( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
Tanya Plibersek the very " Left Wing " Federal Deputy Labor Opposition Leader.
People there should be no doubt what my old mate Einstein would say when
considering about having an Ex Union Organiser come Secretary and a puppet
of the Aussie Trade Union movement by becoming our Aussie Prime Minister,
and the effect that would have in regard to both our Aussie and international
investors small, medium and large corporate types, who know from personal
and business experience just how Unions, left or otherwise, can devastate an
organisations wellbeing and profitability,and in many cases over the decades
forcing them to look else where overseas.
Some of the myriad of examples would be as follows:
The Aussie Car and Steel Industries, Clothing Manufacturing, Electronics, White
Goods, Furniture, Fuel and Oil Production, Mining and with our manufacturing being
reduced at best to (51%) of our Aussie Manufacturing capacity putting 100's of
1000's of our Aussie work force out of work, the vast majority of that being Union
members reducing Union Membership to just less than (1.8) million and declining
In my 50 plus years of following politics I have found that any political leader, such
as a low life Unionist Puppet PM, that continues to campaign and spruik how good
they are after all the votes are in one way or the other and just have to be counted,
and needlessly attacks their opposition having a every good reason to believe that
the party that they represent will not get the numbers to win, shows to me a person
This I believe we had when the Labor Party in Aussie was under the administration
of the like's of Hawke and Keating where the Labor Party was strong,knew what it
wanted and where they also knew that the only way for the economy to grow was
Teflon Billy supposedly jogging and from the look at the under developed skinny
muscle structure on his legs, plus " Man Boobs " which really is an " Oxymoron "
because I don't see how a skinny bloke can have " Man Boobs ? " and his very
poor gait and stride which no doubt long term would cause him serious back
problems, I would suggest that this jogging phenomenon is a some what recent
activity for the election cameras.
However having been a runner, (6) City To Surfs, best time 74 minutes, then a
Ok people with our " AAA " credit rating under threat and therefore our financial
standing in the international banking and financial markets generally we can't go
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 7/7/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Labor is back - Arriving where ? "
My major sources are: The Kangaroo Court of Australia via The Cairns News,various
polling organisations, ABC News, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and various other
Sir Mike's Comments 7/7/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Labor is back - Arriving where ? "
My major sources are: The Kangaroo Court of Australia via The Cairns News,various
polling organisations, ABC News, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and various other
publications to numerous to mention.
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's.
Kathy, Teflon Billy's alleged " Rape " victim a now 45-46 year old nurse in NSW.
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's.
Kathy, Teflon Billy's alleged " Rape " victim a now 45-46 year old nurse in NSW.
Tanya Plibersek the very " Left Wing " Federal Deputy Labor Opposition Leader.
People there should be no doubt what my old mate Einstein would say when
considering about having an Ex Union Organiser come Secretary and a puppet
of the Aussie Trade Union movement by becoming our Aussie Prime Minister,
and the effect that would have in regard to both our Aussie and international
investors small, medium and large corporate types, who know from personal
and business experience just how Unions, left or otherwise, can devastate an
organisations wellbeing and profitability,and in many cases over the decades
forcing them to look else where overseas.
Some of the myriad of examples would be as follows:
The Aussie Car and Steel Industries, Clothing Manufacturing, Electronics, White
Goods, Furniture, Fuel and Oil Production, Mining and with our manufacturing being
reduced at best to (51%) of our Aussie Manufacturing capacity putting 100's of
1000's of our Aussie work force out of work, the vast majority of that being Union
members reducing Union Membership to just less than (1.8) million and declining
fast, as more and more businesses are reducing their work force or
I refer you to mike's comments subject: " Unions - Their used by date " dated the
Ofcourse Einstein would have to also take into account that our Puppet Unionist
PM has very little if any business acumen or expertise, and a very limited political
I refer you to mike's comments subject: " Unions - Their used by date " dated the
Ofcourse Einstein would have to also take into account that our Puppet Unionist
PM has very little if any business acumen or expertise, and a very limited political
experience with some (6) years as a junior Minister in a very
dysfunctional faction riddled Labor government plus some ( 2.5 years ) as a very
negative, (3) word slogan, populous say anything to get headlines Federal
Opposition Leader, and who state's that he would run the Aussie nation as he did a
Union, yet it would appear that according to the evidence given at the recent Royal
Commission into Trade Unions there was some doubt that he had represented
his members as best as he could, and there was a question in regard to a gift of
some $40,000.00 given to him by an employer he was actually in the process of
negotiating with on behalf of his members?.
