and the Victorian Police and Judiciary had acted a lot more promptly in updating their systems and acting on outstanding warrants for Luke Battys Father there is more than a fair chance Luke Batty would be alive today
The main cause for concern, as I and many males I have spoke to on the subject believe, is that we are all being lumped in together with the " Nut Cases " like Luke Battys Father and a very small percentage of the 11,975,935 Aussie males that commit these heinous crimes against women and that the so -called " Family and Domestic Violence " should be broken down and defined into categories and especially disregard the domestic non-violent but sometimes very heated blue - disagreement that can happen between various members of the family at various stages of the relationship, because if not then in my view society is expecting people to be emotionless, dispassionate zombie like robots where all new born children having to have a neurosurgical lobotomy in order to control their emotions and behaviour?
About to perform a
This " Family and Domestic Violence " campaign must not get hijacked by the men haters :
Divorcees, Lesbians, women that are separated and any other person or group that has an axe to grind because unless this scheme get's the 98 per cent of the good blokes of this 11,975.935 on side and stop blaming this violence issue solely on Aussie males, because there is always in my view and experience two sides to every story? then I don't care how many speeches made and to whom or tears shed by Rosie Batty, or Federal and State Laws that are past. or people that are arrested, tried and sent to prison plus the millions if not billions of Tax Payers hard earned and scarce dollars spent on this country wide across the board violence issue - IT WILL FAIL MISERABLY!
However with the shovel load of violence we are given daily in the media especially on TV, TV News, Video's and Video games, the internet " YouTube etc; " plus the every increasing financial strain - especially if the 15 per cent GST is brought in, where the majority of Aussies are living, and in many ways existing, from one pay packet to another, one credit card statement to another, and the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen, trying to solve this so-called " Family and Domestic Violence " with all the good intentions and a heap of Tax Payers dollars to spend is to put it into the Aussie vernacular "Just like pissing in the wind " where no matter where you aim it you still get your feet wet and is a pointless exercise.
Therefore to summarise:
1. As one of the 11,975,935 Aussie males I strongly object to being under suspicion in anyway shape or form and being lumped in, or catergorised,labelled, defined as someone like Luke Battys Father or any of these other mongrels that one way or the other brutalize women and children!!!
2. That before this subject of " Family and Domestic Violence " get's hijacked by people and or groups that have a personal interest, other than being a victim ofcourse, whether that be a process of " Payback " or to obtain some or further scarce Tax Payers Funds by exaggerating the situation like this hysterical, dramatic, over the top " Bullshit " that a third of the Aussie, 1 - 3, males some, 3,991,978, that's million! are committing so-called - yet to be defined by this mob -" Domestic Violence " on 3,997,679 on Aussie females??
3. That it is established by what criteria. principle and standard something like " Family and Domestic Violence " can be judged as a yardstick so as not too, as it is at the at the moment ie: 1 - 3 males, cast a slur, potential or perceived, thereby ensuring the highest levels of integrity and public trust in the role of the Aussie " Normal Father, Dad, Male or Bloke ".
Ok people keep a keen interest on this very important subject and don't let the pollies, media and people -non victims- with self interests and wanting to be relevant, hijack this problem otherwise don't whinge when you find yourself being arrested and put in front of a Judge on a serious charge that you always thought was a minor misdemeanor but has unbeknown to you been blown out of all proportion as we have become to expect in this World Famous Nanny State of Australia which plays musical chairs with our Prime Ministers and made us a laughing stock around the World - ? don't believe me ? Google it.
Quote: The inherent
vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the
inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
Winston Churchill.
Sir Mike Howe - but
you can call me Mike.