This Unionist as the Federal Labor Opposition Leader railed against the setting up
dysfunctional faction riddled Labor government plus some ( 2.5 years ) as a very
negative, (3) word slogan, populous say anything to get headlines Federal
Opposition Leader, and who state's that he would run the Aussie nation as he did a
Union, yet it would appear that according to the evidence given at the recent Royal
Commission into Trade Unions there was some doubt that he had represented
his members as best as he could, and there was a question in regard to a gift of
some $40,000.00 given to him by an employer he was actually in the process of
negotiating with on behalf of his members?.
This Unionist as the Federal Labor Opposition Leader railed against the setting up
of the Royal Commission into Trade Unions as a witch hunt and a
waste of tax
payers funds, yet as a result of the Royal Commission some 100 or so Union
officials have been charged on various criminal charges in accordance with their
actions as Trade Union officials,and have or about to be appearing in a court of
law and possibly facing a prison sentence.
Einstein would also have to consider how productive or otherwise this Unionist
Puppet PM would be, considering that if Einstein took an average over say (4) major
polls it would appear that this Unionist Puppet PM would score like the following:
payers funds, yet as a result of the Royal Commission some 100 or so Union
officials have been charged on various criminal charges in accordance with their
actions as Trade Union officials,and have or about to be appearing in a court of
law and possibly facing a prison sentence.
Einstein would also have to consider how productive or otherwise this Unionist
Puppet PM would be, considering that if Einstein took an average over say (4) major
polls it would appear that this Unionist Puppet PM would score like the following:
Voters satisfied with his performance only averaging 31 to
Voters dissatisfied with him was an average of 47 to
As Prime Minister with only an average of 27 - 32% of Aussies that
would like him
as our PM.
Then ofcourse how would this Labor Party Unionist Puppet be able to govern with
as our PM.
Then ofcourse how would this Labor Party Unionist Puppet be able to govern with
the confidence of the majority of Aussies when at the 2016 Federal
Elections with
all of his " 100 policies " plus a populous negative, create a fear of the future
campaign by terrorising elderly people with his Union thugs and " GETUP " phoning
late at night stating that the LNP were going to sell off " Medicare ", and virtually
make it impossible to afford hospitalisation American style, and where the Unionist
Puppet PM visited sick kids and their parents in hospital and actually held the hands
of the sick kids for the TV cameras, scaring the parents present and especially the
kids,who looked quite non-plus about the whole scene, about the LNP selling of
" Medicare ".
Yet for all that hurt and worry this objectionable low life, win at any cost Unionist
Puppet PM managed to get the Labor party the second lowest first preference
votes in the 100 year history of the Labor Party of only 35.33% some 1.99% better
than Kevin Rudd which was the worst in the 2013 Election of only 33.38% and less
than Julia Gillard's, the PM that this Low Life Unionist Puppet PM helped to remove
because Gillard was so useless and an electoral liability, of 37.99% in the 2010
Federal Election
I refer you to mike's comments subject " Teflon Bill Shorten - has feet of clay "
all of his " 100 policies " plus a populous negative, create a fear of the future
campaign by terrorising elderly people with his Union thugs and " GETUP " phoning
late at night stating that the LNP were going to sell off " Medicare ", and virtually
make it impossible to afford hospitalisation American style, and where the Unionist
Puppet PM visited sick kids and their parents in hospital and actually held the hands
of the sick kids for the TV cameras, scaring the parents present and especially the
kids,who looked quite non-plus about the whole scene, about the LNP selling of
" Medicare ".
Yet for all that hurt and worry this objectionable low life, win at any cost Unionist
Puppet PM managed to get the Labor party the second lowest first preference
votes in the 100 year history of the Labor Party of only 35.33% some 1.99% better
than Kevin Rudd which was the worst in the 2013 Election of only 33.38% and less
than Julia Gillard's, the PM that this Low Life Unionist Puppet PM helped to remove
because Gillard was so useless and an electoral liability, of 37.99% in the 2010
Federal Election
I refer you to mike's comments subject " Teflon Bill Shorten - has feet of clay "
dated the 4/12/2014.
In my 50 plus years of following politics I have found that any political leader, such
as a low life Unionist Puppet PM, that continues to campaign and spruik how good
they are after all the votes are in one way or the other and just have to be counted,
and needlessly attacks their opposition having a every good reason to believe that
the party that they represent will not get the numbers to win, shows to me a person
that is not sure of themselves in regard to whether or not they
will be deposed as
the Party Leader for failing to win government.
People surely it is only common sense to state that if what little of our democracy
the Party Leader for failing to win government.
People surely it is only common sense to state that if what little of our democracy
we have in Aussie is to be protected, then it is vital we have
a constructive
political system across all three levels of this over governed country of ours which
political system across all three levels of this over governed country of ours which
includes both the government of the day and
This I believe we had when the Labor Party in Aussie was under the administration
of the like's of Hawke and Keating where the Labor Party was strong,knew what it
wanted and where they also knew that the only way for the economy to grow was
through business and not increasing bureaucracy and Union power,
and were
able to get a very good consensus,an accord between all the various parties where
able to get a very good consensus,an accord between all the various parties where
union wage demands were kept to a reasonable and affordable level,
improved, and there were gains all round.
Unlike today, and since the days of Hawke and Keating, where the Labor Party is
Unlike today, and since the days of Hawke and Keating, where the Labor Party is
now just reduced to a Union controlled, as I have stated before the
Unions are the
Labor Party, bunch of " Lefty's " like Teflon Billy Shorten and his
side kick Tanya
Plibersek that try and take the country back to the bad old days of " Class warfare "
Plibersek that try and take the country back to the bad old days of " Class warfare "
the " Them and us theory " the " Robin Hood theory of robbing the
rich to give to
the poor " which has never worked around the globe and has just
meant that the
so-called rich just withdraw their funds, which means increased unemployment,
so-called rich just withdraw their funds, which means increased unemployment,
and an increase in the financial stress on an already stressed poor
in our society.
May I refer you to mike's comments dated the 8/5/2016 subject " Billy's Robin Hood
May I refer you to mike's comments dated the 8/5/2016 subject " Billy's Robin Hood
10 year plan ".
Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.
I believe, and I know I am not Robinson Crusoe in this regard, that Malcolm, the
magnificent, Turnbull lost this 2016 election, even if his mob get the 76 plus numbers
in the House of Reps ( Lower Federal House ) and rules in their own right, because
he tried to run the election in a positive gentlemanly and honourably way, which
ofcourse just wont work when you are up against some rabble rousing, well trained
and experienced low life Union organisor like Teflon Billy!! and I know that from years
Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.
I believe, and I know I am not Robinson Crusoe in this regard, that Malcolm, the
magnificent, Turnbull lost this 2016 election, even if his mob get the 76 plus numbers
in the House of Reps ( Lower Federal House ) and rules in their own right, because
he tried to run the election in a positive gentlemanly and honourably way, which
ofcourse just wont work when you are up against some rabble rousing, well trained
and experienced low life Union organisor like Teflon Billy!! and I know that from years
of experience battling union thuggery,disruption and deception
extending to out
right lies. ( The Medicare scare for instance ).
have to be taken on as you would any bully because even intelligent,
right lies. ( The Medicare scare for instance ).
graduates that become union officials like Teflon Billy are very
superficial, shallow,
cursory mean and lack depth or solidity because they are used to
getting their own
way through industrial muscle if they don't, and are not accustomed
to be challenged
to any great extent.
As I have stated many times before unions are " Takers not Makers " and it is part
As I have stated many times before unions are " Takers not Makers " and it is part
of their training, DNA, to tear down any opposition and this was
very evident in the
whole of Teflon Billy's campaign, whether during the debates, in the Town Halls or
whole of Teflon Billy's campaign, whether during the debates, in the Town Halls or
out on the hustings at least 90% of his rhetoric was attacking and
whipping up the
mob hysteria about the Turnbull mob, with little details in regard
to what the Labor
mob has to offer.
Turnbull as I see it is going to have to be a " Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde " by being
mob has to offer.
Turnbull as I see it is going to have to be a " Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde " by being
his usual polite, gentlemanly, well spoken person to keep the
female voters on side,
but sometimes be a Tony Abbott and really kick the arse of this
little shallow,
devious, (3) word one liner Teflon Billy Shorten, because this is
the only language
these bastards know and understand, and anything else is looked
upon as
Teflon Billy supposedly jogging and from the look at the under developed skinny
muscle structure on his legs, plus " Man Boobs " which really is an " Oxymoron "
because I don't see how a skinny bloke can have " Man Boobs ? " and his very
poor gait and stride which no doubt long term would cause him serious back
problems, I would suggest that this jogging phenomenon is a some what recent
activity for the election cameras.
However having been a runner, (6) City To Surfs, best time 74 minutes, then a
jogger for many decades, watching Teflon Billy is painful and hopefully now
election is over we will be spared the nightly viewing on TV.
Teflon Billy moving - his version of dancing.
Well people after watching Teflon Billy in this video I am buggered if I can
understand why he is so popular with the women, because his sense of
" Rhythm " is bloody shocking.
Teflon Billy moving - his version of dancing.
Well people after watching Teflon Billy in this video I am buggered if I can
understand why he is so popular with the women, because his sense of
" Rhythm " is bloody shocking.
Ok people with our " AAA " credit rating under threat and therefore our financial
standing in the international banking and financial markets generally we can't go
to sleep at the wheel with any of our pollies at any of the (3) levels of
this over
governed country of ours!! so keep your foot on the neck of these pollies
matter who they are, major parties and so-called independents across the
because if you don't then don't whinge when your current or future off
and pride and joy states " Well what happened? and where were you when this
and pride and joy states " Well what happened? and where were you when this
disaster started to happen ? ".
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.